medication administration error
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Agani Afaya ◽  
Kennedy Diema Konlan ◽  
Hyunok Kim Do

Abstract Background The aim of the third WHO challenge released in 2017 was to attain a global commitment to lessen the severity and to prevent medication-related harm by 50% within the next five years. To achieve this goal, comprehensive identification of barriers to reporting medication errors is imperative. Objective This review systematically identified and examined the barriers hindering nurses from reporting medication administration errors in the hospital setting. Design An integrative review. Review methods PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) including Google scholar were searched to identify published studies on barriers to medication administration error reporting from January 2016 to December 2020. Two reviewers (AA, and KDK) independently assessed the quality of all the included studies using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018. Results Of the 10, 929 articles retrieved, 14 studies were included in this study. The main themes and subthemes identified as barriers to reporting medication administration errors after the integration of results from qualitative and quantitative studies were: organisational barriers (inadequate reporting systems, management behaviour, and unclear definition of medication error), and professional and individual barriers (fear of management/colleagues/lawsuit, individual reasons, and inadequate knowledge of errors). Conclusion Providing an enabling environment void of punitive measures and blame culture is imperious for nurses to report medication administration errors. Policymakers, managers, and nurses should agree on a uniform definition of what constitutes medication error to enhance nurses’ ability to report medication administration errors.

Tahani Alrahbeni ◽  
Muteeb Eid Alenezi

Background: Medication errors genuinely influence patient safety, staying cost in hospital and integrity of nursing job, because the nurses play a specific part in managing the medication for the patients. The present study was done with the aim to investigate factors associated with nurses’ medication errors in a number of medical institutes (Ministry of Health) and the role of clinical pharmacist in these errors. Methodology: The present study was a cross-sectional study based on standardized questionnaire which was designed and distributed to the target nurses in a number of medical institutes (Ministry of Health). The target number was (171) which was achieved depending on the calculation of sample size after the questionnaires was gathered; data was subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The highest mean score of error was obtained in the factor related to medication packaging reason, which includes that different medications look alike, and the names of at least 60 medications were similar by 82.7%.  The second group of reasons was system associated, which included: abbreviations were used instead of writing the orders out completely, overall 60.5% of the times nurses were pulled between teams. Third reason, overall 45.3% of the times the errors were associated with pharmacy when they did not prepare\label the medication correctly, and clinical pharmacist did not give education workshops to the nurses. Documentation issues were the fourth reason, 39.5% of the times nurses were interrupted while administering medication to perform other duties and nurses on the same unit did not adhere to the approved medication administration procedure. Conclusion: The data of the current study suggested the ranking of five reasons or root causes of why medication errors happened. These are medication package, system related, pharmacy related, documentation-transcription reason and physician-nurse related respectively. Furthermore, clinical pharmacists must thrive to improve the nurses' knowledge of how these factors will lead to critical errors and help them discover strategies to prevent these errors from happening.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-155
Suk-Hee Song ◽  
Ju-Won Back ◽  
In-Seon Han ◽  
Eun-Hye Kim ◽  
Nyeon-Im Byun ◽  

Purpose: To assess characteristics the application of mobile medication system and medication administration error (MAE) alerts in a general hospital.Methods: The subject hospital adopted a mobile medication system in 2016. All medication administrations in the general wards and ICUs were automatically recorded in real-time using identification barcodes, drug barcodes, and hand-held point-of-care devices. MAE alert logs were recorded from April 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018. For this study analysis was done using Pearson’s chi-squared test for potentially related factors of MAE alerts included administration time, order type, medication route, and length of nurse’s employment.Results: The total number of medications during the period of this study was 3,227,990. Among them, 2,698,317 medication doses were recorded, resulting in the system application rate of 83.6%. The system application rate was significantly correlated with all factors related to potential MAE alters. In this study 23,314 MAE alerts(0.9% of the total medication doses) were identified. The MAE alerts were related to new (OR=2.26, p<.001) and emergency (OR=2.25, p<.001) orders, and administration at a non-standard time (OR=2.032, p<.001). Medication route (p<.001), and nurse’s employment duration(p<.001) were also related.Conclusion: A mobile medication system contributes to improving patient safety by preventing potential MAEs. The MAE alerts were related to administration time, order type, medication route, and duration of nurse’s employment. In order to prevent medication administration errors, it is necessary to standardize the process of medication and create an environment in which medication administration can be performed in a planned situation.

10.2196/22031 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. e22031
Eric Kirkendall ◽  
Hannah Huth ◽  
Benjamin Rauenbuehler ◽  
Adam Moses ◽  
Kristin Melton ◽  

Background As a result of the overwhelming proportion of medication errors occurring each year, there has been an increased focus on developing medication error prevention strategies. Recent advances in electronic health record (EHR) technologies allow institutions the opportunity to identify medication administration error events in real time through computerized algorithms. MED.Safe, a software package comprising medication discrepancy detection algorithms, was developed to meet this need by performing an automated comparison of medication orders to medication administration records (MARs). In order to demonstrate generalizability in other care settings, software such as this must be tested and validated in settings distinct from the development site. Objective The purpose of this study is to determine the portability and generalizability of the MED.Safe software at a second site by assessing the performance and fit of the algorithms through comparison of discrepancy rates and other metrics across institutions. Methods The MED.Safe software package was executed on medication use data from the implementation site to generate prescribing ratios and discrepancy rates. A retrospective analysis of medication prescribing and documentation patterns was then performed on the results and compared to those from the development site to determine the algorithmic performance and fit. Variance in performance from the development site was further explored and characterized. Results Compared to the development site, the implementation site had lower audit/order ratios and higher MAR/(order + audit) ratios. The discrepancy rates on the implementation site were consistently higher than those from the development site. Three drivers for the higher discrepancy rates were alternative clinical workflow using orders with dosing ranges; a data extract, transfer, and load issue causing modified order data to overwrite original order values in the EHRs; and delayed EHR documentation of verbal orders. Opportunities for improvement were identified and applied using a software update, which decreased false-positive discrepancies and improved overall fit. Conclusions The execution of MED.Safe at a second site was feasible and effective in the detection of medication administration discrepancies. A comparison of medication ordering, administration, and discrepancy rates identified areas where MED.Safe could be improved through customization. One modification of MED.Safe through deployment of a software update improved the overall algorithmic fit at the implementation site. More flexible customizations to accommodate different clinical practice patterns could improve MED.Safe’s fit at new sites.

2020 ◽  
Hiwot Fikadu Haile ◽  
Abulie Melku Takele ◽  
Addisu Gemechu Abdi

Abstract Background: Administration of medication is the primary responsibility of nurses. Medication errors occurring during the drug administration process can be attributed to a variety of safety effects, ranging from undetected errors to prolonged hospital stays, discomfort and death.Objective: To determine the magnitude of the medication administration error and associated factors among nurses working at Madda Walabu University Goba Referral Hospital, Bale Zone Oromia Region, South East Ethiopia.Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted at Madda Walabu University Goba Referral Hospital Inpatient Department from February to March, 2020. The study included three hundred ninety-eight medication interventions administered by 89 inpatient unit working nurses during the study period. Data were collected using a pre-tested, structured questionnaire and drug administration assessment using a checklist. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22 and Frequency , Percentage, Means and SD were analyzed for descriptive analysis. COR and AOR were calculated to see the association of independent variables and uncontrolled hypertension at 95% CI and p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Result: The magnitude of the medication error was 248 (62.3%). The most common type of medication error was wrong documentary evidence (53.5% ) , followed by wrong time (39.2%) and wrong dosage (28.%). Variables that were substantially associated with medication administration error include work experience of nurses 0-4 years (AOR = 10.8, 95% CI (4.5-25.86), 5-9 years of service (AOR = 4.05, 95% CI (1.47-11.715), nurses 1-6 (AOR = 0.36, 95% CI (0.17-0.76) nurses 7-10 (AOR = 0.45, 95%CI (0.21-0.96) route IV of medication (AOR =0.13, 95 % CI (0.03 - 0.60) and IM route (AOR =.0.12, 95 % CI (0.02 -0.74) at p-value <0.05. Conclusion: Medication administration error was highly prevalent. Work experience, nurse to patient ratio and route of medication administration were statistically significant factors associated with occurrence of medication administration error. The preparation of nurses and the hospital staff profile would be helpful in minimizing mistakes in the administration of drugs.

2020 ◽  
Bintang Marsondang Rambe

Latar Belakang Keselamatan pasien (patient safety) rumah sakit adalah suatu sistem dimana rumah sakit membuat asuhan pasien lebih aman yang meliputi assessment risiko, identifikasi dan pengelolaan hal yang berhubungan dengan risiko pasien, pelaporan dan analisis insiden, kemampuan belajar dari insiden dan tindak lanjutnya serta implementasi solusi untuk meminimalkan timbulnya risiko dan mencegah terjadinya cedera yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan akibat melaksanakan suatu tindakan atau tidak mengambil tindakan yang seharusnya diambil yang dilakukan oleh perawat (Kemenkes, 2011).Salah satu kesalahan yang dapat merugikan pasien adalah medication error. Menurut WHO (2016) medication error adalah setiap kejadian yang dapat dicegah yang menyebabkan penggunaan obat yang tidak tepat yang menyebabkan bahaya kepasien, dimana obat berada dalam kendali profesional perawatan kesehatan. proses terjadi medication error dimulai dari tahap prescribing, transcribing, dispensing,dan administration. Kesalahan peresepan (prescribing error), kesalahan penerjemahan resep (transcribing erorr), kesalahan menyiapkan dan meracik obat (dispensing erorr), dan kesalahan penyerahan obat kepada pasien (administration error). Medication error yang paling sering terjadi adalah pada fase administration / pemberian obat yang dilakukan oleh perawat.Administration error terjadi ketika pemberian obat kepada pasien tidak sesuai dengan prinsip enam benar yaitu benar obat, benar pasien, benar dosis, benar rute pemberian, benar waktu pemberian dan benar pendokumentasian. Secara global, kesalahan pemberian obat (medication errors) sampai saat ini masih menjadi isu keselamatan pasien dan kualitas pelayanan di beberapa rumah sakit (Depkes RI, 2015; AHRQ, 2015). Perawat sebagai bagian terbesar dari tenaga kesehatan di rumah sakit, mempunyai peranan dalam kejadian medication error. Perawat berkontribusi karena perawat banyak berperan dalam proses pemberian obat. Pemberian obat/ Medication Administration adalah salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang paling banyak dilakukan, dengan sekitar 5- 20% waktu perawat dialokasikan untuk kegiatan ini (Härkänen et al.,, 2019). Pemberian obat juga mencakup tugas-tugas lain, seperti menyiapkan dan memeriksa obat obatan, memantau efek obat-obatan, mengedukasi pasien tentang pengobatan, dan memperdalam pengetahuan perawat tentang obat – obatan sendiri (DrachZahavy et al., 2014 dalam Yulianti et al., 2019)Berdasarkan isu tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan literature review terkait faktor perawat dalam pelaksanakan keselamatan pasien terhadap kejadian medication administration error di Rumah Sakit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. e100170
Johanna I Westbrook ◽  
Neroli S Sunderland ◽  
Amanda Woods ◽  
Magda Z Raban ◽  
Peter Gates ◽  

BackgroundElectronic medication systems (EMS) have been highly effective in reducing prescribing errors, but little research has investigated their effects on medication administration errors (MAEs).ObjectiveTo assess changes in MAE rates and types associated with EMS implementation.MethodsThis was a controlled before and after study (three intervention and three control wards) at two adult teaching hospitals. Intervention wards used an EMS with no bar-coding. Independent, trained observers shadowed nurses and recorded medications administered and compliance with 10 safety procedures. Observational data were compared against medication charts to identify errors (eg, wrong dose). Potential error severity was classified on a 5-point scale, with those scoring ≥3 identified as serious. Changes in MAE rates preintervention and postintervention by study group, accounting for differences at baseline, were calculated.Results7451 administrations were observed (4176 pre-EMS and 3275 post-EMS). At baseline, 30.2% of administrations contained ≥1 MAE, with wrong intravenous rate, timing, volume and dose the most frequent. Post-EMS, MAEs decreased on intervention wards relative to control wards by 4.2 errors per 100 administrations (95% CI 0.2 to 8.3; p=0.04). Wrong timing errors alone decreased by 3.4 per 100 administrations (95% CI 0.01 to 6.7; p<0.05). EMS use was associated with an absolute decline in potentially serious MAEs by 2.4% (95% CI 0.8 to 3.9; p=0.003), a 56% reduction in the proportion of potentially serious MAEs. At baseline, 74.1% of administrations were non-compliant with ≥1 of 10 procedures and this rate did not significantly improve post-EMS.ConclusionsImplementation of EMS was associated with a modest, but significant, reduction in overall MAE rate, but halved the proportion of MAEs rated as potentially serious.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-107
Innes Rizma Brigitta ◽  
Inge Dhamanti

The high number of medical errors, especially in medication administration errors (MAE) in the last few decades that have occurred in hospitals in developed and developing countries makes patient safety an important issue. This requires the hospital to take steps that prioritize patient safety by focusing on preventive measures, so as to reduce the risk of an MAE. The writing of this article of literature review aims to explain the determinants of MAE in hospitals and their prevention efforts through preventive measures, so that patient safety standards in hospitals (zero defects) can be achieved. The design of the article search in this literature study was carried out through Google scholar, JAKI, and PSNet with the keywords of patient safety incident, medication administration error, contributing factor of MAEs, and determinant factor of MAEs. Based on 13 articles that have been obtained in accordance with the criteria, there are 38 determinant factors in MAE which are grouped into three categories, namely ineffective communication factors, work environment factors, and human factors. Various preventive efforts that can be done to prevent MAEs include: implementing crew resource management, clarifying the chain of command, using the communication form of SBAR, designing an ergonomic workplace, implementing Patient Advocacy Reporting System (PARS), providing training and education for health workers, and setting work schedules that do not exceed workload. Implementation of effective MAE preventive measures can reduce the number of MAEs in the hospital directly.

2020 ◽  
Eric Kirkendall ◽  
Hannah Huth ◽  
Benjamin Rauenbuehler ◽  
Adam Moses ◽  
Kristin Melton ◽  

BACKGROUND As a result of the overwhelming proportion of medication errors occurring each year, there has been an increased focus on developing medication error prevention strategies. Recent advances in electronic health record (EHR) technologies allow institutions the opportunity to identify medication administration error events in real time through computerized algorithms. MED.Safe, a software package comprising medication discrepancy detection algorithms, was developed to meet this need by performing an automated comparison of medication orders to medication administration records (MARs). In order to demonstrate generalizability in other care settings, software such as this must be tested and validated in settings distinct from the development site. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to determine the portability and generalizability of the MED.Safe software at a second site by assessing the performance and fit of the algorithms through comparison of discrepancy rates and other metrics across institutions. METHODS The MED.Safe software package was executed on medication use data from the implementation site to generate prescribing ratios and discrepancy rates. A retrospective analysis of medication prescribing and documentation patterns was then performed on the results and compared to those from the development site to determine the algorithmic performance and fit. Variance in performance from the development site was further explored and characterized. RESULTS Compared to the development site, the implementation site had lower audit/order ratios and higher MAR/(order + audit) ratios. The discrepancy rates on the implementation site were consistently higher than those from the development site. Three drivers for the higher discrepancy rates were alternative clinical workflow using orders with dosing ranges; a data extract, transfer, and load issue causing modified order data to overwrite original order values in the EHRs; and delayed EHR documentation of verbal orders. Opportunities for improvement were identified and applied using a software update, which decreased false-positive discrepancies and improved overall fit. CONCLUSIONS The execution of MED.Safe at a second site was feasible and effective in the detection of medication administration discrepancies. A comparison of medication ordering, administration, and discrepancy rates identified areas where MED.Safe could be improved through customization. One modification of MED.Safe through deployment of a software update improved the overall algorithmic fit at the implementation site. More flexible customizations to accommodate different clinical practice patterns could improve MED.Safe’s fit at new sites.

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