The methodology of the Logical Framework with a Risk Management Approach to Improve the Sustainability in the International Development Projects
When working with international development projects (IDPs), the use of the logical framework approach (LFA) prevails as the most important tool to plan and manage these projects. This paper presents how the methodology has been enriched, including risk management (LFRMA logical framework with risk management approach), proposing an original contribution, tested with professionals that will improve the effectiveness of IDPs by increasing their success rate and their sustainability. The steps followed to design the methodology (problem statement (literature review, interview with experts, questionnaire for professionals. and statistical analysis), case study analysis (eight case studies in Colombia, interviews with IDPs managers, focus groups, questionnaire for participants, qualitative analysis, and fuzzy analysis) and design of LFRMA (focus group with experts)) and the methodology itself (how to introduce risk management during all the life cycle through the methodology steps) are presented. Conclusions answer the research questions: can the effectiveness and sustainability of IDPs be improved? Can risk management help to improve IDPs effectiveness? Would it be useful to introduce risk management into the LFA? The LFRMA methodology consists of two fields of application, the first at the organization level and the second at the project level.