johann wolfgang goethe
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2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Ferran Carbó

This study reviews the presence of the composer Franz Schubert in five poems by Màrius Torres. These texts were written between 1933 and 1938, while Torres consolidated and evolved as a poet. The writer from Lleida performed musical scores with the piano and the Austrian composer, through his Lieder, became a model, something that is evident in the different ways in which transtextuality is present, not only between the songs’ lyrics and Torres’ poems, but also between the musical compositions and these same poems. This study analyzes how, on the one hand, Schubert’s Lieder “Der Erlkönig” and “Der Tod und das Mädchen”, with texts by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Matthias Claudius respectively, work as a starting point – or hypotext – for three poems by the Catalan poet, “El rei dels verns”, “La Mort i el Jove” and “Paraules de la Mort”, thus converted into hypertexts. On the other hand, Torres’ two poems “Adverbis de Schubert” and “Mai” refer to the Austrian composer from the intertextual relationship with the poem “Jamais” by Alfred de Musset. At the same time Torres mentions Schubert and the Lied “Ständchen” with text by Ludwig Rellstab in “Adverbis de Schubert”, but the Catalan poet hides Schubert’s copresence in “Mai”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-129
Ievgeniia V. Voloshchuk

The article analyses the model of the cultural space underlying the image of Galicia in the novel The End of Days by Jenny Erpenbeck. The research is focused on the intertextual elements used to create this image, their functions and the range of their interactions with the concept of the frontier. The myth of Galicia, the works of Karl Emil Franzos, Joseph Roth, Johann Wolfgang Goethe as well as Old Testament stories and psalms are considered as the main sources of intertextuality. Based on the analysis it can be inferred that the novel uses the intertextual elements not only for the wide cultural contextualization of the image of Galicia but also for the subversion of both the myth of Galicia and the literary pretexts from which these elements are borrowed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 345-350

Joachim Seng

Abstract : In his autobiographical accounts, Johann Wolfgang Goethe emphasizes the vital role that his father’s collections of books and art had for his own Bildung. In fact, the library of Johann Caspar Goethe (1710–1782) played a vital role in Goethe’s education and early studies while also attesting to his family background and status. However, soon after Johann Caspar’s death, his library was dissolved – and whereas Johann Wolfgang Goethe and other family members integrated some of the books into their own collections, the majority of objects were sold and dispersed. Today, a handwritten catalog commissioned by Goethe’s mother, Catharina Elisabeth Goethe, just before the sale (in 1793/1794), is a critical tool for reconstructing the collection. This article describes the history of Johann Caspar Goethe’s library, its dispersal as well as the efforts to reconstruct the collection. As the retrieval of the original copies from Johann Caspar’s library and the re-establishment of the original collection were impossible, the Freies Deutsches Hochstift has managed to collect equivalent titles and editions in order to restore a library that allows visitors to the Goethe-Haus in Frankfurt to learn about Goethe’s family background, the cultural setting of his upbringing, and early influences on his education.

Pauls Daija

In the article, the literary works of Baltic German writer Carl Hugenberger have been explored. Anthology of his poetry translations, “Derrigs laika kaweklis” (Useful Pastime, I–II, 1826–1827), has been analysed. The anthology was significant in the emancipation of Latvian literary culture and liberation from moral didacticism as well as the development of the self-sufficient aesthetic value of literature. Thus, the anthology prepared the way for the formation of Latvian national literature in the mid-19th century. Special attention has been turned towards Hugenberger’s translations of poems by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Schiller. Besides, the evaluation and reception of Hugenberger’s works have been explored. The article concludes that despite the innovative role and poetic achievements of Hugenberger’s poetry, it did not gain popularity among wider circles of the Latvian reading public and met criticism regarding the shortcomings in the translation techniques that can be explained by the limits of the underdeveloped Latvian language at the time. The most important episodes in Hugenberger’s biography have been outlined as well as his religious hymns and works of popular enlightenment, including translations of “Schillings-Bücher des Rauhen Hauses”, a book series of German Inner mission, works by Jeremias Gotthelf, August Kotzebue, Gottfried August Bürger et al. Special attention has been paid to previously unidentified originals of Hugenberger’s translations – works by Matthias Claudius, Johann Hinrich Wichern, Heinrich Alexander Seidel, and Adolph Krüger as well as previously underexamined partial translation of Johann Peter Hebel’s “Allemanische Gedichte”. The literary works of Hugenberger have been interpreted within the context of the literary praxis of the late popular enlightenment in the Baltics.

2021 ◽  
Pavel Gorohov

The monograph examines the philosophical foundations of the worldview of the greatest German poet, scientist and thinker through the prism of his spiritual activity, the foundation of which is the concept of "productivity". In addition, the following questions are studied: Goethe's contribution to natural science, the influence of philosophical traditions on Goethe's worldview. A philosophical commentary on the tragedy "Faust"is given. The monograph combines biographical and thematic approaches to the presentation of the material. For all those interested in the problems of the history of philosophy.

Galina A. Loshakova ◽  
Olga A. Rtishcheva

The aim of the research is to examine the theme of travelling in the works of German authors of the first half of the 19th century in relation to its didactic orientation to the spiritual and physical improvement of the developing hero. The article examines different motives of the spiritual and physical formation of young heroes, and an important plot constitutive motif of journey. In the novel of upbringing by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (“Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre”, 1796; “Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, oder Die Entsagenden”, 1829), a significant place is given to the idea of transformation and development, which is embodied in the narrative. The heroes of Goethe’s dilogy find their place in life, improving themselves in movement and work. The journey occupies a significant place in the children’s literature of this period (L. Chimani, Ch. Hildebrandt, L. Hölder, J. Meynier, K. Biernatzki), and a few others. The methodology is based on the principles of comparative literary studies. Works from the same period of German literature are compared typologically. Writers working for children and young people pick up and develop the theme of distant wanderings and the discovery of new territories. Robinson becomes a popular hero again. Writers use the genre of robinsonade not only to show the attractiveness of travelling, but also to create an example of raising a physically and spiritually mature hero who is ready to overcome all sorts of obstacles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 308-327
Roman Mniсh

The article offers an interpretation of Innokenty Annensky's poem Magdalene written in 1885, but published only in 1997. This early work of the poet differs significantly from his poetry, known from published collections (Quiet Songs and Cypress Box), which are not characterized by an appeal to biblical images and motifs. In the poem Magdalene Annensky offers his interpretation of the Gospel story, depicting the conflict and struggle between human feelings (Mary Magdalene) and divine vocation (Jesus) in the dialogues between Magdalene and Jesus. Analysis of the structure of the poem allows us to determine the presence of three literary traditions in it: 1) ancient Greek tragedy and the chorus as one of its main actors; 2) a romantic poem about unrequited love (first of all, The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov) and the concept of romantic duality; 3) Faust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The combination of antique concepts (fate, destiny, metamorphosis) with the ideas of Christianity, as well as allusions to the works of Russian romantics, allowed the author to combine three aspects in the image of Mary Magdalene: ancient fate (destiny), Christian (Orthodox) holiness and romantic alienation from the world. The combination of these three aspects in the poem by I. Annensky forms a new quality: the romantic poem did not provide for the chorus as a character, and the ancient Greek tragedy did not allow for such lyrical digressions typical for a romantic poem. The Gospel text in the poem by I. Annensky is transformed in line with the three mentioned traditions, and thus the theme “grows” into a dramatic poem.

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