intrinsic value
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Chamila Roshani Perera ◽  
Lester W. Johnson ◽  

This paper argues that the strongly established connection between identity and consumer behaviour may not be necessarily applicable in examining environmentally conscious behaviour through an identity lens due to several other factors that may especially influence environmental identity formation; (1) the continuously evolving nature of environmental identity in the context of complexities (i.e., political debates, climate change science) of climate change; (2) the challenges of expressing inner connection with nature (i.e., instrumental value vs. intrinsic value); (3) the various cultural and symbolic meanings associated with environmentally conscious behaviour (i.e., functional benefits vs emotional benefits) and (4) different forms of behavioural practices (i.e., environmentally conscious behaviour vs. anti-consumption). Therefore, this paper recommends utilising insights and measurements unique to environmentally conscious behaviour as opposed to that of general consumer behaviour because the antecedents of the former, especially environmental identity projections can be multifaceted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Clive L. Spash

The journal Environmental Values is thirty years old. In this retrospective, as the retiring Editor-in-Chief, I provide a set of personal reflections on the changing landscape of scholarship in the field. This historical overview traces developments from the journal's origins in debates between philosophers, sociologists, and economists in the UK to the conflicts over policy on climate change, biodiversity/non-humans and sustainability. Along the way various negative influences are mentioned, relating to how the values of Nature are considered in policy, including mainstream environmental economics, naïve environmental pragmatism, the strategic role of corporations, neoliberalism and eco-modernism/techno-optimism. At the same time core value debates around intrinsic value in Nature and instrumentalism remain relevant, along with how plural environmental values can be articulated and acted upon. Naturalness, human relations to non-humans, and Nature as other, remain central considerations. The broadening of issues covered by the journal (e.g. covering social psychology, sociology and political science), reflect the need to address both human behaviour and the structure of social and economic systems to confront ongoing social-ecological crises.

2022 ◽  
Markku Niemivirta ◽  
Anna Tapola ◽  
Heta Tuominen ◽  
Jaana Viljaranta

This study investigated the developmental interdependence of Finnish school-beginners’ (N = 285) ability self-concept, intrinsic value, and performance in mathematics. More specifically, we examined: (i) whether and how children’s ability self-concept and intrinsic value in mathematics change over their first three years in school, (ii) how those changes are related to each other, (iii) how they predict later math performance, and (iv) whether there are gender differences in these trajectories. The results showed significant decrease over time in children’s ability self-concept and intrinsic value, but also significant individual differences in the trajectories. The high dependency between the levels and changes in children’s self-concept and intrinsic value led us to specify a factor-of-curves latent growth model, thus merging the trajectories of ability self-concept and intrinsic value into one common model (i.e., math motivation). The subsequent results showed prior math performance to predict change in children’s math motivation, meaning that higher initial competence was connected with less steep decrease in motivation. After controlling for the effects of first-grade math performance, both the level and change in math motivation predicted third-grade math performance and teacher-rated grades. That is, higher initial motivation and less steep decrease in it independently predicted better later math competence. Boys reported less steep decrease in math motivation than girls, despite no gender differences in initial math performance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Meredith L. Biedrzycki ◽  
Harsh P. Bais

Kin recognition, manifesting through various traits such as changes in root or shoot growth, has been documented in several species of plants. Identifying this phenomenon in plants has intrinsic value itself, understanding why plants recognize kin and how it might benefit them evolutionarily has been of recent interest. Here we explore studies regarding nutrient and resource allocation in regard to kin recognition as well as discuss how kin recognition is involved in multispecies interactions with an emphasis on how plant roots are involved in these processes. Future directions of this research are also discussed.

Prof. (Dr) Pramod Sharma

“Technical Analysis is the study of data generated by the action of markets and by the behaviour and psychology of market participants and observers”: -Constitution of the market technicians Association Technical analysis is a completely different approach to stock market investing- it doesn’t try to find the intrinsic value of a company or try to find whether a share is mispriced or undervalued. "Technical analysis is the study of market action, primarily through the use of charts, for the purpose of forecasting future price trends. “A technical analyst is interested only in the price movements in the market. So, it is all about analysing the demand and supply or a price volume analysis. Technical analysis considers only the actual price behaviour of the market or instrument, based on the premise that price reflects all relevant factors before an investor becomes aware of them through other channels. These stock market indicators would help the investor to identify major market turning points. This paper examines the technical analysis of selected companies which helps to understand the price behaviour of the shares, the signals given by them and to assist investment decisions in the Indian stock Market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 426-441
Nelci Nafalia Ndolu ◽  
Robert Setio ◽  
Daniel Kurniawan Listijabudi

Abstract. Natural restoration poses a current theological challenge. Readings that support adaptation, mitigation and recovery efforts are the purpose of writing articles to respond to these challenges. The method used in reading the selected text, namely Genesis 26:12-33, is eco hermeneutic as proposed by Norman Charles Habel. The results showed that Gerar water was compassionate toward Isaac, his family and animals as refugee in the Philistines during that time of famine. However, water stopped serving Isaac because Isaac became unfriendly to him by exploiting him when he was starving. From there Isaac was aware of Water's sovereignty in his encounter with the wells of Sitnah, Esek and Rehoboth. At the same time, Isaac realized that God as the source of Water defends Water in an effort to maintain its intrinsic value for all people fairly.Abstrak. Pemulihan alam menjadi tantangan berteologi saat ini. Pembacaan yang mendukung upaya adaptasi, mitigasi dan pemulihan komunitas alam menjadi tujuan dari penulisan dari artikel untuk merespon tantangan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembacaan teks terpilih adalah eco hermeneutic sebagaimana yang digagas oleh Norman Charles Habel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Air Gerar berbela rasa dengan Ishak, keluarga dan hewan-hewannya sebagai pengungsi di Filistin selama masa kelaparan saat itu. Namun Air berhenti melayani Ishak karena Ishak menjadi tidak ramah kepadanya dengan mengeksploitasi dirinya saat kelaparan. Dari situ Ishak sadar akan kedaulatan Air dalam perjumpaan dengan sumur Sitnah, Esek dan Rehobot, sekaligus menyadari Tuhan sebagai sumber Air membela Air dalam upayanya mempertahankan nilai intrinsiknya bagi semua orang secara adil.

Systems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Qianling Jiang ◽  
Jie Sun ◽  
Chun Yang ◽  
Chao Gu

In response to the rapid growth of mobile Internet, online retailers have created better shopping experiences through new technologies. These shopping experiences are the product of the new interaction methods created by new technologies and the intrinsic value of these technologies. To achieve a better understanding of how new technologies improve consumers’ intention to use them continuously, this study established a theoretical model of how consumers’ perceived interactivity affects intrinsic value, which then affects attitudes, and ultimately contributes to the theoretical model. Within the perceived interactivity construct, there is perceived control, personalization and responsiveness, and as part of the intrinsic value construct there is playfulness and aesthetics. The results demonstrate that intrinsic value and perceived interactivity play important roles in predicting consumers’ attitudes and continuance intention to use new technologies applied to mobile e-commerce, but do not include perceived control in perceived interactivity. To highlight the results of this study, relevant enterprises or practitioners may use the findings to design or improve the features of existing mobile apps to provide better services and experiences to consumers based on their internal perceptions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Irvan Liunardi Senjaya

This research is aimed at analyzing the valuation of BUMN shares with the dividend discounted model and economic value added model. This study is also aimed to teach early or novice investors about financial statement analysis, which contains information about companies' finances and companies' actions in the following years. Financial statement analysis is not limited to the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) and Price-to-Book Value (PBV). There are various analyses that can be used, such as the dividend discounted model aiming to find the company's intrinsic value and economic value added aiming to find economic value that will benefit investors. For this research, the researchers need 12 state-owned-enterprises (SOEs) to be used as samples and secondary data. The data used for this research are financial statements (2015-2019 period) and dividends per share (2015-2019 period). The data used were obtained before the event of CoVID-19. The results show that from the dividend discounted model and economic value added, 7 out of 12 SOEs are undervalued and have economic value for investors.             

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-320
Ardhi Barkah Apandi ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Fasa ◽  
A.Kumedi Ja’far

ABSTRAK Bitcoin adalah sistem pembayaran online dari uang elektronik peer-to-peer (P2P) yang dikirim langsung dari satu pihak ke pihak lain tanpa melalui lembaga keuangan. Di Indonesia Bitcoin tidak memiliki legalitas untuk dijadikan sebagai alat transaksi yang sah karena bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang nomor 7 tahun 2011 dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia nomor 17 tahun 2015 serta kepemilikan Bitcoin hanya dianggap sah apabila Bitcoin dijadikan sebagai asset kripto dalam bursa berjangka komoditi. Konsep Bitcoin menurut ulama Indonesia haram karena mengandung gharar dan dharar serta bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang. Gharar disebabkan karena penemu atau penciptanya tidak diketahui secara pasti, tidak adanya otoritas yang memastikan keabsahan transaksi, tidak memiliki nilai intrinsik, tidak memiliki validitas dalam sistem ekonomi, nilainya yang tidak stabil karena volatilitas yang tinggi, sulit untuk diawasi akibat ketidakjelasan pemiliki. Dharar disebabkan karena factor kemanan yang rentan akan peretasan, nilai yang fluktuatif sehingga harga bisa turun drastis dan merugikan pemilik, tidak adanya regulasi yang memberikan jaminan terlindung dari kerugian. ABSTRACT Bitcoin is an online payment system of peer-to-peer (P2P) electronic money sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Bitcoin does not have the legality to be used as a legal transaction tool because it is contrary to Undang-Undang nomor 7 of 2011 and Bank Indonesia Regulation number 17 of 2015 and Bitcoin ownership is only considered legal if Bitcoin is used as a crypto asset in the commodity futures exchange. The concept of Bitcoin according to Indonesian scholars is haram because it contains gharar and dharar and is against the law. Gharar is caused by the inventor or creator is not known with certainty, there is no authority to ensure the validity of transactions, has no intrinsic value, has no validity in the economic system, the value is unstable due to high volatility, difficult to announce due to the uncertainty of the owner. Dharar is caused by security factors that are vulnerable to hacking, fluctuating values ​​so that prices can drop drastically and harm the owner, there is no regulation that guarantees protection from losses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-255
Philip Kitcher

Part II of the book takes up questions of curriculum, beginning with the natural sciences. The aim throughout Part II is to identify what all students should share. The sciences bring material benefits, not only to the societies out of which new research comes but also to the entire human population. Hence it is important to train young people who can build on past achievements to make new advances in the future. Scientific education is not merely for the few who fill this important role, or even for the larger number who will draw on established science in their daily employment. The results of science should be as widely available as possible, not simply because of the intrinsic value of understanding but, more importantly, because policy debates often turn on scientific details. General education in science should preserve the curiosity most children have, and instill scientific literacy. The chapter argues that this is best done by distinguishing the curriculum for specialists from a broad general education in science, and it formulates concrete proposals for how this might be achieved.

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