correction term
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Rajkumar Santra ◽  
V. G. Vamaravalli ◽  
Ankur Roy ◽  
Balaram Dey ◽  
Subinit Roy

The energy loss behavior of fission fragments (FFs) from [Formula: see text]Cf(sf) in thin Mylar [Formula: see text] and Aluminium absorber foils has been revisited. The aim is to investigate the observed change in the well-known asymmetric energy of spontaneous fission of [Formula: see text]Cf as the fragments pass through increasingly thick absorber foils. Two different types of absorbers have been used: one elemental and the other an organic compound. The stopping powers have been determined as a function of energy for three fragment mass groups with average masses having [Formula: see text], 141.8, 125.8 corresponding to light, heavy and symmetric fragments of [Formula: see text]Cf. The energy loss data have been compared with the predictions of SRIM 2013 code. The best representations of the data have been achieved using the effective Z correction term in the stopping power relation from the classical Bohr theory. Using the effective charge ([Formula: see text]) in the stopping power relation in the classical Bohr theory best describes the stopping power data. Spectrum shape parameters, subsequently, have been extracted from the energy spectra of FFs for different foil thicknesses. The effective charge ([Formula: see text]) correction term determined from the stopping power data is then used in the simulation for the absorber thickness dependence of the shape parameters of the energy spectrum. The present simulation results are compared with the TRIM prediction. The trends of the absorber thickness dependence of the spectrum shape parameters, for both Mylar and Aluminium, are well reproduced with the present simulation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 376-385
Murat Emi̇könel ◽  
Daniel Meyer ◽  
Ayhan Orhan ◽  
Gualter Couto ◽  
Rui Alexandre Castanho

This study investigates Spain's role in Portugal’s economic development and analyzes the assumption that Spain’s import from Portugal is the factor that increases Portugal’s per capita income the most. Apart from these reasons, there are several other motivations to focus on foreign trade between Spain and Portugal. The first is to examine the impact on Portugal of the increases in GDP, exports and imports of Spain, which is the major country and borders Portugal. Second, this study aims to test the growth spread. According to the test results, the economic growth of Spain positively affects the growth of Portugal in the long and short term. In addition, it was concluded that the share of imports has more positive effects than exports in the long run. It shows that the deviation in the variables according to the error correction term result converges to only 85 percent in the t period. The findings are also consistent with previous research supporting the economic integration arguments that emerged as a result of trade relations. In addition, in this direction, the economic and political meetings to be held between the two countries and the actions to be taken as a result of these meetings can create an environment where both countries can win.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Anselme Andriamahery ◽  
Md. Qamruzzaman

The motivation of the study is to gauge the role of renewable energy consumption (REC), energy innovation (EI), and total trade (TR) on environmental sustainability (ES) in selected MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries for the period 1980–2018 under the assumption of environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). The study implemented several econometrical tools, including structural break unit root test, Bayer–Hanck combined cointegration test, autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), nonlinear ARDL, and Granger causality test under error correction term. Variables properties test detected that all the variables are stationary after the first difference but neither exposed to stationary after the second difference. The test statistics of the combined cointegration test documented a long-run association between ES, RE, EI, and TR, which is valid for both countries concerned. Regarding EKC concern, study findings with ARDL and nonlinear ARDL validated the EKC hypothesis for Tunisia and Morocco. Finally, the direction causality test documented unidirectional causality between renewable energy and ES, trade and ES, but the feedback hypothesis holds between EI and ES. We can advocate for specific sectoral environmental reforms in Tunisia and Morocco and suggest continuous environmentally friendly technologies by combining study findings. At the same time, subsidies on nonrenewable energy should be reduced, and green trade policies to help advance sustainable development should be implemented.

Daniel Markthaler ◽  
Hamzeh Kraus ◽  
Niels Hansen

AbstractUmbrella sampling along a one-dimensional order parameter in combination with Hamiltonian replica exchange was employed to calculate the binding free energy of five guest molecules with known affinity to cucurbit[8]uril. A simple empirical approach correcting for the overestimation of the affinity by the GAFF force field was proposed and subsequently applied to the seven guest molecules of the “Drugs of Abuse” SAMPL8 challenge. Compared to the uncorrected binding free energies, the systematic error decreased but quantitative agreement with experiment was only reached for a few compounds. From a retrospective analysis a weak point of the correction term was identified.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Jeongho Kim ◽  
Bora Moon

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>We present two types of the hydrodynamic limit of the nonlinear Schrödinger-Chern-Simons (SCS) system. We consider two different scalings of the SCS system and show that each SCS system asymptotically converges towards the compressible and incompressible Euler system, coupled with the Chern-Simons equations and Poisson equation respectively, as the scaled Planck constant converges to 0. Our method is based on the modulated energy estimate. In the case of compressible limit, we observe that the classical theory of relative entropy method can be applied to show the hydrodynamic limit, with the additional quantum correction term. On the other hand, for the incompressible limit, we directly estimate the modulated energy to derive the desired asymptotic convergence.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (41) ◽  
pp. 14
Peter Kamau Ndichu ◽  
Robert Kisavi Mule

This paper sought to examine the moderating effect of illiquidity on the relationship between momentum and equity returns in the Kenyan capital markets. Previous studies have shown that illiquidity has a time-varying effect on momentum strategies, but little is known whether illiquidity has a moderating effect on the relationship between momentum and equity returns in Kenyan capital markets. A longitudinal research design was used for this study to examine the causal inference. Data comprised of monthly transactions on the 20 equities used in the formulation of the NSE 20 share index over the period between Jan 2009 and up to March 2018 which formed 111 data points. ADF and PP results showed that Returns and momentum are stationary at levels while illiquidity was stationary at first difference. The error correction term was negative and statistically significant with or without the moderator. Results indicate that without a moderator percentage increase in momentum is linked to a 0.0000313% increase in returns in the short run. The study further shows that the effect of momentum on equity returns is moderated by illiquidity using a t-test. R2 changed from 0.427 to 0.4337 indicating a change of 0.006 at 0.05% significant level suggesting that illiquidity moderates the relationship between momentum and equity returns in the Kenyan capital markets.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8457
James D. Brouk ◽  
Kyle J. DeMars

This paper investigates the propagation of estimation errors through a common coning, sculling, and scrolling architecture used in modern-day inertial navigation systems. Coning, sculling, and scrolling corrections often have an unaccounted for effect on the error statistics of inertial measurements used to describe the state and uncertainty propagation for position, velocity, and attitude estimates. Through the development of an error analysis for a set of coning, sculling, and scrolling algorithms, mappings of the measurement and estimation errors through the correction term are adaptively generated. Using the developed mappings, an efficient and consistent propagation of the state and uncertainty, within the multiplicative extended Kalman filter architecture, is achieved. Monte Carlo analysis is performed, and results show that the developed system has favorable attributes when compared to the traditional mechanization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5044
Ruiliang Pu ◽  
Stefania Bonafoni

The literature review indicates that a scaling effect does exist in downscaling land surface temperature (DLST) processes, and no substantial methods were specially developed for addressing it. In this research, the main aim is to develop a new method to reduce the scaling effect on DLST maps at high resolutions. A thermal component-based thermal spectral unmixing (TSU) model was modified and a multiple regression (REG) model was adopted to create DLST maps at high resolutions. A combined variance of red and NIR bands at a very high resolution with a difference image between upscaled LST and DLST was used to develop a new method. With two case data sets, LSTs at coarse resolutions were downscaled by using the modified TSU model and the REG model to create DLST results. The new method with a correction term expression (a linear model created by using a semi-empirical approach) was used to improve the DLST maps in the two case study areas. The experimental results indicate that the new method could reduce the root mean square error and the mean absolute error >30% and >33%, respectively, and thus demonstrate that the proposed method was effective and significant, especially reducing the scaling effect on DLST results at very high resolutions. The novel significance for the new method is directly reducing the scaling effect on DLST maps at high resolutions.

Jurnalku ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-389
Khairunas Nurdin ◽  
Muhammad Syahrul Fuady

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis estimasi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang serta hubungan kausalitas antara konsumsi energi terbarukan dan energi tidak terbarukan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia menggunakan data tahunan dari tahun 1990 hingga 2019. Metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dan Error Correction Term (ECT) digunakan untuk menganalisis estimasi model jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi energi terbarukan dan energi tidak terbarukan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang. Dalam jangka pendek, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi energi tidak terbarukan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sedangkan konsumsi energi terbarukan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Hasil uji kausalitas Granger menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan kausalitas antara konsumsi energi terbarukan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka pendek, serta antara konsumsi energi tidak terbarukan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Selain itu, terdapat kausalitas dua arah antara konsumsi energi terbarukan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 931 ◽  
Anqing Xuan ◽  
Lian Shen

The dependence of Reynolds shear stress on wave phase is investigated for initially isotropic turbulence distorted by a progressive surface wave through direct numerical simulations. A wave-following streamline coordinate frame is used to analyse the turbulence dynamics such that the information of the varying direction of wave orbital motions is embedded into the coordinate system, which helps capture the effect of flow curvature on the turbulence and quantify momentum exchange between the near-surface and deep regions in the wavy domain accurately. It is found that the Reynolds shear stress is enhanced under the backward slope of the wave and can be scaled by the wave steepness and the streamwise velocity fluctuations. Analyses of the budget of Reynolds shear stress indicate that such a variation with the wave phase is caused by the variation in the production of the Reynolds shear stress and the effect of pressure fluctuations. Further investigation shows that the production of the Reynolds shear stress is closely associated with the wave surface curvature. A model that includes a correction term for the curvature effect for the pressure–strain correlation term is examined and is found to agree reasonably well with the simulation result. The correction term is found to make an appreciable contribution to the model, further supporting our finding that the wave curvature plays an important role in the turbulence dynamics near the surface.

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