superspace formalism
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Foundations ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-84
Said Mikki

An alternative to conventional spacetime is proposed and rigorously formulated for nonlocal continuum field theories through the deployment of a fiber bundle-based superspace extension method. We develop, in increasing complexity, the concept of nonlocality starting from general considerations, going through spatial dispersion, and ending up with a broad formulation that unveils the link between general topology and nonlocality in generic material media. It is shown that nonlocality naturally leads to a Banach (vector) bundle structure serving as an enlarged space (superspace) inside which physical processes, such as the electromagnetic ones, take place. The added structures, essentially fibered spaces, model the topological microdomains of physics-based nonlocality and provide a fine-grained geometrical picture of field–matter interactions in nonlocal metamaterials. We utilize standard techniques in the theory of smooth manifolds to construct the Banach bundle structure by paying careful attention to the relevant physics. The electromagnetic response tensor is then reformulated as a superspace bundle homomorphism and the various tools needed to proceed from the local topology of microdomains to global domains are developed. For concreteness and simplicity, our presentations of both the fundamental theory and the examples given to illustrate the mathematics all emphasize the case of electromagnetic field theory, but the superspace formalism developed here is quite general and can be easily extended to other types of nonlocal continuum field theories. An application to fundamental theory is given, which consists of utilizing the proposed superspace theory of nonlocal metamaterials in order to explain why nonlocal electromagnetic materials often require additional boundary conditions or extra input from microscopic theory relative to local electromagnetism, where in the latter case such extra input is not needed. Real-life case studies quantitatively illustrating the microdomain structure in nonlocal semiconductors are provided. Moreover, in a series of connected appendices, we outline a new broad view of the emerging field of nonlocal electromagnetism in material domains, which, together with the main superspace formalism introduced in the main text, may be considered a new unified general introduction to the physics and methods of nonlocal metamaterials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Francesco Galvagno ◽  
Michelangelo Preti

Abstract We consider a family of $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2 superconformal field theories in four dimensions, defined as ℤq orbifolds of $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We compute the chiral/anti-chiral correlation functions at a perturbative level, using both the matrix model approach arising from supersymmetric localisation on the four-sphere and explicit field theory calculations on the flat space using the $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 superspace formalism. We implement a highly efficient algorithm to produce a large number of results for finite values of N , exploiting the symmetries of the quiver to reduce the complexity of the mixing between the operators. Finally the interplay with the field theory calculations allows to isolate special observables which deviate from $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 only at high orders in perturbation theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
P. S. Howe ◽  
U. Lindström

Abstract Superconformal geometries in spacetime dimensions D = 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discussed in terms of local supertwistor bundles over standard superspace. These natually admit superconformal connections as matrix-valued one-forms. In order to make contact with the standard superspace formalism it is shown that one can always choose gauges in which the scale parts of the connection and curvature vanish, in which case the conformal and S-supersymmetry transformations become subsumed into super-Weyl transformations. The number of component fields can be reduced to those of the minimal off-shell conformal supergravity multiplets by imposing constraints which in most cases simply consists of taking the even covariant torsion two-form to vanish. This must be supplemented by further dimension-one constraints for the maximal cases in D = 3, 4. The subject is also discussed from a minimal point of view in which only the dimension-zero torsion is introduced. Finally, we introduce a new class of supermanifolds, local super Grassmannians, which provide an alternative setting for superconformal theories.

2021 ◽  
Said Mikki

An alternative to conventional spacetime is rigoursly formulated for nonlocal electromagnetism using the general concept of fiber bundle superspace.

2021 ◽  
Said Mikki

An alternative to conventional spacetime is rigoursly formulated for nonlocal electromagnetism using the general concept of fiber bundle superspace.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (13) ◽  
J. Lohr ◽  
A. L. Larralde ◽  
J. Curiale ◽  
R. Sánchez ◽  
J. Campo ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Taegyu Kim ◽  
Sunyoung Shin

Abstract We construct three-pronged junctions of mass-deformed nonlinear sigma models on SO(2N)/U(N) and Sp(N )/U(N ) for generic N. We study the nonlinear sigma models on the Grassmann manifold or on the complex projective space. We discuss the relation between the nonlinear sigma model constructed in the harmonic superspace for- malism and the nonlinear sigma model constructed in the projective superspace formalism by comparing each model with the $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2 nonlinear sigma model constructed in the $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 superspace formalism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (03) ◽  
pp. 2050038
Prince A. Ganai ◽  
Owais Ahmad ◽  
Javier Perez Tobia ◽  
Alexander Fennell ◽  
Vedaant Vyas

Lorentz symmetry is one of the fundamental symmetries of nature; however, it can be broken by several proposals such as quantum gravity effects, low energy approximations in string theory and dark matter. In this paper, Lorentz symmetry is broken in supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics using aether superspace formalism without breaking any supersymmetry. To break the Lorentz symmetry in three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics, we must use the [Formula: see text] aether superspace. A new constant vector field is introduced and used to deform the deformed generator of supersymmetry. This formalism is required to fix the unphysical degrees of freedom that arise from the quantum gauge transformation required to quantize this theory. By using Yokoyama’s gaugeon formalism, it is possible to study these gaugeon transformations. As a result of the quantum gauge transformation, the supersymmetric algebra gets modified and the theory is invariant under BRST symmetry. These results could aid in the construction of the Gravity’s Rainbow theory and in the study of superconformal field theory. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that different gauges in this deformed supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics can be related to each other using the gaugeon formalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 234 (5) ◽  
pp. 281-289 ◽  
Rui-Juan Zhang ◽  
Dan Zhao ◽  
Qiu Zhong ◽  
Ya-Li Xue ◽  
Guang-Xu Huang

Abstract For the first time, we determined the detailed crystal structure of Na3Sm(PO4)2 using single crystal X-ray diffraction and established the commensurately modulated structure model using the superspace formalism. The structure adopts a (3+1)-dimensional superspace group Pca21(0β0)000 with the modulation vector q=1/3b*. At the same time, the photoluminescent properties of Na3Sm(PO4)2 sintered at different temperatures between 800 and 1200°C were studied. Under near-UV excitation (402 nm), Na3Sm(PO4)2 shows intense characteristic emission bands of Sm3+ (561, 596, 642 nm) with the CIE coordinate of (0.5709, 0.4282), corresponding to orange color. The excitation spectrum covers a wide range from 350 nm to 470 nm, which indicates that Na3Sm(PO4)2 can be efficiently activated by near-UV or visuable LED ship.

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