improving student learning
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-143

The learning process is less effective, the teaching teacher does not use methods that can increase students' curiosity in exploring knowledge, so that the teacher seems to be watching. This can affect student learning outcomes that do not achieve the desired results, especially in learning Geography of the material for the distribution of flora and fauna. This study aims to find out and obtain information from the field on matters relating to improving student learning outcomes on the material Geography of the Distribution of Flora and Fauna through the use of the Picture To Picture model in class XI-SOS 3 students of SMA Negeri 106 East Jakarta. Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted by collaborating researchers and teachers through 2 cycles. Where each cycle is carried out 2 meetings. Each cycle consists of four activities, namely planning, implementing actions, observing and evaluating, and reflecting. Geography learning outcomes of students can be improved by applying the Picture To Picture method. This can be seen from the value of the results of individual questions in cycles I and II. From the results before the first cycle experienced an increase, also in the second cycle there was an increase. After there was action and reflection on the implementation of cycles I and II using the picture to picture method, there was a very significant change in a very good direction. ABSTRAKProses pembelajaran yang kurang efektif, guru mengajar tidak menggunakan metode yang bisa meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu siswa dalam menggali ilmu, sehingga terkesan guru tersebut menoton. Hal demikian dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa tidak mencapai hasil yang diinginkan, khususnya dalam pembelajaran Geografi materi Persebaran Flora dan Fauna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh informasi dari lapangan tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terhadap Geografi materi Persebaran Flora dan Fauna melalui penggunaan model Picture To Picture pada siswa kelas XI-SOS 3 SMA Negeri 106 Jakarta Timur. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dan guru kolaborator melalui 2 siklus. Dimana setiap siklus dilaksanakan 2 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat kegiatan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan evalusi, serta refleksi. Hasil belajar Geografi siwa dapat ditingkatkan dengan penerapan metode Picture To Picture. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai hasil soal individu pada siklus I dan II . Dari hasil sebelum siklus I mengalami peningkatan, juga pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan.Setelah ada tindakan dan refleksi pada pelaksanaan siklus I dan II dengan menggunakan metode picture to picture maka ada perubahan yang sangat berarti ke arah yang sangat baik.


One of the reasons for the low learning outcomes of students in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is that the learning model used by the teacher is not appropriate, the teacher carries out learning with a conventional one-way model, only transferring information from the teacher to students. Such a strategy makes students quickly bored and boring. Therefore, teachers need to apply appropriate learning models to be able to stimulate students to learn actively, creatively and innovatively, so as to improve their learning outcomes. This study was designed to conduct research on the use of discovery learning models in improving student learning outcomes on the material "Faith in Allah SWT". The research subjects were seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Lhokseumawe with 32 students. The results show that the application of the discovery learning model can stimulate the learning process in the classroom, where students can contribute actively, critically, and innovatively, so that PAI learning outcomes can increase. It can be seen from the implementation of the first cycle that there has been an increase in learning outcomes compared to the pre-cycle results, because the scores in the first cycle obtained 12 people >70 (according to the KKM) with a percentage of 35.29%. Furthermore, the results of observer observations on teacher activities in the first cycle reached 81.72% and observer observations on student activities reached 80.76%. While the implementation of the second cycle experienced a significant increase, namely 32 students completed with a percentage of 94.11%, with observations on teacher activities reaching 95.19% and observations on student activities reaching 96.15%. ABSTRAKRendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) salah satunnya disebabkan model pembelajaran yang digunakan guru belum tepat, guru melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan model konvensional yang bersifat satu arah, hanya mentranfer informasi dari guru ke peserta didik. Strategi semacam itu membuat peserta didik cepat jenuh dan membosankan. Oleh karena itu guru perlu menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat agar mampu merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar aktif, kreatif dan inovatif, sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Penelitian ini didesain untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap penggunaan model discovery learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi “Iman kepada Allah SWT”. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Lhokseumawe dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model discovery learning dapat membangkitkan proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas, di mana peserta didik dapat berkonstribusi secara aktif, kritis, dan inovatif, sehingga hasil belajar PAI dapat meningkat. Hal tersebut terlihat dari pelaksanaan siklus I sudah mulai ada peningkatan hasil belajar dibandingkan hasil pra-siklus, karena perolehan nilai pada siklus I memperoleh 12 orang >70 (sesuai KKM) dengan persentase 35,29%. Selanjutnya hasil observasi pengamat terhadap kegiatan guru pada siklus I mencapai 81,72% dan observasi pengamat pada kegiatan siswa mencapai 80,76%. Sedangkan Pelaksanaan siklus II mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan, yaitu 32 orang siswa tuntas dengan persentase 94,11%, dengan hasil pengamatan terhadap kegiatan guru mencapai 95,19% dan hasil pengamatan terhadap kegiatan siswa mencapai 96,15%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-136
Afriliandy Tumbelaka ◽  
Xaverius Erick Lobja ◽  
Ellen Eva Poli

The background of the research is an effort to develop the quality and explore the potential of students. Teachers are strived to use the right learning model, namely problem-based learning models combined with online learning methods (learning from home) that have been decided by the Ministry of Education and Culture during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of problem-based learning models in improving student learning outcomes in geography subjects at SMAN 1 Langowan. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with a pretests-posttests control group design. The research variable with the independent variable is the problem-based learning model and the dependent variable is the learning outcome. The results showed that the problem-based learning model was effective and efficient to improve student learning outcomes. The comparison of learning outcomes shows the experimental class with 76.2 pretests and 87.7 posttests and the control class with 74.4 pretests and 81.8 posttests. It also encourages students to be more active and creative in overcoming the problems encountered in learning.

Sestry Ayu Ruganda ◽  

The strategy and implementation of learning is strongly influenced by the development of science and technology. So the technology that is currently developing must be integrated into the learning process to improve the quality of learning. One of the technology integration is E-Modul. E-Modul is a form of presentation of self-study materials that are arranged systematically into the smallest learning units to achieve certain learning objectives which are presented in an electronic format for each learning activity. E-Modules developed using a contextual approach will This causes students to get more meaningful learning, because they can relate the material to real everyday life. E-Modules are presented systematically so that they contain relevant text, images and videos. Therefore, Appypie Software is used in the development of the Plant Physiology E-Module. The purpose of this research is to produce an E-Module of Plant Physiology based on CTL on the material of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism using Appypie Software which is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development research using the Plomp model. The development phase of this model begins with the Preliminary Research Phase , Development or Prototyping Phase, and the Assessment Phase. The instruments in this study were in the form of a validity assessment sheet, a practicality assessment sheet, a skill and attitude competency assessment sheet and multiple choice questions to assess knowledge competence. The data analysis technique is validity, practicality using modified Likert scale scoring and effectiveness data using t-test using SPSS version 17. The results showed that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module on the materials of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism was very valid with a value of 92.21%. The practicality assessment by the lecturers scored 95% with very practical criteria and the student assessment with a score of 82.17% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the class that used the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module had a higher score than the class that did not use the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module, so the use of the E-Module equipped with pictures, animations and videos could help students understand material. It can be concluded that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module that has been developed is in the very valid, very practical, and very effective category in improving student learning outcomes.

Citra Gusyanti, Sujarwo

Researchers have a goal to describe how the analysis of student worksheets (LKPD) based on problem based learning (PBL) on student learning outcomes. The results of the research are that (1.) The use of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning as teaching materials has a positive effect of 80% in improving student learning outcomes. (2.) Problem Based Learning-based worksheets are appropriate to be used as learning materials in schools, because the use of Problem Based Learning-based worksheets in the teaching and learning process can help students understand learning so that the success of the teaching and learning process will be achieved. (3.) The advantages of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning as teaching materials can be said to be superior in that application, learning becomes more effective and efficient, making the learning process more interesting and can improve the quality of learning well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Juni Ahyar ◽  
T Edyansyah ◽  
Ikramuddin Ikramuddin

Background: Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there appears to be a major shift in learning processes at all levels of education. Online learning is a teaching activity carried out through virtual videos without face to face and using internet technology. The importance of the teacher's method in the online learning process cannot be isolated from the emergence of numerous hurdles experienced by students in this study. Particularly in Indonesian language subject, where these subjects are already well-known for containing a great deal of theory and narrative. Teachers must utilize proper tactics when teaching, especially in Indonesian subject, to make the teaching and learning process effective and not boring. Research purposes: This research aims to the most popular Indonesian language tactics employed in the online learning process in Indonesia, to describe how the teacher has implemented Indonesian tactics to improve the effectiveness of the online learning process in Indonesian class VII subjects in junior high school, and to discuss the Indonesian language barriers that teachers experience while teaching online. Research methods: A qualitative research approach was employed with the type of case study research to attain the desired aims. The Indonesian class teacher was a crucial component. Interviews, observation, and documentation were utilized to obtain data. By removing extraneous data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions, the data was evaluated. Research result: The learning system has shifted from face to face to online, then gave rise to various responses and obstacles as well as changes in learning models in Indonesia, including teachers who directly deal with students. Several teachers and students experience problems when carrying out online learning including New and unfamiliar learning applications, limited internet data, learning management, assessment, and supervision that is not optimal. Conclusion: The learning method is also adapted to this online period so that learning activities remain effective even though behind it there are many shortcomings. From the whole method, the researchers conclude that the method that is mostly used by the teacher council is by providing learning materials through Whatsapp groups, using Google Classroom, and for students who do not understand or are less capable in the field of technology, they can come directly to the school. This is also enforced so that students continue to receive materials during the school period. In addition, the teachers give tolerance to every student who is late in collecting assignments because during the pandemic there are certainly many obstacles experienced by students.

Elya Umi Hanik ◽  
Afnan Nur Hanifah ◽  
Nalimatul Istiqomah ◽  
Wahyu Trisnawati ◽  
Layyinatus Syifa

Students must be able to improve academic results and character. Therefore, teachers have a vital responsibility in instilling discipline in their students. This writing aims to learn about implementing the inculcation of disciplinary character values in improving student learning outcomes. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This study collected data through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data collection was carried out in discussion forums with foundations, principals, and teachers to obtain information about applying discipline character values in improving student learning outcomes with various school policies at Al-Masoem Elementary School through a question-and-answer process. To explain the process of instilling disciplinary character values that can improve student learning outcomes. The population of this study was students and educators of SD AL-Ma'soem. The study results concluded that the values of disciplined characters were obtained consistently through time and materials that could help students achieve their potential. This study is inseparable from the teacher's responsibility in developing student character through life habits, discipline, attitudes, behavior, and ethics. Thus, the availability of this paper is believed to be able to instill discipline in children, improve learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-209

This study aims to obtain an overview of the application of contextual models in mathematics learning in an effort to improve student competence. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII A Mts. Tunas Harapan Bangsa, Sukabumi Regency, found 41 people consisting of 21 male students and 20 female students and the sub-topics were circles. This can be seen from the average value of the formative tests for each cycle of action and sub summative, namely the Action Cycle I on average is 66.88 with 70.73% completeness, in Cycle II the average is 73.66 with 87 completeness. .80%, and in the sub-summative the average is 88 with a completeness of 92.68%. In addition to improving student learning outcomes, the use of a contextual approach can also increase the responses of students who are netted through journals and questionnaires. As students respond positively to learning by using a contextual approach. Based on student questionnaires, a response of 3.09 was obtained. Meanwhile, based on the journal, in Cycles I, II, and III students gave positive responses of 53.66%, 65.86%, and 87.80%, respectively. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang penerapan model konstektual pada pembelajaran matematika dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII A Mts. Tunas Harapan Bangsa Kabupaten Sukabumi, berjumlah 41 orang yang terdiri dari 21 siswa laki-laki dan 20 siswa perempuan dan sub pokok bahasan adalah lingkaran. Hal ini dapat dilhat dari nilai rata-rata tes formatif setiap siklus tindakan dan sub sumatif, yaitu Siklus Tindakan I rata-ratanya adalah 66,88 dengan ketuntasan 70,73%, pada Siklus Tindakan II rata-ratanya adalah 73,66 dengan ketuntasan 87,80%, dan pada sub Sumatif rata-ratanya 88 dengan ketuntasan 92,68%. Selain untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, penggunaan pendekatan konstektual pun dapat meningkatkan respon siswa yang terjaring melalui jurnal dan angket. Sebagai siswa merespon positif terhadap pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan konstektual. Berdasarkan angket siswa diperoleh respon sebesar 3,09. Sedangkan berdasarkan jurnal, pada Siklus I, II, dan III siswa memberikan respon positif berturut-turut sebesar 53,66%, 65,86%, dan 87,80%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 297-301

This Classroom Action Research intends to find out the impact of using the Virtual Lab Application on the Science Literacy Skills of Class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences students in Physics Subjects at SMA Negeri 2 Gunungputri, Bogor Regency. This research was carried out in two cycles using observation techniques for data literacy and psychomotor abilities of students. Observations made in this study were direct observations of student activities in carrying out physics practicum using virtual lab applications, and measuring learning outcomes using formative tests. This study took a population of all students of class X MIPA and the sample was students of class X MIPA 1 as many as 36 people who were carried out in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The results of this classroom action research provide an overview of increasing students' scientific literacy skills from cycle 1 by 35% to 78% in cycle 2, as well as increasing students' psychomotor abilities from 30% in cycle 1 to 80 in cycle 2. the percentage level of completion of the achievement of the specified competency targets which was initially only 48% increased to 88%. Increasing the achievement of this competency target is one indicator of improving student learning outcomes in general in Physics subjects. ABSTRAKPenelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui mengetahui dampak penggunaan Aplikasi Virtual Lab terhadap kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta didik kelas X MIPA pada Mata pelajaran Fisika di SMA Negeri 2 Gunungputri Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus menggunakan teknik observasi kemampuan literasi data dan Psikomotorik peserta didik. Observasi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengamatan langsung terhadap kegiatan peserta didik dalam melaksanakan praktikum fisika dengan menggunakan aplikasi virtual lab, serta mengukur hasil belajarnya dengan menggunakan test formatif. Penelitian ini mengambil populasi seluruh peserta didik kelas X MIPA serta sampel adalah peserta didik kelas X MIPA 1 sebanyak 36 orang yang dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Hasil dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini memberikan gambaran peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik dari siklus 1 sebesar 35% menjadi 78% pada siklus 2, serta peningkatan kemampuan Psikomotorik peserta didik dari 30% pada siklus 1 menjadi 80 pada siklus 2. Penelitian ini pula berdampak pada tingkat prosentase ketuntasan pencapaian target kompetensi yang ditetapkan yang pada awalnya hanya 48% meningkat menjadi 88%. Peningkatan pencapaian target kompetensi ini merupakan salah satu indikator peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik secara umum pada mata pelajaran Fisika.

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