amaranthus caudatus
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Nativa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 563-566
Patricia Monique Crivelari-Costa ◽  
Aloisio Bianchini

Objetivou-se obter e avaliar o malte de amaranto, das espécies Amaranthus cruentus, com as variedades BRS Alegria e Verde, e Amaranthus caudatus, com a variedade Inca, produzidas no cerrado mato-grossense. Foi realizado teste de germinação com alternância no fotoperíodo. A qualidade do malte produzido foi avaliada pela análise do poder diastático e o rendimento. Observou-se, pela análise de fotoblastismo, que a variedade verde é fotoblástica neutra e BRS Alegria e Inca são pouco tolerantes à luz constante. O poder diastático, medido pelo índice WK variou em função da temperatura e variedades sendo que a variedade Inca teve maior rendimento e poder diastático (187,4 WK) à temperatura de 25 °C; a temperatura de 25 °C produziu maltes com maior poder diastático, da ordem de 168,4 WK; A variedade BRS Alegria teve menor poder diastático, sendo menos indicada para a produção de malte para fins cervejeiros. Os resultados foram satisfatórios para a produção de bebidas lácteas maltadas, no entanto, para fins cervejeiros, novos ensaios de maltagem devam ser conduzidos, na tentativa de elevar o poder diastático do malte deste pseudocereal para valores próximos do mínimo recomendado para este fim, que é de 220 WK. Palavras-chave: Amaranthus cruentus; Amaranthus caudatus; BRS Alegria; fotoblastismo; poder diastático.   Amaranth varieties malt   ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to obtain and evaluate malt amaranth, of the species Amaranthus cruentus, with BRS Alegria and Verde varieties, and Amaranthus caudatus, with Inca variety. Germination test was performed with alternating photoperiod. The quality of the malt produced was evaluated by analyzing the diastatic power and the yield. It was observed, by the analysis of photoblastism, that the Verde variety is photoblastic neutral and BRS Alegria and Inca are poorly tolerant to constant light. Diastatic power, measured by the WK index, varied as a function of temperature and varieties, with the Inca variety having higher yields and diastatic power (187.4 WK) at a temperature of 25 °C; the temperature of 25 °C produced malts with greater diastatic power, in the order of 168.4 WK; The BRS-Alegria variety had lesser diastatic power, being less suitable for the production of malt for brewing purposes. The results were satisfactory for the production of malted dairy beverages, however, for brewing purposes, new malting tests should be conducted, in an attempt to raise the diastatic power of the malt of this pseudocereal to values ​​close to the minimum recommended for this purpose, which is 220 WK. Keywords: Amaranthus cruentus; Amaranthus caudatus; BRS Alegria; photoblastism; diastatic power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-44
Wendy Guadalupe Ballon Paucara ◽  
María del Pilar Gutierrez Durán ◽  
Carla Lisset Castillo Magariños ◽  
Deysi Danitza Mamani Mayta ◽  
Ricardo Enrique Grados-Torrez ◽  

La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica que conlleva a la aparición de enfermedades cardiovasculares y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Pacientes con sobrepeso, obesidad o DM2 presentan generalmente un perfil lipídico con niveles sanguíneos elevados de colesterol, triglicéridos, LDL y VLDL-c y niveles bajos de HDL-c. Pseudocereales como Amaranthus caudatus (Amaranto), Chenopodium quinoa (Quinua) y Lupinus mutabilis (Tarwi) presentes en la región Andina de Bolivia, tienen propiedades potencialmente nutracéuticas, con un alto contenido de macronutrientes y diversos fitoquímicos con actividad biológica como alcaloides de quinolizidina, saponinas, triterpenos y γ-conglutina. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del consumo de un producto natural elaborado a base de granos de Amaranto, Quinua y Tarwi, sobre el perfil lipídico en pacientes con obesidad y DM2. Método: Estudio clínico preliminar controlado, prospectivo, doble ciego y cruzado realizado en el Área de Farmacología del Instituto de Investigaciones Fármaco Bioquímicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas y Bioquímicas de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Resultados: El consumo de un producto elaborado a base de harinas de Amaranto, Quinua y Tarwi (AQT) durante 3 meses, promovió la disminución significativa de colesterol, triglicéridos, LDL y VLDL-c en pacientes diabéticos (DM2) con sobrepeso (IMC>25), sin embargo los niveles de HDL-c no sufrieron cambios significativos. Conclusión: Por tanto, el producto AQT tiene efectos beneficiosos sobre el perfil lipídico en pacientes con sobrepeso u obesidad y con riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y DM2.

L. F. Kabashnikova ◽  
I. N. Domanskaya ◽  
T. S. Pilipovich ◽  
L. V. Pashkevich ◽  
H. V. Martysiuk ◽  

The dynamics of the photosynthetic pigments content and parameters of oxidative stress with an increasing water deficit in the leaves of 40-days-old plants of two amaranth species - Amaranthus paniculatus L. (cv. Rubin) and Amaranthus caudatus L. (cv. Chyrvony aksamit), grown in a pot culture, was studied. Specific features of the development of water deficiency in amaranth leaves were revealed: amaranth plants Amaranthus paniculatus L. showed a stronger development of water deficit in leaves than Amaranthus caudatus L. after 4-days soil drought, which after 8 days increased in two species to 73.7 and 55.7 %, respectively. Under moderate drought, the amount of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids) based on dry leaf weight increased in two amaranth species, but after 8 days of soil drought, the content of Chl (a + b) was reduced by 2.0-2.1 times, and carotenoids - 1.8-1.9 times relative to the physiological level. As a result of a 4-days soil drought in the leaves of Amaranthus paniculatus L., there was a significant decrease in the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activity of lipid peroxidation (LPO), while in Amaranthus caudatus L. an increase in the levels of ROS and LPO was observed. With an increase in the pressure of the stress factor in the leaves of amaranth of the two studied species, a decrease in the ROS content and LPO activity relative to physiological values was revealed. A conclusion was made about the different mechanisms of ROS generation and the flow of LPO processes at different stages of soil drought in the leaves of different amaranth species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 53-63
O. M. Yaroshko ◽  

Local cultivars of A. caudatus: Helios and Karmin were used as plant material. Amaranth is a new pseudocereal introduced in Ukraine. The plant biomass of amaranth is used in medicine, food industry and cosmetology industry. Aim. The purpose of the work was to identify the optimal conditions for the transient expression of reporter genes in Amaranthus caudatus cultivars. Methods. Biochemical and microscopy methods were used in the following work. Seedlings and adult plants of different age were infiltrated with agrobacterial suspensions separately (genetic vector pCBV19 with a uidA gene and genetic vector pNMD2501 with a gfp gene in Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 strain). Results. Transient expression of the uidA and gfp genes was obtained in amaranth plants after conduction series of experiments. The most intensive transient expression of gfp and uidA genes was observed in seedlings infiltrated at the age of 1 day. The maximum fluorescence of the GFP protein was observed on 5th–6th days. Conclusions. It was shown that the cultivar Helios was more susceptible to agrobacterial infection than the cultivar Karmin. The effectiveness of Agrobacterium mediated transformation was from 16% to 95% for the Helios cultivar and from 12% to 93% for the Karmin cultivar. The obtained results indicate that the studied amaranth cultivars can potentially be used for obtaining transient expression of target genes and synthesizing target proteins in their tissues in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Jorge Wilmer Elías Silupu ◽  
Cecilia Edith García Rivas Plata ◽  
Ronald Pérez Salcedo ◽  
Celia Rocio Yauris Silvera

En esta investigación se realizó pan con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo (65%) por harina de quinua germinada (20, 15 y 10%) y harina de kiwicha germinada (15, 20 y 25%) para caracterizar fisicoquímicamente realizando análisis de peso, textura, volumen específico, porosidad y composición proximal. Asimismo, para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el diseño de mezclas empleando el estadístico Statgraphics Centurión XVI y Excel 2016. Por otra parte, la caracterización de las propiedades físicas del pan se determinó mediante los siguientes métodos: para el peso (método de Cauvain S. y Young L. (1998)); textura (método N° 74-10A de la AACC (2000)); volumen especifico (modificación del método N° 10-05 de la AACC (2000)); porosidad (método óptico (Sahin, G., 2009; Karathanos y Saravacos,1992)). En consecuencia, para la caracterización de las propiedades químicas del pan, se utilizó los siguientes métodos: humedad (NTP 209.264:2013); proteína (NTP 209.262:2013); grasa (NTP 209.263:2013); cenizas (NTP 209.265:2013); fibra (FAO 14/7); el contenido de carbohidratos se determinó por diferencia de peso. Entonces el tratamiento más adecuado para el pan con un nivel de sustitución de 10% de harina de quinua germinada (HQG), 25% de harina de kiwicha germinada (HKG) y 65% de harina de trigo (HT), el resultado del análisis físico como el peso, textura y porosidad de los panes con sustitución fue ascendente, en tanto a los valores del volumen específico disminuyeron; en el aspecto proximal, este tratamiento presento un % alto de proteínas (8.64%), humedad (17.78%), grasa (11.39%), ceniza (1.49%), fibra (1.72%) y carbohidratos (59.02%) respectivamente. Al observar estos resultados, se puede indicar que se ha incrementado el contenido proteico, que es muy importante en la alimentación.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 3353-3366

La presente investigación permitió obtener la bebida funcional a base de malta de Amaranthus caudatus L. (kiwicha) y pulpa de Hylocereus triangularis (pitahaya), formulada en 3 tratamientos, a los cuales se realizó la prueba de aceptabilidad; a la muestra que resulto con mayor puntuación se realizó el análisis fisicoquímico y microbiológico. Para la evaluación sensorial se aplicó un test de escala hedónica de 1 a 5, (1: menor calificación y 5: máxima calificación) a 20 jueces semi entrenados, resultando con mayor puntuación en todos sus atributos el Tratamiento 2 (T2), para su formulación se utilizó (agua 3 L, pulpa de pitahaya 1 L, harina de kiwicha malteada 100 g, azúcar blanca 220 g, ácido cítrico 3,70 g y CMC 4,5 g). Se realizó el análisis fisicoquímico y microbiológico; en el que se obtuvo un pH de 3,7 y 11,50 °Brix, los mismos que están dentro de los límites de la NTP 203.110. (2009), en el análisis químico proximal se determinó la humedad, proteína, grasa, ceniza y carbohidratos. En los resultados microbiológicos hubo ausencia de Aerobios mesófilos, mohos, levadoras y Coliformes. Con los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que es una bebida altamente nutritiva y se encuentra apto para su consumo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-318
Verónica Elizabeth Burgos ◽  
Valeria Cristina Del Castillo

Antioxidants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 645
Sergio Montserrat-de la Paz ◽  
Alicia Martinez-Lopez ◽  
Alvaro Villanueva-Lazo ◽  
Justo Pedroche ◽  
Francisco Millan ◽  

Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) is considered one of the few multipurpose pseudocereals for its potential use not only as a source of nutrients and fiber but also for its bioactive compounds. In recent years, antioxidant peptides are commonly used as functional ingredient of food. Herein, a kiwicha protein isolate (KPI), obtained from kiwicha defatted flour (KDF), was hydrolyzed by Bioprotease LA 660, a food-grade endoprotease, under specific conditions. The resulting kiwicha protein hydrolysates (KPHs) were chemically characterized and their digestibility and antioxidant capacity were evaluated by in vitro cell-free experiments owing to their measure of capacity to sequester DPPH free radical and reducing power. KPHs showed higher digestibility and antioxidant capacity than intact proteins into KPI. Therefore, the results shown in this study indicate that KPHs could serve as an adequate source of antioxidant peptides, representing an effective alternative to the generation of functional food.

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