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Published By LPPM Universitas Khairun

2407-1064, 2807-5552

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Faujia Dati ◽  
Bahran Taib ◽  
Dewi Mufidatul Ummah ◽  
Umikalsum Arfa

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the role of early childhood education to the function of socialization in the family. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects used in this study were 5 parents. Data collection techniques using interview and observation techniques. The data is analyzed using the stages of data reduction, presenting data, and concluding the data. The results of this study show that the role of early childhood education to the function of socialization is very important because of the function of socialization in the family so that parents can know the function of religion, the function of love, socio-cultural functions, reproductive functions, economic functions, educational functions and environmental functions. Keywords: the role of paud education, Socialization in the family, Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Winda Oktaviani ◽  

Abstract: This study aims to determine the relevance of music education to intellectual intelligence in early childhood. The method used in this research is qualitative method. While the approach in this study uses a library research approach. The results of the study prove that there is a close relationship between music playing skills and intellectual intelligence. Children who received a music education program increased their spatial intelligence (spatial intelligence) compared to children who were not exposed to music. Not only spatial intelligence, music also improves children's language and vocabulary skills as well as logic which in the end the child is able to organize ideas and be able to solve problems. Keyword : Music, Intellectual Intelligence, Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Zulhulaifah M.H ◽  
Selvi Wulandari

Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of using the planel board media to increase interest in learning about food chain materials in elementary schools. The type of research used is library research. The data collection technique in this research is to collect scientific journals that are considered relevant to the research variables, namely the media of planel boards, learning interests and food chain materials. Then it is presented and analyzed and processed so that it is concise and systematic. In library research, there are two sources of data, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data analysis technique used is the researcher uses three methods of qualitative data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion/verification. The results of the research that were reviewed were based on previous research that was considered relevant related to the variables studied, regarding the analysis of the use of planel board media to increase children's learning interest in food chain materials in elementary schools. food using a planel board media. Keywords : Planel Board Media, Learning Interest, Food Chain Rantai

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Nur Wulan Machmud ◽  
Farida Samad ◽  
Rita Samad ◽  
Fatoni Achmad

Abstract: This research aims to describe locomotor motion in the traditional game of Block in Group B1 PAUD Negeri Pembina 1 Ternate City students. This type of research is qualitative research. The research subjects were 4 students of group B1 in PAUD Negeri Pembina 1 Ternate city. Data collection techniques used were observation, documentation and interviews with 2 teachers. Analysis of the research data used is a qualitative analysis technique which consists of data collection, data reduction and data verification/conclusion. This study has 1 variable, namely locomotor motion in the hitch game in which there are the following indicators: 1) changing places. 2) running and 3) jumping. The results showed that there was locomotor movement in the traditional game of Block played by students at PAUD Negeri Pembina 1 Ternate City. Based on the results of the analysis conducted by researchers of locomotor motion in the traditional game of Block played by students at PAUD Negeri Pembina 1 Ternate City is developing very well, this is evidenced by the results of direct observations by researchers who show that 4 students can play the blockade game and perform locomotor movements very well. The development of good locomotor motion in early childhood can be done by holding a traditional game development program because it is not only good for children's but can also participate in preserving traditional games that are rarely played by children today. Keywords: Locomotor Movement, Traditional Game Of Block, Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Nurhamsa Mahmud ◽  

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe children’s creatifity through drawing activities at Paud Tuan Guru Alim in Ternate City, by developing chidren’s creativity towards maturing physical and psychological funtions that are ready to respond for simulation given by the enviroment, so that their children’s growth develops optimally. This type of research used in this research is classroom action researh (CAR). The subject in this study were the children of groupA Paud Tuan Guru Alim with a total of 10 children consisting of 6 girls and 4 boys. The research design used refers to the odel of Kammis and M.C Taggart, which consists of 4 components, namely: Planning, implementation, observing and reflecting.The assessment process on learning through drawing activities is 37.5% categorized as starting to develop, and 25% categorized as developing, and 18.75% underdeveloped Semntara in cycle II experienced a significant increase of 70% moderate developing and 93% categorized as complete. So it was concluded that children's creativity through drawing activities in group A Paud Tuan Guru Alim Ternate City could increase optimally. Key words: Creativity, Drawing, Development

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Widyaningsih Ilham ◽  
Andi Agustan Arifin ◽  
Dewi Mufidatul Ummah

Abstract: The research aims at describing the pattern of children social behavior in Upin and Ipin cartoons. This type of research is descriptive qualitative because the data source obtained from dialogue in the form of conversations by Upin, Ipin and friends in episode Our Story part 1 season 5, Beautiful of Syawal part 1-2 season 10, A Sincere of Heart part 1-2 season 5and Need for Achievement spart 1-3 season 12. The instruments used to collect the data are observation, documentation and the researcher herself as the key instrument. The data analyzed qualitatively. The result indicated that there children social behavior pattern found in each of the upin and ipin cartoons, those are cooperation, kind heart, care, help for others and fairness. Upin and Ipin's cartoon can be used as a means of cultivating social behavior patterns because these episodes contain good behavior to be imitated by the children. The development of social behavior patterns needs to be educated since early age so that this does not cause any difficulties in the future. Key words: Upin Ipin Cartoon, Social Behavior, Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-116
Sri Rahayu Hader ◽  
Bahran Taib ◽  
Santi M.J. Wahid ◽  
Umikalsum Arfa

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-101
Nur Sila ◽  
Bujuna Alhadad ◽  
Andi Agustan Arifin

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Hasbi Hasbin ◽  
Bahran Taib ◽  
Umikalsum Arfa

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Dewi Sartika Ukar ◽  
Bahran Taib ◽  
Bujuna Alhadad

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