family factor
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 365-380
Albert C. ◽  
James Y. ◽  
Ben John ◽  
Muffit Herlyn ◽  
Liza J.

<p style="text-align: justify;">This study aimed to explore the perceived factors that influenced the success and challenges experienced when taking licensure examination among Bachelor of Science in Criminology graduates of a state university in the Philippines who failed in the Criminologist Licensure Examinations (CLE). Descriptive-correlational research design was utilized to analyze quantitative data, and Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenology was used for the thematic analysis of qualitative data. The quantitative findings revealed that home and family factor has a high influence on the success in CLE, while student factor, school factor, review center factor, and personal factor have average influence. Further, ten clusters of themes emerged as factors that influence the success in CLE. Among them were interest and focus on the program, and availability of qualified and dedicated faculty. Among the themes that emerged as challenges were lack of preparedness for the exam because of one’s work, and personal and social pressures. There is a significant difference on the respondents’ perception towards the factors that influence the success in CLE when they are grouped according to sex. Regarding the challenges associated with preparing for and taking the CLE, a significant difference is only observed when respondents are grouped according to their civil status. Generally, married respondents have higher weighted means than the single ones. This implies that the identified challenges affected married respondents more than the single ones. These results can be used to make policies and initiate programs that would enhance graduates’ success in the exam by providing appropriate interventions and early remediations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 299-307
Rubiah Anak Ajan ◽  
Wong Chin Yew ◽  
Abd Hair Awang

Alcohol consumption is increasing global and it is the reasons for large number of death. According to WHO 2018, 3.3 million deaths worldwide related to alcohol consumption was recorded in 2016 alone. The use of alcohol has a serious impact on lives which leads to poverty, road accident, injury, domestic violence and crime. This study reviews the literature to find the predictors and provide direction for future work. Using a systematic literature review, several filtering process using selected keywords a total of 20 articles were reviewed. The findings showed that most of studies were conducted in Europe followed by US. There are limited number of reviewed studies and the predictors are mainly related to socio-economic status, social factors, demographics, social networking sites, family factor and stress. Findings were discussed and direction of future work were highlighted. More studies are needed to understand the predictors of alcohol consumption in the community as large. Due to limited studies related alcohol consumption in the developing countries, topic of alcohol use are needed to be investigated in order to fill in the gap in the literature. It is important to identify and understand factors causes alcohol consumption which leads to social and health problems in the society. By identifying these predictors could reduce a potential risk when individuals are exposed to harmful behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
Yikun Liu ◽  
Jiaying Li ◽  
Yilin Zhu ◽  
Tongyang Chen

Backgrounds — Students who graduated from high school and went to university have to consider and make a decision about their choice of university major, an extremely important decision to each of them, which can greatly influence their studying road, future occupation and even whole life. Purpose — The purpose of the research is to find out the main factors influencing NAU students’ choice of major. In addition, this research also aims to determine how Personal Factors, Family Factors and Profession Factors influence NAU students’ choice of major respectively. Methodology — We based on the previous research and narrowed three main factors including Personal Factor, Family Factor and Profession Factor as the main variables, then we conducted a questionnaire survey among all NAU students of different majors and grades, finally we analyzed the data that we collected and drew some conclusions. Results — We find that students have some knowledge of their major before they entering the university rather than knowing nothing, the Profession Factor is the top factor which is the biggest influence on the students’ choice of major, however, though some minor factors which belong to the Profession Factor have an important place, the dominant factor is still the Gaokao Score which belongs to the Personal Factor. As for those students who have changed their major, they more tend to choose Auditing, Accounting and Finance because of the professional advantages, only a few students are still dissatisfied with their chosen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-158
Sarita Maharjan

The age factor plays a vital role in the perception of human beings on different issues. Regarding this, the main objective of this study is to examine the association between age group and perception of Nepali universities female teachers in the issues of women's career success and barriers such as individual factor, family factor, organizational factor, and socio-cultural factor. With judgmental sampling technique, only 202 responses were selected and usable out of 275 questionnaires distributed to female University teachers. This study has tested the reliability by using Cronbach alpha. Using likelihood ratio, it was found that there is only a significant association of agegroup and perception of female teachers in the issue of women’s career success but there is no significant association in the issues of individual factor, family factor, organizational factor, and socio-cultural factor. From this output, it concluded that perceptions of women university teachers are different with different age-group in the issue of women’s career success. This study could be useful for University/college management, trainers, and human resource developers to assist the career success of female university teachers.

Martha Falencik

Determining the level of effectiveness in exchange programs has become increasingly more important to evaluators. Likewise, bilateral connectivity between the host country’s people & institutions and the exchange student have benefitted from recent recommendations of comprehensive evaluations. However, the homestay family factor of the exchange experience lags in this area. In that regard, exchange programs could improve significantly from a broader and deeper understanding of the homestay experience, as seen from the host’s perspective. In fact, citizen diplomacy is alive and active in the host’s homes. People to people contact in these intimate settings can form attitudes, sentiments, and emotional attachments that should be measured as a mode to improve citizen diplomacy practices. From the aptitude of the host family to their level of community engagement, several elements are key to an ambiance where the exchange student can better adapt, learn, interact, feel, think, express ideas, learn about customs and community, familiarize with the language, and overall enhance their experience, hence their opinion about their host country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-265
Inez Devina Clarissa ◽  
Nurul Fakhriyah

AbstractThe purpose of the study to see Indonesia as a legal state by article 1 verse (3) the constitution of 1945, each citizen has the right to legal protection, every citizen has the right to a decent job and livelihood, each citizen has the same position in the eyes of the law and in government. In reality, however, there are still obstructing freedom for others, as is the case with a mental person in the stocks, alien to the environment, and even for years. It is reasoned that the economy is minimal, the needs are large, and not only the mentally ill need the expense but there are other families to care for. So, the disturbed ones only felt the agony of being locked up in a room that had no residents, they threw people into a state of isolation. This sort of reasoning is often raised from related relatives: economic reasons, but some still try to cure them and hope that if treatment fails to cure crazy families, then most people reimprison them and supply them because the cost is depleted but have no healing effect on mentally ill families. Knowledge scarce in remote rural areas where government assistance for the poor makes it impossible for a person to ignore the rights of the mentally ill, when families release the mentally ill from the supply so that the family has satisfied the right of the mentally ill to live free but even if the right to live freely is granted, But the right to get food and other necessities is left unmet because disturbed people will wander away from the family's view, and if anything can endanger the safety of others then the family cannot go to charity because far from its stabilization, it can also affect the family's efforts to put the ODGJ in stock.Keywords: family factor; human rights: ODGJAbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui terkait Indonesia sebagai negara hukum dilihat dari Pasal 1 Ayat (3) UUD 1945, Setiap warga negara berhak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum, Setiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak, Setiap warga negara memiliki kedudukan yang sama di mata hukum dan di dalam pemerintahan. Namun, pada kenyataannya masih ada yang menghalangi kebebasan bagi orang lain seperti halnya seorang yang dalam gangguan jiwa di pasung, diasing kan dari lingkungan sekitar, dan bahkan hingga bertahun-tahun. Dengan alasan bahwa perekonomian yang minimal, kebutuhan banyak, dan bukan hanya orang dalam gangguan jiwa saja yang membutuhkan biaya tetapi, ada keluarga yang lain yang harus diperhatikan. Sehingga, yang mengalami gangguan jiwa hanya merasakan penderitaan di kurung dalam ruangan yang tanpa penghuni, mereka mengasingkan orang dalam gangguan jiwa. Alasan seperti ini yang sering terlontarkan dari kerabat keluarga yang terkait yaitu alasan perekonomian, namun masih ada yang berusaha mengobatinya dan menaruhkan harapan bahwa dengan pengobatan maka bisa sembuh, tetapi apabila pengobatan itu tidak memberikan kesembuhan bagi keluarga yang gila, maka kebanyakan seseorang mengurungnya kembali serta memasungnya dikarenakan biaya sudah habis tetapi tidak memberikan efek kesembuhan dari keluarga yang mengalami gangguan jiwa. pengetahuan yang minim di kawasan desa terpencil yang sulit mengetahui bantuan dari pemerintah untuk rakyat miskin membuat seseorang mengabaikan hak dari penderita gangguan jiwa, ketika keluarga membebaskan penderita gangguan jiwa dari pemasungan maka keluarga telah memenuhi hak penderita gangguan jiwa untuk hidup bebas tetapi meskipun  hak untuk hidup dengan  bebasnya sudah terlaksanakan, namun  hak untuk mendapatkan makanan dan kebutuhan lainnya tidak terpenuhi dikarena penderita gangguan jiwa akan berkeluyuran, sehingga jauh dari pantauan keluarga, dan apabila terjadi sesuatu hal yang dapat membahayakan bagi keselamatan orang lain maka keluarga tidak bisa menghindari itu di karenakan jauh dari pemantauannya, hal itu yang menjadi alasan lain selain dalam segi biaya, dalam segi keselamatan juga dapat mempengaruhi iktikad keluarga untuk memasung ODGJ.

Andrejs Geske ◽  
Kristine Kampmane ◽  
Antra Ozola

The self-confidence of a child and an adult is associated with performance and achievement results. It is well-studied, and the correlation has been proved that higher self-efficacy leads to higher achievements and performance, including better performance in reading literacy. It is also known that both a family and a home environment have a tremendous impact on the child’s development and academic performance. This article focuses on the 4thgraders and their family factor impact on the development of a child’s self-confidence and concepts related to self-confidence.The purpose of this article is to define concepts that are closely related to self-confidence and to identify family factors that influence students’ self-confidence. The research question is as follows: which family and individual factors impact students’ self-confidence in reading?Authors of the article used a linear regression and correlation analysis of the data from the IEA’s PIRLS 2016 study. The data from Latvia and seven countries of comparison were analysed.The results of data analysis showed that, in general, the 4th graders’ self-confidence in reading literacy is higher if they come from a household where a computer or a tablet with Internet connection is available and if students like to chat using a mobile device. Parents’ attitudes to reading and the students’ readiness for 1st grade promote higher self-confidence as well. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 607-616
Jia Wen ◽  
Xiaochong Wei ◽  
Haipeng Liu ◽  
Yiyuan Rong

In the age of the Internet, the learning environment is increasingly diversified. It is of great importance to explore the factors that truly affect the college student scores. Focusing on 13 factors that potentially influence college student scores, this paper carries out a questionnaire survey on students of different grades from different colleges, conducts fuzzy processing of the collected data, randomly selects the processed data for initialization of attribute values. Then, the initialized data were subject to principal component analysis (PCA), fuzzy cluster analysis (FCA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Through the analysis, six factors were identified as the key factors affecting college student scores: family factor, Exam factor, exchange factor, learner factor, classmate factor, and campus factor. On this basis, the authors called for the concerted efforts from the school, teachers, and students for improving the teaching quality in colleges.

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