rock face
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Zootaxa ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 5087 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-305

Nine new species of the water scavenger beetle genus Oocyclus Sharp, 1882 are described from the Brazilian Shield: O. ecolab sp. n., O. espinhacu sp. n., O. giganteus sp. n., O. humboldti sp. n., O. lacia sp. n., O. ovalis sp. n., O. sulcatus sp. n., O. thrixdiastematus sp. n., and O. thysanus sp. n. New locality records are provided for four species previously known from Brazil: O. rotundus Clarkson & Short, 2012, O. pilosus Jordão, Clarkon & Ferreira-Jr, 2018, O. xanthus Clarkson & Short, 2012 and O. yubai Clarkson & Short, 2012. All species are associated with rock-face seepages such as wet rocks, waterfalls, and seepages. An updated key to the Brazilian species of Oocyclus is provided.  

Paragraph ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-393
Marc Azéma

This article examines cave art in France, arguing that the images created at many sites, but particularly Chauvet, can be analysed in terms of animation, storytelling, lighting and sound. Through superimposition and juxtaposition, and using the contours of the rock face, Palaeolithic artists invented a form of narration based on images, often then animated by the flickering light of lamps and torches. Drawing on semiological work by Philippe Sohet and his terms ‘narrative image’ and ‘iconic narration’, the article sees panels of cave art as constituting scenes and actions that can be discussed in relation to both bande dessinée and cinema. Finally, evidence suggests that the spectacles produced in these spaces, whatever their elusive meaning, also depended on sound and acoustics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-218
Ondřej Racek ◽  
Jan Blahůt ◽  
Filip Hartvich

Abstract. This paper describes a newly designed, experimental, and affordable rock slope monitoring system. This system is being used to monitor three rock slopes in Czechia for a period of up to 2 years. The instrumented rock slopes have different lithology (sandstone, limestone, and granite), aspect, and structural and mechanical properties. Induction crackmeters monitor the dynamic of joints, which separate unstable rock blocks from the rock face. This setup works with a repeatability of measurements of 0.05 mm. External destabilising factors (air temperature, precipitation, incoming and outgoing radiation, etc.) are measured by a weather station placed directly within the rock slope. Thermal behaviour in the rock slope surface zone is monitored using a compound temperature probe, placed inside a 3 m deep subhorizontal borehole, which is insulated from external air temperature. Additionally, one thermocouple is placed directly on the rock slope surface. From the time series measured to date (the longest since autumn 2018), we are able to distinguish differences between the annual and diurnal temperature cycles of the monitored sites. From the first data, a greater annual joint dynamic is measured in the case of larger blocks; however, smaller blocks are more responsive to short-term diurnal temperature cycles. Differences in the thermal regime between the sites are also recognisable and are caused mainly by different slope aspect, rock mass thermal conductivity, and colour. These differences will be explained by the statistical analysis of longer time series in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 3050
Martin Štroner ◽  
Rudolf Urban ◽  
Martin Lidmila ◽  
Vilém Kolář ◽  
Tomáš Křemen

Point clouds derived using structure from motion (SfM) algorithms from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used in civil engineering practice. This includes areas such as (vegetated) rock outcrops or faces above linear constructions (e.g., railways) where accurate terrain identification, i.e., ground filtering, is highly difficult but, at the same time, important for safety management. In this paper, we evaluated the performance of standard geometrical ground filtering algorithms (a progressive morphological filter (PMF), a simple morphological filter (SMRF) or a cloth simulation filter (CSF)) and a structural filter, CANUPO (CAractérisation de NUages de POints), for ground identification in a point cloud derived by SfM from UAV imagery in such an area (a railway ledge and the adjacent rock face). The performance was evaluated both in the original position and after levelling the point cloud (its transformation into the horizontal plane). The poor results of geometrical filters (total errors of approximately 6–60% with PMF performing the worst) and a mediocre result of CANUPO (approximately 4%) led us to combine these complementary approaches, yielding total errors of 1.2% (CANUPO+SMRF) and 0.9% (CANUPO+CSF). This new technique could represent an excellent solution for ground filtering of high-density point clouds of such steep vegetated areas that can be well-used, for example, in civil engineering practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 285 ◽  
pp. 106040
Sarvesh Kumar Singh ◽  
Simit Raval ◽  
Bikram Pratap Banerjee

2021 ◽  
David Mair ◽  
Alessandro Lechmann ◽  
Romain Delunel ◽  
Serdar Yeşilyurt ◽  
Dmitry Tikhomirov ◽  

<p>Rock fall processes of various size and magnitude control retreat rates of high alpine rock-walls. For millennial time scales, these retreat rates can be quantified in-situ from concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides along bedrock depth profiles (Mair et al., 2019). We measured cosmogenic <sup>36</sup>Cl and <sup>10</sup>Be along several such profiles at Mt Eiger in the Central Swiss Alps to study the local rock-wall retreat on this time scale (Mair et al., 2019; 2020). The resulting spatial pattern shows that rock-wall retreat rates are low (0.5 to 0.6 ± 0.1 mm/yr) in the higher region of the NW rock-wall, in contrast to both the lower part of the NW rock-wall and the SE face, where rates are high (1.7 ± 0.4 to 3.5 ± 1.4 mm/yr). We link these retreat rates to differences in local temperature conditions, because the patterns of faults and fractures and the lithology of the bedrock are similar at all sites, and thermo-cryogenic processes are known to weaken the bedrock through fracturing, thereby preconditioning the occurrence of rock fall (e.g., Draebing and Krautblatter, 2019). However, it is still unclear how effective and at which rate individual thermo-cryogenic processes contribute to the preconditioning through fracturing. Therefore, we investigate several processes and estimate the probability of bedrock fracturing through the employment of a theoretical frost-cracking model, which predicts cracking intensity from ice segregation. The model results infer a low efficiency in the higher region of the NW rock-wall, but a relatively high one in the lower section of the NW wall and on the SE rock face of Mt. Eiger. Although the model is rather generic, the results disclose a significant control of temperature conditions on the erosional processes and rates. Furthermore, temperature conditions for the last millennia have been similar to present day conditions, as our reconstructions disclose, therefore the cosmogenic-nuclide-based long-term differences in rock-wall retreat rates predominantly stem from large contrasts in the microclimate between the NW and SE walls of Mt. Eiger. Accordingly, the site-specific differences in microclimate conditions could explain the lower retreat rates in the upper part of the NW rock-wall and the rapid retreat in the SW face and in the lower part of the NW rock face.</p><p>References</p><p>Draebing, D. and Krautblatter, M.: The Efficacy of Frost Weathering Processes in Alpine Rockwalls, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 6516–6524, doi:10.1029/2019GL081981, 2019.</p><p>Mair, D., Lechmann, A., Yesilyurt, S., Tikhomirov, D., Delunel, R., Vockenhuber, C., Akçar, N. and Schlunegger, F.: Fast long-term denudation rate of steep alpine headwalls inferred from cosmogenic 36Cl depth profiles, Sci. Rep., 9, 11023, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46969-0, 2019.</p><p>Mair, D., Lechmann, A., Delunel, R., Yeşilyurt, S., Tikhomirov, D., Vockenhuber, C., Christl, M., Akçar, N. and Schlunegger, F.: The role of frost cracking in local denudation of steep Alpine rockwalls over millennia (Eiger, Switzerland), Earth Surf. Dyn., 8, 637–659, doi:10.5194/esurf-8-637-2020, 2020.</p>

2021 ◽  
Marten Geertsema ◽  
Brian Menounos ◽  
Dan Shugar ◽  
Tom Millard ◽  
Brent Ward ◽  

<p>On 28 November 2020, about 18 Mm<sup>3</sup> of quartz diorite detached from a steep rock face at the head of Elliot Creek in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia. The rock mass fragmented as it descended 1000 m and flowed across a debris-covered glacier. The rock avalanche was recorded on local and distant seismometers, with long-period amplitudes equivalent to a M 4.9 earthquake. Local seismic stations detected several earthquakes of magnitude <2.4 over the minutes and hours preceding the slide, though no causative relationship is yet suggested. More than half of the rock debris entered a 0.6 km<sup>2 </sup>lake, where it generated a huge displacement wave that overtopped the moraine at the far end of the lake. Water that left the lake was channelized along Elliot Creek, deeply scouring the valley fill over a distance of 10 km before depositing debris on a 2 km<sup>2</sup> fan in the Southgate River valley. Debris temporarily dammed the river, and turbid water continued down the Southgate River to Bute Inlet, where it produced a 70 km turbidity current and altered turbidity and water chemistry in the inlet for weeks. The landslide followed a century of rapid glacier retreat and thinning that exposed a growing lake basin. The outburst flood extended the damage of the landslide far beyond the limit of the landslide, destroying forest and impacting salmon spawning and rearing habitat. We expect more cascading impacts from landslides in the glacierized mountains of British Columbia as glaciers continue to retreat, exposing water bodies below steep slopes while simultaneously removing buttressing support.</p>

2021 ◽  
Angela Caccia ◽  
Biagio Palma ◽  
Mario Parise

<p>Analysis of the stability conditions of rock masses starts from detailed geo-structural surveys based on a systematic and quantitative description of the systems of discontinuities. Traditionally, these surveys are performed by implementing the classical geomechanical systems, available in the scientific literature since several decades, through the use of simple tools such as the geological compass to measure dip and dip direction directly on the discontinuity systems, and to fully describe their more significant physical characteristics (length, spacing, roughness, persistence, aperture, filling, termination, etc.). In several cases, this can be difficult because the discontinuities, or even the rock face, cannot be easily accessible. To have a complete survey, very often the involvement of geologists climbers is required, but in many situations this work is not easy to carry out, and in any case it does not cover the whole rock front.</p><p>Today, to solve these problems, traditional geomechanical surveying is implemented by innovative remote techniques using, individually or in combination, instruments such as terrestrial laser scanners and unmanned aerial vehicles to build a point cloud.</p><p>This latter permits to extract very accurate data on discontinuities for stability analyses, based on areal and non-point observations. In addition, the point cloud allows to map sub-vertical walls in their entirety in much shorter times than traditional surveying.</p><p>At this regard, two rock slopes were detected in the Sorrento Peninsula (Campania, southern Italy) with techniques that include traditional mapping, dictated by the guidelines of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, and the remote survey, through laser scanning and drone photogrammetry. The data obtained were processed automatically and manually through the Dips, CloudCompare and Discontinuity Set Extractor softwares.</p><p>In the present contribution we highlight the limits and advantages of the main data collection and the processing techniques, and provide an evaluation of the software packages currently available for the analysis and evaluation of discontinuities, in order to obtain a better characterization of the rock mass.</p>

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