theory of multiple intelligences
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1208-1230
Kevan A. Kiser-Chuc

By joining together different methods and curriculum delivery in an elementary school setting, the author defined a unique critical integration approach to address questions of inclusive multilingual literacy practices. The author encouraged students to build upon their prior knowledge, ways in which to show that knowledge, and specifically, their linguistic cultural wealth, which generated a respect for the linguistic diversity of all students. The author created a collaborative pedagogical space in which the students constructed an innovative curriculum by co-mingling student experiences, their cultural and linguistic resources, and their interpretive frameworks. The teacher-research project involved a Funds of Knowledge orientation, the use of a variety of pedagogical tools influenced by the theory of Multiple Intelligences, gifted strategies, community cultural wealth, emancipatory education, critical and culturally responsive pedagogy, and visual arts aesthetics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (22) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Jiangyong Zhao ◽  
Kun Liang ◽  
Yanan Hao

The new curriculum reform defines the all-round development of students as the main goal of English teaching. This paper applied the theory of multiple intelligences to English teaching, and evaluated the effect of English teaching based on this theory. Firstly, a survey was conducted in the colleges of a Chinese province, the current state of college English teaching was analyzed, and the results revealed a few problems in college English teaching, such as the lack of diversity in teaching modes and effects, and the weak interest of students in English learning. Based on the survey results, the authors specified the flow of English teaching design and the evaluation system of teaching effect, drawing on the theory of multiple intelligences. Then, an empirical analysis was carried out to comparatively examine our evaluation method for English teaching effect. The results indicated that our method can practically and effectively enhance students’ interest and motivation for English learning, and improve the quality of English teaching. The research results provided a reference for the reform of college English teaching and the all-round development of students.

Ángela Veronica Hidrovo Zambrano ◽  
Ubety del Carmen Cedeño Cantos ◽  
Yandri Guillermo Toala Chilan

The application of effective methodological strategies based on the theory of multiple intelligences is the fundamental objective of research to determine and verify the potential of students at different levels of learning, according to academic tasks and activities, both theoretically and practically. The type of research is argumentative, with scientific strategies developed by various authors. It was necessary to apply analytical, synthetic, comparative methods and a bibliographic review in information sources, through documents, scientific articles, journals, among other research instruments, to identify different teaching-learning models of a pedagogical and educational nature. high impact, in addition to methodological strategies that allowed to argue the theoretical basis of the authors, the systematic they proposed, for which each of their arguments and explanations were analyzed. The different types of skills were compared through the comparative method to contrast each of the methodologies and strategies exposed by the researchers, highlighting what is based on each of them and how they differ from one to the other, as well as the advantages and disadvantages possessed by each of the models taken, generating a cluster of ideas that continued to choose the best methodological strategy to apply in the classroom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096366252110519
Larry Au

One controversial area of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in China is “genetic talent testing” for children. In this study, I show that while experts criticize genetic talent testing as unscientific, the persistence of genetic talent testing is not merely a product of parents’ scientific illiteracy. Instead, genetic talent testing reflects parents’ pragmatic use of technology in response to the parenting pressures in contemporary China. Parents see the results of genetic talent testing as offering an advantage for their children when combined with the intensive parenting strategy of precision education. Drawing on the sociology of testing, I argue how genetic talent testing in China is a product of broader concerns about population quality and can potentially reshape how parents imagine quality children through the theory of multiple intelligences. My study of this “off label” use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing also suggests that scientists need to broaden their imagination of potential misuses of their technologies.

2021 ◽  
Pitshou Basikabio Moleka

The concept of spiritual intelligence is currently at the focus of scientific debate. One of the most important problems is if it is a valid intelligence that meets the criteria developed by scholars. In this paper, I look at this idea in the context of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and show some evidence from biology, neurology, and other scientific disciplines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Lee P. Malapad ◽  
Maria Anna T. Quimbo

Lesson content needs active engagement to excite student interest. Teachers face challenges on student engagement in classroom teaching where learning has become procedural. This field study developed an instructional module integrating the 5Es method of instruction anchored on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Chislett’s multiple intelligence (MI) test was administered to Grade 7 students and the Science teacher for learning needs assessment determining their dominant multiple intelligences. The dominant MI of the students determined the enrichment activities incorporated in the 5E-MI instructional module and teaching method. During implementation, the teacher and the students were observed to assess the perceived usefulness of the module. The study established that the 5E-MI instruction module was a useful lesson planning method to increase students' engagement, who were observed to be attentive and participative during the implementation. Lesson planning was easier for the teacher since enrichment activities incorporated were guided by the dominant MI of the students. Through this study, educators are provided direction in incorporating MI in lesson planning and curriculum integration.

Pitshou Moleka

The concept of spiritual intelligence is currently at the focus of scientific debate. One of the most important problems is if it is a valid intelligence that meets the criteria developed by scholars. In this paper, I look at this idea in the context of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and show some evidence from biology, neurology, and other scientific disciplines

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-121
Sumiati Sumiati ◽  
Steaven Octavianus ◽  
Reni Triposa

In the application of the theory of multiple intelligences to PAK subjects, it is a process of students in knowing the intelligence of students, through the theory it helps students find their intelligence in the learning that has been given. The author uses the library method, it can be concluded that the application of the theory of multiple intelligences Christian religious education is possible. This is done to find out and develop the theory of multiple intelligences through the process of religious education. So that the application of multiple intelligences through Christian religious education includes the concept of multiple intelligences, the availability of time and the ability to utilize learning resources. As well as the ability with the chosen method. because the application of methods to develop one type of intelligence will differ at different levels of development.Keywords : Multiple Intelligences, Christian Education, Religious Education, Inclusion AbstrakDalam aplikasih teori kecerdasan majemuk pada mata pelajaran PAK merupakan suatu proses peserta didik dalam mengetahui kecerdasaan yang dimiliki peserta didik, melalui teori tersebut membantu peserta didik dalam menemukan kecerdasannya dalam pembelajaran yang telah diberikan. Penulis menggunakan metode pustaka dalam kajian ini. Uraian pada artikel ini menyimpulkan aplikasi kecerdasan ganda dapat diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mengembangkan teori kecerdasan majemuk melalui proses pendidikan agama. Penerapan kecerdasan majemuk melalui pendidikan agama Kristen diantaranya konsep mengenai kecerdasan majemuk, ketersediaan waktu dan kemampuan memanfaatkan sumber belajar, serta kemampuan dengan metode yang dipilih. Karena itu penerapan metode untuk mengembangkan satu jenis kecerdasan akan berbeda pada tingkat perkembangan yang berbeda.Kata kunci : Kecerdasan Majemuk, Pendidikan Kristen, Pendidikan Agama, Inklusi

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-30
Hiếu Lê Ngọc ◽  
Thanh Luong Van

Choosing the right career is always a big issue, an important concern for everyone. To have a job, which is suitable for you, firstly you must look at yourself, called the self, and you should be aware of what the self is then you can promote the strength of your own self and avoid your weakness. To help discover more about yourself, during researching and studying, we come up with the idea that we would propose a career counseling system based on Howard Gardner's theory. The system uses the theory of multiple intelligences (Abenti & Daradoumis, 2020) which is combined with the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) (Tang, Ying; Tang, Ying; Hare, Ryan; Wang, Fei-Yue;, 2020) algorithm to assist people and to give out a suitable suggestion about career path for them. We use the results of the eight intelligences retrieved from the KNN classification algorithm to give users the consulting for their career paths. This system is built with a dataset based on 56 multiple-choice questions. These include 48 multiple choice questions based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences (Bravo, Leonardo Emiro Contreras; Molano, Jose Ignacio Rodriguez; Trujillo, Edwin Rivas, 2020), (businessballs, 2017) and 8 multiple choice questions which are the labels of the classifier. We divided the dataset into 8 subsets corresponding with 8 Intelligences defined by Howard Gardner with the collected dataset. In each subset, we build the KNN classifier model using KNN classification algorithm. This processing of 8 subsets come out with the results accuracy for the 8 Intelligences: linguistic intelligence (80.95%), logical-mathematical intelligence (82.14%), musical intelligence (96.43%), bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (82.14%), spatial-visual intelligence (82.14%), interpersonal intelligence (89.29%), intrapersonal intelligence (88.1%), existential intelligence (78.57%). With the outcome of 8 models, we have tested with 5 students and compared them to their actual intelligences. The comparison results tell us about the valuable potential in career path of the proposed counselling system, the advantages of this combination between Multiple Intelligence and KNN classifier.

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