mentoring programs
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Luh Suriati ◽  
Aida Firdaus Muhamad Nurul Azmi ◽  
Raseetha Vani Siva Manikam ◽  
Ni Made Ayu Suardani Singapurwa ◽  
I Gede Pasek Mangku ◽  

The processing of food products during the pandemic is growing rapidly, resulting in processed products that are increasingly diverse and widespread in the market. To empower rural communities by improving knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors, activities and mentoring programs are needed in accordance with the needs of the community.  This community service activity was held in the Group of Women's Farmers “Dharma Santi”, Baru Village,  Marga Sub district, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. Taro is an untapped commodity in  Baru  Village. Processing taro into various products such as bread, jam, and noodles have been produced and marketed by Women Farmers Group,  but marketing is still limited around the village.  Farmers Group does not have adequate entrepreneurship skill, production management, and marketing. The solution to address partner problems is to provide the right technology for processing bread, jam, and taro noodles, equipment assistance, knowledge of packaging and product labeling, marketing, and entrepreneurship. The implementation of community service activities has been running smoothly. The number of participants who participated in the activity was 10 people. Based on the results of the evaluation, this group mastered the technology of making bread, jam, and taro noodles up to 75%. Further help is needed to the group so that more quality bread products,  jams, and taro noodles produced have a longer shelf life as well as wider marketing.

2022 ◽  
pp. 174-190
Ileana Hamburg

Cyber security is interdisciplinary, and it is to expect that security professionals and other employees working with computers to have suitable knowledge. In this chapter an interdisciplinary training program in cyber security curriculum and an interdisciplinary mentoring program to be included in entrepreneurial learning will be proposed. It helps to produce synergy in groups and generates ideas to solve complex problems. Entrepreneurial learning is a basis for education of entrepreneurs, and it should also include such interdisciplinary programs. The author explained the advantages of interdisciplinary training and mentoring programs in this context particularly in the field of cyber security. Such programs are missing both in education as well as in companies. Two examples of European projects with the participation of the author will be done to improve entrepreneurial education and training and encourage SMEs to be innovative. The programs are supported by digital learning platforms, and interdisciplinary trainers and mentors help the learners. The main method is interdisciplinary problem-based learning (IPBL).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari ◽  
Frangky Slamet ◽  
Bagus Mulyawan

ABSTRACT Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan degan melibatkan mitra IKM Renafa Food yang berlokasi di Tanjung Gedong, Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat. Kegiatan berlangsung dari bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2021 yang diawali dengan identifikasi permasalahan, analisis kebutuhan, hingga program pendampingan. Hasil identifikasi permasalahan yang dilakukan oleh tim menunjukkan bahwa IKM Renafa Food membutuhkan bantuan untuk mendesain strategi pemasaran digital dalam memasarkan produknya. Dengan demikian, tujuan kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran digital bagi IKM Renafa Food, khususnya pemasaran di media sosial. Dalam kegiatan ini, tim PKM melakukan komunikasi intensif dengan pemilik IKM Renafa Food baik secara daring maupun luring. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa materi pemasaran digital yang dapat digunakan oleh IKM Renafa Food untuk melakukan promosi di media sosial. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan PKM dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa kendala yang berarti. Manfaat dari kegiatan PKM ini secara langsung dapat dirasakan oleh IKM Renafa Food untuk membantu melengkapi materi promosi di media sosial Instagram dalam bentuk poster digital.   Keywords: UMKM, strategi, pemasaran digital, pendampingan   ABSTRACT   This community engagement activity was carried out by involving the MSME's partner, Renafa Food, which located in Tanjung Gedong, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The activity takes place from July to October 2021, starting with problem identification, analysis of partner's needs, and mentoring programs. From the identification of the problems, team indicates that Renafa Food needs assistance in designing digital marketing strategies in marketing their products. Thus, the purpose of this community engagement activity is to develop a digital marketing strategy for Renafa Food, especially marketing on social media. In this activity, the community engagement team had intensive communication with the owners of Renafa Food both online and offline. The results of this activity are in the form of digital marketing materials that can be used by Renafa Food to promote their products on social media. Overall, these activities can run smoothly without any significant problems. The benefits of these activities give advantages directly to Renafa Food to equip promotional materials on Instagram in the form of digital posters.   Keywords: MSMEs, strategy, digital marketing, mentoring

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-184
Alfaina Wahyuni ◽  
Rahmalika Fitri ◽  
M Zulfani Najmi ◽  
Della Lovy ◽  
M. Rafif Rafif ◽  

Since the start of the pandemic, the number of positive COVID-19 cases in DIY has been steadily increasing. This includes the Kasihan 2 Health Center in Bantul's work area. UMY Thematic Health KKN students identified several Covid-19-related issues. Based on the root cause analysis, four programs have been identified: (1) IT-based assistance and monitoring programs for COVID-19 survivors, (2) comorbid screening programs for the elderly population, (3) mentoring programs for COVID-19 survivors who have recovered, and (4) Covid-19 transmission prevention programs, vaccinations, and the implementation of new adaptations for health cadres and community volunteers. With this activity, it is hoped that patients will be able to live a happy isolation period, without appearing to be isolated and feeling cared for, so that immunity can be maintained and healed without sequelae, there is an increase in the knowledge of post-recovery patients so that they do not become infected again, and they can also become reliable educators and motivators for other communities. , the gathering of information on the elderly with comorbidities. Furthermore, it is hoped that by optimizing the empowerment of health cadres and community volunteers, public awareness of the importance of adhering to health protocols during the new life during the COVID-19 pandemic will increase. Door-to-door comorbid screening activities cannot be carried out optimally because, according to the Covid-19 task force, they are too dangerous for students. In general, all activities went off without a hitch, with nearly 100% participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-139
Tin Tin Thein ◽  
Tun Aung ◽  
Aye Aye Wynn ◽  
Win Win Than ◽  
Mie Mie Sein ◽  

   Background: Mentoring is the relationship of a guide or a teacher with another person/student augmenting his/her carrier growth, knowledge, skills, and experiences implemented by caring, sharing and helping hands. The aim of this paper is to highlight the mentoring, type of mentoring, how important of matching and consideration of ethical issue in mentoring program. Not missing these significant points, mentoring program could be successful in universities including medical faculty.  Methods: The SMART principles of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound are essential to structure the matching between mentor and mentee. The rule of etiquette and ethical issues are crucial and beneficial for mentor mentee relationship. Clinical mentoring programs help to develop students’ clinical skills and can increase interest in under-subscribed specialties. Positive mentoring plays a part in reversing the decline of academic medicine, by sparking interest through early research experiences.  Results: There is the short term goal which is to introduce an immediate support network for incoming students and the long term goal is to cultivate a mentoring culture to engage all strata of medical students and every faculty member. Medical students expressed that mentoring program is to provide counselling, develop professionalism, increase students' interest in research, and support them in their personal growth.  Conclusion: The goal of mentorship is to provide additional support to student or mentee by steering of the academic needs or social prerequisites to accelerate the personal and professional development of mentee with advice, guide and feed backs from the mentor. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 973
Tutik Tutik ◽  
Heni Krisnatalia ◽  
Y.R. Satato ◽  
Solichoel Solichoel ◽  
Syamsul Hadi

ABSTRAKPerubahan landscape perekonomian global telah bergeser kearah teknologi digital. Oleh karena itu, dukungan atas gerakan nasional “Bangga Buatan Indonesia” dan “Gerakan Bangga Berwisata Indonesia” menuntut Kominfo bersama – sama penyelenggara platform perdagangan digital berupaya mendorong  wilayah – wilayah komersial, yaitu: desa - desa atau kelurahan yang masih alpa dari 4 G coverage signal memaksimalkan peluang dari teknologi digital melalui massive infrastructure deployment untuk Information and Communication Technology (ICT) diseluruh wilayah dan destinasi penting di Indonesia dari tahun 2021 sampai 2022 serta program pendampingan bagi UMKM dan UMi, POKDARWIS, serta DESWITA. Branjang salah satu Desa di wilayah Kabupaten Semarang sarat akan potensi wisata. Keindahan pemandangan sawah berundak/ terasering merupakan kekayaan alam yang dapat diolah menjadi produk bernilai jual. Selain itu, keberagaman budaya yang dimilikinya juga berpeluang menjadi potensi unggulan. Itulah sebabnya, dalam rangka mengangkat sejumlah potensi yang dimilikinya sebagai Rintisan Desa Wisata diperlukan upaya promosi sehingga keberadaannya dapat terekspos oleh calon wisatawan. Sementara itu, keberadaan Deswita yang tak terpisahkan oleh kehadiran UMKM sebagai penggerak kemajuan daerah wisata dan sekitarnya membuat keduanya harus jeli melihat prospek dari perubahan pada landscape perekonomian saat ini. Oleh karenanya, Tim Pengabdian STIEPARI Semarang mengadakan program pendampingan untuk mendukung percepatan digitalisasi DESWITA dan UMKM. Kata Kunci: deswita branjang; UMKM; digital marketing; pendampingan digital marketing  ABSTRACTThe changing landscape of the global economy has shifted towards digital technology. Therefore, the support for the national movement "Proud of Made in Indonesia" and "Proud Indonesian Traveling Movement” requires Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO)  together with digital trading platform providers seek to encourage commercial areas, namely: villages or sub-districts which is still unreachable by 4 G signal coverage, to enlarge opportunities from digital technology through massive infrastructure deployment for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all important regions and destinations in Indonesia from 2021 to 2022 as well as mentoring programs for MSMEs and UMi, POKDARWIS, and DESWITA. Branjang, one of the villages in the Semarang Regency area, is full of tourism potential. The beauty of the scenery of terraced rice fields is a natural wealth that can be processed into selling value products. In addition, its cultural diversity also has the opportunity to become superior potential. That is why, in order to raise  a number of potentials it has as a Tourism Village Pioneer, promotion efforts are needed so that its existence can be exposed by potential tourists. Meanwhile, the existence of Tourism Village (DESWITA), which is inseparable from the presence of MSMEs as a driving force for the progress of tourist areas and their surroundings, makes both of them have to be observant in seeing the prospects of changes in the current economic landscape. Therefore, the STIEPARI Semarang Service Team held a mentoring program to support the acceleration of the digitization of Tourism Village (DESWITA) and MSMEs. Keywords: branjang village, MSMEs; digital marketing; digital marketing assistance 

Stefan Hertling

Abstract Objective The COVID-19 pandemic restricting clinical practice and exacerbating the lack of medical staff. There is currently a lack of young residents who are deciding on further training in gynecology and obstetrics. Design: review and prospective, cross-sectional study. Setting: the aim of this study was to investigate if structured mentoring programs can counteract this deficiency. Population: medical students took part from Germany in the clinical phase. Methods An anonymous questionnaire was developed and distributed to students from January to October 2020. Epidemiological data, questions about mentoring experiences, necessity and their expected influence on career planning were collected and statistically evaluated. Main outcome measures: structured mentoring-programs can influence the choice of subject. In particular, men are still underrepresented. Research on the topic of mentoring during in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics is completely lacking. Results A representative number of 927 medical students took part in the survey. 22% (170/906) of the students had already participated in a mentoring program with a significantly higher proportion of men (69%; 117/170; p < 0.001). Of these, 94% (453/170) said this was helpful. 6% (55/906) wanted to pursue a career in gynecology and obstetrics. When asked about their appreciation for structured mentoring programs in gynecology and obstetrics, 95% (880/906) would participate and 94% agreed (871/906) that this could have an impact on their choice of specialist and career planning. Conclusions An active provision of mentoring programs and more content can be a way of counteracting the shortage of residents in gynecology and obstetrics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 127-144
Anne Hobbs ◽  
Marta Dzieniszewska

Abstract Delinquent youths often do not receive the opportunity to be mentored. This is especially true for youths who have committed serious law violations or are detained for multiple law violations. In the United States, youths with the most serious offenses are often committed to detention, or rehabilitation, or treatment centers. Since 2011, the Juvenile Reentry Mentoring Project (JRMP) has matched mentors to youths detained in Nebraska Detention, and Treatment Facilities. The Nebraska Youth Rehabilitation, and Treatment Centers (YRTCs), specifically, are for youths with the highest level of needs and who have exhausted all other programs available in the community. From 2011 through February 2020, the JRMP developed as an evidence informed model for mentoring juveniles with the highest level of need and the most serious law violations. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted youths in detention and treatment centers, and mentoring programs such as the JRMP adapted to continue to meet existing and emerging needs of youths. The aim of this article is to report on the evidence-based development of the JRMP and the adaptations that were necessary for it to continue to operate during COVID-19. We close with recommendations and lessons learned from the pandemic and ways that programs can resist a return to the status quo.

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