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Wilderich Tuschmann ◽  
Michael Wiemeler

AbstractWe study spaces and moduli spaces of Riemannian metrics with non-negative Ricci or non-negative sectional curvature on closed and open manifolds. We construct, in particular, the first classes of manifolds for which these moduli spaces have non-trivial rational homotopy, homology and cohomology groups. We also show that in every dimension at least seven (respectively, at least eight) there exist infinite sequences of closed (respectively, open) manifolds of pairwise distinct homotopy type for which the space and moduli space of Riemannian metrics with non-negative sectional curvature has infinitely many path components. A completely analogous statement holds for spaces and moduli spaces of non-negative Ricci curvature metrics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Ben Heidenreich ◽  
Jacob McNamara ◽  
Miguel Montero ◽  
Matthew Reece ◽  
Tom Rudelius ◽  

Abstract It is widely believed that consistent theories of quantum gravity satisfy two basic kinematic constraints: they are free from any global symmetry, and they contain a complete spectrum of gauge charges. For compact, abelian gauge groups, completeness follows from the absence of a 1-form global symmetry. However, this correspondence breaks down for more general gauge groups, where the breaking of the 1-form symmetry is insufficient to guarantee a complete spectrum. We show that the correspondence may be restored by broadening our notion of symmetry to include non-invertible topological operators, and prove that their absence is sufficient to guarantee a complete spectrum for any compact, possibly disconnected gauge group. In addition, we prove an analogous statement regarding the completeness of twist vortices: codimension-2 objects defined by a discrete holonomy around their worldvolume, such as cosmic strings in four dimensions. We discuss how this correspondence is modified in various, more general contexts, including non-compact gauge groups, Higgsing of gauge theories, and the addition of Chern-Simons terms. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the Swampland program, as well as the phenomenological implications of the existence of twist strings.


AbstractWe investigate compact projective generators in the category of equivariant "Image missing"-modules on a smooth affine variety. For a reductive group G acting on a smooth affine variety X, there is a natural countable set of compact projective generators indexed by finite dimensional representations of G. We show that only finitely many of these objects are required to generate; thus the category has a single compact projective generator. The proof goes via an analogous statement about compact generators in the equivariant derived category, which holds in much greater generality and may be of independent interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 387-401
Ralph John De la Cruz ◽  
Philip Saltenberger

For an indefinite scalar product $[x,y]_B = x^HBy$ for $B= \pm B^H \in \mathbf{Gl}_n(\mathbb{C})$ on $\mathbb{C}^n \times \mathbb{C}^n$, it is shown that the set of diagonalizable matrices is dense in the set of all $B$-normal matrices. The analogous statement is also proven for the sets of $B$-selfadjoint, $B$-skewadjoint and $B$-unitary matrices.

Ulrich Pinkall ◽  
Boris Springborn

AbstractLiouville’s theorem says that in dimension greater than two, all conformal maps are Möbius transformations. We prove an analogous statement about simplicial complexes, where two simplicial complexes are considered discretely conformally equivalent if they are combinatorially equivalent and the lengths of corresponding edges are related by scale factors associated with the vertices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 1439-1463
Richard C. H. Webb

AbstractWe prove that almost all arc complexes do not admit a CAT(0) metric with finitely many shapes, in particular any finite-index subgroup of the mapping class group does not preserve such a metric on the arc complex. We also show the analogous statement for all but finitely many disc complexes of handlebodies and free splitting complexes of free groups. The obstruction is combinatorial. These complexes are all hyperbolic and contractible but despite this we show that they satisfy no combinatorial isoperimetric inequality: for any n there is a loop of length 4 that only bounds discs consisting of at least n triangles. On the other hand we show that the curve complexes satisfy a linear combinatorial isoperimetric inequality, which answers a question of Andrew Putman.

Ewain Gwynne ◽  
Jason Miller ◽  
Wei Qian

Abstract The conformal loop ensemble (${\textrm{CLE}}$) is the canonical conformally invariant probability measure on non-crossing loops in a simply connected domain in $\mathbbm{C}$ and is indexed by a parameter $\kappa \in (8/3,8)$. We consider ${\textrm{CLE}}_\kappa $ on the whole-plane in the regime in which the loops are self-intersecting ($\kappa \in (4,8)$) and show that it is invariant under the inversion map $z \mapsto 1/z$. This shows that whole-plane ${\textrm{CLE}}_\kappa $ for $\kappa \in (4,8)$ defines a conformally invariant measure on loops on the Riemann sphere. The analogous statement in the regime in which the loops are simple ($\kappa \in (8/3,4]$) was proven by Kemppainen and Werner and together with the present work covers the entire range $\kappa \in (8/3,8)$ for which ${\textrm{CLE}}_\kappa $ is defined. As an intermediate step in the proof, we show that ${\textrm{CLE}}_\kappa $ for $\kappa \in (4,8)$ on an annulus, with any specified number of inner-boundary-surrounding loops, is well defined and conformally invariant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-144
Aleksandar Milivojević

AbstractSerre’s duality theorem implies a symmetry between the Hodge numbers, hp,q = hn−p,n−q, on a compact complex n–manifold. Equivalently, the first page of the associated Frölicher spectral sequence satisfies \dim E_1^{p,q} = \dim E_1^{n - p,n - q} for all p, q. Adapting an argument of Chern, Hirzebruch, and Serre [3] in an obvious way, in this short note we observe that this “Serre symmetry” \dim E_k^{p,q} = \dim E_k^{n - p,n - q} holds on all subsequent pages of the spectral sequence as well. The argument shows that an analogous statement holds for the Frölicher spectral sequence of an almost complex structure on a nilpotent real Lie group as considered by Cirici and Wilson in [4].

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (749) ◽  
pp. 87-132
Laurent Meersseman

Abstract Kuranishi’s fundamental result (1962) associates to any compact complex manifold {X_{0}} a finite-dimensional analytic space which has to be thought of as a local moduli space of complex structures close to {X_{0}} . In this paper, we give an analogous statement for Levi-flat CR-manifolds fibering properly over the circle by associating to any such {\mathcal{X}_{0}} the loop space of a finite-dimensional analytic space which serves as a local moduli space of CR-structures close to {\mathcal{X}_{0}} . We then develop in this context a Kodaira–Spencer deformation theory making clear the likenesses as well as the differences with the classical case. The article ends with applications and examples.

V. I. Benediktovich

An algebraic parameter of a graph – a difference between its maximum degree and its spectral radius is considered in this paper. It is well known that this graph parameter is always nonnegative and represents some measure of deviation of a graph from its regularity. In the last two decades, many papers have been devoted to the study of this parameter. In particular, its lower bound depending on the graph order and diameter was obtained in 2007 by mathematician S. M. Cioabă. In 2017 when studying the upper and the lower bounds of this parameter, M. R. Oboudi made a conjecture that the lower bound of a given parameter for an arbitrary graph is the difference between a maximum degree and a spectral radius of a chain. This is very similar to the analogous statement for the spectral radius of an arbitrary graph whose lower boundary is also the spectral radius of a chain. In this paper, the above conjecture is confirmed for some graph classes.

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