concrete concepts
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Kemal Altıparmak ◽  
Şeyma Can ◽  
Ezgi Dur ◽  

The aim of this study is to investigate the experiences of teachers regarding online primary school mathematics courses throughout the pandemic period. In this respect, the teachers were examined about the efficiency of distance education during the course sessions, the activities that involve the student, its positive and negative aspects, the utilized materials, portals, websites, the situation of students embodying the concepts, the extent to which they maintained the assessment, the difficulties they encountered within the process, as well as their suggestions. In the study, it was seen that teachers had both positive and negative views on distance education. The participant teachers in the study utilized different portals and websites throughout the distance education process. The majority of those teachers had the opinion that the methods used in mathematics courses through distance education assisted students in learning the concrete concepts. In the study, suggestions were made to enhance the efficiency of the mathematics courses along with distance education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Nicola Del Maschio ◽  
Davide Fedeli ◽  
Gioacchino Garofalo ◽  
Giovanni Buccino

The neural mechanisms subserving the processing of abstract concepts remain largely debated. Even within the embodiment theoretical framework, most authors suggest that abstract concepts are coded in a linguistic propositional format, although they do not completely deny the role of sensorimotor and emotional experiences in coding it. To our knowledge, only one recent proposal puts forward that the processing of concrete and abstract concepts relies on the same mechanisms, with the only difference being in the complexity of the underlying experiences. In this paper, we performed a meta-analysis using the Activation Likelihood Estimates (ALE) method on 33 functional neuroimaging studies that considered activations related to abstract and concrete concepts. The results suggest that (1) concrete and abstract concepts share the recruitment of the temporo-fronto-parietal circuits normally involved in the interactions with the physical world, (2) processing concrete concepts recruits fronto-parietal areas better than abstract concepts, and (3) abstract concepts recruit Broca’s region more strongly than concrete ones. Based on anatomical and physiological evidence, Broca’s region is not only a linguistic region mainly devoted to speech production, but it is endowed with complex motor representations of different biological effectors. Hence, we propose that the stronger recruitment of this region for abstract concepts is expression of the complex sensorimotor experiences underlying it, rather than evidence of a purely linguistic format of its processing.

С.Н. Костромина ◽  
Д.С. Гнедых

В статье рассматриваются актуальные проблемы нейрообразования в системе подготовки профессиональных кадров. Цель работы — оценить достижения нейронауки с точки зрения их применения в вузе, в том числе при обучении студентов профессиональной терминологии. В частности, впервые анализируется возможность сформировать профессиональное мышление у обучающихся на основе знаний о закономерностях и механизмах функционирования головного мозга (brain-based learning) при усвоении понятий. В работе показано, что усвоение и понимание новых слов (терминов) происходит за счет деятельности нейрональных систем, которые отвечают за процессы восприятия, внимания, памяти и исполнительных функций, а также за вознаграждение и мотивацию. Кроме того, делается вывод о том, насколько важно в процессе усвоения учитывать специфику профессиональной терминологии — абстрактных и конкретных понятий. Изучение проблематики нейрообразования выявило разницу между направлениями исследований в разных странах: российские специалисты сосредоточились в основном на поиске персонализированных нейротехнологий и внедрении цифровых программ и устройств, разработанных с учетом работы мозга. Иностранные исследователи пытаются создать единую методологию нейрообразования и доказать эффективность методов обучения, основанных на знаниях о функционировании головного мозга. Авторы статьи считают, что необходимо повышать компетентность преподавателей в области нейробиологии, чтобы профессионально развенчивать нейромифы и усиливать эффективность процесса обучения. Данные, приведенные в работе, могут быть полезны преподавателям вузов при организации образовательного процесса. The article is dedicated to the relevant issues of neuroeducation in the system of vocational education. The article aims to reflect on the results of neuroscience integration into university practice, including professional terminology teaching. Notably, for the first time the possibility of forming professional thinking among university students based on knowledge about mechanisms of brain functioning during concepts acquisition (brain-based learning) was analyzed. The article shows that new words (terms) acquisition and understanding is based on neural systems that are responsible for processes of perception, attention, memory and executive functions, as well as reward and motivational states. Moreover, the importance of addressing the specifics of professional terminology, abstract and concrete concepts, during the acquisition process is stated. The difference between research directions in different countries was revealed during the study of neuroeducation: Russian scientists are focused more on personalized neuroeducational technologies and on the development of neurodidactics methods; scientists abroad aim to develop a unified methodology of neuroeducation and find evidence of the efficiency of teaching methods based on knowledge about brain functioning. The authors of the artcile believe that improving teachers’ competence in the field of neurobiology in order to avoid the prevalence of neuromyphs and to increase the efficiency of the learning process is important. The data given in the article may be useful to university teachers in organizing the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Francesca Conca ◽  
Eleonora Catricalà ◽  
Matteo Canini ◽  
Alessandro Petrini ◽  
Gabriella Vigliocco ◽  

AbstractConcrete conceptual knowledge is supported by a distributed neural network representing different semantic features according to the neuroanatomy of sensory and motor systems. If and how this framework applies to abstract knowledge is currently debated. Here we investigated the specific brain correlates of different abstract categories. After a systematic a priori selection of brain regions involved in semantic cognition, i.e. responsible of, respectively, semantic representations and cognitive control, we used a fMRI-adaptation paradigm with a passive reading task, in order to modulate the neural response to abstract (emotions, cognitions, attitudes, human actions) and concrete (biological entities, artefacts) categories. Different portions of the left anterior temporal lobe responded selectively to abstract and concrete concepts. Emotions and attitudes adapted the left middle temporal gyrus, whereas concrete items adapted the left fusiform gyrus. Our results suggest that, similarly to concrete concepts, some categories of abstract knowledge have specific brain correlates corresponding to the prevalent semantic dimensions involved in their representation.

Malte R. Henningsen-Schomers ◽  
Friedemann Pulvermüller

AbstractA neurobiologically constrained deep neural network mimicking cortical areas relevant for sensorimotor, linguistic and conceptual processing was used to investigate the putative biological mechanisms underlying conceptual category formation and semantic feature extraction. Networks were trained to learn neural patterns representing specific objects and actions relevant to semantically ‘ground’ concrete and abstract concepts. Grounding sets consisted of three grounding patterns with neurons representing specific perceptual or action-related features; neurons were either unique to one pattern or shared between patterns of the same set. Concrete categories were modelled as pattern triplets overlapping in their ‘shared neurons’, thus implementing semantic feature sharing of all instances of a category. In contrast, abstract concepts had partially shared feature neurons common to only pairs of category instances, thus, exhibiting family resemblance, but lacking full feature overlap. Stimulation with concrete and abstract conceptual patterns and biologically realistic unsupervised learning caused formation of strongly connected cell assemblies (CAs) specific to individual grounding patterns, whose neurons were spread out across all areas of the deep network. After learning, the shared neurons of the instances of concrete concepts were more prominent in central areas when compared with peripheral sensorimotor ones, whereas for abstract concepts the converse pattern of results was observed, with central areas exhibiting relatively fewer neurons shared between pairs of category members. We interpret these results in light of the current knowledge about the relative difficulty children show when learning abstract words. Implications for future neurocomputational modelling experiments as well as neurobiological theories of semantic representation are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Kemal Altıparmak ◽  
Şeyma Can ◽  
Ezgi Dur

The aim of this study is to investigate the experiences of teachers regarding online primary school mathematics courses throughout the pandemic period. In this respect, the teachers were examined about the efficiency of distance education during the course sessions, the activities that involve the student, its positive and negative aspects, the utilized materials, portals, websites, the situation of students embodying the concepts, the extent to which they maintained the assessment, the difficulties they encountered within the process, as well as their suggestions. In the study, it was seen that teachers had both positive and negative views on distance education. The participant teachers in the study utilized different portals and websites throughout the distance education process. The majority of those teachers had the opinion that the methods used in mathematics courses through distance education assisted students in learning the concrete concepts. In the study, suggestions were made to enhance the efficiency of the mathematics courses along with distance education.

2021 ◽  
Dounia Lakhzoum ◽  

In recent years, a new interest for the use of graph-theory based networks has emerged within the field of cognitive science. This has played a key role in mining the large amount of data generated by word association norms. In the present work, we applied semantic network analyses to explore norms of French word associations for concrete and abstract concepts (Lakhzoum et al., 2021). Graph analyses have shown that the network exhibits high clustering coefficient, sparse density, and small average shortest path length for both the concrete and abstract networks. These characteristics are consistent with a small-world structure. Comparisons between local node statistics and global structural topology showed that abstract and concrete concepts present a similar local connectivity but different overall patterns of structural organisation with concrete concepts presenting an organisation in densely connected communities compared to abstract concepts. These patterns confirm previously acquired knowledge about the dichotomy of abstract and concrete concepts on a larger scale. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to confirm the generalisability of these properties to the French language and with an emphasis on abstract and concrete concepts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174702182110536
Chiara Fini ◽  
Gian Daniele Zannino ◽  
Matteo Orsoni ◽  
Giovanni Augusto Carlesimo ◽  
Mariagrazia Benassi ◽  

Compared to concrete concepts, like “book”, abstract concepts expressed by words like “justice” are more detached from sensorial experiences, even though they are also grounded in sensorial modalities. Abstract concepts lack a single object as referent and are characterized by higher variability both within and across participants. According to the Word as Social Tool (WAT) proposal, owing to their complexity, abstract concepts need to be processed with the help of inner language. Inner language can namely help participants to re-explain to themselves the meaning of the word, to keep information active in working memory, and to prepare themselves to ask information from more competent people. While previous studies have demonstrated that the mouth is involved during abstract concepts’ processing, both the functional role and the mechanisms underlying this involvement still need to be clarified. We report an experiment in which participants were required to evaluate whether 78 words were abstract or concrete by pressing two different pedals. During the judgment task, they were submitted, in different blocks, to a baseline, an articulatory suppression, and a manipulation condition. In the last two conditions, they had to repeat a syllable continually and to manipulate a softball with their dominant hand. Results showed that articulatory suppression slowed down the processing of abstract more than that of concrete words. Overall results confirm the WAT proposal’s hypothesis that abstract concepts processing involves the mouth motor system and specifically inner speech. We discuss the implications for current theories of conceptual representation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1304
Claudia Mazzuca ◽  
Chiara Fini ◽  
Arthur Henri Michalland ◽  
Ilenia Falcinelli ◽  
Federico Da Rold ◽  

The sensorimotor system plays a critical role in several cognitive processes. Here, we review recent studies documenting this interplay at different levels. First, we concentrate on studies that have shown how the sensorimotor system is flexibly involved in interactions with objects. We report evidence demonstrating how social context and situations influence affordance activation, and then focus on tactile and kinesthetic components in body–object interactions. Then, we turn to word use, and review studies that have shown that not only concrete words, but also abstract words are grounded in the sensorimotor system. We report evidence that abstract concepts activate the mouth effector more than concrete concepts, and discuss this effect in light of studies on adults, children, and infants. Finally, we pinpoint possible sensorimotor mechanisms at play in the acquisition and use of abstract concepts. Overall, we show that the involvement of the sensorimotor system is flexibly modulated by context, and that its role can be integrated and flanked by that of other systems such as the linguistic system. We suggest that to unravel the role of the sensorimotor system in cognition, future research should fully explore the complexity of this intricate, and sometimes slippery, relation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 8241
Erhan Sezerer ◽  
Selma Tekir

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the studies that consider experiential (visual) information by building multi-modal language models and representations. It is shown by several studies that language acquisition in humans starts with learning concrete concepts through images and then continues with learning abstract ideas through the text. In this work, the curriculum learning method is used to teach the model concrete/abstract concepts through images and their corresponding captions to accomplish multi-modal language modeling/representation. We use the BERT and Resnet-152 models on each modality and combine them using attentive pooling to perform pre-training on the newly constructed dataset, which is collected from the Wikimedia Commons based on concrete/abstract words. To show the performance of the proposed model, downstream tasks and ablation studies are performed. The contribution of this work is two-fold: A new dataset is constructed from Wikimedia Commons based on concrete/abstract words, and a new multi-modal pre-training approach based on curriculum learning is proposed. The results show that the proposed multi-modal pre-training approach contributes to the success of the model.

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