open source intelligence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e810
Abdallah Qusef ◽  
Hamzeh Alkilani

The Internet’s emergence as a global communication medium has dramatically expanded the volume of content that is freely accessible. Through using this information, open-source intelligence (OSINT) seeks to meet basic intelligence requirements. Although open-source information has historically been synonymous with strategic intelligence, today’s consumers range from governments to corporations to everyday people. This paper aimed to describe open-source intelligence and to show how to use a few OSINT resources. In this article, OSINT (a combination of public information, social engineering, open-source information, and internet information) was examined to define the present situation further, and suggestions were made as to what could happen in the future. OSINT is gaining prominence, and its application is spreading into different areas. The primary difficulty with OSINT is separating relevant bits from large volumes of details. Thus, this paper proposed and illustrated three OSINT alternatives, demonstrating their existence and distinguishing characteristics. The solution analysis took the form of a presentation evaluation, during which the usage and effects of selected OSINT solutions were reported and observed. The paper’s results demonstrate the breadth and dispersion of OSINT solutions. The mechanism by which OSINT data searches are returned varies greatly between solutions. Combining data from numerous OSINT solutions to produce a detailed summary and interpretation involves work and the use of multiple disjointed solutions, both of which are manual. Visualization of results is anticipated to be a potential theme in the production of OSINT solutions. Individuals’ data search and analysis abilities are another trend worth following, whether to optimize the productivity of currently accessible OSINT solutions or to create more advanced OSINT solutions in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Marc Jourdan ◽  
Karolis Martinkus ◽  
David Roschewitz ◽  
Martin Strohmeier

As data of aircraft movements have become freely accessible on a large scale through means of crowdsourcing, their open source intelligence (OSINT) value has been illustrated in many different domains. Potentially sensitive movements of all stakeholders outside commercial aviation are potentially affected, from corporate jets to military and government aircraft. Until now, this OSINT value was shown only on historical data, where automated analysis on flight destinations has been effective to find information on potential mergers & acquisition deals or diplomatic relationships between governments. In practice, obtaining such information as early as possible is crucial. Hence, in this work, we predict the destinations of state and corporate aircraft on live data, while the targets are still in the air. We use machine learning algorithms to predict the area of landing up to 2 h in advance. We evaluate our approach on more than 500,000 flights during 2018 obtained from the OpenSky Network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Fauzan Natsir

<p><em>The Tiktok application is one of the social media platform applications that often finds many loopholes to get the identity of the application's users. TikTok has experienced tremendous growth by reaching 1.5 billion users in 2019. This research uses </em><em>an</em><em> Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) method as a standard in the research phase to reveal the timestamps obtained from the TikTok application. The method used in this research is the National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST). Th</em><em>e</em><em> research uses forensic tools, namely Browser History Capture/Viewer, Video Cache Viewer, Unfurl and Urlebird. The result of this research show</em><em>s </em><em>a complete description of all digital artifacts and timestamps obtained from TikTok content. Furthermore, </em><em>by </em><em>using the results of the analysis in th</em><em>e research</em><em>, it is </em><em>expected</em><em> that </em><em>the research</em><em> can </em><em>help to </em><em>reconstruct the content and </em><em>to </em><em>search for keywords from the timestamp in th</em><em>e</em><em> TikTok application.</em></p>

Isabelle Böhm ◽  
Samuel Lolagar

AbstractOpen Source Intelligence (OSINT) has gained importance in more fields of application than just in intelligence agencies. This paper provides an overview of the fundamental methods used to conduct OSINT investigations and presents different use cases where OSINT techniques are applied. Different models of the information cycle applied to OSINT are addressed. Additionally, the terms data, information, and intelligence are explained and correlated with the intelligence cycle. A classification system for entities during OSINT investigations is introduced. By presenting the capabilities of modern search engines, techniques for research within social networks and for penetration tests, the fundamental methods used for information gathering are explained. Furthermore, possible countermeasures to protect one’s privacy against the misuse of openly available information as well as the legal environment in Germany, and the ethical perspective are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Tamás József Molnár

Az OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) mozaikszó mint a nyílt forrású hírszerzés jelentősége az elmúlt években egyre nagyobb szerepet kap az egyes szolgálatok életében, hiszen a digitális információk megszerzése és birtoklása új kihívások elé állítja a szakembereket. A legtöbben biztosan hallottuk már azt a közhelyet, miszerint „ami egyszer felkerül az internetre, az ott is marad”. Ezt szem előtt tartva kell mindennapi munkánkat végeznünk, hiszen soha nem tudhatjuk, hogy ki és mikor használhat fel ellenünk olyan személyes információkat, amelyek megszerzéséhez mi magunk szolgáltattuk az adatokat valamikor a közel- vagy régmúltban. Jelen írásban az OSINT jelenetőségének bemutatását követően a digitális tudatosság fontosságát hangsúlyozva rámutatok néhány tipikus gyenge pontra, úgymint a gyermekek és az idősebb korosztály e téren hiányos ismeretei, az operációs rendszerek, más programok adatgyűjtései, a kiszivárgott vagy gyűjtött adatbázisok jelentette veszélyek, az adatvesztés körülményei és következményei. Kitérek továbbá az egyre bővülő speciális adatgyűjtő célszoftverekre is. Ezek kapcsán megoldási javaslatokat vázolok fel, amelyek hasznos segítséget jelenthetnek akár a prevenciót, akár a veszteségek minimalizálását illetően.

2021 ◽  
Simon Rothöhler

In der kriminaltechnischen Praxis beginnt Forensik materialiter und lokal: mit Spuren am Ereignisort einer Tat. Medien der Forensik operieren als Tatortmedien und formieren Medientatorte. Sie prozessieren Datenspuren und Spurmedialitäten. In digitalen Medienkulturen ist - im Off offizieller Forensik - eine Konjunktur medienforensischer Semantiken, Verfahren, Praktiken zu beobachten, denen Simon Rothöhler nachgeht: in Alltags- und Popkultur (True Crime), in der Praxis künstlerischer Forschung (Forensic Architecture), in zivilgesellschaftlich-investigativen Kontexten (Open Source Intelligence).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 580-596
Cecelia Horan ◽  
Hossein Saiedian

As technology has become pivotal a part of life, it has also become a part of criminal life. Criminals use new technology developments to commit crimes, and investigators must adapt to these changes. Many people have, and will become, victims of cybercrime, making it even more important for investigators to understand current methods used in cyber investigations. The two general categories of cyber investigations are digital forensics and open-source intelligence. Cyber investigations are affecting more than just the investigators. They must determine what tools they need to use based on the information that the tools provide and how effectively the tools and methods work. Tools are any application or device used by investigators, while methods are the process or technique of using a tool. This survey compares the most common methods available to investigators to determine what kind of evidence the methods provide, and which of them are the most effective. To accomplish this, the survey establishes criteria for comparison and conducts an analysis of the tools in both mobile digital forensic and open-source intelligence investigations. We found that there is no single tool or method that can gather all the evidence that investigators require. Many of the tools must be combined to be most effective. However, there are some tools that are more useful than others. Out of all the methods used in mobile digital forensics, logical extraction and hex dumps are the most effective and least likely to cause damage to the data. Among those tools used in open-source intelligence, natural language processing has more applications and uses than any of the other options.

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