Libro de Actas - Systems & Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking (IFDP - SD2016)
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Published By Universitat Politècnica València


Rodrigo Balestra ◽  
Amilton Arruda ◽  
Pablo Bezerra ◽  
Isabela Moroni

As the Industrial Revolution took place and steam driven machines emerged in the 18th century, the Industrial Age began and cities became the core of industrial and populational growth. That phenomena occurred as the job opportunities and quality of life increasingly developed away from the countryside, with the arrival of electricity and inventions such as the light bulb, thanks to important people like Sir Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison. The city, therefore, can be looked in two different ways: the urban space, occupied with tangible elements, and the social environment, filled with urban practices and cohabitation. An essential matter in many disciplines, the city is a recurrent topic for researchers who seek to understand this phenomenon of human activities. The history behind the rise of the cities show tell us about the creation of urban spaces and its manifestations, functions, transformations and the complexity inherent to the various typologies in cities all over the world. The city is a scenario full of overlapping messages that characterize the accessibility and urban communication. This is defined by Nojima (1999) as the result of the interaction between social representations and the scenario where they occur. It is through the interpretation of these messages that are manifested in the urban design accessible from cities (streets, buildings, gardens, squares, furnitures), that the individual defines the elements that identify their city. This paper discovery the concepts of city and their accessibility relationships with urban practices - design of urban activity - that directly influence the implementation of urban furniture and, above all, the importance given to them by the population, with regard to its true functions (adequacy, accessibility, ergonomics, identity and others) of their uses and appropriations. It is important for the study also understand the urban furniture relation with the project of cities - is to complement the public space or the way how interferes the urban landscape. It is need to understand how society is shown in front of herself and the world itself that surrounds and what are the affective devices that make city living when connected - through the use - therefore, this is the powerfull forces of individuals and community , space practices created by the tactics of the population to allow theirs ambiance, wellness, safety and comfort, sensations often perceived by the set of elements that constitute the urban furniture of cities.DOI:

Jorge Luis Santamaría ◽  
Manuel Ramón Lecuona López
El Paso ◽  

Las Industrias Culturales y Creativas (ICC) para su desarrollo deben surgir en entornos fértiles, donde las políticas, los profesionales especializados, el acceso a la tecnología, la innovación, líneas de financiamiento y el mercado sean los adecuados; el paso a un camino positivo va de la mano de los integrantes del entorno de la industria y sus características. Los modelos tradicionales son limitados ante la realidad y posibilidades actuales donde las nuevas tecnologías y sus usos flexibilizan los procesos y los transforman, por lo que es necesario definir las características de una visión de mercado e industria que se proyecte a futuro, y donde el diseño desarrolle, coordine y gestiones los proyectos de diseño en emprendimientos de carácter cultural y creativo.DOI:

Cristina Hernandis de Haro ◽  
Iñaki Esnal Angulo

El origen del sistema APPCC (Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Críticos) se sitúa en el año 1959. La compañía norteamericana Pillsbury, junto con la NASA, idearon un sistema para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos que los astronautas consumirían en el espacio.A lo largo de la década de los noventa, las crisis alimentarias, provocaron un cambio de rumbo de la política de protección de los consumidores y de la seguridad alimentaria, por lo que se introdujo la obligatoriedad de establecer y poner en marcha programas y procedimientos de seguridad alimentaria basados en los principios del APPCC, en establecimientos alomentarios.Actualmente, se encuentran implantados los sistemas basados en APPCC en la mayoría de empresas del sector agroalimentario. No obstante, en muchos casos el desarrollo del sistema no se realiza correctamente, siendo inefectivo y no garantizando la seguridad alimentaria.El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en demostrar que la introducción de los modelos sistémicos aplicados en la optimización de sistemas jerarquizados, puede mejorar la implantación y efectividad de los sistemas APPCC, así como detectar los posibles fallos, y por tanto, garantizar la producción de alimentos seguros.Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio retrospectivo de índole cualitativo, en cuatro industrias pertenecientes al sector agroalimentario, obteniendo datos relativos a diversas variables necesarias para la implantación del sistema de control APPCC, con objeto de generar un modelo sistémico, que permita su posterior análisis comparativo con los sistemas de implantación tradicionales.Se ha determinado en los casos estudiados, que se producen fallos en cuanto a la determinación de variables a controlar, por exceso o defecto, en cuyo caso perjudica los intereses productivos de la empresa alimentaria y no garantiza una correcta protección de la salud de los consumidores.Finalmente, la evaluación mediante modelos sistémicos del APPCC permite detectar los fallos de implantación en las industrias implicadas, y obtener una herramienta, tanto para los operadores de empresas alimentarias como para los servicios de control oficial, que permite garantizar una correcta aplicación del sistema de autocontrol.DOI:

Carla Sedini ◽  
Marina Parente ◽  
Giuliano Simonelli

In the last years, a new phase of economic crisis, which is concerning sectors of manufacturing industries, is affecting Europe. Focusing on Italy, sectors which have strongly characterized our country, such as textile and accessories, are facing with an fluctuating period of crisis. Also in this case, as it happened from late ‘80s, the urban structures and identities are seriously affected and need interventions of regeneration in order to gain new life both from social, productive and commercial point of views. Having in mind the Italian case, while the first phase identified had the characteristics of a disruptive macro-phenomenon, the second phase is more subtle and gradual. In this paper we are going to focus on changes of design culture in light of these urban phenomena. While we can already make a first evaluation of regeneration projects developed after the crisis of heavy industry sectors, the most recent events of industrial recession and the consequent regeneration of the correspondent empty areas are still ongoing. In order to analyze and, where it is possible, compare these two phases, we are going to look at two Italian case studies. The first is Bicocca, an area of Milan, which in the ‘90s was interested by a massive plan of regeneration and transformation after the closure of Breda and Pirelli industries. The second is Biella, a Piedmont Province city, which has been one of the most important centers for the textile and wool industry; the crisis of this sector strongly emerged in the first years on 2000 even if it had already begun between ‘80s and ‘90s when the biggest textile factories closed down. The differences between these two examples are not merely physical and dimensional but are clearly influenced by a different timing in the regeneration processes, which occurred in these areas (or, in the case of Biella, is still occurring). The analysis proposed in this paper will be focus on the action-research developed within two didactic experiences. Notwithstanding the distinctions in terms of objectives and actors involved, in this paper we are going to delineate a systemic approach to study and design for the regeneration, improvement and innovation of places. We will try to understand if, through strategic design, it is possible to identify those soft levers and interventions able to rejoin the pieces of places, which lost their functionality and identity.DOI:

Vítor Quelhas ◽  
Vasco Branco ◽  
Rui Mendonça

This study aims to cover the current development of a platform for the disclosure of the Portuguese type design community, since the beginning of the desktop revolution, until today. 
To deepen our understanding, interviews were made to a selected and representative group of type designers from our sample based on several criteria. The interview tested six dimensions: people, processes, products, uses, identity and platform. The results analyzed in the last dimension, through content analysis and quantitative data, lead to the development of an online digital collaborative system – one of our specific objectives. 
Our hypothesis – that the development of a online digital collaborative system would allow further development of knowledge between products, users and authors, as well as, processes and uses – was also corroborated by the interviewers. 
Reviews have been made to reference international online projects to identify their purposes, areas of activity, objectives, mechanisms of interaction, usability and accessibility. This previous research brought together a set of notes that would become essential in the definition and development of our concept. 

The classification of typefaces is a subject of study by researchers and designers, but it is certainly not a topic for complete agreement. Organizing and balancing the content for the database was our first challenge since we were expecting users with good knowledge on the field, but also beginners. Several diagrams were put into test during the early stage of information architecture to better define categories, filters, and sorting methods, as well as users role in the system. The items and categories chosen were redefined in a second stage, and in the third stage hi-fidelity wireframes were produced, to concentrate on design aspects and decisions, and put the system into test and evaluation. 

The current results on the platform development, with the improvements made through several user tests, evaluations and refinements undertaken in all phases of the project have been crucial. We are expecting to run some pilot tests, as well as usability tests prior to the full implementation to further improve the system and meet the expectations.DOI:

Elena Laudante ◽  
Francesco Caputo

The contribution proposes innovative methods for design and ergonomic configuration of tools, equipment and manual workplaces for automobile assembly tasks, in order to increase the worker’s welfare and the system’s performance by improving general safety conditions. Developed activities are part of the research project “DEWO – Design Environment for WorkPlace Optimization”, financed by Italian Government to the Second University of Naples. The aim of this project is to identify new methods for optimization of assembly tasks  in a virtual environment in terms of overall integration among materials management, working tasks organization and layout, starting from the principles of "WorkPlace Organization" and the modern theories of "Lean Production ". The manufacturing industry is heading to the ever more pushed use of digital technologies in order to achieve very dynamic production environments and to be able to develop continuous process and product innovations to fit into the so called Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0. The main goal of Industry 4.0 is to “rethink” companies through the use of digital, to reconsider the design approach and to monitor the production process in real time. The research addresses the evolution of innovation 4.0 in relation to the discipline of design, where the management of knowledge in the production process has led to the strengthening and improvement of tangible goods. Starting by current ergonomic analysis models and innovative approaches to the process of industrial production line, the manufacturing processes in the virtual environment were defined and optimized with the use of innovative 3D enjoyment technologies. The constant interaction among the different disciplines of design, engineering and occupational medicine, enables the creation of advanced systems for simulating production processes based on virtual reality and augmented reality, mainly focused on the needs and requirements of the workers on a production line where it is possible to bring out the interaction between real and virtual factory (Cyber-Physical System). The objective is to define new models of analysis, of development and testing for the configuration of ergonomic processes that improve and facilitate the human-machine interaction in a holistic view, in order to protect and enhance human capital, transferring the experiences and knowledge in the factory system, key factors for the company and for the sustainability of workers welfare levels.DOI:

Maria Celeste de Fátima Sanches ◽  
Bernabé Hernandis Ortuño ◽  
Sergio Regis Moreira Martins

O enfoque deste artigo, recorte de pesquisa de doutoramento desenvolvida em parceria entre (identificação das instituiçoes omitida para revisão), aborda o âmbito do ensino de projeto em graduações de design de moda. Com ênfase na investigação de metodologias para gerir o processo projetual, propõe estratégias facilitadoras da sintaxe visual para a configuraçao de artefatos de vestuário de moda. Para isso, parte de uma pesquisa exploratória, de base bibliográfica e documental, em que se analisa o sistema de interações construído entre vestimenta e usuário, para demonstrar que as relações estabelecidas no sistema corpo-artefato-ambiente se distribuem em fatores de adaptação física, expressão individual e representação social. Deste modo, situa o vestuário de moda como um espaço de vivências sensoriais que produz significações e enfatiza a dimensão estético-simbólica como quesito essencial no planejamento da experiência de uso deste tipo de produto. Tal perspectiva corrobora a relevancia de ferramentas metodológicas que propiciem a síntese de códigos expressivos para guiar a composição formal, com vistas à articulação entre as dimensões material e informacional do artefato projetado, uma vez que a informação (conteúdo) é transmitida pela sintaxe dos elementos da configuração (forma). Sobre esta plataforma, o artigo relata as bases teóricas, a proposição e a aplicação de uma ferramenta destinada à geração de conceitos formais na prática projetual do design de moda. A explanação integra fundamentos acerca da gestão sistêmica do projeto, do pensamento visual e das técnicas de síntese imagética, para examinar apreciações em campo e discutir a efetividade da referida ferramenta. Os resultados reforçam a hipótese de que a combinação de métodos que exploram o pensamento visual pode facilitar a visão sistêmica do processo projetual, auxiliando os estudantes na percepção das diversas variáveis que influenciam a composição formal de um produto e, por conseguinte, na síntese de relações sintático-semânticas para impulsionar a geração formal. Ainda que os resultados se refiram às aplicações práticas no universo acadêmico do design de moda, as mesmas estratégias poderiam ser estendidas a outras experimentações, visto que as ferramentas de síntese visual favorecem a percepção de conexões simultâneas e, como meio de organização cognitiva, facilitam a expressão de abstrações e a síntese de conceitos.DOI:

Amilton Arruda ◽  
Celso Hartkopf ◽  
Rodrigo Balestra

Over the past decade, one can observe a steady growth in the use of terms such as Place Branding, Nation Branding, Destination Branding and City Branding. Both in academic research and in the practical applications in large cities management and urban spaces, this new paradigm takes shape and, along with it, the need for definitions and concepts, methods and methodologies and the establishment of technical and theoretical standards. This approach was born in the Marketing field, specifically in what was called Place Marketing. In this context the Branding stood out as a development tool solutions to the need for differentiation, generation of solid images and the establishment of symbols and identity signs, in order to leverage economic benefits for countries, cities and regions. In a way, fulfilling, in the first instance, a similar role to the branding of products and services. But it was specifically in Branding corporations that were found the biggest matches to adapt this knowledge to management positions. Ashworth & Kavaratzis (2010) highlight the fact that both present multidisciplinary roots, a multiple number of strategic actors (stakeholders), high degree of intangibility and complexity of social responsibility, the multiplicity of identities and the long-term development needs are strong examples their similarities. The development and management of corporate identities, here expanded to the Branding corporations, it is a prolific field of Design. It great names of the area said their careers and built great legacy. The time of greater proficiency in the area were the 50s and 60s, dominated by modernist thought, and, coincidentally or not, exactly the time that focused efforts to assert the identity of the designer as a professional (STOLARSKI, 2006) . Nationally stand out names like Alexandre Wollner, Ruben Martins, the duo Carlos Cauduro and Ludovico Martino and Aloisio Magalhaes. In contrast, in the literature produced in the marketing field, often the role of design in this context is reduced to merely promotional measures, such as creating logos or advertising campaigns. In other words, defined as a work of low complexity and low social prägnanz. This approach comes at odds with contemporary theories of design, such as MetaDesign, Design Thinking and Design Collaborative, in which are presented motodológicos models of high relevance for the identification, analysis and solution of complex problems involving multiple elements and agents. The proposed article aims to survey the state of the art City Branding / Place Branding focused on publications produced in the disciplinary field of design. The literature review will grant that, before the above presented context, is analyzed as designers and researchers design face the contributions that the field can offer to the practice and theory of Branding places. Finally, Article yearns assess whether the pre-established hypothesis that there are possible and fruitful connections between contemporary theories of design and the City Branding, is being addressed in articles and publications area.DOI:

Larissa Albuquerque de Alencar ◽  
Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco ◽  
Mirella Vieira Sousa

Este artigo apresenta um breve estudo sobre a adaptação antropométrica de mobiliário de madeira maciça, produzido e comercializado na cidade de Manaus. Busca verificar se as medidas utilizadas para a produção de mesas e cadeiras (sem ajustes) estão em conformidade com as normas e padrões técnicos vigentes. Para tanto, foram feitos: levantamento bibliográfico, onde foram abordados tópicos referentes a situação do setor moveleiro no Amazonas, ergonomia e antropometria e medidas do corpo humano, buscando aprofundar os conhecimentos acerca da temática estudada, por meio do conhecimento das principais limitações e potenciais para investimento na melhoria da qualidade do mobiliário de madeira maciça sem ajustes. Neste item, houve a organização dos dados pesquisados para a geração duas tabelas, com base nas dimensões dos seguimentos corpóreos humanos de usuários extremos (mulher percentil 5% e homem percentil 95%), apresentada por Felisberto e Paschoarelli (2000), seguindo também as recomendações de diversos autores de ergonomia, entre eles: Quaresma (2011), Kroemer e Grandjan (2005), Dul e Weerdemester (2004) e Moraes e Pequini (2000), viabilizando seu uso como parâmetro para o dimensionamento de mesas e cadeiras; pesquisa de campo, onde houve a coleta de dados por meio de formulário de pesquisa para anotação das medidas obtidas in loco nas marcenarias, a serem posteriormente comparadas com as dimensões das tabelas propostas; cálculos de estatística descritiva (amplitude total, desvio padrão e coeficiente de variação), visto que permitem apreciar o número total de valores encontrados em uma classe e mapear a diferenciação entre aqueles obtidos e os recomendados, e inferencial, com o propósito de facilitar a apreciação acerca da validade dos dados coletados  por meio da aplicação do teste de t de Student. Com o resultado obtido, observou-se que o mobiliário em questão não é produzido com base em recomendações ergonômicas e/ou quaisquer tipo de estudo relacionado, uma vez que as medidas analisadas não se encontravam em conformidade com as recomendadas nas tabelas geradas e outras eram simplesmente ignoradas. Este fato termina por tornar os produtos menos atraentes, face ao desconforto gerado, quando utilizados por longos períodos, principalmente se comparados com móveis industrializados, tendo em vista que estes apresentam as mesmas condições de dimensionamento com menor preço de mercado.DOI:

Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco ◽  
Susana Paixão-Barradas ◽  
Mirella Sousa e Silva ◽  
Almir De Souza Pacheco ◽  
Claudete Catanhede do Nascimento

Este documento relata a experiencia adquirida através de um projeto de cooperação internacional realizado entre quatro instituições de ensino e pesquisa, tendo em vista a aplicação técnica do conhecimento do design para a criação e desenvolvimento de novos produtos a partir do uso de três matérias-primas naturais distintas: pedra, madeira e fibra. Das metas almejadas buscou-se principalmente a capacitação dos discentes de Design do Departamento de Design e Expressão Gráfica da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (DEG/UFAM) para atuação e o desenvolvimento de novos produtos; a valorização de matérias-primas naturais da Amazônia, assim como o saber tradicional, cultural e do design; a capacitação de mão-de-obra de produtos artesanais com pedra, madeira e fibra; e a troca de conhecimento, tecnologia, experiência profissional  e científica entre os seus participantes. O projeto foi desenvolvido com base em pesquisas qualitativas e quantitativas, com caráter descritivo, explicativo, exploratório e experimental. Foram realizados: levantamento de dados bibliográficos e de publicações científicas sobre as matérias-primas de estudos, além da pesquisa in loco e estudo de casos. Também realizou reuniões em equipes e aplicou como método de investigação a técnica focus group e a prática de forumulários de observação. Como resultados o projeto gerou 13 (treze) protótipos de produtos, desenvolvidos com base no conhecimento e técnicas partilhadas entre as instiuições parceiras, 1000 (mil) exemplares de catálogos apresentando as informações técnicas e científicas referentes aos produtos da pesquisa, e, por fim, fortaleceu as parcerias internacionais e institucionais envolvidas no projeto, com possibilidades de novas ações, em conjunto, para o futuro.

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