base method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (3) ◽  
pp. 032027
A Timofeev ◽  
F Daeef

Abstract This article presents a new way to use special computer vision techniques to aim with assisting in controlling a transport robot in a dynamic environment under exceptional and difficult environmental conditions. An analysis and development of algorithm for obstacle detection in the robot’s environment proposed based on data from an RGB-D video camera using computer vision methods. Contour analysis was the base method to detecting objects featured fragment taking into account difficult vision conditions. Based on open-source library (Open CV), we adopted methods program implementation which confirmed its applicability to detect objects in mobile robot environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 491-503
Dikshit Kalyal ◽  
Paras Chawla ◽  
Rajpreet Singh

Aviation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-219
Prasetyo Ardi Probo Suseno ◽  
Try Kusuma Wardana

This paper discusses a method to determine the operation route for unmanned aerial vehicles for maritime surveillance. It is well known that there are several methods to make an aircraft path planning for ground related missions. On the other hand, path planning for maritime purposes is unnoticeable. The major problem of path planning for maritime is the abundant number of nodes which can make the route becomes quite long. Hence, reducing the number of nodes is necessary to rectify this problem. The main method is to separate the surveillance area into a smaller area of operation using clustering methods and then analyze the vulnerable area using the database to create an optimum flight path in each operation area. Although this paper specifically addresses a maritime-related mission, the path planning procedures can be applied to other missions as well. In this research, the input is given from satellite recorded data. Natuna Sea is chosen as the main discussion as the Natuna Sea currently is one of the most vulnerable regions in Indonesia for illegal fishing activity. The result shows that the aircraft path able to cover most of the vulnerable areas while optimizing the route distance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1043 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Grigorii Nesvetaev ◽  
Yulia Koryanova ◽  
Aleksei Kolleganov ◽  
Nikita Kolleganov

When erecting monolithic reinforced concrete structures, the structure of concrete can differ significantly from the laboratory standard due to the complexity of providing favorable conditions for hardening, and therefore the compressive strength and especially the frost resistance of concrete may not meet the design requirements, which can negatively affect the reinforced concrete structure durability and require amplification, especially in earthquake-prone areas [1, 2]. Increasing the durability of reinforced concrete structures is possible by creating a rational stress field, for example, by prestressing, incl. variable along the length of the structure [3,4], but this technique is difficult to implement for monolithic reinforced concrete structures. It is possible to use effective materials or methods of manufacturing structures [5, 6]. But this is also mainly problematic for use in the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Generally accepted methods of calculating the reinforced concrete structures durability subjected to cyclic freezing-thawing during operation, incl. in a water-saturated state, do not exist. At the design stage, ensuring the durability of such reinforced concrete structures is mainly reduced to the reasonable assignment of requirements for concrete quality indicators, depending on the operating conditions, which is the focus of BC 28.13330.2017 (EN 206) and GOST 31384-2017 from the premise of ensuring durability of at least 50 years. In the above-mentioned norms of the Russian Federation, in fact, two approaches are presented to ensure the durability of reinforced concrete structures during cyclic freezing-thawing, incl. in a water-saturated state, namely: designing a concrete structure capable of working under such conditions by standardizing the values of cement consumption, W/C ratio, class of concrete in terms of compressive strength, amount of entrained air, or rationing of concrete grades in terms of frost resistance F1 (first base method GOST 10060-2012 provides for freezing in air, saturation and thawing in water) or F2 (second base method GOST 10060-2012 provides for freezing in air, saturation and thawing in 5% sodium chloride solution). The purpose of this work is to compare various approaches to ensuring the durability of reinforced concrete structures operated during cyclic freezing-thawing and to analyze the provision of durability with standardized indicators when designing the structure of concrete.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Enaam F. Mousa1 ◽  

This study including synthesis of some new Schiff bases compounds [1‐6] from the reaction of Sulfamethoxazole drug with some aromatic aldehydes in classical Schiff base method then treatment Schiff bases with succinic anhydride to get oxazepines rings [7-11]These derivatives were characterized by melting point, FT‐IR, 1H NMR and mass spectra. Some of synthesized compounds were evaluated in vitro for their antibacterial activities against three kinds of pathogenic strains Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by agar diffusion disk method, and against the fungal species (Candida). The results showed that some of these derivatives have good antibacterial activities compared to biological activity of parent drug.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 3095
Gerardo Alcalá ◽  
Luis Fernando Grisales-Noreña ◽  
Quetzalcoatl Hernandez-Escobedo ◽  
Jose Javier Muñoz-Criollo ◽  
J. D. Revuelta-Acosta

This work proposed a base method for automated assessment of Small Hydro-Power (SHP) potential for a run-of-river (RoR) scheme using geographic information systems (GIS). The hydro-power potential (HP) was represented through a comprehensive methodology consisting of a structured raster database. A calibrated and validated hydrological model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool—SWAT) was used to estimate monthly streamflow as the Mesh Sweeping Approach (MSA) driver. The methodology was applied for the upper part of the Huazuntlan River Watershed in Los Tuxtlas Mountains, Mexico. The MSA divided the study area into a rectangular mesh. Then, at every location within the mesh, SHP was obtained. The main components of the MSA as a RoR scheme were the intake, the powerhouse, and the surge tank. The surge tank was located at cells where the hydro-power was calculated and used as a reference to later locate the intake and powerhouse by maximizing the discharge and head. SHP calculation was performed by sweeping under different values of the penstock’s length, and the headrace’s length. The maximum permissible lengths for these two variables represented potential hydro-power generation locations. Results showed that the headrace’s length represented the major contribution for hydro-power potential estimation. Additionally, values of 2000 m and 1500 m for the penstock and the headrace were considered potential thresholds as there is no significant increment in hydro-power after increasing any of these values. The availability of hydro-power on a raster representation has advantages for further hydro-power data analysis and processing.

Yuliya Verhozina ◽  
Yuriy Pozhidaev ◽  
Kulshrestha Dr. Vaibhav ◽  
Tat'yana Raskulova

The composition and structure of the membrane based on the acid-base method of elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopy were studied. The ion-exchange capacity, proton con ductivity, activation energy, and thermogravimetric analysis of the resulting membranes were studied

Fadhliati Fadhliati

Language is a means of communication between community members in the form of sound symbols produced by human speech tools, language is also a means of self-expression as well as a tool to show self-identity. With the very rapid development of technology, especially in the field of information technology, the problems previously described can be overcome by building a web-based text to Aceh language translator system. Research on the translation system uses three main approaches, namely a rule-based, statistical and example-based approach. The method used consists of 2 (two), namely the system development method with the waterfall method and the rule base method for parsing the dictionary data. Based on the results of the analysis and design of the Aceh language translator application, it can be seen that; The design of an Acehnese translator application can provide convenience in carrying out the process of translating Acehnese into Indonesia and vice versa, and the rule-based method is used to anticipate the limited number of words contained in the database, which are Indonesian words that have similarities in Acehnese made in a certain pattern of rules. The rule-based used in this application is the change rule in the front syllable, back syllable, middle syllable, and their combinations.

Qin Miao ◽  
Yingqi Mi ◽  
Jingmin Cui ◽  
Jingjing Zhang ◽  
Wenqiang Tan ◽  

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