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Published By Duta Wacana Christian University


Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-76
Sri Sulasminingsih ◽  
Fahrudin ◽  
Luh Desi Puspareni Puspareni ◽  
Budhi Martana

Community partnership program activities aim to assist the Family Welfare and Empowerment Team (TP-PKK) in implementing community empowerment programs through training activities on making crackers as processed catfish products, and as an effort to realize community economic improvement. The problems faced by partners are (1) there is no effort to utilize the potential of catfish cultivation into food products, (2) there is still a lack of community skills in making catfish processed food products, and (3) processed catfish products have not been maximized as a community business pilot. The method used to achieve the goal is to provide socialization, training and assistance in making catfish crackers. The results obtained from this activity, namely the knowledge and skills of partners increase and are able to create businesses that have an impact on improving the community's economy.

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-22
Gabriela Brissa Pitaloka ◽  
Simfony Sophie ◽  
Veronika Verasita Melani ◽  
Yogi Evan Dwi Kristantyo ◽  
Jong Jek Siang

PPA Light Generation is one of the Compassion Foundations under the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia Hagios Family Yogyakarta which helps children with poor backgrounds. There are approximately 200 children from various Tribes, Religions, Races, and Intergroups from the age of 1 to 22 years who are sheltered by PPA Light Generation. The form of learning activities focuses on the formation of character and personality in children who are guided by noble values. In addition, the skills and talents of each fostered child are also considered. Coaching involves fostered children and mentors which is carried out regularly every week in the church. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic, physical meetings and material sharing cannot be carried out. The service output is "Edugen" learning management system that can be used by mentors and fostered children. The aim is to facilitate the learning process both in terms of delivering material and communication between mentors and fostered children and to support access to the dissemination of local wisdom values in PPA Light Generation so that by strengthening the value of local wisdom the fostered children can fortify themselves from negative influences. The method used is in the form of socialization, training and assistance in technology, which is carried out online and offline by complying with health protocols. The training and assistance provided is in the form of materials on how to use the Edugen website for mentors and fostered children. The implementation of the activity was successful with an average score of more than 70%.

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Abednego Rayhan Kusnadi ◽  
Florensa Rosani Br Purba

To visit congregation which is carried out by several members of the congregation who are members of the visiting workgroup accompanied by a pastor from the church visited. This activity is a form of expression of love, concern, and sympathy for the people being cared for. And it is hoped that through this visit, the congregation who is being cared for will get strength, comfort, and help in facing the struggles they are facing. Along with the development of current technology which can help the wider community to find out a person's location through a given address. By using the haversine method, visitors can make visits to the church's residence with a fairly short time and distance because the haversine method has the advantage of being able to calculate the distance and time using two lines on the earth, namely longitude and latitude. The making of this application is to produce an Android-based mobile application using Google Map to get the location of the congregation's residence which will be carried out by the visit to the Terang Hidup GKI congregation, where the visit is one of the service programs of the Terang Hidup GKI church.

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-69
Yetli Oslan ◽  
Harianto Kristanto ◽  
Raden Gunawan Santosa

Church parishioners data management is an important part of the administration of a church. In fact, many churches do it manually where parishionersal data is stored in physical forms or in church record books. This condition happened at GKJ Wates. The initial condition at GKJ Wates is the data  from of a physical form . The data  is the result of the census about 2 (two) years ago. It is realized that the data has changed a lot, so it is necessary to update before implementing electronic data management. In an effort to assist the administration of the church's data, assistance steps have been developed that include the compilation of attributes relevant to the church's data management. Furthermore, the attributes are compiled into a form that is ready to be filled out by each parishioners. This agreed form is then distributed to the parishioners through their respective district administrators. The church team, assisted by the UKDW PkM team, recorded the parishioners's data electronically, complete with a spiritual journey scheme including baptism, sidi, and marriage. By utilizing Excel Macro, the electrical data of the GKJ Wates parishioners was successfully visualized in the form of a dashboard. The visualized parishioners data includes the percentage of the parishioners by blood type and gender, the church's spiritual journey scheme based on membership category, membership records, age category, and gender. The information on this dashboard can help the church in making decisions related to the development of the parishioners at GKJ Wates.

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Meiliana ◽  
Rika Pratiwi ◽  
Mellia Harumi

Using social media to obtain information or learn something has become a trend in various circles of society. Educational activities using social media Tiktok and YouTube can be carried out as an activity to transfer knowledge from academics to the wider community. Knowledge about Indonesian staple food (rice) and Semarang specialties (Lumpia Semarang) needs to be conveyed to the younger generation, starting from history, culture, nutrient content, and processing methods. The purpose of this community service activity through social media is to increase the knowledge of the adolescent and adult age groups regarding the function of food, processing methods, and how to consume good and healthy food through TikTok and YouTube educational videos; create a media to socialize traditional Indonesian food as healthy food; and make learning media about food science and technology for the wider community. The results of this activity are 2 YouTube videos uploaded on the FoodTech Unika YouTube channel and 4 TikTok videos uploaded to the TikTok account @foodtechunika.

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-35
Hendra Bunyamin ◽  
Teddy Marcus Zakaria ◽  
Andreas Widjaja ◽  
Natanael Halim ◽  
Vania Sarwoko

The Digital Era 4.0 has started since 2016 and two Southeast Asia countries such as Malaysia and Singapore have already adapted to the era; unfortunately, Indonesia has been struggling to adapt the era and, therefore, needs to catch up the digital competitiveness of its neighbouring countries. According to IMD World Digital Competitiveness 2020, Indonesia placed 56th of 63 countries in the digital competitiveness measurement. Despite its poor performance, Indonesia can catch up with other countries by starting from universities’ environment where Indonesia’s next generations study. Universities are prominent education institutions which prepare next generations for world digital competitiveness. According to BPS Indonesia, the unemployment of bachelor, master, and doctoral graduates reach a total number of 737.000, or 5,67% of 13 millions work force. One of the causes is the lack of technological knowledge, specifically, Artificial Intelligence (AI), from the graduates. Particularly, when they become business leaders, they are not fully prepared to create new job openings because mostly their mindsets are to find suitable jobs after study. The two webinars are results of collaboration between several universities which form NUNI (Jejaring Universitas Nusantara) whose purpose is to equip students with the knowledge of AI. Our method of counselling whose format is two webinars with both titles are Interpretable Machine Learning and Quantum Artificial Intelligence has gained appreciation in the form of average participation score which approaches excellent score (4,60 of 5,00). Additionally, these two webinars are publicly available in web blogs and Youtube videos.  

Servirisma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Elizabeth Lucky Maretha Sitinjak ◽  
Laksmi Hartajanie ◽  
Lindayani ◽  
Florentinus Budi Setiawan ◽  
Shandy Jannifer Matitaputty

Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kelurahan Jatirejo, Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang adalah membantu Kelompok Ternak Sapi Perah (KTSP) khususnya, untuk dapat bertransformasi dari konsep peternakan sederhana ke area wisata edukasi ternak sapi perah. Pada masa awal pandemi Covid-19 di tahun 2020, populasi sapi perah naik sebesar 0,53% secara nasional, namun populasi sapi perah di Jawa tengah menurun sebesar 0,65% dan produksinya pun menurun sebesar 2,94%. Tahun 2021, permintaan semakin banyak untuk Susu Sapi Perah, oleh karena olahan susu perah menjadi susu segar yang memiliki kandungan gizi sangat lengkap, kaya protein, lemak, karbohidrat, mineral, dan vitamin. Kandungan nutrisi susu yaitu kalsium, fosfor, zinc, vitamin A, D, B12, B2, asam amino dan asam pantotenat. Manfaat susu sapi perah menjadi susu sapi segar dengan beberapa pengolahan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar Jatirejo dan konsumen. Ada beberapa teknologi pengolahan sederhana yang dapat diterapkan di lingkungan peternak untuk mengawetkan susu, di antaranya pasteurisasi dan fermentasi (yoghurt, yakult, dan kefir).  Metode pengolahan tersebut membuat umur simpan dapat diperpanjang dan dihasilkan susu yang memiliki flavor dan tekstur yang berbeda sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai jual produk tersebut.  Selain itu, tempat pemerahan susu sapi dan toko tempat penjualan susu segar serta olahannya didesain instagramable. Transformasi dari susu sapi perah menjadi susu segar dengan aneka pengolahan, disertai konsep pemasaran wisata edukasi ternak sapi. Studi kelayakan finansial mendukung usaha transformasi ternak sapi perah, dengan konsep tempat pemerahan sapi yang higienis, ramah lingkungan, dan menarik para milenial untuk minum susu segar.

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