squat exercise
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 535-545
Ki-Hong Kim ◽  
Jong-In Choi ◽  
Byung-Kwan Kim

Hyeon-Hee Kim ◽  
Kyung-Hun Kim

Background and purpose: Knee injuries are common among female softball players, and the stability of the lower extremities and the strength of the knee are essential factors for them. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Kinesio taping with squat exercise (KTSE) on lower extremity muscle activity, muscle strength, muscle tone, and dynamic stability of softball players. Methods: In this study, 40 softball players were randomly assigned to the KTSE group and sham taping with squat exercise (SKTSE) group. All subjects were tested three times a week for 6 weeks, i.e., for a total of 18 times. To evaluate the lower-extremity muscle activity, muscle strength, and muscle tone of the lower extremities, as well as dynamic stability, we used Noraxon Mini DTS, a digital muscular meter from JTech Medical, MyotonPRO, and the side hop test (a clinical evaluation method), respectively. These items were measured before the experiment and 6 weeks after the start of the experiment. Results: Both groups showed significant differences in lower-extremity muscle activity, muscle strength, muscle tone, and dynamic stability (p < 0.05). After the experiment, significant effects on lower-extremity muscle activity, muscle strength, muscle tone, and dynamic stability were observed in the KTSE group compared with in the SKTSE group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: KTSE did not have a negative effect on all items of the functional performance test. KTSE improved lower-extremity muscle activity, muscle strength, muscle tone, and dynamic stability.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 8124
Alejandro Muñoz-López ◽  
Pablo Floría ◽  
Borja Sañudo ◽  
Javier Pecci ◽  
Jorge Carmona Pérez ◽  

Background: The main aim of this study was (1) to find an index to monitor the loading intensity of flywheel resistance training, and (2) to study the differences in the relative intensity workload spectrum between the FW-load and ISO-load. Methods: twenty-one males participated in the study. Subjects executed an incremental loading test in the squat exercise using a Smith machine (ISO-load) or a flywheel device (FW-load). We studied different association models between speed, power, acceleration, and force, and each moment of inertia was used to find an index for FW-load. In addition, we tested the differences between relative workloads among load conditions using a two-way repeated-measures test. Results: the highest r2 was observed using a logarithmic fitting model between the mean angular acceleration and moment of inertia. The intersection with the x-axis resulted in an index (maximum flywheel load, MFL) that represents a theoretical individual maximal load that can be used. The ISO-load showed greater speed, acceleration, and power outcomes at any relative workload (%MFL vs. % maximum repetition). However, from 45% of the relative workload, FW-load showed higher vertical forces. Conclusions: MFL can be easily computed using a logarithmic model between the mean angular acceleration and moment of inertia to characterize the maximum theoretical loading intensity in the flywheel squat.

Jae-heung Park ◽  
Seung-hee Lee ◽  
So-jung Kim ◽  
Seung-ju Cho ◽  
Hyun-hee Park ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Kamilia Malihah Nur Salsabila ◽  
Triana Karnadipa

Spondylolisthesis merupakan suatu pergeseran ke depan satu korpus vertebra (vertebral body) jika dibandingkan dengan vertebra yang terletak dibawahnya (inferior). Hal ini menyebabkan dampak mekanis, radikuler, atau nyeri. Tujuan: Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh intervensi fisioterapi core stability exercise pada pasien wanita berusia 63 tahun dengan diagnosis spondylolisthesis dalam mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan aktivitas fungsional pada sendi lumbal. Metode: Core stability exercise yang diberikan pada penelitian ini berupa posterior pelvic tilt exercise, bridging exercise, bird-dog exercise, dan wall squat exercise dilakukan 9 kali treatment selama 3 minggu. Nyeri dievaluasi dengan menggunakan visual analog scale (VAS) dan aktivitas fungsional dengan oswestry disability index (ODI). Hasil Temuan: Setelah dilakukan 4 kali intervensi, terjadi penurunan nyeri pada gerak fleksi neck (2 poin), gerak fleksi trunk (1 poin), gerak fleksi hip bilateral(2 poin), nyeri tekan m. piriformis bilateral (1 poin), nyeri tekan m. hamstring bilateral (2 poin), nyeri tekan m. gastrocnemius bilateral (2 poin), dan nyeri tekan celah processus transversus vertebra L5(1 poin). Penurunan skor ODI menunjukkan penurunan disabilitas fungsional pasien sebanyak 9 poin. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi core stability exercise cukup efektif untuk mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan aktivitas fungsional pada pasien spondylolisthesis pada vertebra lumbal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Julian Schmidt ◽  
Alexander Ferrauti ◽  
Michael Kellmann ◽  
Florian Beaudouin ◽  
Mark Pfeiffer ◽  

The aim of this study was to investigate whether recovery from eccentric squat exercise varies depending on age and to assess whether the use of a mixed-method recovery (MMR) consisting of cold water immersion and compression tights benefits recovery. Sixteen healthy and resistance-trained young (age, 22.1±2.1years; N=8) and master male athletes (age, 52.4±3.5years; N=8), who had a similar half squat 1-repetition maximum relative to body weight, completed two identical squat exercise training sessions, separated by a 2-week washout period. Training sessions were followed by either MMR or passive recovery (PR). Internal training loads [heart rate and blood lactate concentration (BLa)] were recorded during and after squat sessions. Furthermore, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) force, countermovement jump (CMJ) height, resting twitch force of the knee extensors, serum concentration of creatine kinase (CK), muscle soreness (MS), and perceived physical performance capability (PPC) were determined before and after training as well as after 24, 48, and 72h of recovery. A three-way mixed ANOVA revealed a significant time effect of the squat protocol on markers of fatigue and recovery (p&lt;0.05; decreased MVIC, CMJ, twitch force, and PPC; increased CK and MS). Age-related differences were found for BLa, MS, and PPC (higher post-exercise fatigue in younger athletes). A significant two-way interaction between recovery strategy and time of measurement was found for MS and PPC (p&lt;0.05; faster recovery after MMR). In three participants (two young and one master athlete), the individual results revealed a consistently positive response to MMR. In conclusion, master athletes neither reach higher fatigue levels nor recover more slowly than the younger athletes. Furthermore, the results indicate that MMR after resistance exercise does not contribute to a faster recovery of physical performance, neuromuscular function, or muscle damage, but promotes recovery of perceptual measures regardless of age.

Alejandro Moreno-Azze ◽  
José Luis Arjol-Serrano ◽  
David Falcón-Miguel ◽  
Chris Bishop ◽  
Oliver Gonzalo-Skok

Background: The present study compared the effects of performing the lateral squat exercise in three different formats from eccentric overload training on concentric/eccentric peak/mean power and inter-limb asymmetries in young soccer players. Methods: Forty-five young male (U-17) soccer players were distributed into three groups. Two groups performed the same training volume with both legs, beginning with the weaker leg (SVW, n = 15) or with the stronger leg (SVS, n = 15). The third group executed double volume with the weaker leg and also commenced with such leg (DVW, n = 15) in the lateral squat during a 10-week period. Pre- and post-intervention metrics included concentric and eccentric peak/mean power during the lateral squat test and their corresponding asymmetries. Results: All groups improved all power variables. Concentric mean and peak power asymmetry were substantially reduced in the SVW (ES: 0.89), DVW (ES: 0.43), and in SVW (ES: 1.60). Eccentric mean and peak power asymmetry were also substantially decreased in SVW (ES: 0.81) and in DVW (ES: 0.68). Between-group analyses showed substantially better performance in concentric and eccentric variables with stronger and weaker legs in SVW and DVW groups compared with SVS. Conclusions: Those groups which started with the weaker leg showed greater both power enhancements and reductions on inter-limb asymmetries.

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