partnership program
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Rikha Surtika Dewi ◽  
Maesaroh Lubis ◽  
Elfan Fanhas F Khomaeny ◽  
Fajar Nugraha ◽  
Nandh Anggarasari

The COVID 19 pandemic has made various changes in people's lives, also on Early Childhood Education. The Children hve been affected both directly and indirectly in formal and non-formal education, both education by parents and related institutions. Early Childhood Education and components of the system of education encountered various obstacles related to the implementation of children's activities during social restrictions. Referring to this problem, this Community Partnership Program activity is intended as an effort to anticipate obstacles that occur in Early Childhood Education during the pandemic situation. This Community Partnership Program is implemented through the Psychoeducation Activity Program which focuses on Early Childhood Education. The Psychoeducation Program use an intervention method that can be applied to individuals, families, and groups that focus on educating participants about significant challenges in life, helping participants develop sources of support and social support in facing, and developing coping skills to face these challenges

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Meiliana Nur Fitriani ◽  
Budi Hendrawan ◽  
Mohammad Fahmi Nugraha ◽  
Yopa Taufik Saleh

This Community Partnership Program (PKM) aims to increase primary students’ understanding of the dangers of Covid 19 and educate them on how to prevent it through correct health protocols and being able to implement a healthy lifestyle. The targets of this program are high grade of primary students, namely grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6. The method used in this education is storytelling in an interactive online style via zoom platform. Stories are conveyed in English with simple language and sentences to make them easier to understand, besides that the delivery is combined with Indonesian so that children understand the meaning and are able to imitate certain sentences and movements well. The implementation of this program makes students enthusiastic and excited, especially using English. The students feel cooler when they listen to stories and speak English. Children enthusiastically mimic, sing and perform healthy protocol movements in interesting ways. Thus, children are able to understand the contents of the stories and values ??that are conveyed, so that they are able to apply them to new good habits in the era of new normal life. As conclusion, the storytelling method is able to provide a good understanding of the Covid 19 pandemic for children, so that awareness emerges to apply health protocols in their daily life

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Boris Guseletov ◽  

The article analyzes the results of cooperation between two leading pan-European political organizations – the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Party of European Socialists (PES) with their counterparts in the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership program (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), except Azerbaijan. It is considered with which political forces and why the EPP and the PES have established interaction and even accepted them into their membership. The profiles of these political organizations were studied, including the results of their participation in the national parliamentary and presidential elections and interaction with other political forces of their countries on the formation of ruling coalitions. Information is provided on when these parties joined, respectively, the EPP and the PES, and what status they have today in these European structures. The main provisions of the resolutions of the governing bodies of the EPN and the PES concerning the situation in the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership program and the support of their partner parties in these countries are presented. It shows how the foreign policy course of the Eastern Partnership member countries changed after political organizations that closely cooperate with their European counterparts came to power. It is noted that in almost all of these countries there has recently been a steady desire to strengthen political and economic partnership with the European Union and Western countries in general. And only one country. Georgia is still trying to maintain a balance in relations with Western countries and Russia. Key words: European parties, party system, Eastern Partnership program, elections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-184
Dadang Edi Rochaedi ◽  
Dolly Priatna ◽  
Sata Yoshida Srie Rahayu

The ecosystem restoration conservation partnership program is a new policy from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry which aims to reduce conflicts due to forest land use in conservation areas. Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP) is one of the conservation areas facing tenure conflicts, particularly in the Gunung Botol Resort area, where there are people who have lived and cultivated the land for decades, long before the Decree of the Designation of the GHSNP was issued. In an effort to address tenurial conflicts in Malasari Village, which is one of the villages within the management area of Gunung Botol Resort, the community took the initiative to collaborate with the GHSNP manager through a scheme called ecosystem restoration conservation partnership. This study aims to formulate a strategy for developing an ecosystem restoration conservation partnership in GHSNP by using a qualitative approach which is presented in a descriptive form. Data were analyzed using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) technique. The results of the study indicate that the ecosystem restoration conservation partnership program is recommended to be implemented by utilizing existing strengths and opportunities, as well as developed through synergy and collaboration that involves multi-stakeholders.

Ardianik Ardianik ◽  
Wahyu Widayati

Partners in the implementation of this community partnership program are SMK 17 Agustus 1945 which is located on Jalan Nginden Semolo no.44 Surabaya. The facilities owned are IT-based, it's just that the obstacles faced by schools in supporting the teaching and learning process, especially the facilities and convenience of libraries, have not met the national library standards. Based on the input of teachers and library staff as well as direct observations made by the service team, there are several problems, namely: 1) There is no arrangement of library material collections according to their field of knowledge; 2) There is no book cataloging in accordance with the field; 3) Inventory of library materials has not been managed properly and correctly, by providing a book slip for each book; 4) There is no circulation service yet, because officers are burdened with routine public relations activities and lack of library personnel; 5) There is no guidebook in managing library materials, officers have not used standard guidelines. There are two stages in implementing the solution that must be completed with partners, namely: 1) the planning stage which includes: coordination with library staff, teachers, and school principals as initial input, direct observation to obtain evidence related to initial input; 2) Implementation phase which includes: Arrangement and classification of library collections, cataloging library collections, inventory, making library circulation services, making manuals. The results of the community service activities concluded that there were significant differences before and after the procurement and management of the library. This is evident from the results of activities in the form of classification, the arrangement of library collections has been well realized, the room layout is neatly arranged, cataloging library collections, numbering and installation of slips have been installed properly, making library circulation services, and making library management manuals. manual has been realized. From a series of community service activities, it has a success rate of 100%. This is shown from all activities that have been completely completed and the results can be enjoyed by students, teachers and visitors to the SMK 17 August 1945 Library and no less important for the sake of school accreditation.

Sarwahita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati ◽  
Mari Okatini Armandari ◽  
Nurul Hidayah ◽  
Chanar Mutiara Putri ◽  
Siska Marlina

Abstract COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. The new virus and the disease it causes were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is now a pandemic affecting many countries around the world. The best way to avoid getting infected with the corona virus is to wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer. Another alternative is to use local natural ingredients as antiseptic ingredients or hand sanitizers, namely the use of betel leaf and aloe vera. The purpose of community service for the national competitive community partnership program is to improve thinking skills, make antiseptic products, and direct product marketing. This program is expected to motivate PKK women and young women to be able to make their own antiseptic products made from betel leaf and aloe vera. Furthermore, they can market the antiseptic products through cooperatives in the Jatisampurna Village, Jakasampurna Village. The output targets of this community service program are one scientific article obtained through an indexed National Journal, a hand sanitizer product, a video that is HAKI right, and increasing the empowerment of PKK mothers and young women in the Jakasampurna Village, West Bekasi District in the ability to create and develop manufacture of antiseptic preparations made from natural ingredients of betel leaf and aloe vera. This guidance is also continued by encouraging and marketing these antiseptic products through the Jakasampurna Village area. Keywords: betel leaf, aloe vera, hand sanitizer, jakasampurna       Abstrak COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh jenis corona virus yang baru ditemukan. Virus baru dan penyakit yang disebabkannya ini tidak dikenal sebelum mulainya wabah di Wuhan, Tiongkok, bulan Desember 2019. COVID- 19 ini sekarang menjadi sebuah pandemi yang terjadi di banyak negara di seluruh dunia. Cara terbaik menghindar dari infeksi virus corona adalah mencuci tangan atau menggunakan hand sanitizer. Alternatif lain dengan memanfaatkan bahan alam lokal sebagai bahan antiseptik ataupun hand sanitizer yaitu pemanfaatan daun sirih dan lidah buaya. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat kompetitif nasional program kemitraan masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir, membuat produk antiseptik serta keterampilan memasarkan produk. Program ini diharapkan dapat memotivasi Ibu-ibu PKK dan remaja puteri untuk mampu membuat produk antiseptik sendiri yang berbahan dasar daun sirih dan lidah buaya. Selanjutnya dapat memasarkan produk antiseptik tersebut melalui koperasi di wilayah Kelurahan Jatisampurna Kelurahan Jakasampurna. Target luaran dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah satu artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan melalui Jurnal Nasional terindeks, satu produk hand sanitizer, video yang di HAKI kan, dan peningkatan keberdayaan Ibu-ibu PKK serta remaja puteri di Kelurahan Jakasampurna Kecamatan Bekasi Barat dalam kemampuan membuat dan mengembangkan pembuatan sediaan antiseptik berbahan dasar bahan alam daun sirih serta lidah buaya. Binaan ini juga dilanjutkan dengan mempromosikan dan memasarkan produk antiseptik tersebut melalui koperasi di wilayah Kelurahan Jakasampurna. Kata Kunci: daun sirih, lidah buaya, hand sanitizer, Jakasampurna

2021 ◽  
Anindita Ayu Nisa Utami ◽  
Ariefa Efianingrum

This study aimed to describe the partnership pattern developed by the state senior high school 1 Depok Sleman in handling bullying cases. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The sample included the headmaster, the counseling guidance teacher, the homeroom teachers, and students. The data analysis process used the interactive analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman, which included data reduction, data serving, and conclusion. The results showed that the school has a bullying handling strategy through the school’s partnership program. The school’s leadership forged a partnership with several institutions to handle bullying cases, including West Depok Sector Police, psychologists, parents and the Public Health Center. Cases can be referred internally and externally, while the bullying is handled through individuals and groups. The partnership built by the school runs continuously through various programs for socialization and character strengthening for students. The type of participation that was found to have the strongest contribution in solving school bullying cases was strengthening the student’s character periodically and collaboratively by involving informants and various parties. However, efforts in handling bullying need to be increased to prevent it happening again in the future. Keywords: bullying in school, school partnership

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 644-653
Abri Abri ◽  
Aylee Christine Alamsyah ◽  
Sanusi Sanusi

Desa Massila, Kecamatan Patimpeng, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, memiliki potensi limbah pertanian yang sangat besar. Limbah jerami sering menjadi masalah karena hanya dibakar atau ditimbun sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan, begitu pula limbah peternakan. Pengelolaan limbah pertanian dengan teknologi vermicomposting dapat menghasilkan dua kegiatan sekaligus yaitu usaha budidaya cacing dan usaha pembuatan pupuk kascing. Kegiatan ini diharapkan terwujudnya kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pengembangan potensi dengan pemanfaatkan limbah pertanian dan kotoran sapi sehingga menjadi kelompok wirausaha baru yang produktif. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode penyuluhan, workshop, pelatihan, pembimbingan, pendampingan, dan penerapan aplikasi teknologi tepat guna di lapangan dalam bentuk demplot. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani dalam usaha budidaya cacing dan kascing ini ialah (1). Anggota kelompok tani Mamminasae telah mampu melaksanakan dan memiliki keterampilan budidaya cacing tanah dengan tahapan kegiatan: pembuatan rak cacing bersusun, pembibitan, penggantian media, pemeliharaan, pengendalian hama dan penyakit, pemanenan cacing dan kascing (2). Terbentuknya unit usaha kelompok tani mandiri yang dapat memperoleh tambahan pendapatan, meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya, agar mereka dapat hidup lebih baik, lebih efisien cara hidupnya, lebih sehat fisik dan lingkungannya. (3). Budidaya cacing tanah setiap bulan dapat menghasilkan 10 karung kascing (karung 12 kg) yang dijual dengan harga Rp 20.000/karung X 10 karung = Rp 200.000 untuk luas kandang 8 X 5 m dengan menggunakan rak bersusun.  Sedangkan produksi cacing sendiri setiap bulan dapat menghasilkan cacing sebanyak 10 kg cacing/bulan dengan harga Rp 100.00 X 10 kg = Rp 1.000.000 / bulan + kascing Rp 200.000, sehingga total pendapatan tambahan yang diterima oleh kelompok tani Mamminasae sebesar Rp 1.200.000 Massila village, located at Pattimpeng, Bone Regency of South Sulawesi, produces agricultural wastes that have a lot of potentials. The straw waste used to be a problem because it was only burnt or buried, causing the damages on the environment. That also applies for the waste from farming activities. The implementation of the technology of Vermicomposting could generate two activities at the same time that consists of: 1) the cultivation of worm, and 2) the production of worm-based fertilizer that use the agricultural waste as the media. By these activities, it is expected that the economic empowerment of local citizens can be established through the development of the potentials of agricultural wastes and cows dungs, creating groups of productive local entrepreneurs. This partnership program with citizens is organized by using the methods of socialization, workshops, trainings, supervisory, and the implementation of the appropriate technology in the field that takes form of demonstration plot. The results gained from the empowerment of the groups of farmers in the cultivation of worms and fertilizers can be described in three achievements: 1) the members of the farming groups have gained the ability and skills in conducting the cultivation of earthworms that consists of several steps: the production of the multilevel medium for the worms, seeding, medium replacement, maintenances, the controlling of pest and plant disease, and the harvest of the worms, 2) the establishment of the independent groups of farmers that can produce additional incomes from the activities in order to increase their life’s quality, so that they can live a better life, and in the healthier physical conditions and environments, 3) the cultivation of the earthworms can generate, per month, ten bags of worm fertilizer that have a weight of 12 kg per each, and has a price of Rp.20.000,- per unit. It is sold for ten bags, so it can generate Rp.200.000 in total for the area of 8X5 m of the multilevel cages. In other hand, the production of the earthworms per month itself could generate the worm approximately 10 Kg per month with the price of Rp.100.000 per Kg. If it was sold for 10 Kg (per unit bag), it generates Rp1.000.000 per month. In total, the amount of total revenues gained by the groups of farmers in Mamminasae could reach up to Rp.1.200.000.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-53
I Gusti Bagus Suryawan ◽  
I Made Jaya Senastri ◽  
I Nyoman Sutama

Philosophically, the river is the source of life, is the lifeblood of the earth, therefore the water flowing in the river must be kept pure and clean. The Tukad Mati River stretches from north to south in the middle of the village of Padangsambian Kaja, so that its position is squeezed between settlements and residents' housing, therefore the cleanliness of the water in Tukad Mati is strongly influenced by waste management from residential and residential areas. To help realize and maintain the cleanliness of the dead body, the team, with the permission of the Community Service Institute, UNWAR collaborated with partners (Padangsambian Kaja Village) through a community partnership program with outreach activities and location planning to build public awareness that rivers are not a dumping ground for all kinds of waste, for that it is necessary carried out: sorting waste from households to reduce waste to rivers, forming a community that cares about rivers and waste banks, doing mutual cooperation on a regular basis, carrying out supervision by related parties so that the rules run effectively, structuring the dead river so that it can be used as a tourist spot and fishing place.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 382
Ariswan Usman Aje ◽  
Hamsa Doa ◽  
Hasti Sulaiman ◽  
Lely Suryani ◽  
Maria Goretty D. Bantas

ABSTRAKSDI Bhoanawa 1 adalah mitra dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat yang merupakan sekolah dasar yang berdiri pada tahun 1980. Sekolah ini terletak di tengah-tengah pemukiman warga Bhoanawa Kelurahan Rukun Lima Kabupaten Ende. Masalah sampah tidak lepas dari kehidupan manusia, dimana ada manusia selalu saja ada sampah yang dihasilkan. Sampah disekolah adalah sisa-sisa kegiatan sekolah seperti kertas, plastik bekas, kemasan makanan ringan dan sisa lainnya yang tidak terpakai lagi yang ditemukan disekitar lingkungan sekolah. Sampah-sampah tersebut juga ditemukan dilingkungan sekolah SDI Bhoanawa 1 maupun dilingkungan perumahan sekitar sekolah. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi tentang permasalahan sampah dan melakukan aksi langsung dilapangan dengan melakukan clean up sampah dan pembentukan Bank sampah dengan lokasi sasaran di SDI Bhoanawa 1. Pada kegiatan pengabdian ini tim pengabdian juga menggandeng komunitas Anak Cinta Lingkungan Kabupaten Ende (ACIL) Ende. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Metode Sosialisasi, Clean Up, Pembentukan Bank Sampah. Hasil Kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan baik, hal tersebut terlihat dari antusias siswa SDI Bhoanawa 1 dalam mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan ini. Banyak hal positif yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini dimana siswa-siswi SDI Bhoanwa 1 mendapatkan materi pengelolaan sampah yang baik. Siswa-siswi SDI Bhoanawa 1 mampu memahami sampah, masalah dan solusi, serta dapat mengambil manfaat dari sampah. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil Post Test setelah kegiatan dimana terdapat peningkatan pembamaman siswa akan sampah, masalah dan solusi serta pegelolaan dan pemanfaatannya. Peningkatan tersebut sebesar 80%. Kata kunci: clean up Sampah; edukasi sampah; pembentukan bank sampah. ABSTRACTSDI Bhoanawa 1 is a partner in the Community Partnership Program which is an elementary school that was founded in 1980. This school is located in the middle of the residential area of Bhoanawa residents, Rukun Lima Village, Ende Regency. The problem of waste cannot be separated from human life, where there are humans there will always be waste produced. School waste is the remnants of school activities such as paper, used plastic, snack packaging and other unused remnants found around the school environment. The garbage was also found in the SDI Bhoanawa 1 school environment and in the housing environment around the school. The purpose of this activity is to provide education about waste problems and take direct action in the field by cleaning up waste and establishing a waste bank with a target location at SDI Bhoanawa 1. In this service activity the community service team also cooperates with the Anak Cinta Lingkungan community in Ende Regency (ACIL). Ende. The method used in this activity is the Method of Socialization, Clean Up, Establishment of a Waste Bank. The results of this service activity went well, it was seen from the enthusiasm of SDI Bhoanawa 1 students in participating in this series of activities. Many positive things were obtained from this activity where the students of SDI Bhoanwa 1 received good waste management materials. The students of SDI Bhoanawa 1 are able to understand waste, problems and solutions, and can take advantage of waste. This can be seen from the results of the Post Test after the activity where there is an increase in students' understanding of waste, problems and solutions as well as management and utilization. The increase is 80% Keywords: garbage clean up; waste education; the establishment of a garbage bank.

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