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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This study develops an integrated model to investigate how value co-creation, driven by positively-valanced e-engagement, enhances repurchase intention among e-commence consumers. Applying the tenets of UTAUT, this study also examines the moderating role of technology adoption in the association between e-engagement and value co-creation in the e-commerce context. Data were collected via 411 surveys completed by e-commerce consumers in India. Data analysis was done using PLS structural equation modelling. Results show that value co-creation, driven by positively-valanced e-engagement, enhances repurchase intention among e-commerce consumers, while, technology adoption moderates the association between positively-valanced e-engagement and value co-creation. The findings also reveal that consumption values, such as utilitarian and hedonic values, mediate the effects of value co-creation on repurchase intention among e-commerce consumers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (GROUP) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Trine Rask Nielsen ◽  
Naja Holten Møller

In asylum decision-making, legal authorities rely on the criterion "credibility" as a measure for determining whether an individual has a legitimate asylum claim; that is, whether they have a well-founded fear of persecution upon returning to their country of origin. Nation states, international institutions, and NGOs increasingly seek to leverage data-driven technologies to support such decisions, deploying processes of data cleaning, contestation, and interpretation. We qualitatively analyzed 50 asylum cases to understand how the asylum decision-making process in Denmark leverages data to configure individuals as credible (or not). In this context, data can vary from the applicant's testimony to data acquired on the applicant from registers and alphanumerical data. Our findings suggest that legal authorities assess credibility through a largely discretionary practice, establishing certainty by ruling out divergence or contradiction between the different forms of data and documentation involved in an asylum case. As with other reclassification processes [following Bowker and Star 1999], credibility is an ambiguous prototypical concept for decision-makers to attempt certainty, especially important to consider in the design of data-driven technologies where stakeholders have differential power.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Jeanette Wassar Kirk ◽  
Per Nilsen ◽  
Ove Andersen ◽  
Byron J. Powell ◽  
Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen ◽  

Abstract Background Selecting appropriate strategies to target barriers to implementing interventions represents a considerable challenge in implementation research and practice. The aim was to investigate what categories of implementation strategies were selected by health care practitioners and their managers in a co-design process and how they justified these strategies aimed at facilitating the implementation of the WALK-Cph intervention. Methods The study used a qualitative research design to explore what implementation strategies were selected and the justifications for selecting these strategies. Workshops were used because this qualitative method is particularly well suited for studying co-design processes that involve substantial attention to social interaction and the context. Data were 1) analyzed deductively based on the Proctor et al. taxonomy of implementation strategies, 2) categorized in accordance with the ERIC compilation of implementation strategies by Powell et al., and 3) analyzed to examine the justification for the selected strategies by the Proctor et al. framework for justifications of implementation strategies. Results Thirteen different types of implementation strategies were chosen across two hospitals. The deductive analysis showed that selection of implementation strategies was based on pragmatic and theoretical justifications. The contents of the two types of justifications were thematized into nine subthemes. Conclusion This study contributes with knowledge about categories and justification of implementation strategies selected in a co-design process. In this study, implementation strategies were selected through pragmatic and theoretical justifications. This points to a challenge in balancing strategies based on practice-based and research-based knowledge and thereby selection of strategies with or without proven effectiveness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 45-70
Maria Pammer ◽  
Wendy Farrell ◽  
Antje Bierwisch ◽  
Nadin Reinstadler

Podcasting, as an educational tool, is becoming increasingly prominent. This research sought to understand how podcasting could be used to support active student engagement in higher education, coming largely from a constructivist learning theory perspective. The case study focused on the practical implementation of student-created podcasting in a blended learning context. Data was gathered in the form of student feedback and interviews. Overall findings were that the students did find the experience engaging and appreciated the variety of learning opportunities. It will be necessary for instructors to ensure that students understand how to create quality podcasts and also recognize their responsibility to deliver quality content to their peers.

Although there are a growing body of studies on the influence of job embeddedness on turnover intention, few researches have been conducted on the drivers and outcomes of job embeddedness. Thus, this paper seeks to examine the drivers and outcomes of job embeddedness in the Egyptian hotels context. Data were collected from employees in the Egyptian hotels. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The results indicated that organisational support, employee advocacy, organisational rewards, and procedural justice are key drivers of job embeddedness. Furthermore, job embeddedness is related to organisational commitment and turnover intention. This study provides implications for the hospitality industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1521-1537
Dilek Karaca ◽  
Burcu Özgül ◽  
Cemal Zehir

In the context of social learning theory, this study aims to determine how the charismatic leadership of managers affects the entrepreneurial orientation of R&D employees and whether job satisfaction has any mediating effect in this relationship. In this context, data were collected through questionnaire method from 392 employees working in the R&D departments of the companies operating in the manufacturing industry, which are included in the Top 500 Industrial Enterprises List of Turkey. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 package program. As a result of the analyses, it was found out that the managers’ charismatic leadership behaviours affect job satisfaction and entrepreneurship orientation of the R&D employees. Furthermore, the job satisfaction of the R&D employees has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between charismatic leadership and entrepreneurial leadership orientation. These findings show that organizations will increase their entrepreneurial exposure by influencing the job satisfaction of their employees with a charismatic leadership approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Rola Koubeissy ◽  
Genevieve Audet

This article explores teachers’ participation in the school’s social justice system through the lens of the critical multicultural approach (May & Sleeter, 2010; May, 2000; 2003). Based on a research project about reconstruction and the theorization of teachers’ stories of practice (Desgagné, 2005) in a multiethnic context, data was collected from teachers in highly multiethnic primary schools in Québec. They were asked to narrate a story about a problem or an event with an immigrant or refugee student in their class. Four of these stories have been selected for this article. Our aim was to analyze the teachers’ cultural responses and their perception of their roles in supporting their students. Our analysis shows that although these teachers tend to make changes to their students’ reality, they cannot escape or contest “alone” the norms of an academic, societal and political system that governs its power relationships and privileges, its dominant norms and values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 1489-1497
Nur Yuhainis Ab Wahab ◽  
Rusnifaezah Musa ◽  
Siti Haryani Mat Yusoff

Organizations are increasingly under pressure to shift their production methods from traditional to sustainable, reinforcing the requirement to monitor their sustainability performance. The slow performance growth of Malaysian manufacturing companies remains a concern. The goal of this research is to highlighted the measurement used in the Malaysian SME context. Data were collected using survey method. A survey method was employed to collect a total of 1,071 responses in SME firms using proportional stratified sample technique. Using statistical packages for the social sciences (SPSS) version 27, this research focused on data validity and reliability. Findings of factor analysis confirmed 3 factors for the ICT adoption variable, were formed while 1 factor for the innovation variable, 4 factors for the competitiveness variable and 1 factor for the business performance. Only 2 items were dropped due to the weak loadings. Meanwhile the reliability analysis also indicates all the constructs and dimensions achieve good reliability value at more than 0.8. This research demonstrates the measurement validity and reliability of the research variables were inconsistent due to culture setting. This research highlighted the measurement used in the Malaysian SME context. The findings of this research withdraw a conclusion that the validity and reliability of item and construct of this research is proficient and consistent with the previous studies.

2021 ◽  
Alexey Nekrasov ◽  
Jonas Schult ◽  
Or Litany ◽  
Bastian Leibe ◽  
Francis Engelmann

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Zhou Qin ◽  
Zhihan Fang ◽  
Yunhuai Liu ◽  
Chang Tan ◽  
Desheng Zhang

Urban traffic sensing has been investigated extensively by different real-time sensing approaches due to important applications such as navigation and emergency services. Basically, the existing traffic sensing approaches can be classified into two categories by sensing natures, i.e., explicit and implicit sensing. In this article, we design a measurement framework called EXIMIUS for a large-scale data-driven study to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of two sensing approaches by using two particular systems for traffic sensing as concrete examples. In our investigation, we utilize TB-level data from two systems: (i) GPS data from five thousand vehicles, (ii) signaling data from three million cellphone users, from the Chinese city Hefei. Our study adopts a widely used concept called crowdedness level to rigorously explore the impacts of contexts on traffic conditions including population density, region functions, road categories, rush hours, holidays, weather, and so on, based on various context data. We quantify the strengths and weaknesses of these two sensing approaches in different scenarios and then we explore the possibility of unifying two sensing approaches for better performance by using a truth discovery-based data fusion scheme. Our results provide a few valuable insights for urban sensing based on explicit and implicit data from transportation and telecommunication domains.

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