personal factor
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Rahmi Ramadhani ◽  
Edi Syahputra ◽  
Elmanani Simamora

<p class="AfiliasiCxSpFirst" align="left"><strong>Abstrak:</strong></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle">Pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi dapat memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif baik pada siswa maupun guru. Faktor yang memberikan dampak negatif disebabkan oleh pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang tidak memperhatikan <em>personal factor</em> dan <em>personal behavior</em> baik siswa maupun guru. Faktor lainnya adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang tidak menghadirkan pembelajaran yang dekat dengan kehidupan, tradisi dan budaya sekitar siswa, sehingga siswa merasa asing dengan konten masalah dan pembelajaran yang didesain berbasis teknologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji secara kritis terkait dampak positif dan dampak negatif yang ditinjau dari <em>personal factor </em>dan <em>personal behavior</em> pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji apakah konteks <em>ethnomathematics</em> dapat diintegrasikan pada model <em>flipped classroom</em> dan direkomendasikan dalam pembelajaran matematika di era <em>New Normal.</em> Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis investigasi literatur <em>review</em> dengan 5 tahapan, yaitu(1) menyusun pertanyaan <em>review</em>, (2) pengumpulan data literatur, (3) penilaian kritis pada data literatur, (4) ekstraksi data: sintesis dan tematik analisis, dan (5) presentasi temuan dan diskusi. Hasil penelitian memberikan kajian analisis terkait pentingnya <em>personal factor</em> dan <em>personal behavior</em> dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi. Hasil penelitian juga memberikan rekomendasi terkait integrasi <em>ethomathematics</em> yang dilaksanakan dalam model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, salah satunya adalah <em>flipped-classroom model</em>. Model <em>ethno-flipped classroom</em> direkomendasikam sebagai model pembelajaran matematika berbasis campuran yang menggunakan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran, namun juga tetap menghadirkan pembelajaran matematika bermakna melalui integrasi budaya menggunakan konteks <em>ethnomathematics</em>. Penerapan model <em>ethno-flipped classroom</em> dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di masa <em>New Normal</em>.</p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle"> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpLast" align="left"><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>:</p><p>Model <em>Ethno-Flipped Classroom, </em>Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi, <em>Personal Factor, Personal Behavior, New Normal</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpFirst" align="left"><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle"><em>Technology-based distance learning in Mathematics can give a positive or negative impact on both students and teachers. Factors contributing to negative impact are caused by the implementation of learning that does not pay attention to personal factors and personal behavior of both students and teachers. Other factors are such as the implementation of learning that does not relate to students' life, traditions, and culture in that the problem discussed in the content and the learning designed based on technology are unfamiliar to students. This study aims to critically examine the positive and negative impacts of technology-based distance learning in Mathematics in terms of personal factors and personal behavior. This study also examines whether the ethnomathematics context can be integrated into the flipped classroom model and can be recommended in teaching mathematics in the New Normal era. This is a qualitative study with literature review investigation that has 5 stages, namely (1) compiling review questions, (2) collecting literature data, (3) critical assessment of literature data, (4) data extraction: synthesis and thematic analysis, and (5) presentation of findings and discussion. The results of the study provide an analytical study related to the importance of personal factors and personal behavior in implementing technology-based distance learning in Mathematics. The results also provide recommendations regarding the integration of ethnomathematics in technology-based learning models, including the flipped-classroom model. The ethno-flipped classroom model is recommended as a mixed-based mathematics learning model that uses technology in the learning process but also provides meaningful mathematics learning through cultural integration using ethnomathematics context. The application of the ethno-flipped classroom model can be used as a solution in the implementation of mathematics learning in the New Normal.</em><em></em></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle"> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpLast" align="left"><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em></p><p><em>Ethno-Flipped Classroom</em><em> Model</em><em>, </em><em>Technology Based Learning</em><em>, Personal Factor, Personal Behavior, New Normal</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-96
Dewi Indriani Jusuf ◽  
Dadang Munandar

The goal of the research is to know the effect of the consumer behavior and perceived risk on, the consumers’ buying decision. This research employs a quantitative approach, descriptive and verified design. As much as 100 consumers are selected as respondents using a purposive method. The instrument of data collection is questionnaire. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling. The research results show that the consumer behavior and perceived risk affects the consumer buying decision significantly. The biggest effect of the consumer behavior dimension on the buying decision variable is a personal factor and the biggest effect of the consumer behavior variable is on payment method dimension. The perceived risk contributes to the consumer buying decision significantly. It also proves that that the emerging of the online shops contributes shifting of the consumer behavior from a conventional business transaction into a digital one among the consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Dayna Pool ◽  
Catherine Elliott ◽  
Claire Willis ◽  
Ashleigh Thornton

Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of intensive locomotor training from the perspective of therapists and parents of children with cerebral palsy.Design: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was employed to capture perspectives following an intensive locomotor training intervention. Data were analyzed thematically, systematically coding and interpreted by grouping information into themes and sub-theme categories.Participants: Five therapists and seven parents of children with high daily physical assistance and equipment needs participated in the study.Setting: A pediatric tertiary hospital.Results: Experiences of locomotor training were described with relation to the suitability of locomotor training with sub-themes of intervention length and time, engagement within sessions, the importance of support, and the utility of locomotor training beyond a research context. Motivation for participating in locomotor training was described in relation to the enjoyment of movement and for increasing activity level. The barriers and facilitators who participated in locomotor training provided environmental and personal factor subthemes. Finally, the outcomes from the intervention were related to improvements in physical health, sleep, affect and emotion, and ambulation in daily activities.Conclusion: The experience of intensive locomotor training from the perspectives of parents of children who have high physical assistance and equipment needs and the therapists providing the intervention was described. Future studies should consider outcome measures beyond motor capacity to quantify the perceived outcomes of interventions that are meaningful to families.

. Mubarokah ◽  
Sri Tjondro Winarno

The purpose of this study is to analyse the factors that influence consumers decisions in consuming coffee in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik. Selected location of the research was chosen purposively, considering that Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik are nearby regions. The sampling technique used in this study is accidental sampling, with the number of respondents as many as 90, with Surabaya as many as 30 respondents, Sidoarjowith30 respondents and Gresik with 30 respondents. The data that has been obtained is then analysed using WarpPLS version 6.0. The results showed that the personal factor variables (age, occupation,income, lifestyle, education), social environmental factors (reference group, family), psychological factors (motivation, perception, attitude), and cultural factors (values, habits, popular culture) can influence consumers decision to buy coffee drinks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
Yikun Liu ◽  
Jiaying Li ◽  
Yilin Zhu ◽  
Tongyang Chen

Backgrounds — Students who graduated from high school and went to university have to consider and make a decision about their choice of university major, an extremely important decision to each of them, which can greatly influence their studying road, future occupation and even whole life. Purpose — The purpose of the research is to find out the main factors influencing NAU students’ choice of major. In addition, this research also aims to determine how Personal Factors, Family Factors and Profession Factors influence NAU students’ choice of major respectively. Methodology — We based on the previous research and narrowed three main factors including Personal Factor, Family Factor and Profession Factor as the main variables, then we conducted a questionnaire survey among all NAU students of different majors and grades, finally we analyzed the data that we collected and drew some conclusions. Results — We find that students have some knowledge of their major before they entering the university rather than knowing nothing, the Profession Factor is the top factor which is the biggest influence on the students’ choice of major, however, though some minor factors which belong to the Profession Factor have an important place, the dominant factor is still the Gaokao Score which belongs to the Personal Factor. As for those students who have changed their major, they more tend to choose Auditing, Accounting and Finance because of the professional advantages, only a few students are still dissatisfied with their chosen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (5) ◽  
pp. 137-149
Alexey Sindeev ◽  

. This article opens a series of research papers dedicated to the former Foreign Minister of the USSR Andrei Gromyko. His contribution to the development and implementation of the security policy is highlighted. The détente policy is understood as part of the security policy. The first article defines the security policy. The most important stages of A. Gromyko diplomatic career are highlighted. Problems of foreign policy continuity, the role that the personal factor plays, and the relationship between strategy and tactics are particularly important in the research the security policy. A distinction must be made between strategy and tactics in politics and diplomacy. This has an essential practical meaning because a correct balance of tactical and strategic approaches is a prerequisite for the success of the security system, which can be built within the framework of a certain paradigm. The author argues that the descriptive story (Part 4 of the article) is one of the possible variants of historiography explaining the role of the personal factor. Much more important, however, is to supplement traditional history with research, because this can lead to the «Gromyko rules» (Part 3 of the article). This helps to better articulate the lessons of history. The article contributes to the author's earlier works on the role of A. Gromyko and his diplomatic school.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 27-33
Maria Alejandra Zambrano Palencia ◽  
Olga Lucia Hincapié Gallón

  La motivación como un elemento propio de cada deportista es generadora de respuestas positivas en la práctica deportiva, por tanto, la evaluación de esta en los deportistas adaptados contribuye a generar propuestas que consideren las expectativas de los mismos. Objetivo: Identificar los motivos de la práctica deportiva en jugadores de tenis en silla de ruedas y goalball. Método: Quince deportistas: 5 de tenis en silla de ruedas y 10 de goalball, pertenecientes a diferentes clubes regionales, respondieron el Cuestionario “Participation Motivation Inventory”. Resultados: El 100% de los jugadores en tenis en silla de ruedas valoraron muy importante los ítems: “Me gusta ganar”, “Quiero estar en forma”, “Me gusta hacer ejercicio”, “Me gusta la acción”, “Me gusta la competición”, “Me gusta practicar deporte”, “Quiero estar físicamente bien”, y “Quiero alcanzar un status – elite”; mientras que en goalball fueron los ítems: “Quiero mejorar mis habilidades”, “Quiero aprender nuevas habilidades”, “Me gusta la competición”, “Me gusta practicar deporte”, “Quiero mejorar mi nivel”, “Quiero estar físicamente bien” y “Me gusta divertirme”. En ambas poblaciones los ítems: “Es por satisfacer a mis padres o amigos” y “Por influencia de los entrenadores o instructores” fueron valorados como nada importante por el 40% de los deportistas. Conclusiones: Los motivos más valorados por los jugadores de tenis en silla de ruedas y los jugadores de goalball están relacionados con el factor de superación y el factor personal respectivamente, mientras que el factor socio-deportivo es el menos importante en su motivación para la práctica deportiva.  Abstract. Motivation as an element of each athlete generates positive responses in practice, therefore, its evaluation in adapted athletes contributes to generating proposals that consider their sporting expectations. Aims: To identify the motives for sports practice in wheelchair tennis and goalball players. Method: Fifteen athletes: 5 for wheelchair tennis and 10 for goalball, belonging to different clubs in the region, answered the Questionnaire “Participation Motivation Inventory”. Results: 100% of wheelchair tennis players rated the items as very important: "I like to win", "I want to be fit", "I like to exercise", "I like action", "I like the competition "," I like to practice sports "," I want to be physically well ", and" I want to achieve elite status "; while in goalball there were the items: "I want to improve my skills", "I want to learn new skills", "I like competition", "I like to practice sports", "I want to improve my level", "I want to be physically well" and "I like to have fun". In both populations the items: "It is to satisfy my parents or friends" and "Due to the influence of the coaches or instructors" were valued as not important by 40% of the athletes. Conclusions: The motives most valued by wheelchair tennis players and goalball players are related to the overcoming factor and the personal factor respectively, while the socio-sports factor is the least important in their motivation for sports practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-302
Benyu Feng ◽  
Yu Yuan

ABSTRACT Introduction The paper investigates burnout causes and relevant affecting factors of juvenile trampolinists. Objective With 93 participants aged U10-16 of 2019 National Juvenile Trampoline Championship as investigation objects, to improve the current situation of juvenile burnout, exploring the methodology to alleviate and eliminate it, enhancing the sense of achievement in training and competition and providing a theoretical basis for coaches to train and cultivate athletes. Methods Questionnaire survey, semi-structured interview, mathematical statistics. Results The burnout level of the trampolinists is below the moderate level, and the overall burnout level of athletes is not high; the sense of achievement decrease> negative evaluation of sports>emotional/physical exhaustion; the correlation between the overall level of burnout of athletes and different genders, training age, education stage and athlete level is not significant; in terms of burnout, there are very significant positive correlations(P<0.01) between overload factor, personal factor, and situational factor, and emotional/physical exhaustion, sense of achievement decrease and negative evaluation of sports respectively. Conclusions Strengthen the communication with trampolinists, improve their self-regulation ability in various ways, master the methods to alleviate burnout, and increase social support for them. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-169
S. Horák

The foreign policy of states is often viewed through the prism of the geopolitical, geostrategic or geoeconomic determinants. It is forgotten that in addition to these factors, foreign policy also has a strong human, or personal, factor. This factor is especially evident in authoritarian regimes of the personalist type, in which decisions, including on foreign policy issues, are made by the leader or a narrow stratum of the elite alone. In this case, the personal factor and personal interests of the leader are not limited to other regulators (institutions, elections, etc.). A foreign policy centered on the interests of the first person in this case may differ significantly from what one would assume when analyzing state policy and the national interests of the country. Since power in Turkmenistan is in the nature of a personalist regime, the article attempts to explore, within the framework of the available (very limited) information, the foreign policy of this country from the perspective of the personal interests of the head of state and the Turkmen elite rather than those of the state. In addition to the theoretical framework of the study and a brief personal profile of both presidents, the article also provides examples relating to the two main factors of interest to the leader of the nation and his elite - economic profit and regime security. Comparing the regimes of the first and second president in foreign policy also demonstrates the continuity of the political culture and system in the country. The study shows that the Turkmen regime combines all features of the theoretical conceptions of personalist foreign policy if we look at them as an interrelated complex. The personal characteristic of the president, his almost unshakable position in decision-making, as well as the interests of his entourage, including his family, play a key role in it. On the other hand, the singularity of decision-making makes it easier for those foreign players who have the necessary information about the country’s leader and know how to lead him to the decision they want without regard to other interest groups or institutions in the country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 169
Ahmad Fatah ◽  
Muchammad Hidayatullah

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Implementasi Metode Yanbu’a<em> </em>Dalam Meningkatkan Kefasihan Membaca Al-Qur’an Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Rachman Kajan Krandon Kudus. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: pertama, Implementasi metode Yanbu’a di Pondok Pesantren Darur Rachman sesuai dengan Visi dan Misi Pondok Pesantren yaitu, Terciptanya santri yang sholeh dan alim dalam masalah diniyyah serta intelek dan adaptif terhadap perkembangan zaman serta dengan misi Menempa santri dalam hal penguasaan diniyyah. Kedua, faktor pendukung keberhasilan implementasi metode Yanbu`a adanya dukungan dari pihak pondok pesantren dalam menerapkan metode Yanbu’a; faktor Keinginan serta motivasi santri untuk bisa dan menguasai bacaan Al-Qur’an secara baik dan benar; lingkungan yang menunjang terlaksananya penerapan metode Yanbu’a di pondok pesantren Darul Rachman. Faktor penghambatnya yaitu pihak pesantren ketika menerima santri baru tidak ada seleksi atau tes baca Al-Qur’an untuk menjadi tolak ukur apakah santri baru itu layak masuk atau bisa diterima atau tidak; kurangnya kegiatan tadarus rutin yang bertujuan sebagai sarana santri dalam mendalami dan memperlancar bacaan Al-Qur’an; faktor dari pribadi santri yang belajar Al-Qur’an tanpa diawasi oleh ustad atau guru yang kompeten; dan santri kurang memiliki kesadaran  bahwa untuk bisa membaca Al-Qur’an merupakan kewajiban bagi seorang muslim.</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of the Yanbu'a method in increasing fluency in reading the Qur'an at the Darul Rachman Kajan Krandon Kudus Islamic boarding school. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are: first, the implementation of the Yanbu'a method at Darur Rachman Islamic Boarding School in accordance with the Vision and Mission of the Islamic Boarding School, namely, the creation of sholeh and pious santri in the problem of diniyyah and intellect and adaptive to the times and with the mission of forging students in terms of Diniyyah mastery. Second, the supporting factors for the successful implementation of the Yanbu`a method are the support from the boarding schools in implementing the Yanbu'a method; the desire and motivation factor of the students to be able to and master the recitation of the Al-Qur'an properly and correctly; an environment that supports the implementation of the Yanbu'a method in Darul Rachman Islamic boarding school. The inhibiting factor is that when the pesantren accepts new students, there is no selection or reading test of the Al-Qur'an to become a benchmark for whether new students are eligible to enter or can be accepted or not; the lack of routine tadarus activities which aim as a means for students to deepen and expedite the reading of the Al-Qur'an; the personal factor of the santri who learns the Qur'an without being supervised by a cleric or a competent teacher; and students lack the awareness that being able to read the Al-Qur'an is an obligation for a Muslim.</em></p>

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