Abstract: Energy awareness is an essential design issue in wireless sensor network. Therefore, attention must be given to the routing protocols since they might differ depending on the application and network architecture. It is desired to design the energy efficient routing protocols to conserve the power supply of sensor node and prolong its lifetime. In this paper Network Coding-Energy efficient geographic routing protocol (NC-EGRPM) in Wireless Sensor network is an energy efficient scheme which prolong the network life time using the mobile sinks. These algorithms focus on the efficiency of network coding, which could be adoptive, flexible, and intelligent enough to distribute the load among the sensor nodes that can enhance the network lifetime. By using NC (Network Coding), we propose an energy efficienct algorithm to handle uncertain level decision better than other models. We also use the concept of XOR encoding and decoding as a mechanism not only for enhancing energy efficiency but also for reducing the end-to-end-delay. XOR-based coding works on a hop-by-hop basis, i.e. packets encoded by a node are decoded by its neighbouring nodes. The idea is that each node v can combine packets using bitwise XOR operations in order to produce an encoded packet. We are implementing our proposed work using NS2 and measure its performance. Keywords: Network coding, XOR, NS2, WSN