A heterostructure composed of N parallel homogeneous layers is studied in the limit as their widths l1, . . . , lN shrink to zero. The problem is investigated in one dimension and the piecewise constant potential in the Schrödinger equation is given by the strengths V1, . . . , VN as functions of l1, . . . , lN, respectively. The key point is the derivation of the conditions on the functions V1(l1), . . . , VN(lN) for realizing a family of one-point interactions as l1, . . . , lN tend to zero along available paths in the N-dimensional space. The existence of equations for a squeezed structure, the solution of which determines the system parameter values, under which the non-zero tunneling of quantum particles through a multi-layer structure occurs, is shown to exist and depend on the paths. This tunneling appears as a result of an appropriate cancellation of divergences.