comparative examination
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2022 ◽  
Nazanin Farshchian ◽  
Negin Farshchian ◽  
Parisa Bahrami Kamangar

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a prevalent vascular disease characterized by pelvic and limb deep vein thrombophlebitis, and it has a high incidence in traumatic patients. Contrary to older studies, recent research has reported that recanalization in DVT is not a slow process. The present study aimed at the comparative examination of DVT recanalization with Doppler ultrasound in different intervals following treatment with heparin or enoxaparin. This prospective study was conducted on all traumatic patients hospitalized in Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran, with the clinical and sonographic diagnosis of DVT in limb veins. Doppler ultrasound was performed two weeks, one month, and three months following treatment in order to examine recanalization. Data were analyzed using statistical tests in SPSS16 at the significance level of <0.05. Based on Doppler ultrasound, a significant difference was found between the degree of recanalization in patients aged <45 years and those aged >45 years, between male and female patients, and between different DVT locations (P<0.05). After three months of treatment with heparin and enoxaparin, the degree of recanalization was increased in DVT. Moreover, it was found that Doppler ultrasound is a useful tool for the diagnosis of recanalization in patients with DVT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-27
N. I. Volkov ◽  
Zh. V. Bespalova ◽  
P. A. Bazanov ◽  
I. V. Volosenok

With the aim of comparative examination of efficacy of different drugs and methods of endoscopic surgery in treatment of infertile women with genital endometriosis 548 patients were examined. Distinct advantages of combined treatment were revealed: surgical destruction of endometrial foci at the first stage and administration of antigonadotrophic preparations at the second stage. Maximum frequency of impregnation after such therapy was observed during first 6-8 months. By 11-12 months the index decreased to its minimum. So, it is reasonable to give up passive supervision after 12 months

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 114-131
W. Fierman ◽  

In the late Soviet era, the domains of use of languages were largely a function of ethnic groups’ status in the Soviet administrative hierarchy. Russian was at the top; below it were the eponymous languages of the non-Russian 14 “Union Republics;” all other languages were used in relatively narrow sets of domains. The “Union Republic languages” included five in Central Asia-- Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen, and Uzbek. These languages’ use in fewer domains than most other Union Republic languages profoundly affected their expansion into new domains after 1991. Two other factors affecting this primarily rooted in the Soviet era were the ethnic composition of the republics upon the USSR’s collapse and their populations’ language repertoires. In addition to these “Soviet heritage factors,” language policy and ecology have also been shaped by each country’s nation building project, its international orientation, the nature of its political system, and its economic resources. Russian today remains more widely used in high prestige domains in Central Asia than in all other former Soviet republics except Belarus. However, Russian is less used in a wide variety of domains in Central Asia than it is in “autonomous” units of the former RSFSR.

2021 ◽  
Yonatan Glazer-Eytan

AbstractSacrilegious attitudes toward the Eucharistic host are one of the most commonplace accusations leveled against Jews in premodern Europe. Usually treated in Jewish historiography as an expression of anti-Judaism or antisemitism, they are considered a hallmark of Jewish powerlessness and persecution. In medieval and early modern Spain, however, Jews and conversos (Jewish converts to Christianity and their descendants) were not the only proclaimed enemies of the Eucharist. Reports about avoidance, rejection, criticism, and even ridicule and profanation of the consecrated host were similarly leveled against Muslims and moriscos (Muslim converts to Christianity). This essay seeks to assess the parallels and connections between the two groups through a comparative examination of accusations of sacrilegious behavior towards the host. The first part of the essay analyzes religious art, legal compendia, and inquisitorial trials records from the tribunals of Toledo and Cuenca in order to show some evident homologies between the two groups. The second part of the essay focuses on the analysis of the works of Jaime Bleda and Pedro Aznar y Cardona, two apologists of the expulsion of the moriscos, and draws direct connections between Jewish and morisco sacrilege. By exploring the similarities and differences between accusations against conversos and moriscos, this essay aims to offer a broader reflection on Jewish exceptionalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 508-508
William Dannefer ◽  
Carroll Estes

Abstract In a time of heightened social inequality and concern to reckon with its sources and consequences, the relevance of cumulative dis/advantage (CDA) to understanding patterns of aging has become even clearer, and CDA research has continued to expand in several fresh directions. Papers in this symposium will review the current state of knowledge regarding CDA and will present new analyses addressing key questions of its intersections with social change and its structural patterning. We will begin with a review of knowledge on comparative evidence regarding cumulative dis/advantage and its cross-national patterning. With regard to change, will examine the compare the effect of the 2008 recession and subsequent recovery across generational cohorts through a comparative examination of trajectories of income inequality. We will also present evidence on the impact of gender, focusing on women’s late-life health.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Syed Ahmad Ali ◽  
Aida Loussaief ◽  
Muhammad Ahmed

Purpose Islamic banking industry with all of its exponential growth and global recognition has been under criticism for the past two decades. However, the problem signifies further when such criticism is made from within the organization and is well supported by outside (the customers). The purpose of this study is to provide a coherent exploration to investigate the factors that polarize its employees and customers across many parts of the world. Design/methodology/approach To investigate the phenomenon, a total of 30 responses were taken through interviews 15 each from customers and employees. Afterwards, the data was analysed and summarized into two categories. In doing so, the top five Malaysia’s Islamic banks were shortlisted to collect data from employees and customers. Findings A detailed thematic analysis resulted in six themes (Contradiction between theory and practice, Islamic banking knowledge and awareness, inadequate Shariah training, employees’ background, Shariah compliance, Islamic banking benefits) for employees and five (Islamic banking benefits, applying Shariah in Islamic banking, knowledge of Islamic banking, Islamic banking promotion, Islamic banking employees’ behaviour) for customers, respectively. Research limitations/implications The results have stronger implications for both practice and theory as organizations can assess stakeholders and their perceptions about Islamic banking. Another implication is the comparative examination of employees and customers which can potentially affect decision and policy making in Islamic banks. Islamic banks can also address employment-related issues related to employees’ behaviour vis-à-vis marketing-related problems faced by its customers that will ultimately improve its global market share and strategic positioning. Originality/value The study is based on the importance of Islamic banking in Malaysia and explores the factors that potentially create a positive or negative insight into Islamic banking – both in employees and customers.

2021 ◽  
Sarah S. Kienle ◽  
Roxanne D. Cuthbertson ◽  
Joy S. Reidenberg

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-40
Eleanor Mary Vannan

Boudica was an Iceni queen c. 60 CE in Roman-occupied Britain who revolted against the Roman empire. While there is a scarcity of primary sources that document her life, Boudica has remained a dominant figure in conceptualisations of British national identity. This paper examines the works of the Roman historians, the archaeological record, and the depictions of Boudica in different periods and analyses the ability of historians to record events without being influenced by the ideology of their contemporary periods. Through a comparative examination of sources, this paper argues that Boudica should not be approached as a verifiable historical figure but as a tool to understand imperial propaganda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 180-185
Vyachaslav V. Semyonov ◽  
Andrei M. Tsiatsiuyev

A case of missile group identification by comparative examination using the image superposition method is presented. Identification was carried out using a skeletonized body vault exit gunshot fracture. The exit gunshot buttonhole fracture shape and dimensions reflected the bullet caliber and its flank profile. The entrance injury located on the anterior arch of the first cervical vertebra and the basilar part of the occipital bone, in this case, had no identification significance.

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