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Nikol Krausz ◽  
Vivien Potó ◽  
János Máté Lógó ◽  
Árpád Barsi

Autonomous and highly automated transportation is very attractive not only for the automotive but also for the mapping industry. In order to exploit the technology, the latest survey solutions are needed, but beyond that, a clear description of the content is a must. Three standards have been selected: (1) used for a long time in navigation systems (NDS), (2) developed for simulation purposes (OpenDRIVE), and (3) designed and proposed for general map data exchange (GDF). In this paper, we present the approach of the three standards, then apply the tools of the standards to a specific sample area, a complex traffic junction, and produce maps in the appropriate formats. The evaluation of the pilot site shows that the difficulty of the exchange standard appears to be a serious obstacle. In the process of applying the navigation standard, the personality of the evaluator (the map maker) is also revealed. In the simulation format, the description of reality is gradually improved by including more and more extra elements.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1409
Barbara Pittau ◽  
Piergiorgio Palla ◽  
Francesca Pettinau ◽  
Antonio Mastino

This article describes a pilot study to test the adequacy of a newly developed tool for an awareness plan on the importance of properly using pharmaceuticals. The new tool consists of face-to-face interviews with adult citizens on their approach to the use of medicines and of the following data analysis with a dedicated software application. The pilot study was carried out in a sample area of Sardinia, in Italy. The data from the interviews collected anonymously and analysed in aggregate actually emphasised the critical issues and needs in the use of pharmaceuticals in the sample area involved, also encouraging communication among different actors. The pilot study revealed that the designed tool could represent a novel strategy to stimulate interchanges of information on the proper use of pharmaceuticals with a potential impact on people’s health.

Natalya F. Ovchinnikova ◽  

Due to relatively long development and long life of forest-forming species most of the conclusions on stand dynamics are based on the data collected by indirect methods of comparative research and analysis of cenosis forming theoretically temporal and spatial succession sequences and need to be verified and clarified. The most reliable results on the stand dynamics can be received on stationary objects such as permanent sample areas. The article presents the analysis results of long-term monitoring (1968–2012) of a pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand in low-mountain Eastern Sayan on the south slope with a steepness of 7–8º. The intermittent test of morphometric indicators of trees mapped on the permanent sample area was used. It is shown that the sum of tree trunk cross-section areas at breast height (1.3 m) varied by no more than 10 % with timber reserves on the lower, central and upper equal sites of the sample area during the entire observation period. At the same time heterogeneity of ecological conditions, taking place even on a small section of a smooth slope, influences the plantation self-thinning intensity. In the 42-year-old stand density ratio at lower, central and upper sites was 1:1.5:2.1. Stand density difference along the slope had been decreasing gradually over time, although it remained around 30 % at the time of the last observation. Over the years of observation, 53, 47, and 32 % of pines on the lower, central, and upper sites, respectively, have survived. The calculated average age of the died trees showed that in all groups of natural diameter classes, there was an earlier die-off of pines at the bottom of the slope with an increase in dying age up to the slope. Trees with larger trunk diameter (first telling) died later. All this led to a rearrangement of the horizontal structure of the plantation, a decrease in the average diameter and average volume of trees up to the slope. Typical for mountain forests clinal tree distribution, which affects their morphological indicators, is important to consider when studying and modeling forest ecosystems, as well as when implementing forest management measures. For citation: Ovchinnikova N.F. Spatiotemporal Structure Features of a Pine Stand on the South Slope of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 5, pp. 34–47. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-34-47

2021 ◽  
Laode Muh. Munadi

The implementation of the research on the behavior of farmers exchange rate subsector plantations in North Kolaka District, conducted in the sub-district area that qualifies as a sample area in the researcher's perspective aims to see the exchange rate behavior of plantation subsector farmers in north Kolaka district, conducted in January-March 2021. The calculation of Farmer Exchange Rate is obtained from the comparison of the price index received by farmers against the price index paid by farmers using the survey method with the number of 340 respondents spread in North Kolaka Regency. The results showed that the behavior of the price received by farmers 110.23%, The Behavior of Prices Paid by Farmers 95.22%, and the exchange rate of farmers in the subsector of plantation crops in North Kolaka District in 2019-2020 115.81%.

Salahuddin Salahuddin ◽  
Laode Muh. Munadi ◽  
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala ◽  
Rina Astarika

The implementation of the research on the behavior of farmers exchange rate subsector plantations in North Kolaka District, conducted in the sub-district area that qualifies as a sample area in the researcher's perspective aims to see the exchange rate behavior of plantation subsector farmers in north Kolaka district, conducted in January-March 2021. The calculation of Farmer Exchange Rate is obtained from the comparison of the price index received by farmers against the price index paid by farmers using the survey method with the number of 340 respondents spread in North Kolaka Regency. The results showed that the behavior of the price received by farmers 110.23%, The Behavior of Prices Paid by Farmers 95.22%, and the exchange rate of farmers in the subsector of plantation crops in North Kolaka District in 2019-2020 115.81%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Róbert Barna ◽  
Bernadett Horváthné Kovács

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-64
Kocsis Mihály ◽  
Menyhárt László ◽  
Benő András És ◽  
hermann Tamás

Vizsgálatunk célja az volt, hogy egy Somogyban elhelyezkedő, dombvidéki mintaterület szántóin elemezzük a mért talaj-vezetőképesség (EC) értékek és lehatárolt termőhelyi (művelési) zónák talajtulajdonságai közötti összefüggéseket. A vizsgált szántóterületek löszön kialakult, típusos Ramann-féle barna erdőtalajon és karbonátos csernozjom barna erdőtalajon helyezkednek el. Feltalajuk döntően vályog és agyagos vályog fizikai féleségű. A talaj vezetőképességét 50 és 100 cm-es talajmélységben mértük.A mintaterület talajadatait térinformatikai állományba foglaltuk, az adatok rendezését és azok összekapcsolását az ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 programmal végeztük el. A táblák heterogenitását mutató laboratóriumi talajvizsgálatok eredményeit a mért EC értékekkel összevetettük, amelyhez az IBM SPSS Statistics 20 szoftver segítségével stepwise-típusú lineáris regressziót alkalmaztunk. A regressziókat a talajvizsgálatok csoportosításával megegyezően: alap („a” eset), bővített („b” eset) és teljeskörű („c”eset) alapján futtattuk le. A számításoknál az „a” eset a talajtulajdonságokat meghatározó fontosabb talajparaméterek (kötöttség, humusz- és mésztartalom, kémhatás), a „b” eset az alap talajparamétereket és a makro tápanyagok (NPK ellátottságot), valamint a „c” eset az előző kettőt és mikro tápanyagok (Mg2+, Na+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, SO42–, Fe2+ + Fe3+) körét jelenti.A különböző csoportosításban elvégzett elemzések során arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy a vizsgálati talajparaméterek körének változtatásával szorosabb kapcsolatokat találunk-e a mért átlagos EC értékek és a talajtulajdonságok között. Az eredményeink által kaphatunk-e olyan kellő pontosságú és megbízhatóságú becslőmodellt, amely a talajok térbeli heterogenitását megmutatja az EC értékek alapján, így a módszer nagyban meggyorsíthatja és leegyszerűsítheti a „hagyományos” talajvizsgálatokhoz képest a termőhelyi zónák elkülönítését.A vizsgálati eredményeink alapján elmondható, hogy mindhárom regressziós csoportosítás esetén a tengerszint feletti magasság csökkenésével arányosan nő a talaj-vezetőképesség, illetve az EC értékek növekedésével nő a talajok kötöttsége, amellyel együtt növekszik az agyagtartalom is. Ez a folyamat 100 cm-es talajmélységben a nagyobb víztartalom miatt erőteljesebben jelentkezik, mint az 50 cm-es talajmélységben. A termőhelyi zónák termékenységi viszonyait az elsődleges talajtulajdonságokon, illetve a makro és a mikro tápanyag-ellátottságokon kívül a domborzati viszonyok is módosíthatják. A talajellenállás mérése bárki számára elérhető, gyors és egyszerű módszer. A laboratóriumi talajvizsgálatokat kiegészítve alkalmas arra, hogy a precíziós növénytermesztésben segítséget nyújtson a termőhelyi zónák lehatárolásában.Our aim was to analyse the relationships between the measured soil electrical conductivity (EC) and the soil properties of different delimited production (tillage) zones in a hillside sample area situated in Somogy county. The examined arable lands are situated in typical Ramann-type brown forest soil and chernozem-brown forest soil mostly with loam and clay loam formed on loess. For the investigations, two soil resistance values (measured at 50 cm and 100 cm depth) were used.Soil data of the sample area were incorporated into a GIS file, the ordering and connection of the data was performed by ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 program. The results of the soil laboratory tests (which show soil heterogeneity) were correlated to the measured EC-values with stepwise linear regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software. The regression were run in line with the alignment of soil investigations: basic (case „a”), extended (case „b”) and completed (case „c”). By the calculations, case „a” means the group of the most important soil parameters which are determinative soil characteristics (upper limit of plasticity or KA, humus-, lime content, pH), case „b” means the previous one plus the group of macronutrients (NPK-content), while case „c” means case „b” plus the group of micronutrients (Mg2+, Na+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, SO42–, Fe2+ + Fe3+).With the analyses made in different alignments our aim was to determine whether with the changing of examined soil parameters there will be tighter relationships between the measured EC-values and soil properties. Further aim was to examine whether it is possible to make a properly accurate and reliable estimation model, which can show the real soil circumstances (spatial heterogeneity of soils) based on EC-values, since this method can accelerate and simplify the separation of productivity zones compared to the conventional soil examinations.Based on the results it can be concluded that in case of all the three regression groups the electrical conductivity increases proportionally with the decreasing of elevation. Besides, with the increasing of EC-values the KA – and with it, the clay content also – increases. This process develops in a more significant way in the depth of 100 cm than in 50 cm because of the higher water content. Besides the primary soil characteristics and the amount of macro- and micronutrients, the fertility conditions of the production zones can be affected by the geographical circumstances as well. The measurement of soil resistance is a fast, easy and generally available method, which is suitable – with the completion of laboratory examinations – for giving assistance to delineate the production zones in the precision crop production.

Ecography ◽  
2021 ◽  
Zachary G. MacDonald ◽  
David C. Deane ◽  
Fangliang He ◽  
Clayton T. Lamb ◽  
Felix A. H. Sperling ◽  

2021 ◽  
Michael L. Larsen ◽  
Christopher K. Blouin

<p>The 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometer (manufactured by Joanneum Research) is an instrument widely used for ground validation and precipitation microphysics studies. This instrument is capable of reporting back multiple properties of each detected hydrometeor; fields in the data record include arrival time, fall velocity, oblateness, mass-weighted equivalent diameter, detection position, and estimated detector sample area for each detected drop.</p><p>The last of these variables is necessary for using the data record to reliably estimate the instantaneous rain rate and total accumulations; it varies from detected drop to detected drop because a detected hydrometer must be fully enclosed within a fixed sample area to be successfully characterized by the instrument; this means that larger droplets have a smaller region that their centers can fall through and still be accurately measured. Careful analysis reveals that improvements can be made to the manufacturer’s calculation of this drop-dependent effective sample area.</p><p>These improvements are related to four key observations. (1) Due to the optical geometry of the instrument, not every pixel comprising the detection area has the same size. (2) The manufacturer’s algorithm makes some sub-optimal corrections for accounting for the detection area boundary. (3) The assumed extent of the full detection area field-of-view has been found to be slightly inaccurate. (4) There is a recently found anomaly that intermittently renders part of the detection area insensitive to reliable drop detection.</p><p>Here, we present a review of these observations, outline the structure of a simple post-processing algorithm developed to adjust the effective sampling area for each drop, and present results quantifying the overall impact on precipitation accumulations for a data record incorporating over 200 million detected raindrops.</p>

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