real scalar
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Jamal Ou Aali ◽  
Bouzid Manaut ◽  
Larbi Rahili ◽  
Souad Semlali

AbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the quadratic divergences using dimensional regularization within the context of the Standard Model (SM) extended by two real scalar singlets (TRSM). This extension provides three neutral scalar fields that mix, after developing its VEVs, leading to three CP-even Higgs bosons, namely, $$h_1$$ h 1 , $$h_2$$ h 2 and $$h_3$$ h 3 , which would offer a wide phenomenology at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as reported recently. Furthermore, to fulfill the Veltman conditions for those three fields, we concentrate on the one-loop level ($$d_L=2$$ d L = 2 ) of dimensional regularization calculations, assuming $$R_{\xi }$$ R ξ Feynman–’t Hooft gauge-invariant, $$\xi =1$$ ξ = 1 . We show that the divergence cancellation could take place in the framework of the TRSM for the SM-like Higgs boson predicting a stringent constraint on the space parameters as well as the new physics (NP) scale, and yet remain consistent with current experimental measurements at 13 TeV.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
pp. 027
Bastián Díaz Sáez ◽  
Kilian Möhling ◽  
Dominik Stöckinger

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Taisuke Katayose ◽  
Shigeki Matsumoto ◽  
Satoshi Shirai ◽  
Yu Watanabe

Abstract Real scalar triplet dark matter, which is known to be an attractive candidate for a thermal WIMP, is comprehensively studied paying particular attention to the Sommerfeld effect on the dark matter annihilation caused by the weak interaction and the other interaction between the dark matter and the Higgs boson. We find a parameter region that includes the so-called ‘WIMP-Miracle’ one is still surviving, i.e. it respects all constraints imposed by dark matter searches at collider experiments, underground experiments (direct detection) and astrophysical observations (indirect detection). The region is also found to be efficiently searched for by various near future experiments. In particular, the XENONnT experiment will cover almost the entire parameter region.

Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 563-568
Boris S. Murygin ◽  
Alexander A. Kirillov ◽  
Valery V. Nikulin

Production of domain walls and string-like solitons in the model with two real scalar fields and potential with at least one saddle point and a local maximum is considered. The model is regarded as 2-dimensional spatial slices of 3-dimensional entire structures. It is shown that, in the early Universe, both types of solitons may appear. In addition, the qualitative estimate of the domain walls and strings formation probabilities is presented. It is found that the probability of the formation of string-like solitons is suppressed compared to that of domain walls.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
A. R. Aguirre ◽  
G. Flores-Hidalgo ◽  
R. G. Rana ◽  
E. S. Souza

AbstractIn this paper we study Lorentz-violation (LV) effects on the thermodynamics properties of a real scalar field theory due to the presence of a constant background tensor field. In particular, we analyse and compute explicitly the deviations of the internal energy, pressure, and entropy of the system at thermal equilibrium due to the LV contributions. For the free massless scalar field we obtain exact results, whereas for the massive case we perform approximated calculations. Finally, we consider the self interacting $$\phi ^4$$ ϕ 4 theory, and perform perturbative expansions in the coupling constant for obtaining relevant thermodynamics quantities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Jun-Jie Wan ◽  
Zheng-Quan Cui ◽  
Wen-Bin Feng ◽  
Yu-Xiao Liu

Abstract In this paper, we investigate a six-dimensional smooth thick braneworld model which contains a compact extra dimension and an infinite large one. The braneworld is generated by a real scalar field with a ϕ6 potential and the bulk is an asymptotically AdS6 spacetime. The geometry achieves the localization of the free U(1) gauge field, which is a problem in five-dimensional Randall-Sundrum-like models. In addition, we analyze the stability of the braneworld system and the localization of the graviton.

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