major choice
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-460
Qianrong Xiang ◽  
Zhuoxuan Wu ◽  
Er-Kang Tian ◽  
Shiqi Nong ◽  
Wen Liao ◽  

In recent years, gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have gradually become a major choice of drug delivery cargoes due to unique properties. Compared to traditional bulk solid gold, GNPs have basic physical and chemical advantages, such as a larger surface area-to-volume ratio and easier surface modification. Furthermore, these have excellent biocompatibility, can induce the directional adsorption and enrichment of biological macromolecules, help retain biological macromolecule activity, and cause low harm to the human body. All these make GNPs good drug delivery cargoes. The present study introduces the properties of GNPs, including factors that affect the properties and synthesis. Then, focus was given on the application in drug delivery, not only on the molecular mechanism, but also on the clinical application. Furthermore, the properties and applications of peptide GNPs were also introduced. Finally, the challenges and prospects of GNPs for drug delivery were summarized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
Yikun Liu ◽  
Jiaying Li ◽  
Yilin Zhu ◽  
Tongyang Chen

Backgrounds — Students who graduated from high school and went to university have to consider and make a decision about their choice of university major, an extremely important decision to each of them, which can greatly influence their studying road, future occupation and even whole life. Purpose — The purpose of the research is to find out the main factors influencing NAU students’ choice of major. In addition, this research also aims to determine how Personal Factors, Family Factors and Profession Factors influence NAU students’ choice of major respectively. Methodology — We based on the previous research and narrowed three main factors including Personal Factor, Family Factor and Profession Factor as the main variables, then we conducted a questionnaire survey among all NAU students of different majors and grades, finally we analyzed the data that we collected and drew some conclusions. Results — We find that students have some knowledge of their major before they entering the university rather than knowing nothing, the Profession Factor is the top factor which is the biggest influence on the students’ choice of major, however, though some minor factors which belong to the Profession Factor have an important place, the dominant factor is still the Gaokao Score which belongs to the Personal Factor. As for those students who have changed their major, they more tend to choose Auditing, Accounting and Finance because of the professional advantages, only a few students are still dissatisfied with their chosen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 223-248
Carolyn M. Sloane ◽  
Erik G. Hurst ◽  
Dan A. Black

The paper assesses gender differences in pre-labor market specialization among the college-educated and highlights how those differences have evolved over time. Women choose majors with lower potential earnings (based on male wages associated with those majors) and subsequently sort into occupations with lower potential earnings given their major choice. These differences have narrowed over time, but recent cohorts of women still choose majors and occupations with lower potential earnings. Differences in undergraduate major choice explain a substantive portion of gender wage gaps for the college-educated above and beyond simply controlling for occupation. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of understanding gender differences in the mapping between college major and occupational sorting when studying the evolution of gender differences in labor market outcomes over time.

Dev Patel ◽  
John Conlon

Dev Patel ◽  
John Conlon

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