leadership capacity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Hanan El Halawany ◽  
Munirah AlAjmi

Egypt and Kuwait are currently executing a large-scale transformation in the national education system. On such time, school leadership capacity building and development is crucial and fundamental. Therefore, the current research seeks to scrutiny leadership components presented in the Education Administration Master program offered in Assiut and Kuwait Faculties of Education to cross match the presented knowledge and competencies with international requirements of highly credited leadership master programs. A comparative analytical study was implemented to compare the leadership models presented in the Assiut and Kuwait master’s programs in educational administration. The intended outcome is to enhance the current master program offered in both faculties.   Received: 31 October 2021 / Accepted: 1 December 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

It is urgent to invest heavily on them for their quality education and effective leadership for economic, environmental and social gains. Based on understanding the importance of the youth, this study explores the perception of youth in Dhaka city about leadership, their needs for developing their leadership capacity and focus on their key priorities that they want to work on. Researcher hopes that the findings of this study would have important implications for youth related policies and programmes. It would also assist the planner, policy makers, implementer and stakeholders towards adopting more effective strategy for the leadership development of youths in Bangladesh.

Cynthia B Malinga ◽  
Loyiso C Jita ◽  
Abiodun A Bada

Natural sciences (NS) is an amalgam of five science disciplines, but the teachers of this subject are usually generalists, or have specialised in a maximum of two of the disciplines. This poses a major challenge to heads of department (HoDs), who are expected to lead instruction in these disciplines. We investigate science HoDs’ capacity to provide instructional leadership in South African secondary schools. The study was quantitative in nature and adopted the survey design. The investigation involved 77 secondary schools out of the 243 schools in the Gauteng province of South Africa. A data set from 142 participants (HoDs = 30; teachers = 112) was used to explore the capacity of science HoDs to provide instructional leadership in secondary schools, using questionnaires. The findings suggest that the capacity of science HoDs to lead instruction is limited by their inability to differentiate between curriculum management and instructional leadership and the relatively insufficient time allocated to provide instructional leadership. Unless schools and local district offices review the grouping of subjects in science departments and in the allocation of natural science teachers and HoDs, much stronger subject-based instructional leadership may potentially continue to remain a mirage. We recommend more focused subject-specific training in natural sciences for both teachers and HoDs, and that leadership should be distributed along science disciplines.

2021 ◽  
pp. 84-86
A. Malyadri ◽  
G. S. C. N. V Prasad ◽  
P. V. Susheel Kumar ◽  
MD Sameer ◽  
D. Yuva Anvesh

The importance of leadership cannot be overstated in an environment where the goal is that every person will achieve at high levels. In effective educational environment, leadership capacity is developed and supported at every level. The issue of leadership styles has recently attracted the attention of the general public and people are exerting energies into research to nd its courses and effects. Excellence can be imparted only when an individual adopts the policies with consistent and clear communication collaboratively and helping to set up a framework to achieve goals which are specic, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. Also, the excellence involves the practice of planning, evaluation, coordination and improvement of self which is a never ending process in leadership. Primarily the study was to assess the effective practices of leadership that shall enhance the quality of excellence. The present article highlights the aims and objectives, methodology, leadership styles, limitations and conclusions with better practices and innovative strategies for excellence in leadership.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102986492110214
Salvador Oriola-Requena ◽  
Diego Calderón-Garrido ◽  
Josep Gustems

Adolescents who are members of youth music groups learn music and develop other skills such as group work and conflict resolution. These skills and feelings may represent socioemotional factors underlying increased life satisfaction, leadership capacity, and academic motivation, together with the acquisition of emotional skills. The aim of the research was to determine the degree of life satisfaction reported by a sample of 660 Spanish adolescents who were members of a youth band or choir. It also aimed to examine correlations between life satisfaction, leadership capacity, academic motivation, and emotional development. Potential differences between these variables attributable to participants’ age, gender, type of youth music group, and musical instrument played were explored using a cross-sectional survey comprising four standardized questionnaires. The results show that the participants were highly satisfied with their lives. There were strong positive correlations between the variables studied but also some significant differences between the two groups (choirs and bands), and between players of different instrument families. These results are in line with those other studies, confirming the positive influence of group music making on adolescents’ social and emotional growth.

Selma Ndeyapo Kandjengo ◽  

The purpose of this study was to engage learners and teachers with the aim of developing leadership potential and improving the leadership capacity and capabilities of the learner leaders through mainly Change Laboratory Workshops, which were conducted with the Learner Representative Council (LRC) members, at a public secondary school in the Oshana Region, Namibia. The study was guided by the following main question: How can learner leadership structure be improved in schools? The researchers used a researcher-interventionist approach to implement measures for improving learner leadership, guided by the ideals of the Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), as a theoretical lens through which the researchers made interventions for improving learner leadership at school. Empirically, the study made use of a qualitative research methodology carried out through a case study design. The population consisted of teachers and learners of the case study school. The data was collected by questionnaires, interviews, document analysis, observation and journaling. The data was analysed thematically, interpreted and discussed inductively.

Oryx ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Chris Sandbrook ◽  
Howard P. Nelson ◽  
Shelley Bolderson ◽  
Nigel Leader-Williams

Abstract Conservation lacks sufficient well-trained leaders who are empowered to catalyse positive change for the natural world. Addressing this need, the University of Cambridge launched a Masters in Conservation Leadership in 2010. The degree includes several features designed to enhance its impact. Firstly, it recruits international, gender-balanced cohorts of mid-career professionals, building leadership capacity in the Global South and providing a rich environment for peer learning. Secondly, teaching includes applied leadership training in topics such as fundraising, leading people and networking, as well as interdisciplinary academic topics. Thirdly, the degree is delivered through the Cambridge Conservation Initiative, a partnership of international NGOs and networks, facilitating extensive practitioner-led and experiential learning. We present details of programme design and evaluate the impact of the Masters after 10 years, using data from course records, student and alumni perspectives, and interviews with key stakeholders. The course has broadly succeeded in its design and recruitment objectives. Self-assessed leadership capabilities, career responsibilities and the overall impact of alumni increased significantly 5 years after graduation. However, specific impacts of alumni in certain areas, such as on their professional colleagues, have been less clear. We conclude by outlining future plans for the Masters in light of growing demands on conservation leaders and the changing landscape of leadership capacity development. These include reforms to course structure and assessment, long-term support to the alumni network and developing a conservation leadership community of practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 514-528
Mehmet Erdoğan ◽  
Gökhan Demirhan

In this research, it is aimed to examine the leadership capacity and organizational citizenship levels belong to the teachers working in some schools and the relationship between them. Relational survey design was used in this research. In the 2019-2020 academic year, 4025 teachers working in some primary, secondary and high school levels in the central districts of Uşak province constitute the study group of this research. In this study, the study titled “The adaptation of the leadership capacity scale (Olkö) in schools into Turkish: a validity and reliability study”, which was adapted into Turkish, was used to determine the level of organizational citizenship. For analyzing of the data obtained from the participants, arithmetic mean percentage, frequency, standard deviation values ​​were calculated. In the study linear regression analysis and pearson correlation analysis were used. Considering the results of the analysis of this research; the average perception of teachers' leadership capacity behaviors is moderate. Again, according to the results of the research; perception of organizational citizenship behavior on average belonging to teachers is at a "high" level. According to teachers' perceptions, a low, but positive and significant relationship has been found between school leadership capacity and organizational citizenship behavior. Leadership capacity is a significant predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors.

Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

The study is an examination of the various Christian advocacy approaches that the church in Ghana has adopted in its role in the fight against the AIDS pandemic. The study seeks to make the Ghanaian experience available for Christian advocacy ministry for other pandemics. The study as a qualitative one focused on library research. Available primary and secondary materials on the church’s participation in the AIDS pandemic were examined and analyzed. Much attention was paid to reports, addresses, study materials and policy documents on the pandemic by the World Council of Churches, Christian Council of Ghana and the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. The study has observed that provision of leadership, capacity building of church leaders, education and awareness creation, the relevance of the Christian message of hope in a moment of despair and Christian advocacy ministry have made significant contributions to the Christian advocacy on the HIV/AIDS in Ghana. The study further provides insights for studies in church and society and the construction of public theology on pandemics in African Christianity. Keywords: Advocacy Ministry, Pandemics, Capacity Building, Church Leadership

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Qadar Bakhsh Baloch ◽  
Sourath Maher ◽  
Nadeem Iqbal ◽  
Syed Naseeb Shah ◽  
Muhammad Sheeraz ◽  

PurposeTherefore, this research study investigates the impact of business environment on the performance of the business organizations. (1) To understand the importance the environment in the success of the business entrepreneurship. (2) To explore the environmental factors that can affect the success of business entrepreneurship in Pakistan. (3) To establish relationship between the environmental factors and the sustained organizational performance of business entrepreneurships in Pakistan.Design/methodology/approachDrawing from the person–environment fit (PE fit) and the self-determination theory literature, this survey research study seeks to determine the impact of organizational environment upon sustained organizational economic performance. The main independent variable of the study encompasses its main three dimensions, i.e. leadership capacity, organizational culture and organizational politics. The dependent variable comprises the sustained economic performance of the organization. The research study hypothesized and tested a model in which the organizational environment (organizational culture, organizational politics and leadership) interplays with the organizational sustained performance.FindingsKeeping in view the outcomes of this research work the following implications can be drawn. A leader can yield maximum productivity of employees, if he/she has leadership capacity to provide directions, skilled to minimize the stress level of the employees and able to motivate them in achieving organizational goals. Therefore, capacity of leader to handle difficult situations and develop PE fit is the key to organizational success in current scenario. The study also revealed a positive effect of organizational culture on organizational performance. The culture of the organizations provides an environment of openness to think, share and contribute toward goals of the organization. It enables employees to express themselves, develop person-organization common goals with self-determination. The PE fit provides a platform to feel free, express their feelings and opinions, and contribute in the decision-making process of organizations. The involvement in organizational activities provide a sense of responsibility, ownership and motivation to produce better results for the organizations.Originality/valuePE fit perspective postulates that matching individual psychological needs and environmental supplies (provided by organization and society) generates positive attitudes and behaviors (Tepper et al., 2018). The effect between individuals and their environment is inherently reciprocal rather than a one-way effect (Goetz et al., 2021). The fundamental postulation support that the fit certainly improves performance, commitment and satisfaction of individuals in the context of organizations (De Cooman et al., 2019; Rau vola et al., 2020). Moreover, self-determination theory (SDT) is another perspective that emphasizes the attainment of autonomy, competence and relatedness in employees to outperform (Deci and Ryan, (2010). The self-determination theory revolves around the social-contextual conditions that support or obstruct the integral courses of self-motivation and psychological development, which will contribute toward organizational performance (Nazir et al., 2021).

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