johann heinrich pestalozzi
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Politeja ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (6(75)) ◽  
pp. 359-378
Magdalena Modrzejewska

The Influence of Pestalozzian Theories on the Theory and Practice of Josiah Warren's Philosophy of Education – The Genesis of the System Josiah Warren is portrayed as the father of American individualist anarchism and the first American anarchist. This paper investigates his contribution to the development of educational theories and his educational practices, since for Warren, as many anarchists, education is the main path to create a new society. Warren’s educational theories and experiments originated mainly from his stay in New Harmony between 1825 and 1827, where he encountered innovative method of teaching that nurtured children’s independence, invented by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. Therefore, the aim of this text is to trace how Warren’s philosophy of education was shaped to become an essential element of his theory of stateless political and legal order and how Warren combined concepts of extreme individualism with his economic theories, such as equitable commerce and cost the limit of price. The knowledge of Warren’s New Harmony experience where he encountered William Maclure and Pestalozzian social reformers will enable the reader to better understand the framework of his own concept of education that he practiced at the Spring Hill School in Ohio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Dimitar Papasterevski ◽  
Aleksandar Radevski

The post-earthquake rebuilding of Skopje provided valuable examples of modernist architecture that deserve to be included in the category of a protected building heritage. A prominent instance is the elementary school named after the famous Swiss educator and pedagogue "Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi", the first example in this area that introduces the practical application of deeply thought-out methods of integral education promoted by him in the early 19th century. Many contemporary architects have incorporated the efficient use of this educational concept, including the renowned Swiss architect Alfred Roth, creating a unique sample of a school that includes specific geographic and regional features (climatic, seismic, cultural - aesthetic). In terms of properties, the building contains originality, rarity, and aesthetic-artistic value. With reference to other criteria, it also includes the value of authentic preservation, which is in crisis without adoption of adequate and prompt protection and restoration measures. In respect of protecting the school from further destruction, the Swiss Embassy in Skopje made an official request for a study and design documents for the school reconstruction by detecting all critical issues, developed and executed by the expert team from the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. This paper, which is based on the results of the research, conducted by us as a part of the group, aims to elaborate the methodological approach of the analyses contained in the study, which, as a pre-design procedure, provided a solid base for developing design documents. A significant component of the study that needs to be emphasized was the use of computer technology throughout the work process, using parametric insertion of structural and other elements of the building's architecture into a 3D model. This approach allowed the generation of architectural details across any part of the facility in an exact form, which proved extremely useful through the process of constructing the design documents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Sherly Adipati ◽  
Maria Evvy Yanti

Education is sometimes understood as an attempt to share knowledge only. Students are only prepared to achieve the future in material aspects without realizing the importance of sharing life with others through good behavior. Knowledge and skills as well as knowing and feeling God's presence in life together in the family, school, church, and community need to be paid attention to and practiced. One of the participations is related to this view by rewriting the thoughts of a Christian education expert regarding the concepts and methods of learning in the implementation of education. This article discusses the participation of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi in Christian education learning, with the aim of preparing and developing basic theological and psychological concepts so that the nature and objectives of learning are implemented in their context. The research method is qualitative with research procedures that make use of descriptive data. After going through a critical study, the results of this article are used as a rationale in practicing Christian education learning for the lives of the people.AbstrakPendidikan terkadang dipahami sebagai usaha untuk membagikan pengetahuan saja. Peserta didik hanya dipersiapkan untuk mencapai masa depan dalam aspek materi saja tanpa kesadaran pentingnya hidup berbagi dengan sesama melalui perilaku yang baik. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta mengenal dan merasakan kehadiran Allah dalam kehidupan bersama baik di keluarga, sekolah, gereja dan masyarakat perlu diperha-tikan dan dipraktikkan. Salah satu partisipasi yang dilakukan berhubungan dengan pandangan ini dengan menuliskan kembali pemikiran seorang ahli pendidikan Kristia-ni mengenai konsep dan metode pembelajaran dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan. Artikel ini untuk membahas partisipasi Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi dalam pembelajaran pen-didikan Kristiani, dengan tujuan mempersiapkan dan membangun konsep dasar teo-logis dan psikologis, sehingga hakikat dan tujuan pembelajaran terimplementasi dalam konteksnya. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan prosedur riset yang meman-faatkan data deskriptif. Setelah melalui kajian kritis, hasil dari artikel ini digunakan sebagai dasar pemikiran dalam mempraktikkan pembelajaran pendidikan Kristiani bagi kehidupan umat.

Roberto Ribeiro da Silva ◽  
Antônio Basílio Novaes Thomas De Menezes

O presente artigo é um estudo comparado (SAVIANI, 2001). Materializa-se a partir da análise comparativa desenvolvida entre duas percepções educativas revolucionárias com desdobramentos metodológicos e pedagógicos. A primeira percepção, materializada numa pequena vila da região de Florença (Itália), pelo padre Lorenzo Milani, entre os anos de 1954 a 1965, estabelece nexos com a segunda percepção, oriunda da reflexão e da prática do pedagogo e educador Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, entre os anos de 1746 a 1827; como Milani, experienciou na prática a sua teoria pedagógica dirigida às crianças pobres e excluídas, moradoras da aldeia de Stans e Iverdon (Suíça). A partir das análises, nossos resultados demostram que tais práxis educativas denotam, pelo seu caráter visionário, dado o contexto e tempo, um caráter revolucionário, tornando-se fonte inspiradora a qualquer tempo na concepção ou na defesa de uma escola para todos

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. e48511
Thais Lira França Adorno ◽  
Maria Elisabeth Blanck Miguel

Este artigo é produto de um relatório parcial de pesquisa em andamento sobre a recepção das ideias de Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi no Brasil, e a presença do seu pensamento no ideário da Pedagogia da Escola Nova. A pesquisa é de caráter bibliográfico e pretende demonstrar que a pedagogia de Pestalozzi impactou o pensamento pedagógico da Escola Nova por meio de uma proposta de pedagogia ativa. Indiretamente é possível perceber a influência do pensamento pestalozziano na obra de Rui Barbosa; no entanto – diretamente – ele chega ao Brasil graças à pedagoga russa Helena Antipoff que, depois de estudar em Genebra, veio para o nosso país trazendo na bagagem as ideias do pedagogo social suíço. Pestalozzi (1889a) expõe sua teoria de aprendizagem e o método intuitivo. Os autores Soëtard (2010), Arce (2002) e Incontri (1996) discorrem sobre o estudioso e a sua concepção de aprendizagem. Este artigo pretende traçar paralelos entre os preceitos pestalozzianos e as práticas da Escola Nova manifestadas no Brasil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  

RESUMO: À luz da nova onda de movimentos nacionalistas que desponta hoje em diversas partes do mundo e também, em particular, no Brasil, este artigo propõe-se a debater comparativamente a dimensão totalizante da célebre tríade formativa do pedagogo alemão Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, “coração, cabeça e mãos”, bem como a sua reapropriação posterior no filme Metrópolis, de Fritz Lang. Para realizar a aproximação entre a proposta de Pestalozzi e o filme de Lang, o presente artigo divide-se em dois momentos fundamentais, voltando-se, primeiramente, para a concepção teórica da tríade “coração, cabeça e mãos”, e, a seguir, para a análise de Metrópolis, enfatizando a sua releitura da tríade formativa aqui em pauta. O que se espera mostrar, em linhas gerais, é tanto o uso conservador a que se submete a fórmula de Pestalozzi quanto a possibilidade de sua reapropriação parcial ou integral para naturalizar desigualdades e censurar o desejo de debatê-las, gesto característico de nosso tempo.

2019 ◽  
Vol VI ◽  
pp. 243-256 ◽  
Jelena Maksimović ◽  
Sanja Sretić

The methodology of pedagogy belongs to the youngest group of pedagogical disci-plines. The first thoughts about the basic postulates of the methodology of pedagogy were rec-ognized long ago, even in the pedagogical paradigm of John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who created support for the methodology of pedagogy as an integral component of pedagogical science. After the presentation of the basic concepts of the pedagogical theory of this Moravian thinker, the principle of evidence in his pedagogical theory is considered in this paper. A review was made of the influence Comenius left on his followers Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), especially from the point of view of further devel-opment of the principles of evidence in their education theories. In this paper, we have con-firmed our hypothesis about the compatibility of the principle of evidence with research tech-niques and instruments. Proactively action by Comenius represents a turning point not only in the field of pedagogy development as a science and its disciplines, but also in the field of human development in general. Regarding that, there is a need for a new pedagogical discipline, Comeniology, which will give a new perspective to this pedagogical doctrine and will foster a critical review in relation to his pedagogical theory. According with our research subject, we have presented some of our dilemmas and questions to which the Comeniology as a new scien-tific discipline could give an answer, and therefore a kind of scientific contribution. Based on the previous methodological achievements, Comeniology remains committed to discovering the origins of other research techniques and methods in the pedagogical postulates of Comenius, to determine the applicability of the Comenius pedagogical principles with regard to the changes and challenges facing the contemporary teaching process, to open the issue of pedagogical psy-chological competencies of teachers for the application of the golden rule of Comenius and its other principles, to continue engagement of Comenius in the qualitative educational function of a modern school, but also to consider the influence of other factors (family environment) that may influence the choice of teaching principles and methods.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 269-284
Maria Edna Santos ◽  
Eva Maria Siqueira Alves

A presente investigação tem como objeto de estudo o papel do professor nas teorias educacionais produzidas e difundidas por Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) e Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) durante o século XIX, período marcado por mudanças incisivas na pedagogia e nos processos educativos. Objetivando, por meio das teorias educacionais destes dois teóricos, apresentar suas aproximações e distanciamentos no que se refere ao papel do professor nesta “educação integral e moral do homem” que ambos defendiam. Para tanto, foi adotado como metodologia o entrecruzamento das fontes bibliográficas escritas por Pestalozzi e Herbart, sendo: “Cartas sobre educación infantil” (PESTALOZZI, 2006) e “Pedagogia Geral” (HERBART, 2003), recorrendo, também, a outros autores e comentadores dos referidos clássicos. O estudo permitiu compreender qual o papel e lugar que a figura do professor ocupou durante o século XIX sob a influência da pedagogia pestalozziana e herbartiana.

2018 ◽  
pp. 121-132
Rebekka Horlacher ◽  
Gustavo Adolfo Parra León

El popularísimo lema de Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi “cabeza, corazón y mano” implica tanto la concepción de una combinación holística de todas las capacidades humanas como un desarrollo equilibrado de las fuerzas intelectuales, religiosas-emocionales y físicas, posibilitados por la educación. Este artículo pretende examinar la noción de Pestalozzi de una educación vocacional y liberal como un medio para asegurar una vida sustentable y decente de una persona completamente desarrollada. Este sentido necesita contextualizarse a fin de entender la preocupación de Pestalozzi sobre la reducción de su teoría educativa a una mera educación de los pobres. Los intentos de Pestalozzi de combinar la educación vocacional con una comprensión psicológica del desarrollo humano también pueden ser leídos como una estrategia para cerrar la brecha que representa la división dominante dentro de la tradición (pedagógica) alemana: la noción de educación utilitaria versus el concepto estético de Bildung interior.

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