Journal of Strategic Economic Research
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Published By Kyiv National University Of Technologies And Design

2786-5401, 2786-5398

Ivan M. Gryshchenko ◽  
Mykhailo O. Verhun ◽  
Andrii S. Prokhorovskyi

This article attempts to verify the relevance of building a network of energy knowledge hub centres to tackle the priority objective in enhancing energy efficiency and energy saving management in higher education institutions. It is emphasized that the issues of careful and wise use of fuels and energy resources challenge more government efforts, active use of advanced projects to manage energy saving and energy efficiency through the integrated use of different energy sources. The study argues that to identify the potential for energy saving, setting regulatory indicators of energy consumption, determining the key energy saving measures and target objects in the public sector where energy saving programs are planned to be implemented, there is a need to conduct energy surveys with further developing of energy passports for buildings. In the frameworks of this study, the following research methods were used: abstract and logical analysis – to interpret the essence of energy saving concepts for universities; systemic approach – to identify the specifics of energy saving projects implementation in universities; in-depth analysis and synthesis – to forecast the university development priority area of the "Energy efficiency and energy saving"; system, structural, comparative and statistical analyses – to assess the energy consumption in universities; economic and statistical methods – to evaluate the level and the dynamics of the energy sources use before and after the implementation of project activities; graph-based and analytical methods – to facilitate visual representation and schematic presentation of forecasts for further development of energy efficiency and energy saving systems. The study offers a mechanism to shape a network of energy knowledge hub centres to forecast a priority development area of energy efficiency and energy saving programs in higher education institutions along with providing an overview on the process of energy saving based on energy knowledge hub centres by carrying out the following tasks: project identification, scanning, energy audit, implementation of an action plan, and monitoring. It has been verified that to enhance the energy supply system in the university buildings, the following objectives should be attained: using the energy knowledge hub to forecast the university energy efficiency and energy saving programme, implementing an automated individual heating station with weather regulation and installing new radiator heaters.

Валентина В. Яценко

The paper discusses the selected aspects related to the issues of developing social responsibility in higher education institutions. Emphasis is placed on the growing role of higher education and its evolution in modern society as a crucial element in enhancing cultural, social, economic and political development in Ukraine and as a solid foundation in building internal capacity, promoting human rights, sustainable development, democracy and justice. The study focuses on the need to adhere to the key provisions of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Higher Education (1998), in particular, to share the idea that “higher education should be viewed as a public service. The funding of higher education requires both public and private resources. The role of the state remains essential in this regard. Public support for higher education and research remains essential to ensure a balanced achievement of educational and social missions. It is argued that the slowdown in economic growth and structural transformations have increased the value of education and its social responsibility to society. The research hypothesis is the statement that social responsibility, academic freedom and autonomy have become the driving forces in increasing the demand for higher education. In this context, it is assumed that universities should maintain a reasonable balance between these components. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need for information support of the processes of developing social responsibility in higher education institutions within the education services market. To attain the study objectives, the following research methods were employed: expert analysis of the higher education transparency; methods of assessing the key stakeholders’ involvement (students, employers and civil society) in encouraging the University social activities. The findings have identified the challenges and barriers to fostering further academic freedom and institutional autonomy, academic freedom and public-private partnership, boosting academic freedom as an ethical dimension and social responsibility, promoting academic freedom and entrepreneurship. It is argued that education – technological progress complementarity has a number of important implications for the national economic policy. The conclusions verify that the relationships between education, innovation and qualifications is the background for developing social responsibility in universities that contributes to integrating basic education and employment, lifelong learning and maintenance of professional qualifications, promoting innovation and social accountability.

Оlena M. Nifatova ◽  
Valeriia G. Scherbak ◽  
Oleksii Yu. Volianyk ◽  
Mykhailo O. Verhun

The article attempts to tackle the issues of enhancing the performance of university energy efficiency management systems. An emphasis is put that in modern realia, alternative and renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important in the electric power sector, thus contributing to environmental protection and enabling active electricity consumers to have their own sources of energy generation. However, it is observed that the relationships between energy generation sources and electricity consumers are complicated by new demands for setting balancing modes due to certain volatility of energy generation by alternative sources as well as the need to connect additional energy storage facilities. To identify opportunities of using Smart Grid technologies to manage the University energy consumption, a power balance equation was used to determine an active power balance between generated power, generation sources and power consumed by electricity consumers. In addition, the indicators of the total active power loss in the electrical network associated with the technological consumption of energy for its transmission was included into this equation. The study presents the results of an in-depth critical analysis on Smart Grid methodology and provides argument for the relevance of using artificial intelligence techniques in Smart Grid management systems of the University energy efficiency hub, along with suggesting a notion of electricity generating consumer in the concept of intelligent networks with two-way flow of energy and information as subsystems of a different nature. It is argued that the developed conceptual model of the electricity generating consumer for multilevel smart grid management systems and their infrastructure within the University energy efficiency hub allows establishing relationships between its structural elements and objects of different character. The findings reveal that the specifics of the developed method in setting priorities and regulatory standards for optimal management by a generating consumer within the University energy efficiency hub is the possibility of its automatic adaptation to changes in the external environment subject to interactions between electricity generating consumers.

Liudmyla M. Hanushchak-Yefimenko ◽  
Yana M. Synianska ◽  
Oleksii V. Baula

The article seeks to address contemporary challenges in developing integrated business structures associated with the need to upgrade and innovate most important industries, provide industrial restructuring, and reduce technological backwardness and attain high-tech manufacturing growth. An emphasis is put on the critical significance of modernization in gaining a competitive edge of the national economy that will enhance Ukraine’s positions in a modern globalized world. This study employs a wide range of various research tools, in particular, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison – to determine the nature, economic content, structural elements and drivers affecting the process of integrated business structure development in Ukraine; structural and functional analysis – to identify relevant institutional structures; as well as integrated assessment techniques – to explore international best practice in building integrated business units. Given the current trends and the specifics, it is argued that company development within a business group model spurs continuous improvement and innovation to meet market digitalization demands. The findings reveal the key aspects in developing integrated business groups as a new type of institutional structures in Ukraine. The study also focuses on the goals of their further development to implement transformational changes along with considering a number of factors affecting the nature of enterprise reorganizations and restructuring in the frameworks of their integration into business groups. Within the scope of this research, integrated business groups are viewed as a driving force in boosting Ukraine's economic development. The study suggests that the government industrial and antitrust policies should actively promote integrated business group models, including the international ones, as long as corporate and national interests are reconciled. It is reported that integrated business groups account for 15% of the total industrial output, respectively, integrated business groups are mesoeconomic entities representing a new type of a social institution that attempts to forecast supply and demand in a particular world market segment and implements its predictive outcomes through big innovations.

Валентина В. Яценко

The paper seeks to explore the current issues that deepen the understanding of the benefits of social responsibility in higher education institutions. In particular, it is observed that interpreting social responsibility as a philosophical category or an ideological concept is limited to identifying only the boundaries of the company's responsibility for its effects on society and the environment. However, an emphasis is put that to implement a socially responsible strategy, a company should build a model to manage social responsibility and its integration into the key business processes: production, sales management, logistics, and personnel management. The hypothesis of the study is that making use of the benefits in developing social responsibility in higher education institutions will contribute to boosting their competitiveness in the educational services market. The purpose of the study is to provide insights into the benefits of developing social responsibility in higher education institutions in the educational services market. The methodological basis of the study is the neo-institutional theory which assumes concluding contracts (transactions) between counterparties based on a cycle of "negotiations, accepting and fulfilling of obligations"; an institutional paradigm as a process of interaction between the government and the society which negotiates, accepts and fulfils obligations as to organizational and financial involvement in socially responsible activities. The findings have identified cause and effect relationships that determine the terms and the degree of shaping social responsibility in higher education institutions which are of a two-fold character. It is argued that the maturity of social responsibility of the government and higher education institutions significantly enhances their competitiveness. The results of research provide evidence on the existence of certain University social responsibility patterns. However, it is noted that at the early development phase, certain volatility is observed in cause and effect relationships between social responsibility factors, causes and drivers in society as a whole and in terms of differentiated business units including higher education institutions.

Oleksandra V. Olshanska ◽  
Yulia V. Tymoshenko

This article seeks to assess the effectiveness of attracting foreign investment in Ukraine. Within the scope of the research, investment activity is considered a key driver for economic development. It is emphasised that boosting economic growth in Ukraine depends heavily on attracting foreign investment as their effects extend to encouraging the national output, the speed of its technological advancements as well as the scale and pace of economic restructuring. The purpose and objectives of the study are to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of foreign investment in Ukraine's economy along with offering the authors’ understanding of the key factors affecting the investment climate and suggesting the most promising pathways to foster investment efficiency in Ukraine. It is argued that this study has a number of significant implications to Ukraine, since investment processes to a great extent underpin market development strategies, and entail the most important mechanisms for creating appropriate environment to overcome the structural economic crisis, implement structural changes in the production sector, promote innovation and enhance economic performance at the micro- and macrolevels. The research methodology involves general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, and the generalization techniques. The findings reveal a whole range of crucial factors behind the investment process crisis and lack of effective tools for investing into the national economic development. The authors assert that a country's position in the investment ranking is a sort of a ‘business card’ for the investor who is looking for new capital investment opportunities. Currently, from this perspective, Ukraine's chances to attract foreign investment seem quite miserable. However, the findings verify that in the context of modern globalization, to spur foreign capital attraction into Ukraine, creating a favourable investment climate is paramount. The study has identified factors that affect the process of shaping the investment climate, among which the most important are a group of economic, political and geographical factors. According to the research results, a proactive government strategy and a comprehensive approach to resolving the current challenges related to investment activities at the micro- and macrolevels will contribute to realizing Ukraine’s investment potential with maximum efficiency that will lay a solid background for sustainable economic development in the future.

Valeriia G. Scherbak ◽  
Оlena M. Nifatova

This paper offers an argument for the need to providing further research on improving energy efficiency and searching for modern management methods based on the university energy innovation knowledge hub. The findings have revealed that the specific energy consumption in the Ukrainian economy is unjustifiably higher than that of other European countries and countries with transitive economies. It is noted that economic losses are becoming increasingly apparent in the context of high cost of imported energy resources, low level of energy security, incompetitiveness of industries and significant environmental wastes. The research methodology entails the principle of studying and summarizing factual data on enhancing energy management and quality management systems, as well as the university documentation. To attain the research agenda, the following methods have been employed: the system and structural analysis techniques, management theory, methods of diagnostics and identification, graph theory as well as energy balance methods. The study presents a mechanism of energy efficiency and energy saving management based on the university energy innovation knowledge hub. The findings demonstrate that such a mechanism is able to overcome the rejection by economic actors of innovation technologies in general and energy efficient technologies in particular. The proposed mechanism of energy efficiency and energy saving management based on the university energy innovation hub challenges the implementation of specific economic measures that should include such elements as incentives (motivators) for energy saving, energy market infrastructure and energy efficient technology, energy projects funding sources and tools. The conclusions resume that in modern realia, higher education institutions should promote a shift from a formally declared energy saving policy towards a University energy efficiency economy pattern as an energy autonomy driver, building a strategy for combining indicative and market functions in ensuring energy efficiency.

Iryna M. Goncharenko ◽  
Nina A. Krakhmalova

This article tackles a wide range of issues related to social and professional adaptation of youth in the context of structural and social transformations. It is observed that currently, the employment and occupation challenges remain are among the most critical objectives to be attained and need to be resolved as soon as possible. It is argued that the objective reality of modern social relations is the constantly changing labor market environment; moreover, the current situation in the employment sector significantly complicates the situation for young people. In particular, it is emphasized that the labor market puts young professionals in the system of fierce competition with professionals who already have work experience. Ultimately, transformations in various fields – social, economic and political system of fierce competition – have caused a decline in the social value of labor for many young people that has resulted in moral degradation and triggered social pessimism – a disbelief that they will be ever able to get an interesting job that is paid fairly which translates into polarization between effort and wages, which in fact often differ. A survey of graduates conducted in the frameworks of the University Hackathon Ecosystem has revealed the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of future professionals and their ability to integrate into the social environment. Processing of research outcomes using the tools of mathematical statistics to obtain values with estimated availability and reliability has demonstrated the validity of the developed favourable organizational and pedagogical environment in the university. In this context, consistent implementation of this organisational and pedagogical paradigm ensures the highest effectiveness of adaptation to professional activities based on education values as well as social integration readiness. The proposed model of promoting professional partnership-based adaptation of students between the university and social institutions and organizations characterizes the pre-working period of educational and professional adaptation. It is assumed that enhancing the students’ adaptation to professional career will help would be professionals find confidence in their abilities and become competitive in the labor market, reinforcing new values of professional self-development and professional development, and facilitate further integration into society. It is argued that the use of traditional labor socialization methods is not always sufficient to attain relevant professional maturity which is associated with different character and motivation to professional activity. The findings verify that some young people are engaged in non-professional activities, some work in the profession but do not seek to develop their professional skills, there are also cases of discrimination against young people by the older generation which refer to professional growth opportunities. An experiment based on the University Hackathon Ecosystem provides argument that the professional socialization of individuals assumes a certain time period to enter the professional environment, gain professional experience, master the standards and values of the professional community, as well as the process of accumulation and active implementation of personal professional experience.

Valeriia G. Scherbak ◽  
Dariia R. Domashenko

The article seeks to explore opportunities for further entrepreneurship development and its intensification in a pandemic setting, in the transport sector in particular, which is associated with the constant search for and implementation of new ideas, technologies, goods, services, manufacturing methods, etc. to retain a business. An emphasis is put that in modern realia as never before, the effective functioning of any company demands for continuous improvement, renewal, reorganization, finding new pathways to manage and run a successful business. It is noted that this approach is based on the latest concept that assumes significant changes in entrepreneurship in the transport industry and will foster further business development. In addition, the study reveals that the application of digital platforms is viewed as the newest tool that has the potential to boost the transport industry growth. However, despite objective reasons, there is still a lack of proper justification for the need to use digital technologies in transport. It is noted that the Industry Development Strategy 4.0 designed by the Ukrainian Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs interprets digital transformation as social or technological changes associated with the penetration of digital technology into all areas of human interactions. The essence of these transformations is to find new approaches and management concepts to resolve classic business challenges. The purpose of this article is to verify the feasibility of transport entrepreneurship based on digital platforms. The study provides insights into the benefits and specifics of digitalization in the context of Covid restrictions adjusted the needs of business acceleration. To attain the research objectives, the tools of information and marketing communications were used as well as the outcomes of marketing research to summarize information on the development of courier delivery and taxi services in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of entrepreneurship in the transport industry, the essential characteristics of digital platforms for taxi service have been discussed. It is argued that a customer focus makes the basis of any successful digital strategy. However, according to the study findings, transport companies need a single comprehensive perception of their customers to develop cooperation and offer a personalized approach to them. The summary concludes that digitalization is aimed at retaining the contact between the consumer and the producer to balance twofold interests: on the one hand, to the producer it will result in profit growth, and on the other – the consumer will be able to get the enhanced service quality, thus managing a close relationship between these two market actors, even in the quarantine realia.

Катерина Ю. Корсунова

The article seeks to provide insights on the current structural trends in international marketing. It is observed that in recent decades, marketing as a business concept has undergone internal qualitative changes which have been primarily underpinned by new technological advancements and globalization opportunities. The rapid pace of globalization has fuelled the emergence of a large number of new customers and new competitors in the global market, as well as spurred revolutionary changes in communication technology. In modern realia of intensified competition, marketing remains an exceptional tool to win and protect market share for most companies. Further on, the study explores the etymology of the word "trend" and substantiates its significance to business development perspectives along with providing the most popular trend classification groupings: by the generational theory and according to the Internet marketing concept. The findings reveal the key latest trends in various industries that have gained a positive response from consumers, thus verifying a growing interest in marketing trends. In addition, the study presents an overview of the latest trends that will help companies enhance their market position. It is argued that to be competitive, each company should monitor trends, follow trends and actively implement them in their marketing activities, especially in the international market. It is resumed that for these trends in international marketing to be effective, a special emphasis should be placed to targeted communication with consumers, in particular, marketing strategies should focus on the following principles: the need to adapt the content of messages and channels to the target audience demands by age groups and generations; narrow market segmentation – hyperpersonalization; creating interactive advertising content and format and using games; trend towards individuality, environmental friendliness and consumer involvement in the process of developing goods, products and services; flexibility in obtaining data; collaboration with international brands; active implementation of new functions on social platforms (such as Shops on Instagram / Facebook) in company marketing.

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