Journal of Forensic Expert
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Published By Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Badan Reserse Kriminal (Bareskrim) Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Rochani ◽  
Eri Hermansyah ◽  
Rian Aprilian ◽  
Fatih Rakhmawati

Graphonomy is an interdisciplinary field that is directed at the scientific analysis of the process of writing and signatures, the results of scratches, and other graphic skills on documents that lead to the examination of writing for identification purposes to serve law enforcement and justice. Analysis of the form of signatures on documents using the forensic identification method is divided into 3 forms that produce differences in crossing, touch (pressure), ink, and pulling edges, where the principle of signature examination is to compare the evidence with the original comparison of the victim. The examination will produce a different analysis from each examiner's view seen from the form of the signature, so that the examiner must recognize all parts of the writing or signature that have a strong characteristic of permanent content in a document to be examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Hasta Saputra ◽  
Tris Zeno Alkindi ◽  
Hery Priyanto ◽  
Agus Dwisetiyono ◽  
Panji Zulfikar sidik

One of the electronic evidence found at the crime scene or related to cases, both criminal and civil, is cellphone evidence. To prove the presence or absence of the perpetrator's involvement with the use of mobile forensic examination techniques by physical extraction through analysis of digital traces in the form of call logs, SMS, phonebooks and other files where the data has been deleted. Several factors affect the physical extraction method, namely the software used. Mobile forensic examination software used to examine electronic evidence such as cellphones in forensic laboratories is Ufed Cellebrite 4 PC and XRY Microsystem. In this study, the level of success of the physical extraction method was investigated on evidence of a Nokia 105 (TA-1174) mobile phone with different software, namely Ufed Cellebrite 4 PC and XRY Micro Systemation. Extraction was carried out using the physical boot loader method on the memory in the Nokia 105 (TA-1174) mobile phone IMEI 1: 353810821569303 IMEI 2: 353810821569306. by using Ufed 4 Pc software and XRY Microsystemation, where the extraction results obtained, especially call logs, SMS and data that have been deleted using XRY Micrososystemation software, have the most complete success rate. This relates to the ability of each software in parsing/dumping and decoding processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Sulistiana Agung Riyanto ◽  
Vidya Rina Wulandari ◽  
Bagas Putra Arfyansyah

Explosions and fires that occurred in the blending/mixing tanks of fuel with naphtha to produce pertalite type fuel were initiated by a leak in the tank wall. Based on the results of observations, inspections and tests that have been carried out, the leak of the tank which is the cause of the explosion and fire is the result of the reaction of the tank wall in the weld joint area with base metal (HAZ) which is susceptible to corrosion with acidic tank fluid contents (pH- 5) so as to form an acidic and corrosive environment in the tank with the formation of H2S as a corrosion initiator, reinforced by the discovery of corrosion products in the form of MnS, FeS2, and FeS compounds, elements (S), and the appearance of fractography in the form of white dots indicating uniform corrosion if it occurs for a long time can erode the tank wall and form a leak hole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Prisma Andini Mukti ◽  
Sulaeman Mappasessu ◽  
Yuswardi Mappasessu ◽  
Triwidiastuti Andini Mukti ◽  
Dwi Hernanto ◽  

Method analytical validation and verification is crucial in routine qualitative and quantitative analysis. Analysis laboratory need objective evidences about specific parameters in their drugs/analytes or drugs metabolites in matrices biology. Urine is the most preferable matrix biology for determining drugs metabolites especially in drug abuses cases because urine’s sampling process is not invasive. There are many methods extracting drugs in urine, especially methamphetamine and amphetamine as those two analytes are excreted via urine. This study presented method verification for determination of methamphetamine and amphetamine in urine using Gerstel® automated Disposable Pipette Extraction (DPX) Multipurpose Sampler (MPS). Result of this study showed that retention time of methamphetamine is in minute 6.21, and amphetamine is in minute 3.15. Methampethamine’s curve displayed a coefficient of determination r2=0,9999 with the equation y=170,19x+33183. The equation of amphetamine showed y=44390x – 17513 with coefficient of determination r2= 0,9974. Limit of detection (LOD) of methamphetamine in urine is 59,73 ppb, and LOD of amphetamine is 36 ppb.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Tatang Kukuh wibawa ◽  
Ilham Syaekhul Amri

A Building 3-storey construction project using reinforced concrete construction was failure and collapse in Johor Baru Central Jakarta. The impact of construction failure is work accidents (injury and death), damage to construction/infrastructure, and there are legal consequences for failures that occur and the causes of failure. The research method is to examine the condition of the installed structure, check the level of damage, test the quality of concrete, structural modeling with SAP (Structure Analysis Program) 2000, analyze and calculate the strength of the column cross section, analyze and conclude from the overall inspection results with implementing regulations and reinforcement in SNI 03 -2847-2002. The results of the study concluded that the initial failure was in the column with a size of 33 x 10 centimeters on the south side of the 1st floor with a buckling type failure that caused it to collapse due to pressure from above (floors 2 and 3). The results of the structural modeling of the SAP 2000 program and the calculation of the column cross-sectional strength obtained that the cross-sectional strength capacity of the column is 32.80 tons, this value is still able/safe to withstand the load of the structure above it. The failure and collapse of the column was caused by the implementation of the principles and details of the reinforcement that were not standardized and did not follow the rules of SNI 2847:2013 on the spacing of the stirrups and the details of bending of the iron.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Hery Priyanto ◽  
Hasta Saputra ◽  
Panji Zulfikar Sidik ◽  
Tris Zeno Alkindi ◽  
Agus Dwi Setiyono

Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini sangat pesat yang ditandai dengan semakin mudahnya masyarakat untuk memiliki komputer dan smartphone serta mengakses media sosial melalui internet berkecepatan tinggi di Indonesia. Kondisi ini sudah dimulai sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, dan menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sudah memasuki era digital. Era digital tersebut membawa banyak manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia, di samping juga muncul jenis kejahatan baru yang semakin lama semakin berkembang kompleks, yaitu cyber crime atau dikenal dengan istilah tindak pidana siber. Tindak pidana siber ini sangat merugikan dan berdampak negatif pada keamanan dan kenyamanan masyarakat, stabilitas ekonomi dan kondisi kamtibmas serta sistem pertahanan negara Indonesia. Tindak pidana siber bersifat borderless, yang artinya tidak dibatasi oleh batasan-batasan fisik suatu negara atau wilayah, oleh karena itu peretas dari Eropa atau Amerika bisa saja melakukan tindak pidana tersebut di Indonesia, dalam menghadapi tantangan tersebut maka Labfor Polri harus siap mendukung tugas penyidik khususnya dalam hal pembuktian secara ilmiah. Untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut, diperlukannya pemeriksaan dan analisa di bidang network forensik terhadap barang bukti digital akun medsos menggunakan metode otomasisasi software secara online, yang selama ini dilakukan pemeriksaan dan analisa secara manual atau analisa secara langsung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Vira Saamia ◽  
Irfan Rofik ◽  
Setia betaria Aritonang ◽  
Dwi Ana Oktaviani

Analysis of Touch DNA on forensic laboratory has been a favorite approach to identify a person. Every investigator demand the identity of whom the perpetrator that commit the crime, that leaved their DNA on the evidence. Many factors affect touch DNA, one of these is the substrate of the evidence. Common evidences that often examined in forensic lab are firearms, knife, swords, clothes, and switch bomb. To collect the cell on the evidence we use tapelift method using the duct tape. PrepFilerTM BTA Extraction Kit used to extract the DNA from the duct tape, followed by Quantifiler® Duo. For profiling the DNA we use GlobalFilerTM and fragment analyzed on ABI 3500 Genetic Analyzer followed by GeneMapper ID.X. V.1.4. Based on our analysis, DNA from fabric substrate has the higher percentage of success DNA profiling. The success DNA profiling rate of fabric and plastic substrate is 100%, and 0% for wood substrate. According to recent researches, smooth substrate, like plastic and glass, has higher percentage to get full profile than rough substrate, like woods. But on the fabric, they found has much higher percentage than smooth substrate. This can be due to the absorption ability of the fabric to obtain more cells

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