reduction potential
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2022 ◽  
Valiallah Hosseininasab ◽  
Ida M. DiMucci ◽  
Pokhraj Ghosh ◽  
Jeffery A. Bertke ◽  
Siddarth Chandrasekharan ◽  

Reduction of nitrite anions [NO2]- takes place in a myriad of environments such as in the soil as part of the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle as well as in acidified nuclear waste. Nitrite reduction typically takes place within the coordination sphere of a redox active transition metal. Lewis acid coordination, however, can dramatically modify the reduction potential of this polyoxoanion to allow for reduction under non-aqueous conditions (-0.74 V vs. NHE). This strategy enables the isolation of a borane-capped nitrite dianion [NO2]2- along with its spectroscopic study consistent with reduction to the N(II) oxidation state. Protonation of the nitrite dianion results in facile loss of nitric oxide (NO) while reaction of the nitrite dianion with nitric oxide results in disproportionation to nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrite, connecting three redox levels in the global nitrogen cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Sergio M Gemperle

State-led anti-corruption agencies are often posited for their state-legitimizing effects. This article argues that anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) can have adverse legitimacy effects on the state and its institutions. Based on an extensive review of the literature, this article first defines twelve ACA ideal types that reflect their corruption-reduction potential. It then illustrates the negative effects of ACAs on state legitimacy through two case studies, Nepal and Guatemala. The findings show that ACAs can have a negative impact on state legitimacy if they increase public awareness and condemnation of corruption in state institutions or if governments interfere with effective investigations from the ACA. Taken together, these findings highlight that anti-corruption policies and reforms need to account for and adapt to potentially delegitimating effects on state institutions.

Water Policy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Xinyan Guo ◽  
Mali Shi ◽  
Ni Ni ◽  
Xiaohui Zhang ◽  
Wenkai Yuan ◽  

Abstract The deficiency of China's current pollution discharge permit system lies in the failure to improve the water quality effectively. This paper discusses the premise that the water quality of a water environmental functional zone (WEFZ) is mostly affected by industrial pollution sources. By reviewing the related policy, we noted the link between total emission control, effluent limitations and pollutant discharge permits to configure a practical framework for pollutant discharge permits based on water quality. China's pollutant discharge permit system provides an administrative foundation for reducing polluters' total emissions at the scale of the WEFZ, and it is best implemented through the imposition of limitations on polluters to identify the related treatment technology levels. Owing to the importance of limitations, the methodology of limitation classification and the related treatment technology classification are presented for the pesticide industry. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of the pollutant reduction potential for the pesticide industry is conducted to determine the current level of sewage treatment. More importantly, this study offers an innovative way to investigate pollutant reduction potential and provides an example that may be useful to other key industries.

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