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Александр Юрьевич Шемахин ◽  
Виктор Семенович Желтухин ◽  
Евгений Юрьевич Шемахин

Для моделирования процессов в ВЧ-плазме пониженного давления с продувом газа разработана гибридная математическая модель при числах Кнудсена - для несущего газа. Модель включает начально-краевую задачу для кинетического уравнения Больцмана, описывающего функцию распределения несущего нейтрального газа, краевые задачи для уравнения неразрывности электронной, ионной и метастабильной компонент, уравнения сохранения энергии электронов, для ВЧ-уравнений Максвелла в форме телеграфных уравнений и уравнения Пуассона для потенциальной составляющей поля. Приводятся результаты расчета электрической напряженности, концентрации электронов, ионов и метастабилей, потенциальной составляющей электромагнитного поля в цилиндрической вакуумной камере. A hybrid mathematical model for the Knudsen numbers - for the carrier gas has been developed to simulate processes in a low pressure RF plasma with gas flow. The model includes an initial boundary value problem for the kinetic Boltzmann equation describing the distribution function of the carrier neutral gas, boundary value problems for the continuity equation of the electronic, ionic and metastable components, the electron energy conservation equations, for Maxwell’s RF equations in the form of telegraphic equations and the Poisson equation for the potential part of field. The results of the calculation of the electric intensity, the concentration of electrons, iones and metastables, the potential component of the electromagnetic field in a cylindrical vacuum chamber are presented.

Николай Юрьевич Сдобняков ◽  
Сергей Сергеевич Богданов ◽  
Алексей Дмитриевич Веселов ◽  
Ксения Геннадьевна Савина ◽  
Никита Игоревич Непша ◽  

В данной работе методом молекулярной динамики с использованием потенциала сильной связи исследовались биметаллические наночастицы Au - Co трёх стехиометрических составов различного размера. Установлены закономерности структурообразования, описаны их характерные особенности. В частности, в составах с 50ат.% и 75ат.% содержанием Au образуются множественные малые ядра локальной икосаэдрической симметрии. Только в составе Co -25ат.% Au с увеличением размера частиц преобладают кристаллические фазы. Выявлены составы, в которых внутренняя симметрия наночастицы определена наличием одного икосаэдра, либо сверхструктуры из нескольких икосаэдров. Рассчитаны концентрационные зависимости энергии смешения биметаллической наночастицы Au - Co. Показано, что в определённом диапазоне размеров существуют концентрационные составы, при которых биметаллический наносплав может проявлять нестабильность. С использованием калорических кривых потенциальной части внутренней энергии определены температуры кристаллизации. Установлено, что температура кристаллизации демонстрирует умеренный, либо существенный, в зависимости от состава, рост с увеличением размера биметаллических наночастиц Au - Co. This work studied bimetallic Au - Co nanoparticles of three stoichiometric compositions of various sizes by the molecular dynamics method using the tight-binding potential. The regularities of structure formation are established, their characteristic features are described. In particular, in compositions with 50at% and 75at% Au content, multiple small nuclei of local icosahedral symmetry are formed. Crystalline phases prevail only in the Co - 25 at% Au composition with an increase in the particle size. Compositions are revealed in which the internal symmetry of a nanoparticle is determined by the presence of one icosahedron or a superstructure of several icosahedrons. The concentration dependences of the mixing energy of a bimetallic Au - Co nanoparticle are calculated. It is shown that there are concentrations of compositions at which bimetallic nanoalloys can exhibit instability in a certain size range. Crystallization temperatures were determined using the caloric curves of the potential part of the internal energy. It was found that the crystallization temperature demonstrates a moderate or significant, depending on the composition as well as growth with an increase in the size of bimetallic Au - Co nanoparticles.

David E. Kandzari

Motivated by the persistence of uncontrolled blood pressure and its public health impact, the development and evaluation of device-based therapies for hypertension has advanced at an accelerated pace to complement pharmaceutical and lifestyle intervention strategies. Countering widespread interest from early studies, the lack of demonstrable efficacy for renal denervation (RDN) in a large, sham-controlled randomized trial motivated revision of trial design and conduct to account for confounding variables of procedural technique, medication variability, and selection of both patients and end points. Now amidst varied trial design and methods, several sham-controlled, randomized trials have demonstrated clinically meaningful reductions in blood pressure with RDN. With this momentum, additional studies are underway to position RDN as a potential part of standard therapy for the world’s leading cause of death and disability. In parallel, further studies will address unresolved issues including durability of blood pressure lowering and reduction in antihypertensive medications, late-term safety, and impact on clinical outcomes. Identifying predictors of treatment effect and surveys of patient-reported outcomes and treatment preferences are also evolving areas of investigation. Aside from confirmatory studies of safety and effectiveness, these additional studies will further inform patient selection, expand experience with RDN in broader populations with hypertension, and provide guidance to how RDN may be incorporated into treatment pathways.

2021 ◽  
Aymeric Goldsteinas

Abstract In an ever-changing world of increased automation and process efficiencies, and with Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things at the forefront of these efforts, the most successful heat treaters globally employ a predictive maintenance platform that allows them to anticipate disruption before it occurs. In this presentation, you will:• Understand how costs associated with furnace downtime compare with and without predictive maintenance.• Learn the fundamentals of predictive maintenance and how it’s changing the heat treating industry.• Hear a series of practical, data-driven examples in which the software anticipated hazards—like a broken (open) heating element or diffusion pump heater failure—avoiding potential part quality issues and hot zone damage.• See real-life business cases on aged furnaces, where the risk and frequency of unplanned downtime is significantly higher. We will show all the benefits of monitoring furnace health with real-time diagnoses.

2021 ◽  
Rebecca Dawson

<p><b>Each year more than 18 million people are diagnosed with cancer. Stress survival plays a key role in tumour resistance which is a leading cause of cancer deaths. Understanding how cells respond to stress is key to understanding and treating cancer. Within a tumour, cells interact with many other cell types in the surrounding tumour microenvironment. The tumour microenvironment acts to both assist and resist tumorigenesis and metastasis depending on these cellular interactions.</b></p> <p>Rho Zero cells are cells that contain no mitochondrial DNA and therefore lack a functional electron transport chain and rely on glycolysis for energy metabolism, these cells require supplementation to survive in cell culture. When deprived of essential supplementation rho zero cells exhibit severe metabolic stress. Yet when implanted into mice they form tumours after a 2-3 week delay. After this they contain new mitochondrial DNA acquired from the tumour microenvironment.</p> <p>This thesis explored how cells under stress interact with a model tumour microenvironment and exploit normal cellular processes for continued survival. Using confocal microscopy, IncuCyte microscopic videography, and MinION sequencing techniques we have established that rho zero cells under metabolic stress in a co-culture environment uptake mitochondrial DNA from the surrounding microenvironment and that this cell survival is contact associated. Nars1 was identified as a potential signal from the rho zero cells to the tumour microenvironment when placed under metabolic stress. This identified Nars1 as potential part of a novel stress response mechanism for severe metabolic stress. I then investigated if these findings could be replicated in cisplatin and doxorubicin treated wild type cells. While contact dependant survival was implied in the doxorubicin treated cells no Nars1 signal was found. However, an up-regulation of Cxcl5 and Cxcl1 was identified as a commonly up-regulated transcript between the rho zero and both chemotherapy treatments in 4T1 breast cancer implicating a conserved chemokine signalling response to stress.</p> <p>Together these results illustrate the importance of chemokine signalling in complex cellular interactions as part of a cellular survival stress response.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rebecca Dawson

<p><b>Each year more than 18 million people are diagnosed with cancer. Stress survival plays a key role in tumour resistance which is a leading cause of cancer deaths. Understanding how cells respond to stress is key to understanding and treating cancer. Within a tumour, cells interact with many other cell types in the surrounding tumour microenvironment. The tumour microenvironment acts to both assist and resist tumorigenesis and metastasis depending on these cellular interactions.</b></p> <p>Rho Zero cells are cells that contain no mitochondrial DNA and therefore lack a functional electron transport chain and rely on glycolysis for energy metabolism, these cells require supplementation to survive in cell culture. When deprived of essential supplementation rho zero cells exhibit severe metabolic stress. Yet when implanted into mice they form tumours after a 2-3 week delay. After this they contain new mitochondrial DNA acquired from the tumour microenvironment.</p> <p>This thesis explored how cells under stress interact with a model tumour microenvironment and exploit normal cellular processes for continued survival. Using confocal microscopy, IncuCyte microscopic videography, and MinION sequencing techniques we have established that rho zero cells under metabolic stress in a co-culture environment uptake mitochondrial DNA from the surrounding microenvironment and that this cell survival is contact associated. Nars1 was identified as a potential signal from the rho zero cells to the tumour microenvironment when placed under metabolic stress. This identified Nars1 as potential part of a novel stress response mechanism for severe metabolic stress. I then investigated if these findings could be replicated in cisplatin and doxorubicin treated wild type cells. While contact dependant survival was implied in the doxorubicin treated cells no Nars1 signal was found. However, an up-regulation of Cxcl5 and Cxcl1 was identified as a commonly up-regulated transcript between the rho zero and both chemotherapy treatments in 4T1 breast cancer implicating a conserved chemokine signalling response to stress.</p> <p>Together these results illustrate the importance of chemokine signalling in complex cellular interactions as part of a cellular survival stress response.</p>

2021 ◽  
Leo Maas ◽  
Rudolf Kloosterziel

&lt;p&gt;Conservation laws relate the local&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;time-rate-of-change of the spatial integral of a density function to the divergence of its&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;flux through the boundaries of the integration domain. These provide integral constraints on the spatio-temporal development&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;of a field. Here we show&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;that&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;a new type of conserved quantity exists, that does not require integration over a particular domain but which holds locally,&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;at any point in the field.&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;This is derived for the pseudo-energy density of&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;nondivergent Rossby waves where&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;local invariance is obtained for (1) a single plane wave, and (2) waves produced by an impulsive point-source of vorticity.&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The definition of pseudo-energy used here&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;consists of a conventional kinetic part, as well as an unconventional pseudo-potential part, proposed by&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;Buchwald (1973).&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;The anisotropic nature of the nondivergent energy flux that appears in response to the point source further clarifies the role of the beta plane in the&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160; &lt;/span&gt;observed western intensification of ocean currents.&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Zhenyou Tan ◽  
Jun Deng ◽  
Qiongxian Ye ◽  
Zhenfeng Zhang

Tuberculosis regimens currently applied in clinical practice require months of multidrug therapy, which imposes a major challenge of patient compliance and drug resistance development. Moreover, because of the increasing emergence of hard-to-treat tuberculosis, this disease continues to be a significant threat to the human population. 1,2,3-triazole as a privileged structure has been widely used as an effective template for drug discovery, and 1,2,3-triazole-containing hybrids that can simultaneously act on dual or multiple targets in Mycobacterium tuberculosis have the potential to circumvent drug resistance, enhance efficacy, reduce side effects and improve pharmacokinetic as well as pharmacodynamic profiles. Thus, 1,2,3-triazole-containing hybrids are useful scaffolds for the development of antitubercular agents. This review aims to highlight recent advances of 1,2,3-triazole-containing hybrids with potential activity against various forms of M. tuberculosis, covering articles published between 2015 and 2020. The structure–activity relationship and the mechanism of action are also discussed to facilitate further rational design of more effective drug candidates.

Amir Shamshirian ◽  
Danial Shamshirian ◽  
Mohammad Hossein Hosseinzadeh ◽  
Mohammad Ali Ebrahimzadeh

A novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China; in December 2019 and has widely affected the global community. After months of extensive effort, much remains to be understood of the pathogenesis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The available evidence raises a critical question : Is COVID-19 a lung disorder leading to circulatory problems, or a systemic disorder that leads to lung problems?. If the latter scenario is correct, investigations on hypoxia conditions and the development of anti-hypoxia agents may lead to potential front-line treatments in combination with antivirals for hypoxemic COVID-19 patients. Hence, anti-hypoxic agents may become a potential part of combination therapy in hypoxemic respiratory failure and COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
pp. 150-153
N.A. Azarenkov ◽  
A.V. Gapon

ICP devices are widespread in modern technology, so the capacitive coupling in ICP is well known. It does not make a sufficient impact to the power deposition in plasma, and mostly it assumed to be a harmful effect [1]. Fortunately, making use of Faraday shield allows one to avoid a detail investigation of the capacitive coupling. However, in some cases it would be useful to account both coupling types of the inductor with a plasma [2]. There are many ways for analytical and numerical simulation of the inductors and their coupling with a plasma. In the most simulating tools, the problem comes to FEM PDE model, which includes as minima the body of an inductor wire and the surrounding space. In the paper, we use some other approach, based on integral solutions for electrodynamics potentials. Electric fields of some inductors are studied in the framework of the approach.

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