wedding ceremony
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Г. Й. Маммадли

В данной статье на анализе героических сказаний «Алтын Арыг» и «Книга моего отца Коркута» показано сопоставление с другими сказаниями тюрко - монгольских народов, подчёркнута схожесть типологически сходных явлений. Богатырские сказания хакасского народа отражают в себе историю народа, которая на долгие века сохранила их для будущего поколения всего тюркского мира. Изучение алыптыг нымахов, в частности свадебный обряд (выбор спутника жизни, испытания, девятидневный пиртой, расплетение шестидесяти косичек, заплетение одной косы и т. д.), традиционные сюжеты, действия главных героев показывают их тесную связь с эпосами других тюркских народов. Следы общетюркской культуры встречаются во всех сферах жизни героев героических сказаний. Мотив суженых имеет реальную историко - бытовую основу, восходящую к экзогамии, когда невесту брали из другого рода. In this article, based on the analysis of "Altyn Aryg" and "The book of my father Korkut', the comparison with other legends of Turkic - Mongolian peoples is shown, and the similarity of typologically similar phenomena is emphasized. The Khakass people's heroic tales reflect the history of the people, which preserved them for the future generation of the entire Turkic world for many centuries to come. The study of alyptyg nymakhs, in particular, the wedding ceremony (choosing a life partner, trials, a nine - day feast - toi, unwinding sixty braids, braiding one braid, etc.), traditional plots and actions of the main characters show their close connection with eposes of other Turkic peoples. Traces of national Turkic culture are found in all spheres of life of heroes of heroic tales. The motif of the betrothed has a real historical and everyday basis, dating back to exogamy, when a bride was taken from another kin.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Iskandarsyah Siregar

The Palang Pintu tradition is a tradition that is part of the Betawi wedding ceremony. In this study, the semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes was used. This study uses extra-qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach as a complement. This linguistic research is classified as interpretive research because it relies on interpreting texts that can be related to the context in it, such as ideological, moral, cultural, and spiritual values. In this study, the researcher aimed to analyze the meaning of the Palang Pintu procession in terms of semiotics. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that in Palang Pintu, there are 1) meanings of denotation in the procession of the Palang Pintu, processions are starting from the dustur prayer, greetings, rhyme contests, fighting, and reciting the holy verses of the Koran or chanting sike. In the denotative meaning of this Palang Pintu process, apart from explaining the literal meaning and describing the process. It also describes the stages of testing for the groom to marry his bride; 2) the connotation meaning in the Palang Pintu procession describes the practice of the teachings and laws of Islam and love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and family ties; and 3) the myth in the Palang Pintu procession is that there are Betawi solid community principles, namely recitation, prayer, and silat. In addition, the dominance of solid Islamic teachings is evidenced by the existence of relevant verses of the Koran and hadith and the content of Betawi cultures, such as rhyming, where rhymes are used to advise on traditional art ceremonies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 172
Afrida . Hanum ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Siti Aisyah Ginting

Pantun is a old poetry of Malay which is used as a means of delivering ideas, attitude, and cultural values (Sri, 2010:6). Along the ceremony of Malaynese Wedding, there are a lot of clauses that are used to express the speaker’s ideas that implies hopes and suggestions to the people. Next, the words of Pantun are also used to express the speaker’s attitude towards the marriage like to entertaint the bride and groom. In addition to delivering ideas and attitudes. Pantun is also used to present the cultural values of Malay that keep the kinship among family members. Words arranged in Pantun in terms of poetic values contain philosophical of life, politeness ethics, laws and society. Malaynese is a closed society to say something cannot be directly but must be coated with words that make its meaning disguised but easy to understand. The purpose of this study is to explain the use of metaphor types in Pantun for Wedding Ceremony in Malay Langkat tradition. The use of metaphor of this study divided into four, like: information function, expressive function, directive funtion, fatigue funtion. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The data of this study were collected from clauses in pantun that reflected metaphor. The realization of metaphors in pantun were especially existed in Hempang pintu, Hempang kipas, and Hempang batang. The result of this study showed that there were expressive function was 16 (53%), information function was 9 (30%), directive funtion was 4 (13%), and fatigue funtion was 1 (4%). Keywords: Metaphor, Pantun, Culture,  Malay Wedding Ceremony

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Marcellus Arnold ◽  
Yolanda Victoria Rajagukguk

 Indonesia has various traditional foods, some of which are the result of acculturation with other countries’ foods. Sangga buwana is the Javanese-Dutch influenced cuisine, which became one of the favorite dishes of the sultans of Yogyakarta. Till date, the publication about sangga buwana is still limited. This paper aimed to introduce and spread the knowledge about sangga buwana as the result of food acculturation, focusing on its history, philosophy, how it is prepared, and its nutritional value. The study was carried out through interviews with the experts and literature review. Sangga buwana consists of several components, including choux pastry, ragout, lettuce, boiled egg, Javanese mustard, and pickled vegetables. Sangga buwana itself and every component to prepare it have the meaningful philosophy about God’s creations. It delivers important wishes and meanings to the newlywed couple in royal wedding ceremony. It was only served to the sultan, royal family of Yogyakarta, and their important guests. But nowadays, sangga buwana can be more easily found at restaurants, traditional markets or food festivals in Yogyakarta. The cultural preservation of sangga buwana has been conducted through cultural festivals, cooking workshops, and research development using local ingredients to prepare it which may support food diversification

Ma Samuel Rt Simanjuntak ◽  
Flansius Tampubolon ◽  
Jamorlan Siahaan

The scientific title is "Marhata Sinamot at the Toba Ethnic Wedding Ceremony: Anthropology Studies". This study aims to describe the performance, indexicality and participation of Marhata Sinamot at the Toba Ethnic Wedding Ceremony. The theory used to analyze the research data is the anthropolinguistic theory proposed by Duranti. By using descriptive method. The results obtained from this study are the performance in the Marhata Sinamot traditional ceremony in the Toba Ethnic community in general, namely Marhata Sinamot. In the Toba Batak community there are signs that are used as indexicality in the Marhata Sinamot traditional ceremony, namely, (1) traditional clothes, (2) ulos. And participants in the Marhata Sinamot ceremony have Dalihan Na Tolu, namely (1) Hula-hula, (2) Bone paranak, (3) Bone parboru, (4) Boru, (5) Dongan tubu, (6) Bere paranak, (7) Bere perboru and (8) Dongan Sahuta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-238
Sri Utami ◽  
Wahyu Widayati ◽  
Victor Marolitua L Tobing

The purpose of this study is the function of speech acts in the Madurese kejhung oral tradition and the context behind the Madurese kejhung oral tradition, which includes situation, social, culture, and ideology. This study uses a sociopragmatic approach and descriptive method. Researchers as human instruments. This research involves hermeneutic and sociopragmatic analysis methods. Hermeneutics is used to reveal the conditions of the context. This study uses data in the form of kejhung text which contains the function of speech and the context of the Madurese kejhung oral tradition in the form of rhymes. The results of the study indicate that the speech function is dominated by the directive speech function, both the advisory directive function and the inviting or wishing directive function. This shows that the function of Madurese speech is to actualize the attitude of the Madurese. The context of the kejhung madura situation is the wedding ceremony, welcoming guests, cow race, sonok cow, and rokat tase'. The social context behind daily life such as harmony and cooperation, the cultural context is the customs and way of life, while the ideological context behind the Madura kejhung is strong Islamic teaching within the Madurese community.

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 325
Julaikha Julaikha ◽  
Edi Safri ◽  
Taufiqurrahman Taufiqurrahman

<p class="03Afiliasi"><em>This </em><em>research is a form of living hadith study that discusses the acculturation of local culture and religion in the implementation of the lek-lekan tradition in the Sei Kepayang community, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. And the informants are the government, ulama, community leaders, event organizers and the Sei Kepayang community in general. The results of this study, that the tradition of lek-lekan which is carried out at the birth of a baby by holding activities at the place of the baby's parents. The tradition of lek-lekan is perfected with a wedding ceremony for the baby. The main foundation for the community in carrying out the tradition of lek-lekan, namely in the form of carrying out the traditions of the local community continuously and practicing the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad related to the akikah worship of a newborn child.</em></p><p class="03Afiliasi"><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ilmi Solihat ◽  
Farid Ibnu Wahid

This study was conducted to determine the functions and meanings contained in the traditional expression of the text of the Saweran wedding ceremony in Kadu Gedong Village, Pandeglang, Banten. The text studied is the kawih text, which will be analyzed with a semantic approach. The values of character education are also important points in this study, such as religious values, honesty, and tolerance in order to advance a person's basic potential to behave well and think positively, as well as develop the behavior of the nation's multicultural children. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the narration of symbols and meanings in the Saweran text at the wedding ceremony in Kadu Gedong Village will be associated with existing competencies in junior high school, then a literary module, especially poetry learning, will be made. The results of the analysis show that first, the text of kawih saweran marriage has a function as a mandate to the bride and groom, and becomes a provision in the household, as well as a form of joy carried out by the two couples. Second, it has an inherent meaning, such as lexical meaning, direct meaning, figurative meaning, grammatical meaning, and cultural meaning. Third, it has character education values that are in accordance with the VII grade VII Junior High School learning implementation plan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 59
AA PT Candra Kartika Pratiwi ◽  
I Made Suastika ◽  
Ni Luh Nyoman Kebayantini

The social phenomenon of pre-wedding photos has now begun to be widely discussed by some people who are starting to be sensitive to social changes in the area of Denpasar City. Infact, in Denpasar City at this time almost all bride and groom couples carry out pre-wedding photo sessions before their wedding ceremony takes place. The bride and groom couples even really focus their attention on the results of their pre-wedding photos. This eventually became a conversation that raised pros and cons among parents whose children were going to have a wedding ceremony. Some parents feel that pre-wedding photos cost too much money and costs that they should be able to spend to bail out funds when preparing a series of wedding ceremonies. In contrast to people who feel capable in terms of costs, they will certainly take the pre-wedding costs lightly compared to the satisfaction they will get later after seeing the results of the pre-wedding photos they take. The bride and groom did a pre-wedding photo session with the theme and concept they specified. When going to do a pre-wedding photo session, the bride and groom have to prepare a lot of money. Depending on the theme, concept and place they will use later. In Bali, especially in Denpasar City, the cost for the “pawiwahan”or wedding ceremony is quite high, with the addition of a new tradition, namely pre-wedding photos, it will make people spend even more. The meaning of this pre-wedding photo session is still not much can explain, prospective brides who do pre-wedding photo sessions only say they take pre-wedding photos to follow today's trends. The new trend that is entering Bali is slowly making it a mandatory tradition. Keywords: pre wedding photo, wedding ceremony, trends, traditions

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