parent child relations
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2021 ◽  
pp. 435-452
Antti O. Tanskanen ◽  
Mirkka Danielsbacka

This chapter studies the behavior of one specific group of extended family members, namely aunts and uncles. Aunts and uncles typically belong to the same generation as the children’s parents, but obviously the relations between aunts and uncles and their nieces and nephews are very different compared to parent–child relations. This is due to the fact that aunts and uncles are seldom the main caregivers of their nieces and nephews, and in contemporary Western societies, they rarely live in the same household as them. That said, however, noncoresiding aunts and uncles can serve as important alloparents for children and are often highly committed to the lives of their nieces and nephews, providing, for instance, social support, friendship, mentoring, and role models. The chapter then outlines key evolutionary theories of intergenerational family relations explaining the behavior of aunts and uncles. It also considers the investment of aunts and uncles in contemporary affluent societies.

А.С. Трифонов

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью изучения психологических компетенций родителей подростков, которое на данном этапе развития науки не имеет однозначного понимания. Проведенный анализ научной литературы только подтверждает актуальность исследования, а также позволяет получить понимание аспектов, рассматриваемых в качестве основ психологических компетенций: родительская компетенция, педагогическая компетенция родителей, родительство, детско-родительские отношения. Кроме того, проведенный анализ позволил выделить и сформулировать психолого-педагогическую модель психологических компетенций. В статье раскрыты особенности формирования психологических компетенций родителей подростков. Стоит отметить, что в статье предложен диагностический инструментарий, основанный на структурных компонентах модели психологических компетенций, который дает общее понятие о сформированности этих компетенций. Представлены результаты диагностики развития психологических компетенций, а также описаны средства развития этих компетенций с помощью онлайн-курса. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study the psychological competencies of the parents of adolescents, which at this stage of the development of science does not have an unambiguous understanding. The analysis of scientific literature only confirms the relevance of the study, and also allows you to get an understanding of the aspects considered as the foundations of psychological competencies: parental competence, pedagogical competence of parents, parenting, parent-child relations. In addition, the analysis made it possible to identify and formulate a psychological and pedagogical model of psychological competencies. The article reveals the features of the formation of psychological competencies of parents of adolescents. It should be noted that the article proposes a diagnostic toolkit based on the structural components of the model of psychological competencies, which gives a general concept of the formation of these competencies. The results of diagnosing the development of psychological competencies are presented, and the means of developing these competencies using an online course are described.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2199389
Kirsten van Houdt

The different dimensions of parenthood—for example, biological relatedness, child-rearing, co-residence—are disconnected in increasingly many families as the result of upward trends in separation and repartnering. By studying stepparents’ claiming (i.e., stepparents perceiving their adult stepchildren as their own), this study provides insight into how people define kinship and adds a new dimension to knowledge about stepfamilies. Using the Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland (OKiN) survey data, this study (a) provides nationally representative estimates of how Dutch stepmothers and -fathers ( N = 3,327) perceive their adult stepchildren and (b) shows how the context (i.e., co-residence, duration, timing, marriage) and relations to biological children relate to stepparents’ claiming. The more similar the context is to “traditional” parent–child relations, the more stepparents claim their stepchildren. As opposed to the expectation that relations to one’s own biological children would serve as an important reference, having biological children from either a previous or current relationship has little explanatory power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-67
M.I. Eliseeva ◽  
E.E. Krieger

The family is one of the main institutions for raising a child, starting from the moment of birth and ending with his formation of a mature personality. The development of parent-child relations will determine the further formation of a person, including the emergence of addictions and other deviations. This article is devoted to the problem of the relationship between parents among teenagers who are addicted to online games. The sample consisted of 50 people, including students of secondary schools, public colleges and technical schools. Among them there are 21 girls and 29 boys aged 14 to 18 years. In the course of the study, test methods: PVP Questionnaire (Problem Video Game Playing Questionnaire) of Dr. Ricardo Tejeiro-Salguero and Dr. Rosa María Bersabé-Moran (designed to measure the disorder commonly referred to as video game addiction); questionnaire PCI (parent-child interaction) of I.M. Markovskaya. In the course of the study, a relationship was established between the assessment of satisfaction with relationships with parents and with the degree of dependence on video games in complete and single-parent families. The results showed that adolescents who are addicted to online games can experience disharmonious relationships with both their mother and father. It was found that the assessment of satisfaction with relations with parents does not depend on the composition of the family. The results also demonstrated the presence of violations in the structure of parent-child relations, which contribute to the escape from reality in online games in order to compensate for those needs that parents could not realize.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 11010
Yulya Selezneva ◽  
Victoria Pakhomova

The article analyzes features of a modern family and shows the role of parent-child relations in the formation of the "I" image of a younger pupil; relationship between the peculiarities of parent-child relations and the degree of exposure of primary school children to the computer game reality is revealed. The thesis is substantiated that a certain type of upbringing, peculiarities of interaction with a child in a family provoke an excessive enthusiasm for computer games in children of primary school age, causing destructive changes in the construction of the "I" image of a younger pupil. The image of the "I" of active users of computer games is characterized by the indefiniteness of descriptions of the physical "I", weak reflection of their own emotional experiences and bodily sensations, unrealistic (overestimated) level claims, inadequate self-esteem. Child-parent relations in families where active and inactive users of computer games are brought up differ in the types of parental attitudes: acceptance, authoritarian hypersocialization, infantilization and symbiosis.

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