gap formation
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Tomasz P. Wyka ◽  
Piotr Robakowski ◽  
Roma Żytkowiak ◽  
Jacek Oleksyn

AbstractTrees regenerating in the understory respond to increased availability of light caused by gap formation by undergoing a range of morphological and physiological adjustments. These adjustments include the production of thick, sun-type leaves containing thicker mesophyll and longer palisade cells than in shade-type leaves. We asked whether in the shade-regenerating tree Acer pseudoplatanus, the increase in leaf thickness and expansion of leaf tissues are possible also in leaves that had been fully formed prior to the increase in irradiance, a response reported so far only for a handful of species. We acclimated potted seedlings to eight levels (from 1 to 100%) of solar irradiance and, in late summer, transferred a subset of them to full sunlight. Within 30 days, the shaded leaves increased leaf mass per area and became thicker mostly due to elongation of palisade cells, except for the most shaded individuals which suffered irreversible photo-oxidative damage. This anatomical acclimation was accompanied by partial degradation of chlorophyll and a transient decline in photosynthetic efficiency of PSII (Fv/FM). These effects were related to the degree of pre-shading. The Fv/FM recovered substantially within the re-acclimation period. However, leaves of transferred plants were shed significantly earlier in the fall, indicating that the acclimation was not fully effective. These results show that A. pseudoplatanus is one of the few known species in which mature leaves may re-acclimate anatomically to increased irradiance. This may be a potentially important mechanism enhancing utilization of gaps created during the growing season.

2022 ◽  
pp. 002203452110617
F.S. de Lucena ◽  
S.H. Lewis ◽  
A.P.P. Fugolin ◽  
A.Y. Furuse ◽  
J.L. Ferracane ◽  

In this study, an acrylamide-based adhesive was combined with a thiourethane-based composite to improve bond stability and reduce polymerization stress, respectively, of simulated composite restorations. The stability testing was conducted under physiologic conditions, combining mechanical and bacterial challenges. Urethane dimethacrylate was combined with a newly synthesized triacrylamide (TMAAEA) or HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate; control) to produce a 2-step total-etch adhesive system. Methacrylate-based composites (70 wt% silanized filler) were formulated, containing thiourethane oligomers at 0 (control) or 20 wt%. Standardized preparations in human third molars were restored; then, epoxy replicas were obtained from the occlusal surfaces before and after 7-d storage in water or with Streptococcus mutans biofilm, which was tested after storage in an incubator (static) or the bioreactor (mechanical challenge). Images were obtained from the replicas (scanning electron microscopy) and cross sections of the samples (confocal laser scanning microscopy) and then analyzed to obtain measurements of gap, bacterial infiltration, and demineralization. Microtensile bond strength of specimens stored in water or biofilm was assessed in 1-mm2 stick specimens. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance and Tukey’s test (α = 0.05). HEMA-based materials had greater initial gap measurements, indicating more efficient bonding for the acrylamide materials. When tested in water, the triacrylamide-based adhesive had smaller gaps in the incubator or bioreactor. In the presence of biofilm, there was less difference among materials, but the acrylamide/thiourethane combination led to statistically lower gap formation in the bioreactor. HEMA and TMAAEA-based adhesives produced statistically similar microtensile bond strengths after being stored in water for 7 d, but after the same period with biofilm-challenged specimens, the TMAAEA-based adhesives were the only ones to retain the initial bond strength values. The use of a stable multiacrylamide-based adhesive led to the preservation of the resin-dentin bonded interface after a physiologically relevant challenge. Future studies will include a multispecies biofilm model.

2022 ◽  
pp. 175319342110665
Jaakko A. E. Kuronen ◽  
Benjamin Riski ◽  
Olli V. Leppänen ◽  
Teemu Karjalainen ◽  
Lasse Linnanmäki

The aim of this study was to compare the consistency and reliability of the six-strand Gan modification of the Lim-Tsai flexor tendon repair with the four-strand Adelaide repair, both with 3-0 sutures and with eight to ten runs of simple 5-0 running peripheral suture as well as the influence of the surgeons’ level of experience on the strength of the repair in a cadaveric animal setup. Thirty-nine surgeons repaired 78 porcine flexor digitorum profundus tendons with either the Adelaide technique (39 tendons) or the modified Lim-Tsai technique (39 tendons). Each repaired tendon was tested in a material testing machine under a single cycle load-to-failure test. The forces were recorded when the gap between the two tendon stumps reached 1 and 2 mm and when irreversible elongation or total rupture occurred. We found no significant differences in gap formation force and yielding strength of the tendons between the two methods. The surgeon’s previous experience in tendon repairs did not improve the consistency, reliability or tensile strength of the repairs. We conclude that if a strong peripheral suture is added, the modified Lim-Tsai repair has the same technical reliability and consistency as the Adelaide repair in term of ultimate loading strength in this test setup.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 263502542110445
John R. Matthews ◽  
Ryan W. Paul ◽  
Kevin B. Freedman

Background: Triceps tendon ruptures typically result from a forceful elbow eccentric contraction. The goal of a distal triceps tendon repair is to reattach the torn tendon back to the olecranon. Surgery is indicated for patients with complete rupture of the triceps tendon or symptomatic partial tears with failed conservative management. The complication rate occurs in 22% of patients postoperatively; however, only 0% to 4% of patients suffer a re-rupture of the tendon. Indications: We present a case of a highly active 38-year-old right-hand dominant man with acute onset of left posterior elbow pain following 1-handed pushup resulting in a complete distal triceps avulsion with 1.5 cm retraction. Technique: The distal triceps avulsion was repaired in a double row fashion using 2 double-loaded all-suture anchors in the medial row and anchor in the lateral row through a posterior approach. Results: Full anatomic footprint coverage was able to be achieved intraoperatively, and gentle range of motion from 0 to 90 degrees of flexion did not result in gap formation. Discussion/Conclusion: Successful outcomes with full anatomic footprint coverage of the distal triceps tendon can be achieved through a double row repair configuration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Chris J. Peterson ◽  
Jeffery B. Cannon

Tree damage from a variety of types of wind events is widespread and of great ecological and economic importance. In terms of areas impacted, tropical storms have the most widespread effects on tropical and temperate forests, with southeastern U.S. forests particularly prone to tropical storm damage. This impact motivates attempts to understand the tree and forest characteristics that influence levels of damage. This study presents initial findings from a spatially explicit, individual-based mechanistic wind severity model, ForSTORM, parameterized from winching research on trees in southeastern U.S. This model allows independent control of six wind and neighborhood parameters likely to influence the patterns of wind damage, such as gap formation, the shape of the vertical wind profile, indirect damage, and support from neighbors. We arranged the subject trees in two virtual stands orientations with identical positions relative to each other, but with one virtual stand rotated 90 degrees from the other virtual stand – to explore the effect of wind coming from two alternative directions. The model reproduces several trends observed in field damage surveys, as well as analogous CWS models developed for other forests, and reveals unexpected insights. Wind profiles with higher extinction coefficients, or steeper decrease in wind speed from canopy top to lower levels, resulted in significantly higher critical wind speeds, thus reducing level of damage for a given wind speed. Three alternative formulations of wind profiles also led to significant differences in critical wind speed (CWS), although the effect of profile was less than effect of different extinction coefficients. The CWS differed little between the two alternative stand orientations. Support from neighboring trees resulted in significantly higher critical wind speeds, regardless of type of wind profile or spatial arrangement of trees. The presence or absence of gaps caused marginally significant different in CWS, while inclusion of indirect damage along with direct damage did not significantly change CWS from those caused by direct damage alone. Empirical research that could most benefit this modelling approach includes improving crown area measurement, refining drag coefficients, and development of a biomechanical framework for neighbor support.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7668
Heba B. Abdel-Maksoud ◽  
Aziza W. Bahanan ◽  
Lujain J. Alkattabi ◽  
Turki A. Bakhsh

Objective. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the adaptation of newly introduced bioactive restorative materials to the cavity floor using cross-polarization optical coherence tomography (CP-OCT). Materials and Methods. Round class V cavities were prepared on the proximal surfaces of sixty non-carious human anterior teeth (0.5 mm depth × 4 mm diameter), which were divided into groups according to the restorative material (n = 15). In the VF group, Vertise flow composite (Kerr, Orange, CA, USA) was used, in the BF group, Beautifil II composite (Shofu, Koyoto, Japan) was used, and in the AB group, ACTIVA BioACTIVE composite (Pulpdent, Watertown, NY, USA) was used. Cavities were restored using the bulk filling technique and cured according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Then, the specimens were immersed in a contrasting agent, and image acquisitions were taken by CP-OCT to calculate the adaptation percentage by using an image analysis software. Results. B-scans showed a diffuse bright band of white pixels at the tooth-resin interface that was interpreted as a micro-gap present between the cavity floor and restorative material. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a statistically significant difference between all tested groups with the AB group representing the least gap formation, followed by the BF group, and then the VF group, which demonstrated the highest gap formation. Conclusions. In class V cavities, better adaptation to the cavity floor can be obtained when using ACTIVA BioACTIVE more than Vertise flow and Beautifil II composites. In addition, CP-OCT is considered a non-destructive imaging tool that helps in evaluating the quality of the tooth-restoration interface when bioactive composites are used.

Patrick Bueno Lamas ◽  
Rodrigo Nicoletti

Abstract Modal spacing (band gaps) in the frequency spectrum of rotating machines can be imposed by geometric periodicity. By designing the rotor with a geometry that repeats periodically, we can impose to the vibration response of the rotor a modal "gap" considerably large, where no resonances appear. In this work, we consider that the rotating elements of the machine (e.g. the stages or the impellers) are the periodic elements of the rotor. In this disk-like configuration of the rotor, the system can present band gaps due to two different reasons: due to matching between the number of disks and the eigenmode wavenumber (usually in slender rotors); due to the presence of local-mode shapes (usually in large rotors). Analytical modeling of the system is presented, whose approximated solution can be used to predict the start and stop frequencies of the band gaps. It is also shown the limitations in band gap formation when the rotor is not perfectly periodic (quasi-periodic geometry). In this case, disk positioning plays an important role in the band gap formation.

Yi-Jen Chang ◽  
Daniel J. Duffy ◽  
George E. Moore

Abstract OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-strand suture repairs on the biomechanical properties of canine gastrocnemius tenorrhaphy constructs in an ex vivo model. SAMPLE 56 cadaveric gastrocnemius musculotendinous units from 28 adult large-breed dogs. PROCEDURES Tendons were randomly assigned to 4 repair groups (2-, 4-, 6- or 8-strand suture technique; n = 14/group). Following tenotomy, repairs were performed with the assigned number of strands of 2-0 polypropylene suture in a simple interrupted pattern. Biomechanical testing was performed. Yield, peak, and failure loads, the incidence of 1- and 3-mm gap formation, forces associated with gap formation, and failure modes were compared among groups. RESULTS Yield, peak, and failure forces differed significantly among groups, with significantly greater force required as the number of suture strands used for tendon repair increased. The force required to create a 1- or 3-mm gap between tendon ends also differed among groups and increased significantly with number of strands used. All constructs failed by mode of suture pull-through. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that increasing the number of suture strands crossing the repair site significantly increases the tensile strength of canine gastrocnemius tendon repair constructs and their resistance to gap formation. Future studies are needed to assess the effects of multistrand suture patterns on tendon glide function, blood supply, healing, and long-term clinical function in dogs to inform clinical decision-making.

Jessica L. Corrie ◽  
Daniel J. Duffy ◽  
Yi-Jen Chang ◽  
George E. Moore

Abstract OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of knot location on the biomechanical strength and gapping characteristics of ex vivo canine gastrocnemius tenorrhaphy constructs. SAMPLE 36 cadaveric gastrocnemius tendons from 18 adult dogs. PROCEDURES Tendons were randomly assigned to 3 groups (12 tendons/group) and sharply transected and repaired by means of a core locking-loop suture with the knot at 1 of 3 locations (exposed on the external surface of the tendon, buried just underneath the external surface of the tendon, or buried internally between the apposed tendon ends). All repairs were performed with size-0 polypropylene suture. All constructs underwent a single load-to-failure test. Yield, failure, and peak forces, mode of failure, and forces required for 1- and 3-mm gap formation were compared among the 3 knot-location groups. RESULTS Mean yield, failure, and peak forces and mean forces required for 1- and 3-mm gap formation did not differ significantly among the 3 groups. The mode of failure also did not differ significantly among the 3 groups, and the majority (33/36 [92%]) of constructs failed owing to the suture pulling through the tendinous substance. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Final knot location did not significantly affect the biomechanical strength and gapping characteristics of canine gastrocnemius tenorrhaphy constructs. Therefore, all 3 evaluated knot locations may be acceptable for tendon repair in dogs. In vivo studies are necessary to further elucidate the effect of knot location in suture patterns commonly used for tenorrhaphy on tendinous healing and collagenous remodeling at the repair site.

2021 ◽  
W Moon ◽  
SH Chung ◽  
J Chang

SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate interfacial gap formation of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate inlay margins before and after thermomechanical loading. Methods and Materials: Mesio-occlusal-distal cavities were prepared on 12 extracted mandibular molars. The gingival margin of one proximal box was elevated with resin modified glass ionomer (RMGI) by a height of 2 mm (Group E [elevation]), and the margin of the other side served as a control (Group NE [no elevation]). Lithium disilicate computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) inlays were fabricated and bonded with a self-adhesive resin cement. An aging process was simulated on the specimens under thermomechanical cycling by using a chewing simulator. Marginal integration was evaluated under scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM) using epoxy resin replicas before and after cycling. Marginal areas were stained with silver nitrate solution, and the volumetric gap was measured at the bonded interfaces using microcomputed tomography (CT) before and after cycling. Statistical analyses were performed using paired t-tests, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the Mann–Whitney test (a<0.05). Results: SEM showed marginal discontinuities in Group NE that increased after thermomechanical cycling. Micro-computed tomography exhibited three-dimensional dye-penetrating patterns at the interfaces before and after cycling. Interfacial disintegration was larger in Group NE before cycling (p<0.05). Thermomechanical cycling increased the gaps in both Groups NE and E (p<0.05). The gap increment from thermomechanical cycling was larger in Group NE (p<0.05). Conclusions: Thermomechanical cycling induced interfacial disintegration at the lithium disilicate CAD/CAM inlays, with deep proximal margins. Margin elevation with RMGI placement reduced the extent of the interfacial gap formation before and after the aging simulation.

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