directive function
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-238
Sri Utami ◽  
Wahyu Widayati ◽  
Victor Marolitua L Tobing

The purpose of this study is the function of speech acts in the Madurese kejhung oral tradition and the context behind the Madurese kejhung oral tradition, which includes situation, social, culture, and ideology. This study uses a sociopragmatic approach and descriptive method. Researchers as human instruments. This research involves hermeneutic and sociopragmatic analysis methods. Hermeneutics is used to reveal the conditions of the context. This study uses data in the form of kejhung text which contains the function of speech and the context of the Madurese kejhung oral tradition in the form of rhymes. The results of the study indicate that the speech function is dominated by the directive speech function, both the advisory directive function and the inviting or wishing directive function. This shows that the function of Madurese speech is to actualize the attitude of the Madurese. The context of the kejhung madura situation is the wedding ceremony, welcoming guests, cow race, sonok cow, and rokat tase'. The social context behind daily life such as harmony and cooperation, the cultural context is the customs and way of life, while the ideological context behind the Madura kejhung is strong Islamic teaching within the Madurese community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-184
Putu Nindhya Nirmala ◽  
I Nyoman Kardana ◽  
Agus Darma Yoga Pratama

This research aims to examine the speech act functions found on Instagram @punapibali and describe the types of speech acts used by the informant and news writer. Thus, this study was conducted using the qualitative descriptive method and by using the pragmatics fundamentals proposed by Wijana (1996) and the speech act function theory of Searle (1979) as the basis for examining the speech act functions used by the informant and news writer according to its type. The data were collected through the observation method accompanied by an act of scrutinizing speeches and sentences of the informant and news writer @punapibali. The oral data were collected from the conversations use to know the intonation and tone of the speech delivered. The data analysis results are presented descriptively. The results of data analysis showed there are 40 types of speech acts used in the caption of Instagram @punapibali. The expressive function is manifested in the act of asking for an apology, thanking someone, and congratulating someone. The directive function includes the act of asking, suggesting, advising, and urging. The commissive function includes expressing abilities and promising. The assertive function includes notifying, affirming, and stating. The declarative function is manifested in the act of declaration.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Monika Herliana ◽  
Destyanisa Tazkiyah

The discussion of this research is about the types of speech acts in the socialization of Covid-19 vaccination on social media which are closely related to linguistic pragmatics. The type of speech act from a pragmatic point of view is language behavior that has rules that agreed by the speaker and the speech partner. Since the beginning of the 2020 period until the beginning of 2021, Ridwan Kamil as the regional head and public figure has participated in the socialization of the Covid-19 vaccination. Social media is an effective forum for disseminating information, notification, or invitations for everyone to support the success of Covid-19 vaccination socialization. Even Ridwan Kamil used social media for these activities. The purpose of this study is to describe Ridwan Kamil's speech forms that adhere to Leech's maxims of politeness principles, as well as the function of politeness in Searle's (1969) language. The method of data collection is observing with the note-taking technique. The data analysis method uses data triangulation. The findings of this study indicate that from 155 speech data of Ridwan Kamil in the socialization of Covid-19 vaccination, six maxims of politeness principles are met, namely the Maxim of Wisdom, Maxim of Generosity, Maxim of Praise, Maxim of Humility, Maxim of Approval and Maxim of Sympathy; and has five speech functions Representative, Directive function, Commissive function, Expressive function and Declarative function. Abstrak Pembahasan penelitian ini tentang jenis tindak tutur dalam sosialisasi vaksinasi Covid-19 di media sosial yang berhubungan erat dengan pragmatik linguistik. Jenis tindak tutur dari sudut pandang pragmatik merupakan tingkah laku berbahasa yang memiliki aturan yang disepakati penutur dan mitra tutur. Sejak awal periode tahun 2020 hingga awal tahun 2021 ini, Ridwan Kamil sebagai kepala daerah dan figur publik turut serta dalam sosialisasi vaksinasi Covid-19. Penggunaan media sosial menjadi wadah yang efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi, himbauan, ataupun ajakan untuk turut menyukseskan sosialisasi vaksinasi Covid-19. Pun dengan Ridwan Kamil yang menggunakan media sosial untuk kegiatan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk tuturan Ridwan Kamil yang mematuhi maksim prinsip kesantunan Leech, serta fungsi kesantunan berbahasa Searle (1969). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yakni metode simak dengan teknik catat. Metode analisis data menggunakan triangulasi data. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 155 data tuturan Ridwan kamil dalam sosialisasi vaksinasi Covid-19 memenuhi enam maksim prinsip kesantunan yaitu Maksim Kebijaksanaan, Maksim Kedermawanan, Maksim Pujian, Maksim Kerendahan Hati, Maksim Persetujuan dan Maksim Kesimpatian; dan memiliki lima fungsi tuturan Representatif, fungsi Direktif, fungsi Komisif, fungsi Ekspresif dan fungsi Deklaratif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Anna Sutton ◽  
Jason Render

The story of who we are is central to our sense of authenticity and this story is constructed from our autobiographical memories. Yet we know surprisingly little about the functions that autobiographical memories of being authentic serve. This study provides a preliminary examination of the self, social and directive functions used in autobiographical memories of being authentic and inauthentic. Participants recalled times they felt they had been authentic or inauthentic at work. Analyses revealed that the self and directive functions were significantly more prevalent than the social function. In addition, authentic memories were most strongly associated with the self function while inauthentic memories were more likely to be used for the directive function. This may indicate that recall of an authentic experience serves to support one’s current self-identity, while recall of an inauthentic experience provides an opportunity to direct future behaviour towards a more authentic response. This study provides some of the first evidence for how autobiographical memories of being authentic or inauthentic may function in developing a coherent story of self that is needed for a sense of authenticity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 299
Putu Findi Desi Wibiani ◽  
I Gede Budiasa ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi

This study is entitled "Code-Switching Analysis on YouTube Channel "#NebengBoy by Boy William”. The aim of the study is to analyze the type and the function of code-switching on the Boy William YouTube Channel. The data is collected from the YouTube Channel of Boy William which is taken from Maudy Ayunda and Sandra Dewi episodes. The method and technique of collecting data is the documentation method, and the analysis is done by the qualitative method. The theory that is used to analyze the types and functions of code-switching is Apple & Muysken's theory (2015). Three types of code-switching are found namely tag switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching, and their six functions, namely referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. Nonetheless, the metalinguistic function is not found in the analyzed data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi ◽  
Made Sani Damayanthi Muliawan ◽  
Anak Agung Gede Suarjaya

The research about language in use is very important to be developed, it can be applied in every branches of studies for instance in tourism, economics, linguistics, etc. In communication people use language, so that in doing the interaction there are some expressions which have specific functions. This research aims to describe the formulation of language in use in guiding conversation and expressions can be used based on the formulation. The analysis of this research is language in use in guiding conversation. The data of this research were taken from the guiding conversation between guide and the guests during their travel in Ubud-Bali. The language function that can be used in Welcoming Guest at The Airport are expressive function consist of greeting and asking/getting information, informational function, and phatic function. Other than that, the language function used in Escorting the Guest to The Tourist Destination are expressive function, informational function, and directive function. Next, the language function used at Tourist Destination (Monkey Forest) are directive function, informational function, and directive function. The language used in Tourist Destination (Tegalalang Rice Terrace) are informational function, directive function consist of offering and suggestion. Language used in Tourist Destination (Tirta Empul) are informational function. While the language used in taking the Guest back to the Hotel are expressive and phatic function.

Christian J. Tams

AbstractThe chapter addresses questions of international law implicated by Sentenza 238/2014. It begins by revisiting the longstanding debate about state immunity and its limits, arguing that notwithstanding decades of discussion, a ‘grave breaches’ exception has never had more than marginal support in positive international law. Against that background, it comes as no surprise that the Italian Constitutional Court (ItCC), in Judgment 238/2014, did not assert the existence of a grave breaches exception as a matter of international law. Instead, the ItCC relied on what might be termed a ‘foreign relations law’ approach, holding that Italian constitutional law required it not to give domestic effect to the international law of state immunity. This ‘foreign relations law’ approach offers a last line of defence for those seeking to limit the reach of rules of state immunity. As is set out in this chapter, it is an effective line of defence because international law does not ‘by itself, possess the force to amend or repeal internationally unlawful domestic (…) acts’ (Antonio Cassese). At the same time it is a dangerous line, as it risks weakening international law generally and not just in the area of immunity. This chapter suggests that, when read as a foreign relations law decision, Sentenza 238/2014 is not as such unusual: it is one of many decisions accepting some form of ‘constitutional override’ that limits the effects of international law within domestic legal orders. However, Sentenza 238/2014 stands out because—unlike other decisions—it seems to refuse international law any place in the construction of constitutional law: in the ItCC’s ‘separatist treatment’ (Kolb) international law is denied a directive function (‘Orientierungswirkung’); it is not factored into the equation. Seen in that light, Sentenza 238/2014 (counter-intuitively, for a ‘Roman’ decision) has a ‘Lutheran’ quality; it is informed by a stubborn ‘here I stand, I can do no other’ aspect, which limits the potential for a constructive dialogue between domestic and international judiciaries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-213
Sandi Irawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sudika ◽  
Rahmad Hidayat

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kosakata bahasa gaul yang terdapat di komentar status Inside Lombok, berdasarkan perubahan bentuk, jenis makna, dan fungsi bahasa gaul. Subjek penelitian ini adalah bahasa gaul yang digunakan oleh kaum remaja. Objek penelitiannya yaitu bentuk perubahan kosakata bahasa gaul. Data dikumpukan menggunakan metode simak dan metode catat. Metode dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi dengan teknik distribusional. Hasil penelitian disajikan sebagai berikut. Pertama, terdapat 7 perubahan bentuk bahasa gaul, yaitu bentuk nasalisasi +s, bentuk nasalisasi, bentuk pembalikan struktur fonem, bentuk sisipan -c-, bentuk perubahan suku kata akhir dengan –ay, dan bentuk tidak beraturan. Sementara itu, proses perubahan bentuk bahasa gaul yang bersangkutan dengan aspek morfologis ditemukan dalam bentuk akronim. Kedua, berdasarkan jenis makna, kosakata dalam bahasa gaul yang digunakan kaum remaja bermakna denotasi dan konotasi. Namun, makna denotasi lebih banyak digunakan. Ketiga, berdasarkan fungsinya, penggunaan kosakata gaul mengandung empat fungsi, yaitu fungsi ekspresif, fungsi informatif, fungsi direktif, dan fungsi fatis. Abstract: This study aims to describe the slang vocabulary contained in the status comments Inside Lombok, based on changes in form, types of meaning, and functions of slang. The subject of this research is the slang used by teenagers. The object of the research is the changing form of slang vocabulary. The data in this study were collected using the observation method with advanced techniques in the form of free listening proficiently and note-taking techniques. The methods and data analysis techniques used are descriptive methods with distributional techniques. The research results are presented as follows. First, there are 7 changes in the form of slang, namely the nasalization form + s, the nasalization form, the reversal form of the phoneme structure, the -c- insertion form, the change in the final syllable form with -ay, and the irregular shape. Meanwhile, the process of changing the form of slang, which is concerned with morphological aspects, is found in the form of acronyms. Second, based on the type of meaning, the vocabulary in the slang used by adolescents means denotation and connotation. However, the meaning of denotation is more widely used. Third, based on its function, the use of slang vocabulary contains four functions, namely the expressive function, the informative function, the directive function, and the phatic function.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Novi Paraswanty

AbstractViolation of the speech maxim in the Presidential Candidates Election Debate of theRepublic of indonesia In 2019.This research was aimed at describing the forms of violationof the speech act maxim and describing the functions of violationofspeech act maxim in thepresidential candidate election debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. This research wasqualitative, and conducted by using the descriptive method. The soutce of data was thePresidential Candidate Election Debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. The researchresults of speech maxim violation in the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of theRepublic of Indonesia in 2019 consist of 5 research problems, which are: (1) the form ofquantity of maxim violation, (2) the form of quality of maxim violation, (3) the form of relevanceof maxim violation, (4) the form of method of maxim violation, and (5) the functions of speechacts of maxim violation. The form of quantity maxim violation consists of statements containinganswers that comprise the information needed. The form of quality maxim violation consists ofstatements that contain answers which are less convincing, and contain answers which aresimilar or agree to the questions, and also contain answers which the evidence is not true. Theform of relevance maxim violation consists of statements which contain answers that are notrelevance with the questions and contain the contents of the correct answer but are notrelevance. The form of method maxim violation consists of statements which containambiguous answers, and contain long and wordy answers. The function of the speech acts hasfour functions: Representative function which consists of statements of affirmation, conclusion,and facts. Expressive function consists of statements of praise, difficulty, happiness, andmisery. Directive function consists of statements of ordering, advising, and commanding.Commissive function consists of statements of promise, rejection, and threat.Keywords:violation of speech maxim, debate AbstrakPelanggaran Maksim Tutur Dalam Debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik IndonesiaTahun 2019. Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan wujud pelangaran maksim danmendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim dalam debat pemilihan calonPresiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif,dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah debat pemilihan calon PresidenRepublik Indonesia tahun 2019. Hasil penelitian dari pelanggaran maksim tutur dalam debatPemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019 ini terdiri dari lima rumusanmasalah yaitu : (1) wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, (2) wujud pelanggaran maksimkualitas, (3) wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi, (4) wujud pelanggaran maksim cara, dan(5) fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim. Wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas terdiri daripernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang melebihi informasi yang dibutuhkan. Wujudpelanggaran maksim kualitas berupa pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang kurangmeyakinkan, mengandung jawaban yang sama atau sependapat, dan mengandung jawabanyang bukti kebenarannya tidak benar. Wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi terdiri daripernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan, danmengandung isi jawaban yang benar tapi tidak sesuai. Wujud pelanggaran maksim cara terdiridari pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang ambigu, dan mengandung jawaban panjanglebar, bertele-tele. Fungsi tindak tutur memiliki empat fungsi yaitu: Fungsi representatif yangterdiri dari pernyataan penegasan, kesimpulan, fakta. Fungsi ekspresif terdiri dari pernyataanmemuji, kesulitan, kesenangan, kesengsaraan. Fungsi direktif terdiri dari pernyataanmenyuruh, memberi saran, perintah. Fungsi komisif terdiri dari pernyataan janji, penolakan,ancaman.Kata-kata kunci: pelanggaran maksim tutur, debat

Virittäjä ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
Elina Salomaa

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan yhtä live-tviittaamiseen liittyvää vuorovaikutuskäytännettä, televisiolle suunnattuja direktiivisiä tviittejä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu jalkapallon MM-kisojen Ylen televisiolähetyksistä ja lähetysten aikana #ylemmfutis­aihetunnisteella lähetetyistä tviiteistä. Vaikka Twitterin kautta televisiokatsojat voivat kohdistaa viestejään paitsi toisilleen myös televisiolähetyksen osallistujille, on aiempi live-tviittaamiseen liittyvä tutkimus osoittanut, ettei televisiossa juuri vastata sille suunnattuihin viesteihin. Artikkelin päätavoitteena onkin selvittää, onko televisiolähetyksen osallistujille kohdistetuilla direktiiveiksi muotoilluilla viesteillä muita vuorovaikutuksellisia funktioita. Tutkimusmenetelmänä hyödynnetään digitaalista keskustelunanalyysia, joka soveltaa perinteisen keskustelunanalyysin välineitä ja käsitteistöä teknologiavälitteisen vuorovaikutuksen analysoimiseen. Tarkastelemalla rinnan televisiolähetystä ja tviittejä artikkelissa havainnollistetaan, miten live-tviittaajat rakentavat sekventiaalisuutta inter­mediaalisesti suuntautuen samanaikaisesti meneillään olevaan lähetykseen ja muihin live-tviittaajiin.  Tutkimus osoittaa, että direktiiveiksi muotoilluilla tviiteillä ei (pelkästään) pyritä ohjaamaan televisiolähetyksen osallistujien toimintaa, vaan niiden kautta tviittaaja voi näyttää muille live-tviittaajille virheitä ja epäkohtia esimerkiksi selostuksessa tai tuomaritoiminnassa ja arvioida ja arvottaa samalla tätä lähetyksessä meneillään olevaa toimintaa. Analysoimalla aloitusviestien lisäksi myös niiden saamia vastauksia osoitetaan, että tviittajat suuntautuvat toistensa direktiivisissä viesteissä ohjailufunktion sijaan siihen affektiseen kannanottoon, jota viestin tulkitaan välittävän.   “Get real, Litti!”: Directives addressed to the television in tweets with the hashtag #ylemmfutis This article examines the interactional practice of live tweeting, specifically manifested in directive tweets addressed to the television. The data comprises FIFA World Cup broadcasts on Yle (the Finnish Broadcasting Company) and tweets with the hashtag #ylemmfutis (‘#yleworldcup’) sent during those broadcasts. Although Twitter enables the connection not only between television viewers but also between a viewer and a participant on TV, some previous studies have shown that television actors do not ­generally respond to such unsolicited messages. Thus, the main objective of this article is to investigate whether these directive tweets represent any other interactional functions. Methodologically, the article draws on digital conversation analysis, which applies tools and concepts from conversation analysis in the analysis of technologically­mediated communication. By examining the broadcast and tweets simultaneously, the article shows how live-tweeters construct sequentiality in an intermedial way by simultaneously orienting both to the ongoing broadcast and other live-tweeters. The study shows that tweets designed as directives are not (only) meant to guide the actions of television actors, but through these tweets a tweeter can point out mistakes and flaws (e.g. in the commentary or refereeing) to other live-tweeters and evaluate the action in question. By analysing responses to initiative tweets, I show that instead of a directive function, the tweeters orient to the affective assessment of the messages.

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