process development
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J. Schneider ◽  
A. Norman ◽  
J. Gumpinger ◽  
F. Brückner ◽  
M. Bavdaz ◽  

Bioanalysis ◽  
2022 ◽  
Caroline Kittinger ◽  
Jared Delmar ◽  
Lisa Hewitt ◽  
Rebecca Holcomb ◽  
Christopher Jones ◽  

Development of biotherapeutics require pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and immunogenicity assays that are frequently in a ligand-binding assay (LBA) format. Conjugated critical reagents for LBAs are generated conjugation of the biotherapeutic drug or anti-drug molecule with a label. Since conjugated critical reagent quality impacts LBA performance, control of the generation process is essential. Our perspective is that process development methodologies should be integrated into critical reagent production to understand the impact of conjugation reactions, purification techniques and formulation conditions on the quality of the reagent. In this article, case studies highlight our approach to developing process conditions for different molecular classes of critical reagents including antibodies and a peptide. This development approach can be applied to the generation of future conjugated critical reagents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 795
Shaojun Ma ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Huimin Ke ◽  
Yilin Zheng

The Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei urban agglomeration (BTH) is striving to realize the transformation process from a low-efficiency to a high-quality development mode; however, it still has problems regarding reducing energy consumption and ecological environment pressure. Based on panel data from 2013 to 2017, this paper proposes an evaluation index system based on BTH’s “environmental protection–industrial structure–urbanization” system. In the course of applying the coupling degree model (CDM) and the coupling coordination degree model (CCDM) with exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) methods, this paper discusses the spatiotemporal process, development level, and spatial agglomeration characteristics of the environmental protection–industrial structure–urbanization system in each city of the BTH area. The findings reveal that the coupling degree of the BTH system is gradually increasing, and that the development level of the BTH subsystem is unbalanced: the coupling coordination level of BTH shows a positive evolution process; however, it is in a stage of low-level collaborative development, and there are obvious differences in the level of BTH coupling coordination in space, revealing the convergence of low–high and high–low types. This paper concludes by putting forward the strategy of optimizing the regional spatial pattern of urban agglomeration and implementing integrated development in order to achieve the desired coupling and coordination effects.

Оlena M. Nifatova ◽  
Svitlana I. Arabuli ◽  
Rafał Rębilas

The article discusses contemporary issues related to social and labor mobility of youth. In particular, it is observed that social and labor mobility is influenced by such factors as social order; ethnocultural stereotypes at the modern stage of social process development; system of social and moral values; changes in the employment types and patterns, a range of professions and occupational prestige in public opinion; demographic processes; regional specifics; social structure and organisation; settlement structure, etc. The study reveals that from a microenvironment perspective, the youth social and labor mobility level is primarily affected by the following group of impact factors: family, education system, immediate environment, media, territorial specifics of professional and social structure and others. The study findings demonstrate that the correlation between objective realia and microenvironment in the process of professional self-identity of an individual could be viewed as the relationship between the two external sources of shaping a person’s professional focus. To attain the research agenda, foresight technologies were employed to encourage social and labor mobility of young people. Data collection on graduates was conducted at the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design during 2019–2020. Based on the use of the Hackathon ecosystem, this study presents a foresight on youth social and labor mobility. It is argued that such a mechanism contributes to building socioeconomic relationships between institutions, enterprises and organizations on youth social and labor mobility, applying a systematic approach to tackling the issues under consideration, developing the key areas for effective interaction, establishing socioeconomic, legal, psychological and didactic terms to coordinate their activity. The regulatory framework to manage social and labor attitudes of young people based on the University Hackathon ecosystem involves the following mechanisms: institutional (developing and implementing a regulatory framework as well as the government workforce policy), organizational (assessing the situation within the educational environment: social, household-based, psychological), economic (which covers optimality, efficiency, structuring) along with personal and motivational (insights into the demands, values, interests and motifs).

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15

  The Ministry of Health Library is a builder library for libraries and librarians within the Ministry of Health spread throughout Indonesia. The success of the library is largely determined by the role of the librarian. Because the librarian is a profession that has a major contribution in realizing the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation in the intellectual life of the nation. Based on this, the Ministry of Health Library held a Selection of the Best Innovative Librarian. The method used in writing this scientific paper is best practice. Best Practice is an idea or new steps that make an outstanding, sustainable and innovative contribution in improving the process development and quality of education. Best Practice needs to be disseminated to others with various strategies in various places repeatedly so that it can be imitated and adopted by others. The selection of the Best Innovative Librarian was carried out in several stages. Starting from making the TOR for activities, entering activity items into the RKAKL, determining the theme of the activity, making guidelines, compiling a Committee Decree. The Best Innovative Librarian Assessment is done by looking at the completeness of documents, innovation papers and presentations. The one who gets the best score from the jury will be designated as the Best Innovative Librarian within the Ministry of Health. The Best Innovative Librarian 1 to 3 and expectations 1 to 3. The Best Innovative Librarian received awards and prizes at the Publication and Public Service Award Night of the Ministry of Health which was attended by the Minister of Health, Menpan-RB and the Head of the National Library. Librarians are the main key to the sustainability and success of a library. The selection of the Best Innovative Librarian was held as a form of appreciation and appreciation for librarians within the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this activity can motivate librarians in the Ministry of Health to continue to work, innovate, perform and excel and have competitiveness with other professions. ABSTRAKPerpustakaan Kementerian Kesehatan merupakan perpustakaan pembina bagi perpustakaan dan pustakawan di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Keberhasilan perpustakaan sangat ditentukan oleh peran Pustakawan. Karena pustakawan merupakan profesi yang memiliki kontribusi besar dalam mewujudkan cita-cita luhur bangsa Indonesia dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut Perpustakaaan Kementerian Kesehatan menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah best practise. Best Practice adalah suatu ide atau langkah-langkah baru yang memberikan kontribusi luar biasa, berkesinambungan dan inovatif dalam memperbaiki pengembangan proses dan kualitas pendidikan. Best Practice perlu didiseminasikan kepada orang lain dengan berbagai strategi diberbagai tempat secara berulang-ulang sehingga dapat dicontoh dan diadopsi oleh orang lain. Pemilihan Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahap. Diawali dari pembuatan TOR kegiatan, memasukkan butir kegiatan kedalam RKAKL, menentukan tema kegiatan, membuat pedoman, menyusun SK Kepanitiaan. Penilaian Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik dilakukan dengan cara melihat kelengkapan dokumen, makalah inovasi dan presentasi. Yang mendapat nilai terbaik dari dewan juri akan ditetapkan sebagai Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan. Terpilih Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik 1 sd 3 dan harapan 1 s/d 3. Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik mendapatkan penghargaan dan hadiah di Malam Penghargaan Publikasi dan Pelayanan Publik Kementerian Kesehatan yang dihadiri oleh Menkes, Menpan-RB dan Kepala Perpusnas. Pustakawan menjadi kunci utama keberlangsungan dan keberhasilan sebuah perpustakaan. Pemilihan Pustakawan Inovatif Terbaik dilaksanakan sebagai suatu bentuk apresiasi dan penghargaan kepada pustakawan di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini dapat memotivasi pustakawan di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan untuk terus berkarya, berinovasi, berkinerja dan berprestasi serta memiliki daya saing dengan profesi lainnya.

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