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Dmytro Maliar ◽  
Olena Kakhovich ◽  
Julia Kakhovich

Digitalization of economic entities, digitalization of socio-economic relations and property relations inevitably lead to the formation of an information society. Under such conditions, there is a fundamental change in the processes of democratization. In particular, democratization, as well as any other sphere of public life, undergoes transformation under the influence of information and communication technologies. Thus, therewas aphenomenon of e-democracy, which is essentially a modern form of interactive interaction between public administration and society. E-democracy tools enable the public to take their own initiatives, ensure public involvement in state-building processes, allow the public to exercise current control over the actions of state bodies, etc. This study examines the role of e-democracy in the formation of modern socially oriented public administration. Special, general and integration functions of e-democracy are separated on the basis of division of labor directly in the system of public administration. Special functions of e-democracy are considered on three grounds: by processes, by subsystems andby publicadministration. The general functions of e-democracy include: public initiative, public participation in planning, encouraging the public, involving the public in decision-making, transparency of public administration, public control. There is a connection between the general and special functions of e-democracy, more precisely, the implementation of special functions takes place indirectly through general functions. The general functions of e-democracy acquire a specific meaning and turn into special due to the specificization of objects, elements and processes of public administration. Functional analysis of e-democracy allows to establish the scale of work and application of digital technologies from each function, to design the rational structure of the e-democracy system in the country at the appropriate levels: local, regional and national. Understanding the interdependence between the general and special functions of e-democracy, as well as the analysis of such interrelation, allow to improve public administration, increase the level of efficiency of the public administration system, eliminate unnecessary procedures and bureaucratic obstacles.

Vasily Demyanyshyn ◽  
Yuriy Klapkiv

Introduction. The issue of financial fraud, in particular in the market of insurance services and the motives for participation in them by individual participants who are able to recognize a possible financial pyramid and refuse to participate in it is especially relevant at the present stage of development of Ukrainian society. In developed countries, the problems of involvement and motives for participation in financial pyramids are paid much more attention than in Ukraine, where a potential consumer of a financial product is often left alone with the problem after the closure of a fraudulent project. Methods. The methodological basis of the article is a dialectical-materialist approach, and during the research special general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis - in determining the motives of participation and relationships of participants in the financial pyramid; historical and legal - in disclosing the experience and consequences of the spread of fraud, in particular on the example of Albania. Results. The article attempts to assess the factors that affect the relatively conscious participation of consumers in financial projects, with clear signs of a financial pyramid. We interpret the financial pyramid as: "the activity of the enterprise of the financial sphere, which is to accept funds for investment with a high level of return (at least at the level of declaration); however, this goal is not realized at all or to a sufficient extent, which causes a spiral of losses." We single out the motives for involvement in the structures, which during the operation of the payment of liabilities are made from the current investments of new clients (investors or partners) and the factors that determine the involvement in such structures of colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances and their financial resources. Discussion. Aggressive marketing, which declares extraordinary profits, so large that their size precludes rational thinking and awareness of the fairness of distribution or financial enrichment, in the representation of celebrities who authenticate the proposed obligations in combination with the level of regulation and financial literacy significant prospects for further research on this topic. This situation allows us to predict a significant number of new participants in financial pyramids and exacerbation of financial fraud. Keywords: insurance, financial pyramid, fraud, motives, factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ridwanta Manogu

<p>Scholars have been proposing numerous models in “reconciling” faith and science. All proposed models, generally, could be categorized into four approaches: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. Since models in approaching the dialog of faith and science, basically, express presuppositions of how someone view reality. In this essay, therefore, these models are reviewed in the light of how Christians should comprehend the reality through the Scripture: God reveals Himself in two ways, general and special. General revelation is the world as His creation, and special revelation is the His words that have been written in the Bible. Special revelation, fundamentally, is a metaphysical framework for Christians to understand God’s creation. As the result, approaching model which cohere to biblical concept of one truth is integration model, which is, as some scholars call, the reconstruction or paradigmatic approach.</p>

2019 ◽  
pp. 48-57
Nina Klymenko

The article deals with the concept of a general theory of forensic expertology, the conditions for its creation, the place of forensic expert science in the system of legal sciences, the limits of its subject matter, the issues of interaction and the relationship of the science of forensic science and forensic expertology. The system and structure of the general theory of forensic expertology and its tasks are given. Separate articles of the Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure, Administrative, Economic, Customs and Other Codes of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Expertise” of 1994 and the constitutional confirmation (article 92, paragraph 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine) of the legislative provision of forensic expertise are the further legal basis development of legal, organizational and managerial directions of forensic expertology. Forensic expertology does not only preserves the “birthmarks” of forensic science, but also, in turn, influences the dialectics of the development of the subject of forensic science and the content of its scientific fields (forensic techniques, forensic tactics and forensic methos). In particular, it requires clarifying the well-established view of the unity of forensic techniques for the investigator and expert. The first is made to collect “trace information”, the second is used for its in-depth study based on special knowledge in order to turn it into evidence-based information. Different goals are provided with different means of content. It is more accurate to raise the question of interaction, the “docking” of two, although closely related, but independent branches of scientific and technical means serving justice. The tasks of the general theory of forensic expertise (expert studies) are similar to the tasks of forensic science. They can be divided into general and special. General task is the creation of a scientific base for the purpose of the functioning and development of the industry of the use of special knowledge in examinations for the needs of legal proceedings, assistance in the fight against crime and other offenses, resolution of civil law disputes. Special task is the study of the laws of formation and development of specific types of forensic expertises, the expansion of their capabilities; development and improvement of expert technologies, tools, methods and techniques; the formation of the scientific foundations of new types of forensic expertises in connection with the emergence of new objects (computer, art history, etc.); developing expert crime prevention measures; development of an automated workplace software (AWS) for an expert of various types of research, study and implementation of advanced expert experience; forecasting expert practice processes and research tasks. Specific tasks are the up-to-date tasks that the practice puts before so the science of expert science to meet the needs that have arisen. Key words: forensic expertology, forensic expertise, legal science, theory.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Irfariati Irfariati

As a party leader who is good at rhetoric and vocabulary, Anas Urbaningrum has great ability to choose the most suitable words to deliver his opinion and ideas and to use effective, polite, and connotative words. The purpose of this study is to describe the rhetoric and diction at Anas Urbaningrum resignation speech as the chairman of the party. This study uses the qualitative research methods using the discourse analysis. The research findings of this study show that the speech delivered by Anas Urbaningrum when announcing his resignation as the chairman of Partai Demokrat contains connotation, denotation, scientific, popular, special, general, abstract and concrete diction.AbstrakSebagai seorang pemimpin partai yang pandai beretorika dan luas kosakatanya, Anas Urbaningrum memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi untuk memilih setepat-tepatnya kata mana yang paling harmonis untuk mewakili maksud atau gagasannya serta menggunakan kata-kata yang efektif, santun, dan bermakna konotasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan diksi dalam retorika Anas Urbaningrum dalam menyampaikan pidato pengunduran dirinya sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis wacana. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pidato pengunduran diri Anas Urbaningrum sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat menggunakan diksi konotasi, denotasi, ilmiah, populer, khusus, umum, abstrak, dan diksi konkret.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hwian Christianto

<p><strong><em>Abstra</em></strong><strong><em>ct</em></strong></p><p><em>The elucidation of Art. 4 Act No. 44, 2008 implicitly protects a person’s right to possess pornographic materials for his own use. This article argues that this reading opens up a number of moral problems.  For one thing what is the limit of legal and illegal porn, a question which cannot be separated from our understanding of what is considered indecent behaviour. In addition, the porn industry, the source of pornographic materials, is considered immoral or against religious precepts in itself.  The right to posses pornographic materials will be discussed from this perspective.</em></p><p><em> </em><em></em></p><p align="right"><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p align="right"><em> right </em><em>to own</em><em> porn material, moral norm, special/general right, adat law, human right</em></p>

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