proposal review
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-36
Susi Purnama Sari

Untuk bisa mempelajari sesuatu pelajaran dengan baik, kita perlu mendengar, melihat, mengajukan pertanyaan jika ada yang kurang jelas, dan membahasnya dengan orang lain. Bukan cuma itu, guru perlu “mengerjakannya”, yakni menggambarkan sesuatu dengan cara mereka sendiri, menunjukkan contohnya, mencoba mempraktekkan keterampilan dan mengerjakan tugas yang menuntut pengetahuan yang telah mereka dapatkan.Permasalahan yang ingin dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah: Apakah kemampuan mendengarkan siswa Kelas IX MTsN 2 Pesisir Selatan dapat ditingkatkan hasil belajar melalui Audio-Visual Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan lembar observasi.Tes diberikan kepada siswa untuk mendapatkan pemahaman siswa dalam mendengar bahasa inggris. Lembar Pengamatan digunakan untuk mencatat informasi dari semua kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung.  Lembar pengamatan terdiri dari aktivitas siswa, waktu, respon siswa, situasi kelas, dan catatan lainnya yang terjadi  saat prosses tindakan berlangsung. Berdasar  pada rendahnya aktivitas belajar dan prestasi belajar siswa yang disampaikan pada latar belakang masalah, penggunaan model pembelajaran Audio-Visual diupayakan untuk dapat menyelesaikan tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Seberapa besar peningkatan yang dicapai sudah dipaparkan dengan jelas pada akhir analisis. Dari hasil penelitian semua data yang telah disampaikan tersebut, tujuan penelitian yang disampaikan sudah dapat dicapai. Untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian yaitu pencapaian kenaikan prestai belajar siswa dapat dilihat bukti-bukti yang sudah disampaikan.Dari data awal hampir semua siswa mendapat nilai di bawah, kemudian pada siklus I menurun menjadi 8 siswa dan siklus II nilai semua siswa diatas standar yang ditentukan disekolah tersebut. Dari rata-rata awal 40,5 naik menjadi  61,48  pada siklus I dan pada siklus II naik menjadi 81,17. Dari data awal tidak ada siswa yang tuntas sedangkan pada siklus I menjadi lebih banyak yaitu 4 siswa dan pada siklus II semua siswa mencapai ketuntasan. Dari semua data pendukung pembuktian pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dapat disampaikan bahwa model Audio-Visual dapat memberi jawaban yang diharapkan sesuai tujuan penelitian ini. Semua ini dapat dicapai adalah akibat kesiapan dan kerja keras peneliti dari sejak pembuatan proposal, review hal-hal yang belum bagus bersama teman-teman guru, penyusunan kisi-kisi dan instrumen penelitian, penggunaan sarana trianggulasi data sampai pada pelaksanaan penelitian yang maksimal

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 (1029) ◽  
pp. 115002
Gareth Hunt ◽  
Frederic R. Schwab ◽  
P. A. Henning ◽  
Dana S. Balser

Abstract Several recent investigations indicate the existence of gender-related systematic trends in the peer review of proposals for observations on astronomical facilities. This includes the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) where there is evidence of a gender imbalance in the rank of proposals with male principal investigators (PIs) favored over female PIs. Since semester 2017A (17A), the NRAO has taken the following steps: (1) inform science review panels (SRPs) and the telescope time allocation committee (TAC) about the gender imbalance; and (2) increase the female representation on SRPs and the TAC to reflect the community demographics. Here we analyze SRP normalized rank-ordered scores, or linear ranks, by PI gender for NRAO observing proposals from semesters 12A–21A. We use bootstrap resampling to generate modeled distributions and the Anderson–Darling (AD) test to evaluate the probability that the linear rank distributions for male and female PIs are drawn from the same parent sample. We find that between semesters 12A–17A that male PIs are favored over female PIs (AD p-value 0.0084), whereas between semesters 17B–21A female PIs are favored over male PIs, but at a lower significance (AD p-value 0.11). Therefore the gender imbalance is currently being ameliorated, but this imbalance may have been reversed. Regardless, we plan to adopt a dual-anonymous approach to proposal review to reduce the possibility of bias to occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Abdul Rozaq ◽  
Raden Kelik Hardinto ◽  
Fuad Sholihin

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) POLIBAN merupakan sebuah Pusat yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi mefasilitasi kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen di lingkungan Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin. Mulai tahun 2018 data penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pengelolaan dengan mengembangkan Sistem Informasi penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (SIPMA). Pengelolaan data tersebut dimulai dari menentukan skema yang akan diberikan pendanaan yang di dalamnya sudah dijelaskan mulai dari ruang lingkup penelitian, jadwal pengajuan proposal, review proposal sampai dengan pelaksanaan dan pelaporan. Sedangkan untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan implementasi SIPMA, P3M Poliban belum melakukan evaluasi implementasi SIPMA tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, maka P3M Poliban membutuhkan sebuah kajian implementasi SIPMA, sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat keberhasilan dan kepuasan pengguna SIPMA. Penelitian ini menyebarkan alat ukur berupa kuesioner kepada pengguna SIPMA. Dimana dalam proses analisisnya digunakan kerangka kerja penerapan Partial Least Square (PLS) di dalam SEM yang merupakan sebuah model statistik yang memberikan perkiraan perhitungan dari kekuatan hubungan hipotesis di antara variabel dalam sebuah model teoritis. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kualitas Sistem berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna dengan T-statistik sebesar 3,107 (> 1,96). Kualitas Informasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna dengan T-statistik sebesar 2,215 (> 1,96). Kualitas Pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna dengan T-statistik sebesar 2,909 (> 1,96). Kepuasan Pengguna berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Dampak Individual dengan T-statistik sebesar 15,652 (> 1,96). Dampak Individual berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Dampak Organisasi dengan T-statistik sebesar 10,410 (> 1,96).

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
John M. Davis ◽  
Pamela S. Soltis ◽  
Damian C. Adams ◽  
Sherry L. Larkin ◽  
Robert A. Gilbert

In the United States, “seed fund” programs in biomedical fields have been reported to enhance faculty success in securing federal awards. Seed funds are relatively small internal grants that are allocated by universities to their faculty to invigorate research, in anticipation that they will lead to larger benefits—these benefits could be the creation of stronger teams that lead to larger external grants and/or more impactful publications. We hypothesized that a seed funding approach for research on natural resources and agricultural systems, including forest systems, may have similar benefits. Here, we report that seed funding supported faculty development in numerous ways, including leveraging to generate external competitive awards. For each dollar of institutional investment in each of the three seed funding programs, faculty acquired $6, >$50, and $4.50, respectively, in external funding that was leveraged within three years of the seed fund award date. Notably, the majority of the leveraged funding was from federal granting agencies through competitive programs. Federal competitive awards are important elements of tenure and promotion dossiers, as they reflect success in acquiring grants that are difficult to obtain, thus providing evidence of research excellence. We speculate that the seed fund proposal review process prepared faculty for competitive awards. Finally, we suggest best management practices for the implementation of seed funding to support teams of faculty.

2019 ◽  
Stephen A. Gallo ◽  
Karen B. Schmaling ◽  
Lisa A. Thompson ◽  
Scott R. Glisson

AbstractBackgroundFunding agencies have long used panel discussion in the peer review of research grant proposals as a way to utilize a set of expertise and perspectives in making funding decisions. Little research has examined the quality of panel discussions and how effectively they are facilitated.MethodsHere we present a mixed-method analysis of data from a survey of reviewers focused on their perceptions of the quality and facilitation of panel discussion from their last peer review experience.ResultsReviewers indicated that panel discussions were viewed favorably in terms of participation, clarifying differing opinions, informing unassigned reviewers, and chair facilitation. However, some reviewers mentioned issues with panel discussions, including an uneven focus, limited participation from unassigned reviewers, and short discussion times. Most reviewers felt the discussions affected the review outcome, helped in choosing the best science, and were generally fair and balanced. However, those who felt the discussion did not affect the outcome were also more likely to evaluate panel communication negatively, and several reviewers mentioned potential sources of bias related to the discussion. While respondents strongly acknowledged the importance of the chair in ensuring appropriate facilitation of the discussion to influence scoring and to limit the influence of potential sources of bias from the discussion on scoring, nearly a third of respondents did not find the chair of their most recent panel to have performed these roles effectively.ConclusionsIt is likely that improving chair training in the management of discussion as well as creating review procedures that are informed by the science of leadership and team communication would improve review processes and proposal review reliability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Yefridelti Yefridelti

To learn a lesson well, we need to hear, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, teachers need to "do it", that is to describe something in their own way, to show their example, to try to practice their skills and to do tasks that demand the knowledge they have gained.Problems that want to be studied in this research are: Is using Audio-Visual model in students of class IX SMP Negeri 2 Painan year 2015 – 2016. Steps in using the Audio-Visual implementation method? This research was conducted in class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Painan. This place was chosen because based on the results of class observations and interviews with English teachers in the classroom it can be concluded that the skills of students listening in English is still low. This is because teachers do not use adequate techniques, limited books that are in school and media equipment is still lacking. Research time. This research was conducted from early October as a description of the implementation of this study can be seen in the following table: This stage is intended to thoroughly review the actions that have been done, based on data that has accumulated in the previous step. And look for difficulties experienced by students and teachers in the process of action that has been done. Students are invited to discuss each cycle to ask about their difficulties. The teacher reflects on past events as the process of action takes place. All the data obtained are analyzed and evaluated to refine the action in the next cycle or whether or not the treatment given to the students is continued. By knowing that the triggers of low learning activity and learning achievement are in factors such as the method used by the teacher, so the use or replacement of conventional methods into constructivist methods is indispensable, consequently the researchers tried the Audio-Visual learning model in an attempt to solve problems at school.                Based on the low learning activities and student achievement that are presented on the background of the problem, the use of Audio-Visual learning model attempted to be able to complete the purpose of this research is to know the improvement of student achievement. How much improvement has been made clear at the end of the analysis. From the results of the research presented in Chapter IV and all the data that have been submitted, the research objectives submitted can already be achieved. To answer the purpose of research is the achievement of student prestai achievement can be seen evidence that has been submitted. From the baseline data almost all students got the score below, then in cycle I decreased to 8 students and cycle II scores all students above the standard specified in the school. From the initial average of 4.5 increased to 6.3 in cycle I and on the second cycle rose to 7.9. From the initial data no students are complete while in cycle I become more that 4 students and on cycle II all students reach mastery.From all supporting data proving the achievement of learning objectives can be submitted that Audio-Visual model can give the expected answers according to the purpose of this study. All this can be achieved is due to the readiness and hard work of researchers from the time of making the proposal, review the things that have not been good with friends of teachers, preparation of grids and research instruments, the use of means of data triangulation to the implementation of the maximum research.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-78
Josh T. Kohut ◽  
Kristin Hunter-Thomson ◽  
Janice McDonnell ◽  
Harold Clark ◽  
Kate Florio ◽  

AbstractCONVERGE, with National Science Foundation support, was a fully integrated scientific and broader impact program focused on a biological hotspot along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of our approach was to connect field-deployed Science Teams and our target audiences, middle and high school educators and students, through real-world data to elevate our audiences' experience from science aware spectator to working scientist. Based on experience gained from prior work and a documented need to elevate the student experience in science, we applied a multitiered program that integrated existing methods of known success (educator professional development, daily Expedition Diary blogs, live videoconferences between the deployed Science Team and classrooms back in the United States) with new tools that enabled our student audience to participate in and conduct their own peer-reviewed science (data primers, proposal review, and a science symposium). Through a comprehensive evaluation program, educators reported a change in their teaching practice to increase students' data collection and analytical skills and provided more opportunities to authentically emulate the process of science and better understand the impacts of climate change in this Antarctic ecosystem. Additionally, the educators and students both reported personal connections to the data, which motivated the students to push their comfort zones when analyzing real-time data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36 ◽  
Karen Everstine ◽  
Eileen Abt ◽  
Diane McColl ◽  
Bert Popping ◽  
Sara Morrison-Rowe ◽  

ABSTRACT Food fraud, the intentional misrepresentation of the true identity of a food product or ingredient for economic gain, is a threat to consumer confidence and public health and has received increased attention from both regulators and the food industry. Following updates to food safety certification standards and publication of new U.S. regulatory requirements, we undertook a project to (i) develop a scheme to classify food fraud–related adulterants based on their potential health hazard and (ii) apply this scheme to the adulterants in a database of 2,970 food fraud records. The classification scheme was developed by a panel of experts in food safety and toxicology from the food industry, academia, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Categories and subcategories were created through an iterative process of proposal, review, and validation using a subset of substances known to be associated with the fraudulent adulteration of foods. Once developed, the scheme was applied to the adulterants in the database. The resulting scheme included three broad categories: 1, potentially hazardous adulterants; 2, adulterants that are unlikely to be hazardous; and 3, unclassifiable adulterants. Categories 1 and 2 consisted of seven subcategories intended to further define the range of hazard potential for adulterants. Application of the scheme to the 1,294 adulterants in the database resulted in 45% of adulterants classified in category 1 (potentially hazardous). Twenty-seven percent of the 1,294 adulterants had a history of causing consumer illness or death, were associated with safety-related regulatory action, or were classified as allergens. These results reinforce the importance of including a consideration of food fraud–related adulterants in food safety systems. This classification scheme supports food fraud mitigation efforts and hazard identification as required in the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act Preventive Controls Rules.

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