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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Sabina Kubas

Association with an international organization is a separate membership status that can be obtained by a state. This membership enables inter-state cooperation as well as joint decision-making on specific issues. However, it should be remembered that an associate member may be deprived of the right to vote or participate in elections to governing bodies of a given organization. The rules and procedure for establishing this form of cooperation with an organization are set out in its statute. On this basis, states wishing to establish political, legal or economic relations with the organization are obliged to implement the provisions of the founding act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 352-364
Svetlana Antropova ◽  
Elisa García Mingo

Jauría (2019) was the first tribunal verbatim play in Spain and it had a great impact on audiences in the context of heated debate about how national legislation had a long-standing legacy of sexism. Based on the transcripts of the legal proceedings of the La Manada gang-rape case, Jauría not only clarifies this controversial case for different types of audiences, but it also poses very important questions concerning the nature of rape and how the judicial system treats the victims of rape. This article studies the performative force of tribunal verbatim in shaping the audience’s understanding of an actual gang-rape case and indicates how a feedback loop is created in the performance itself, transforming the spectators’ attitudes. Svetlana Antropova is a lecturer at Villanueva University in Madrid. Her recent publications include ‘Filming Trauma: Bodiless Voice and Voiceless Bodies in Beckett’s Eh Joe’, in Elspeth McInnes and Danielle Schaub, eds., What Happened? Re-presenting Traumas, Uncovering Recoveries (Brill/Rodopi 2019), and ‘De/Construction of Visual Stage Image in Samuel Beckett’s Play’ (Anagnórisis: Revista de Investigación Teatral, XXII, 2020). Elisa García Mingo is an associate professor in Sociology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is an associate member of the Centre for Transforming Sexualities and Gender at the University of Brighton.

2021 ◽  

Dr. Vuong Quan Hoang (of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Research – ISR, Phenikaa University) has officially accepted to serve as the institute’s Distinguished Associate Member for the 2021-2024 term.

Secreta Artis ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 48-59
Elena Mihajlovna Grazhevskaya ◽  
Alexei Borisovich Popov

The article reveals a number of rules regulating the arrangement of a series of two-dimensional images universal both for works of fine art, as well as photography and design. The authors outline the key principles of creating such a series through a thorough description of the working process behind “The Herbs”, a set of five etchings by Elena Grazhevskaya. The aforementioned project was developed as a graduate qualification work at the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergey Andriaka under the supervision of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Arts A. B. Popov. The authors of the article discuss the problem of selecting appropriate composition formats and their subsequent mirroring in relation to the centerpiece of the series at its preliminary sketching stage. The article touches upon the question of proper space composition in symmetrical images, i.e. how to convey a similar depth of couple pieces in the series. The fundamental techniques for working with the tonal color scheme are unveiled, namely the simultaneous portrayal of unity and contrast of lights and shadows in the pieces symmetrical to the central one. Furthermore, the paper addresses how to wisely choose a technique optimal for the type of etchings belonging to the series. The concurrent usage of aquatint and etching stroke technique is justified as it allows one to combine detailed object drawing with decorative aquatint painting as a compositionally organizing element. Likewise, the authors delineate the principles for selecting appropriate printing ink, particularly in the light of the use of a painterly “two-color printing effect” (application of a warm-cold effect of one ink in layers of different thickness). The article will be useful for teachers and students of art schools at all levels of education, photographers and designers, as well as anyone who is interested in creating a series of visual art works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14(63) (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54
T. N. Axinte ◽  
Ana Maria Bolborici ◽  

The objective of this paper work is to try to formulate an analysis identifying whether there is an influence on the part of the European Union in the Middle East, specifically in Israel. If we take into account the region in which the state of Israel is located, we will realize that this is a state affected by various conflicts. The State of Israel is an associate member of the European Union and due to the economically strong relations that the European Union has had with Israel over time, we can ask ourselves in which way can the European Community influence this country in other areas as well.

Janis Grasis

Latvia became an associate member of the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2020. The ESA is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to the exploration of space. According to the Article II of the Convention of establishment of a European Space Agency, the purpose of the ESA is to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among European States in space research and technology and their space applications, with a view to their being used for scientific purposes and for operational space applications systems. “The Space Strategy for Latvia 2021-2027” (Strategy) recently was collectively developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia. It establishes a focused framework for the cooperation of Latvia with the ESA and contributes to the achievement of the objectives, priorities and actions defined in the Latvian National Development Plan 2021-2027, the National Industrial Policy Guidelines 2021-2027 and the Science, Technological Development and Innovation Guidelines 2021-2027. As it is indicated in the Strategy, Latvian higher education institutions ensure the development of an adequate base of   expertise and skills in graduates to be able to serve the needs of the space sector in Latvia. It is proposed in Strategy that Universities in collaboration with local industrial partners develop higher-education courses and lifelong learning programmes to respond to the national space industry need. Novelty of the research: this is one of the first academic research concerning the possible studies of space law in the Latvian higher education institutions. Just now law studies are provided by 8 higher education institutions; but no one offers single study course on space law. The research aim is to analyse necessity to teach space law in the universities of the Republic of Latvia, taking into account the fact that Latvia now is an associate member of the ESA. The author has used descriptive, analytical and deductive-inductive research methods in the article. After review and analysis of the legal acts, policy planning documents and different reports, the author has made conclusions and recommendations. Preliminary it seems that space law must be teached as separated study course (or at least this topic must be included in the study course “International air law” or similar study course); publication of teaching book “Space law” also is desirable in latvian language. 

A.Yu. Ozerov ◽  
O.A. Girina, ◽  
D.V. Melnikov, ◽  
I.A. Nuzhdaev ◽  

February 18, 2021, a flank eruption started on the north-western slope of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Cinder cone was formed at the altitude of 2 850 m above sea level, from which a lava flow was spreading north-west. Having moved 1.2 km downslope, the lava flow entered the Ehrmann Glacier, which resulted in the formation of huge mud-stone flows. The latter made their way further north-east along the Kruten’kaya River bed and reached the length of about 30 km. The eruption brought onto the surface high-aluminous basaltic andesites typical of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano. By March 21, the flank eruption ended. It has been named after G.S. Gorshkov, associate member of USSR Academy of Science, famous Russian volcanologist.

Vladimir V. Mironov ◽  
Nikolay A. Shchipkov ◽  

“Voprosy filosofii” publishes one of the last interviews of the Dean of the faculty of philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc in Philosophy V.V. Mironov, which he gave to his student, lecturer of The Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture N.A. Shchipkov. The conversation focuses on the post-Soviet ideological reform of the faculty of philosophy and the creation of a new social science – cultural studies – the emergence of which has affected the methodological landscape of Russian Humanities. Thirty years ago, thanks to the initiative of the rector of Moscow State University V.A. Sadovnichy, orga­nizational efforts of A.V. Panin, V.V. Mironov, V.Y. Savrei and other political and cultural figures such as R.M. Gorbacheva and D.S. Likhachev, the department of History and Theory of World culture appeared at the faculty of philosophy of Moscow University. Its field of study has always been extremely close to Vladimir Vasilyevich’s own scientific interests and it is no accident that he con­sidered “Philosophy and metamorphoses of culture” to be one of his most impor­tant works; a work devoted not only to the problem of culture itself, but also to the place of the Humanities in modern philosophical studies and education.

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