visual basic for application
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2021 ◽  
pp. 46-55
V. P. Zudin

The article presents the formulas derived by the author for determining the area of a triangle by a side and two adjacent angles. These for - mulas are used to activate the educational process — students in practice figure out how to rationally determine the area of land plots, buildings, draw up and solve trigonometric equations, prove the properties of the tangent of an angle equal to 90 degrees, correct the graph of the function y = tg x. To carry out calculations of the areas of triangles, to prove the properties of 90 degree angle tangent, to solve trigonometric equations, programs are written in the Visual Basic For Application language in Microsoft Word. Using the binary-decimal system and VBA programs in Word, the value of the tangent of an angle is calculated so close to an angle of 90 degrees that this value can be roughly taken as the 90 degrees angle tangent. The study of this material at informatics lessons contributes to the development of creative thinking of students, increasing their motivation to study informatics and information technology.

2021 ◽  
pp. 140-163
Oleksandr Safronov ◽  

The approach of experimental study of the freight trains braking efficiency using computer simulation based on the implementation of the simulation model in the form of a differential equation of the wagon motion during braking, is proposed. The methodology of experimental studies is based on universal formulas for power-law dependences of braking parameters. The braking efficiency is evaluated by the use of computer software packages written in VBA (Visual Basic for Application) in Excel. The software package al-lows you to increase the automation of testing, the accuracy of calculations, to reduce the time for testing, and also minimize the number of errors caused by the human factor. The presented methodology significantly extends the number of parameters of the braking process used to analyze the braking efficiency of a freight train based on the results of running braking tests: actual values of braking coefficients; braking distances of a freight train not only on the site, but also on normalized gradient descents for a given number of wagons in the train, taking into account the increase in the braking force along the wagons in the train formation; actual values of wheel and rail adhesion coefficients during braking; the deceleration of the freight wagon and the train during braking, as well as the braking time. Examples of computational and experimental studies of a freight train with tread brake are given. A comparative analysis of experimental and computational studies demonstrates sufficiently satisfactory matching of their results. Key words: freight train, braking distance, braking speed, braking coefficient, increase in braking force, mathematical model, trend line, braking wave.

Barometer ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-342
Faris Fauzi ◽  
Agus Hermanto

Kebutuhan energi semakin meningkat dengan berkembang pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, dan industri. Berbagai alternatif energi terus dikembangkan oleh pemerintah. Energi fosil terbatas jumlahnya oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sumber alternatif lain. Sumber energi yang mempunyai bahan baku dari air sebagai penggerak utama mempunyai potensi yang besar dan ketersediaannya sumber bahan baku yang mudah dan murah. Analisa dan perhitungan menggunakan software VBA sebagai add in ke sheet pada microsoft excel. Simulasi dilakukan dengan input data investment sebagai data awal yang dibutuhkan dan input beberapa parameter seperti VAT, interest, dll. Dari data input tersebut didapatkan hasil akhir untuk WACC yaitu 6.75%, IRR Project 10.88% (feasible), NPV Project 70.798.620 USD (feasible), BCR 1,36 (feasible), Payback Period 7 Tahun 8 Bulan, IRR Equity 12,95% (feasible), NPV Equity 30.057.140 USD (feasible). Hasil nilai NPV positif dan hasil perhitungan dikatakan feasible, maka proyek layak untuk dilaksanakan

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-54
Yuniar Farida ◽  
Latifatun Nadya Desinaini ◽  

The role of technology in an institution is beneficial for any activities, especially in managing documents administration, which is now most of the company used digital archive systems. That's because the manual archive system is considered less effective and efficient, where it takes a lot of space and time to search for document archives. Microsoft Access is a windows-based database processing program with Visual Basic for Application (VBA), commonly used to create a windows-based application. The purpose of this paper is to make an administration letter and archives system based on Microsoft Access. The results of this design have passed the trial process for approximately two weeks and received a positive response. The system design can be run well, and its functions correctly without errors. So it can help the secretary or other employees to manage all documents (letters and archives) more accessible and faster.

Badri Gvasalia ◽  

The problem of determining the optimal the values of the parameters of the PI controller by the quadratic integral criterion taking into account the coefficient of attenuation of the transition process. The problem is presented as a nonlinear mathematical problem programming. Finding the global minimum of the objective function carried out by random search, and to determine the parameters of the PI controller used the expanded amplitude-phase frequency response of the system. An attempt is made to provide designers with an effective tool for solving the above problem. The given graphs and tables facilitate the selection of parameters. To compile a computer program, the visual programming system VBA (Visual Basic for Application) is used. Concrete examples are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Ahmad Farhan ◽  
Yeni Sumantri ◽  
Purnama Budi Santoso

Abstrak Objektif. Dunia memasuki revolusi industri 4.0 yang ditandai dengan era digitalisasi. Digitalisasi juga merambah ke ilmu perawatan mesin, salah satunya adalah dalam hal troubleshooting (TS). TS adalah serangkaian tindakan yang diperlukan untuk menangani kerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin. Permasalahan yang sering timbul pada TS adalah: teknisi belum tentu ada dilokasi setiap saat, buku manual TS suatu mesin masih berupa buku cetak yang berisiko : buku hilang, buku keselip, dan letak buku jauh dari lokasi kerusakan mesin. Riset ini berusaha mengatasi permasalahan ini dengan cara mengembangkan aplikasi yang disebut Sistem Informasi Troubleshooting Mesin Produksi (SITMEP). Metode. Metode penelitian untuk membuat SITMEP dikembangkan dengan cara mengintegrasikan beberapa ilmu seperti: Group Technology (GT) untuk membantu merancang arsitektur database SITMEP, database relasional untuk membangun sistem database SITMEP, dan bahasa Structured Query Language (SQL) untuk mempercepat pencarian cara TS yang tepat. Hasil. Sebagai hasil penelitian adalah arsitekstur SITMEP dalam bentuk Entity Relation Diagram (ERD). Atas dasar ERD ini dapat dikembangkan menjadi sistem basis data SITMEP. Selanjutnya dikembangkan statmen SQL untuk mempermudah proses pencarian TS komponen yang rusak. Dengan menggunakan database management system (DBMS) dan Ms.Access 2016. Kesimpulan. SITMEP dapat di tempatkan di website perusahaan yang menggunakannya. Aplikasi SITMEP diletakkan di web agar dapat diakses oleh siapa saja, kapan saja, dan dimana saja. Tools yang digunakan adalah Microsoft Acces beserta Visual Basic for Application (VBA) adapun langkah selanjutnya aplikasi dapat digunakan dan dikembangkan di banyak mesin industri. Abstrack Objective. The world entered the 4.0 industrial revolution marked by the era of digitalization. Digitalisation also extends to the science of machine maintenance, one of which is in terms of troubleshooting (TS). TS is a series of actions needed to deal with damage that occurs in the engine. Problems that often arise in the TS are: technicians are not necessarily in the location all the time, the TS manual of a machine is still a printed book at risk: books are missing, books are slipped, and the books are far from the location of damage to the machine. This research seeks to overcome this problem by developing an application called the Production Machine Troubleshooting Information System (SITMEP). Methods. The research method to create SITMEP was developed by integrating a number of sciences such as: Group Technology (GT) to help design the SITMEP database architecture, relational databases to build a SITMEP database system, and Structured Query Language (SQL) language to speed up the search for the right TS method. Results. As a result of the research is the architecture of SITMEP in the form of Entity Relations Diagram (ERD). On the basis of this ERD it can be developed into a SITMEP database system. Then the SQL statement was developed to simplify the process of finding TS damaged components. By using a database management system (DBMS) and Ms.Access 2016. Conclusion. SITMEP can be placed on the website of the company that uses it. The SITMEP application is placed on the web so that it can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. The tools used are Microsoft Access along with Visual Basic for Application (VBA). As for the next step, the application can be used and developed in many industrial machines.

Bayu Bagus Riyandiarto ◽  
Nanda Noor Fadjrin

Abstract — This research is the development of the Microsoft Excel VBA application to perform regression analysis between weather parameters in terms of data centering measures (PAMER11). The combination of parameters and data centering measures obtained 55 parameters that can be combined into 1,677,255,139,725 annual regression analysis outputs. The case study used in this study only calculates air humidity with temperature and air pressure observation variables, then the analysis results are compared with the results of the Excel Toolpak analysis data with the Anova. The development of this application method is carried out in 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, adn dissemination. The defined stage includes analysis of the needs of researchers in the BMKG field, analysis coverage of the needs of BMKG in the form of regression analysis. The design stage includes format selection, application program selection, and initial design (prototype 1). The development stage includes validation (prototype 2) obtained a programming aspect value of 4.1325 valid criteria, comparison of Anova results from the output of the PAMER11 application and analysis of the Excel toolpak, the f-value is  with a p-value of 99% which results in the two calculations are significantly equal, for the display aspect get a value of 4,8175 valid criteria, limited and field product trials (prototype 3), where a limited trial was carried out on all faculty lecturers getting a score of 4.2440 very good criteria. Field trials conducted on the BMKG Cilacap got a score of 4.8333 very good criteria and data analysis at each stage of development has been improved towards the application program. Keywords — Development; Microsoft Excel; Visual Basic for Application (VBA); Regression Analysis; Weather Parameters

2020 ◽  
pp. 32-41
V. P. Zudin

The article presents new, more accurate algorithms and formulas for calculating the area of a circle, volume of a ball, surface area of a ball. To prove these algorithms and formulas and their practical application, programs have been developed in the Visual Basic for Application in Microsoft Word. These algorithms and formulas should be studied and applied in all educational institutions, as they are closer to the truth. From a more accurate calculation using these formulas, you can get an economic effect when calculating trajectories of movements in space, on the surface of the globe, in the construction and maintenance of products in the form of a circle or a ball. The study of this material in informatics lessons contributes to the development of students' creative thinking, increasing their motivation to study informatics and IT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Fadillah Ramadhan ◽  
Hendang Setyo Rukmi ◽  
Arif Imran ◽  
Cahyadi Nugraha ◽  
Risdan Ferdiansyah

The rapid development of information technology has made people to have the ability to design software with a programming language. There are quite some engineers who have not mastered programming languages. It happens becausesome people think that developing software with a certain programming language is very difficult. The language is difficult to understand, the accuracy must be precise, and the user is not familiar with the platform. Difficulty in learning programming languages is a problem that is often encountered by university students, vocational students, or employees. This article describes an easy programming language training activity for beginners, namelyVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)-Ms. Excel training.The advantage of this programming language iseasy to operate because manystudentsor employees are very familiar with Ms. Excel so that the adaptation process will be easy. The results of the post-test training that was attended bystudents showed a significant increase in the ability to design programming languages.

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