quality of worklife
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2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 12
Shane P. Desselle ◽  
Patricia L. Darbishire ◽  
Brooke H. Clubbs

Recent attention has been afforded to the concept of burnout and other quality of worklife issues among pharmacy faculty, underscoring the importance of organizational culture, citizenship, collegiality, and support. Support comes from the larger academic institution, the college/school, and individual colleagues. Evidence points to reassurance of worth, guidance, and positive affirmation as being among the most salient factors in mitigating burnout of faculty, who are caught in the midst of increasing demands and higher administrative burdens. A supportive culture that reassures worth of individual faculty is not a unidimensional typology, but rather, is one that permeates through all components of a multifaceted and strong culture that encourages citizenship. There is a growing body of research and evidence on faculty burnout and related factors. This commentary calls for the use of such evidence in guiding policies, creating mentoring programs, and carrying out daily activities in much the same manner that scholars use the best available evidence in their own specific lines of inquiry in teaching and research.   Article Type: Commentary

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 29-34
Fendro Chandra ◽  
Rianda Elvinawanty

This study aims to determine the relationship between quality of work life and burnout. Subjects used in this study were Workers at PT Multi Sarana Medanv consisting of 94 people who were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data were obtained from a scale to measure quality of worklife and burnout. The calculation was performed by means of testing requirements analysis (assumption test) that consists of a test for normality and linearity. Analysis of the data used was performed by Product Moment Analysis through SPSS 17 for Windows. The results of data analysis showed that r = -0,839 and p = 0.000 (p < 0.05), indicating that there was a positive relationship between burnout and turnover intention. The results of this study indicated that the contribution (R2) given to the quality of worklife to burnout intention was 70.3 %, the remaining 29.7 % were affected by other factors not examined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Ignatius Romouldus Shorinji Ganggut

Abstrak. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empirik peran kepemimpinan dan quality of worklife terhadap Organizational citizenship behavior pada karyawan. Dewasa ini, agar mampu bersaing, setiap perusahaan harus beroperasi seefektif dan seefisien mungkin. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 75 orang karyawan divisi HRD & GA PT. Dok Pantai Lamongan. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan maka ditariklah kesimpulan bahwa hipotesis penelitian ini diterima, yang berarti persepsi gaya kepemimpinan dan Quality of Work Life berperan sigifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh nilai F sebesar 37,620, dengan p<0,01 yang berarti bahwa persepsi gaya kepemimpinan dan Quality of Work Life secara simultan berperan positif signifikan terhadap OCB. Sumbangan efektif dari gaya  kepemimpinan  dan quality of work life (R2) secara bersamasama adalah 0,511 atau sebesar 51,1%. Sedangkan secara sendiri-sendiri, sumbangan efektif kepemimpinan terhadap OCB adalah sebesar 16,21%, dan sumbangan efektif  quality of worklife terhadap OCB adalah sebesar 34,88%. Sebanyak 48,9% adalah sumbangan dari faktor-faktor lain yang  masih harus diteliti lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: organizational citizenship behavior, kepemimpinan, teori kepemimpinan  path goal, quality of worklife

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 8839-8843

Today’s business world is very competitive and managing an organization has become more complex than ever before. As more companies have started realizing that ‘the satisfied worker is a productive worker’, they have started to look for ways to improve the work environment. Many have implemented various work life programs to help employees in order to improve their work life quality. The work life quality has an important bearing on the ‘total quality’ of the people. It results to better quality of life of the people and vice-versa. It has been considered a mean and at the same time an end in itself

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 23
Sri Marti Pramudena ◽  
Asmy Fuzita Hilda

This study aims to determine the effect of work life quality and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. Collection research data through interviews, observation, and distribution of questionnaires to 110 respondent. The sample in this study were employees who worked at PT. Intrasari Raya Bogor. The sampling method uses simple random sampling. The research data was analyzed using the SPSS version 20. The results showed that work life quality and job satisfaction on organizational commitment had a positive and significant effect, both partially and simultaneously where t-value 4.694>t-table 1.6592 and F-value 31.054>F-table 3.08. Organizational commitment of 64.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this study. Companies are expected to be able to think of other strategies in implementing quality work life and increasing employee satisfaction so as to create strong employee commitment. Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Sri Marti Pramudena

This study aims to determine the effect of work life quality and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. Collection research data through interviews, observation, and distribution of questionnaires to 110 respondent. The sample in this study were employees who worked at PT. Intrasari Raya Bogor. The sampling method uses simple random sampling. The research data was analyzed using the SPSS version 20. The results showed that work life quality and job satisfaction on organizational commitment had a positive and significant effect, both partially and simultaneously where t-value 4.694>t-table 1.6592 and F-value 31.054>F-table 3.08. Organizational commitment of 64.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this study. Companies are expected to be able to think of other strategies in implementing quality work life and increasing employee satisfaction so as to create strong employee commitment. Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment

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