nematic state
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2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (52) ◽  
pp. e2117107118
Fereshteh L. Memarian ◽  
Joseph D. Lopes ◽  
Fabian Jan Schwarzendahl ◽  
Madhuvanthi Guruprasad Athani ◽  
Niranjan Sarpangala ◽  

Dynamic lane formation and long-range active nematic alignment are reported using a geometry in which kinesin motors are directly coupled to a lipid bilayer, allowing for in-plane motor diffusion during microtubule gliding. We use fluorescence microscopy to image protein distributions in and below the dense two-dimensional microtubule layer, revealing evidence of diffusion-enabled kinesin restructuring within the fluid membrane substrate as microtubules collectively glide above. We find that the lipid membrane acts to promote filament–filament alignment within the gliding layer, enhancing the formation of a globally aligned active nematic state. We also report the emergence of an intermediate, locally ordered state in which apolar dynamic lanes of nematically aligned microtubules migrate across the substrate. To understand this emergent behavior, we implement a continuum model obtained from coarse graining a collection of self-propelled rods, with propulsion set by the local motor kinetics. Tuning the microtubule and kinesin concentrations as well as active propulsion in these simulations reveals that increasing motor activity promotes dynamic nematic lane formation. Simulations and experiments show that, following fluid bilayer substrate mediated spatial motor restructuring, the total motor concentration becomes enriched below the microtubule lanes that they drive, with the feedback leading to more dynamic lanes. Our results have implications for membrane-coupled active nematics in vivo as well as for engineering dynamic and reconfigurable materials where the structural elements and power sources can dynamically colocalize, enabling efficient mechanical work.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (23) ◽  
pp. 7313
Thomas Raistrick ◽  
Matthew Reynolds ◽  
Helen F. Gleeson ◽  
Johan Mattsson

Liquid Crystal Elastomers (LCEs) combine the anisotropic ordering of liquid crystals with the elastic properties of elastomers, providing unique physical properties, such as stimuli responsiveness and a recently discovered molecular auxetic response. Here, we determine how the molecular relaxation dynamics in an acrylate LCE are affected by its phase using broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, calorimetry and rheology. Our LCE is an excellent model system since it exhibits a molecular auxetic response in its nematic state, and chemically identical nematic or isotropic samples can be prepared by cross-linking. We find that the glass transition temperatures (Tg) and dynamic fragilities are similar in both phases, and the T-dependence of the α relaxation shows a crossover at the same T* for both phases. However, for T>T*, the behavior becomes Arrhenius for the nematic LCE, but only more Arrhenius-like for the isotropic sample. We provide evidence that the latter behavior is related to the existence of pre-transitional nematic fluctuations in the isotropic LCE, which are locked in by polymerization. The role of applied strain on the relaxation dynamics and mechanical response of the LCE is investigated; this is particularly important since the molecular auxetic response is linked to a mechanical Fréedericksz transition that is not fully understood. We demonstrate that the complex Young’s modulus and the α relaxation time remain relatively unchanged for small deformations, whereas for strains for which the auxetic response is achieved, significant increases are observed. We suggest that the observed molecular auxetic response is coupled to the strain-induced out-of-plane rotation of the mesogen units, in turn driven by the increasing constraints on polymer configurations, as reflected in increasing elastic moduli and α relaxation times; this is consistent with our recent results showing that the auxetic response coincides with the emergence of biaxial order.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (24) ◽  
H. Pfau ◽  
M. Yi ◽  
M. Hashimoto ◽  
T. Chen ◽  
P.-C. Dai ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ying Xiang ◽  
Qing Li ◽  
Yongkai Li ◽  
Wei Xie ◽  
Huan Yang ◽  

AbstractIn transition metal compounds, due to the interplay of charge, spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom, many intertwined orders exist with close energies. One of the commonly observed states is the so-called nematic electron state, which breaks the in-plane rotational symmetry. This nematic state appears in cuprates, iron-based superconductor, etc. Nematicity may coexist, affect, cooperate or compete with other orders. Here we show the anisotropic in-plane electronic state and superconductivity in a recently discovered kagome metal CsV3Sb5 by measuring c-axis resistivity with the in-plane rotation of magnetic field. We observe a twofold symmetry of superconductivity in the superconducting state and a unique in-plane nematic electronic state in normal state when rotating the in-plane magnetic field. Interestingly these two orders are orthogonal to each other in terms of the field direction of the minimum resistivity. Our results shed new light in understanding non-trivial physical properties of CsV3Sb5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (16) ◽  
Takemi Yamada ◽  
Takami Tohyama

2021 ◽  
Xingye Lu ◽  
Wenliang Zhang ◽  
Yi Tseng ◽  
Ruixian Liu ◽  
Zhen Tao ◽  

Abstract The origin of the electronic nematicity in FeSe, which occurs below a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition temperature Ts ≈ 90 K, well above the superconducting transition temperature Tc = 9 K, is one of the most important unresolved puzzles in the study of iron-based superconductors. In both spin- and orbital-nematic models, the intrinsic magnetic excitations at Q1 = (1; 0) and Q2 = (0; 1) of twin-free FeSe are expected to behave differently below Ts. Although anisotropic spin fluctuations below 10 meV between Q1 and Q2 have been unambiguously observed by inelastic neutron scattering around Tc(<< Ts) , it remains unclear whether such an anisotropy also persists at higher energies and associates with the nematic transition Ts. Here we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) to probe the high-energy magnetic excitations of uniaxial-strain detwinned FeSe. A prominent anisotropy between the magnetic excitations along the H and K directions is found to persist to ~ 200 meV, which is even more pronounced than the anisotropy of spin waves in BaFe2As2. This anisotropy decreases gradually with increasing temperature and finally vanishes at a temperature around the nematic transition temperature Ts. Our results reveal an unprecedented strong spin-excitation anisotropy with a large energy scale well above the dxz/dyz orbital splitting, suggesting that the nematic phase transition is primarily spin-driven. Moreover, the measured high-energy spin excitations are dispersive and underdamped, which can be understood from a localmoment perspective. Our findings provide the much-needed understanding of the mechanism for the nematicity of FeSe and points to a unified description of the correlation physics across seemingly distinct classes of Fe-based superconductors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (8) ◽  
X. Fu ◽  
Q. Shi ◽  
M. A. Zudov ◽  
G. C. Gardner ◽  
J. D. Watson ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Zheng Ren ◽  
Hong Li ◽  
He Zhao ◽  
Shrinkhala Sharma ◽  
Ziqiang Wang ◽  

AbstractIn a material prone to a nematic instability, anisotropic strain in principle provides a preferred symmetry-breaking direction for the electronic nematic state to follow. This is consistent with experimental observations, where electronic nematicity and structural anisotropy typically appear hand-in-hand. In this work, we discover that electronic nematicity can be locally decoupled from the underlying structural anisotropy in strain-engineered iron-selenide (FeSe) thin films. We use heteroepitaxial molecular beam epitaxy to grow FeSe with a nanoscale network of modulations that give rise to spatially varying strain. We map local anisotropic strain by analyzing scanning tunneling microscopy topographs, and visualize electronic nematic domains from concomitant spectroscopic maps. While the domains form so that the energy of nemato-elastic coupling is minimized, we observe distinct regions where electronic nematic ordering fails to flip direction, even though the underlying structural anisotropy is locally reversed. The findings point towards a nanometer-scale stiffness of the nematic order parameter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rui Zhou ◽  
Daniel D. Scherer ◽  
Hadrien Mayaffre ◽  
Pierre Toulemonde ◽  
Mingwei Ma ◽  

AbstractFeSe is arguably the simplest, yet the most enigmatic, iron-based superconductor. Its nematic but non-magnetic ground state is unprecedented in this class of materials and stands out as a current puzzle. Here, our nuclear magnetic resonance measurements in the nematic state of mechanically detwinned FeSe reveal that both the Knight-shift and the spin–lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 possess an in-plane anisotropy opposite to that of the iron pnictides LaFeAsO and BaFe2As2. Using a microscopic electron model that includes spin–orbit coupling, our calculations show that an opposite quasiparticle weight ratio between the dxz and dyz orbitals leads to an opposite anisotropy of the orbital magnetic susceptibility, which explains our Knight-shift results. We attribute this property to a different nature of nematic order in the two compounds, predominantly bond type in FeSe and onsite ferro-orbital in pnictides. The T1 anisotropy is found to be inconsistent with existing neutron scattering data in FeSe, showing that the spin fluctuation spectrum reveals surprises at low energy, possibly from fluctuations that do not break C4 symmetry. Therefore, our results reveal that important information is hidden in these anisotropies and they place stringent constraints on the low-energy spin correlations as well as on the nature of nematicity in FeSe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (45) ◽  
pp. eabb9052
Takahiro Hashimoto ◽  
Yuichi Ota ◽  
Akihiro Tsuzuki ◽  
Tsubaki Nagashima ◽  
Akiko Fukushima ◽  

The crossover from the superconductivity of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) regime to the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regime holds a key to understanding the nature of pairing and condensation of fermions. It has been mainly studied in ultracold atoms, but in solid systems, fundamentally previously unknown insights may be obtained because multiple energy bands and coexisting electronic orders strongly affect spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Here, we provide evidence for the BCS-BEC crossover in iron-based superconductors FeSe1 − xSx from laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The system enters the BEC regime with x = 0.21, where the nematic state that breaks the orbital degeneracy is fully suppressed. The substitution dependence is opposite to the expectation for single-band superconductors, which calls for a new mechanism of BCS-BEC crossover in this system.

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