easy direction
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2021 ◽  
Olga Ageeva ◽  
Ge Bian ◽  
Gerlinde Habler ◽  
Rainer Abart

<p>Magnetite micro-inclusions in silicate minerals are important carriers of the remanent magnetization of rocks. Their shape orientation relationships (SOR) and crystallographic orientation relationships (COR) to the host crystal are of interest in the context of the bulk magnetic properties of the inclusion-host assemblage. We investigated the SOR and COR of magnetite (MT) micro-inclusions in plagioclase (PL) from oceanic gabbro using correlated optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Electron backscatter diffraction analysis and Transmission electron microscopy.</p><p>In the mm-sized PL crystals of the investigated gabbros MT is present as equant, needle- and lath-shaped (sub)micrometer sized inclusions. More than 95% of the needle-shaped inclusions show SOR and specific COR to the plagioclase host. Most of the needles are elongated perpendicular to one of the MT{111} planes, which is aligned parallel to one of the (112), (1-12), (-312), (-3-12), (150), (1-50) or (100) planes of plagioclase. These inclusions are classified as “plane-normal type”. The needle elongation parallel to MT<111>, which is the easy direction of magnetization, ensures high magnetic susceptibility of these inclusions. The underlying formation mechanism is related to the parallel alignment of oxygen layers with similar lattice spacing across the MT-PL interfaces that are parallel to the elongation direction [1].</p><p>Apart from the SOR and the alignment of a MT{111} with one of the PL low index planes, the MT crystals rotate about the needle elongation direction. The rotation angles are statistically distributed with several maxima representing specific orientation relationships. In some cases one of the MT<001> axes is aligned with PL[14 10 7] or PL[-14 10 -7], which ensures that FeO<sub>6 </sub>octahedra of MT well fit into channels // [001] of PL, which are formed by six membered rings of SiO<sub>4</sub> and AlO<sub>4</sub> tetrahedra [2]. This COR is referred to as the “nucleation orientation” of magnetite with respect to PL. There are several other possibilities to fit FeO<sub>6</sub> octahedra into the [001] channels of PL, but the alignment stated above allows for the additional parallel alignment of one of the MT{111} with one of the above mentioned low index lattice planes of PL. MT crystals with one of these nucleation orientations can undergo directional growth to develop laths and needles. MT crystals with other nucleation orientations that do not allow for the parallel alignment of MT{111} with the above mentioned PL lattice planes, do not significantly grow and form the equant inclusions.</p><p>For some needles one or more of the MT{011} planes that are parallel to the needle elongation direction, are aligned with low-index planes of plagioclase such as PL (112), PL(150), PL(1-50) etc., and form MT facets. This situation corresponds to achievement of the best possible match between the two crystal lattices. This can either be generated during primary growth or during re-equilibration of the micro-inclusions and the plagioclase host.</p><p>Funding by RFBR project 18-55-14003 and Austrian Science fund (FWF): I 3998-N29 is acknowledged.</p><p>Reference</p><p>[1] Ageeva et al (2020) Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 175(10), 1-16.</p><p>[2] Wenk et al (2011) Am. Min. 96, 1316-1324</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 93
N. U. S. Yapa ◽  
P. Samarasekara ◽  
Sunil Dehipawala

Metals ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 317 ◽  
Edgard Silva ◽  
Alysson Paula ◽  
Josinaldo Leite ◽  
Joao Leite ◽  
Lucia Andrade ◽  


AbstractThe main aim of the paper is to give a simple and conceptual account for the correspondence (originally described by Bodini, Gardy, and Jacquot) between α-equivalence classes of closed linear lambda terms and isomorphism classes of rooted trivalent maps on compact-oriented surfaces without boundary, as an instance of a more general correspondence between linear lambda terms with a context of free variables and rooted trivalent maps with a boundary of free edges. We begin by recalling a familiar diagrammatic representation for linear lambda terms, while at the same time explaining how such diagrams may be read formally as a notation for endomorphisms of a reflexive object in a symmetric monoidal closed (bi)category. From there, the “easy” direction of the correspondence is a simple forgetful operation which erases annotations on the diagram of a linear lambda term to produce a rooted trivalent map. The other direction views linear lambda terms as complete invariants of their underlying rooted trivalent maps, reconstructing the missing information through a Tutte-style topological recurrence on maps with free edges. As an application in combinatorics, we use this analysis to enumerate bridgeless rooted trivalent maps as linear lambda terms containing no closed proper subterms, and conclude by giving a natural reformulation of the Four Color Theorem as a statement about typing in lambda calculus.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (46) ◽  
pp. 31494-31504 ◽  
P. S. Ghosh ◽  
A. Arya ◽  
G. K. Dey ◽  
N. Kuganathan ◽  
R. W. Grimes

This study reports DFT and MD study of lattice dynamical, mechanical and anionic transport behaviour of ThO2 in the superionic state. Softening of B1u phonon mode is a precursor to the dynamical disorder of the oxygen sublattice and 〈001〉 is the easy direction for anion migration in the superionic state.

2015 ◽  
Vol 781 ◽  
pp. 207-210
Arkom Kaewrawang

Decrease of a switching field, Hsw, of the magnetic media with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant, Ku, can be handled by tilted-easy axis. Not only tilting easy direction of crystal but also optimum magnetic properties can improve writability. The effects of Ku and saturation magnetization, Ms, of L10-CoPt material of BPM with 45° tilted-easy axis are investigated in this article. The object oriented micromagnetic framework package based on Landau - Lifshitz - Gilbert equation has been used to analyze the magnetic properties of media in this paper. The results indicate that the Hsw decreases with decreasing Ku and increasing Ms. To achieve the Hsw lower than the maximum write head field, the Ku and Ms values should not be over 1.30 MJ/m3 and should exceed 0.30 MA/m, respectively.

2015 ◽  
Vol 644 ◽  
pp. 65-69
V. Madurga ◽  
C. Favieres ◽  
J. Vergara

Thin films of Co-Hf (≈ 86-14 % at.) were grown over Si micro-cantilevers using a glancing-angle deposition technique. A controlled easy direction of magnetisation (anisotropy field μoHk ≈ 0.1 T) in the longitudinal or in the transverse direction of the micro-cantilevers was generated. The mechanical properties of the films under the action of a magnetic field were opposite depending on the magnetisation’s easy direction: i) their deflection was either zero or the maximum value depending on the direction of the applied magnetic field with respect to the parallel or transverse easy direction of magnetisation; ii) the shift in the resonance frequency under a longitudinal or transverse magnetic field was also different depending on the longitudinal or transverse easy direction of magnetisation. The use of these coated devices with micromagnet-like films for sensors and transducers is discussed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 679 ◽  
pp. 241-246
Dina Maizana ◽  
Y. Yanawati ◽  
A. Nazifah

– This paper presents the comparison induced voltage between 0.35 mm and 0.50 mm thicknesses 3% SiFe (NG) with different frequency which are 45 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz by using Single Sheet Tester (SST). This experiment used to measure the search coil voltage L1N1 and L2N2 at two positions (1st position and 2nd position) and harmonic content. The analysis shows, at different frequency for both thicknesses, the value of search coil voltage L1N1 is higher than the search coil voltage L2N2 for both positions. It shows the easy direction is single sheet tester direction at the 1st position for 0.35 mm and 0.50 mm thickness with different frequency. For harmonic content, at 0.6 T with different frequency for both thicknesses, the 3rd order harmonic factor of 0.35 mm is lower than 0.50 mm thickness 3% SiFe (NG). It is because the higher losses can increase the harmonic of the materials. It means that harmonic is affected by ingredient and thicknesses in core material.

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