scientific analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 648-654
A B Biradar ◽  
Arun Das ◽  
Adeeb A

Evidence based scientific studies has weightage, when they are presented with quantitative data analysis. Documentation and parametric analysis has become an integral part of present day research. Any publications or write-ups without explanation through standard parameters are not appreciated by the research society. In Ophthalmology assessment of various parameters through photography is a debatable issue. Affordability for higher end diagnostic / OPD instruments may not be feasible for all. In such a scenario, here is an attempt made to standardize the slit lamp photography with a smart phone and its scientific analysis for evaluating clinical conditions like sub-conjunctival hemorrhage, etc. This technique can become a tool for assessment and response of the therapies as well as an important tool to seek help from higher centers. Various add-on benefits in research, limitation and scope for further evaluation also being discussed.

2022 ◽  
Forrest Fleischman ◽  
Cory Struthers ◽  
Gwen Arnold ◽  
Michael J Dockry ◽  
Tyler Scott

Abstract In this article, we respond to a critique of our earlier work examining the USDA Forest Service’s (USFS’s) planning processes. We appreciate that our critics introduce new data to the discussion of USFS planning. Further data integration is a promising path to developing a deeper understanding of agency activities. Our critics’ analysis largely supports our original claims. Our most important difference is in our conceptualization of the planning process’s relationship to agency goals. Although our critics conceive of the USFS’s legally prescribed planning processes as a barrier to land management activities, we believe that public comment periods, scientific analysis, and land management activities are tools the agency uses to achieve its goals of managing land in the public interest. Study Implications: The USDA Forest Service’s current planning process has been critiqued as a barrier to accomplishing land management activities, but it is also an important tool for insuring science-based management and understanding public values and interests that the agency is legally bound to uphold.

2022 ◽  
Natal'ya Adamchuk ◽  
Rustam Azimov ◽  
Tamara Belousova ◽  
Denis Bryzgalov ◽  
Tat'yana Verezubova ◽  

The monograph deals with the transformation of the insurance business in the conditions of digitalization. The logic of scientific analysis is based on the impact of digitalization on all environmental systems of the insurance business, which, in turn, require the transformation of all aspects of the insurer's activities. The scientific analysis of the usefulness of insurance services is given, the influence of digitalization on the formation of information flows and business processes in the insurance business is considered. The experience of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey in the development of digitalization of the insurance market is summarized, development problems are formulated and a number of practical recommendations are given. A significant block of material is devoted to the analysis of social aspects of the insurance business, including the tasks and opportunities of insurance organizations in the formation of sustainable development. The problems of ensuring the quality of insurance services in the conditions of digitalization, regulatory activities in this area, protection of the interests of the consumer of insurance services are considered. New approaches to training personnel for the insurance market are considered, domestic and foreign experience is summarized. The results of a study of the use of digital technologies at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and partner universities are presented. For a wide range of readers interested in insurance problems. It can be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Amrutha C ◽  
Praveen BS

Sirasekkadi Vidhi is a handbook on principles and practice of Panchakarma procedure with Malayalam commentary Bhavaprobodhini by the author and English Annotations by the editor. This book does the basic treatment principles of Ayurveda, its explanation, and scientific analysis. To overcome the lack of proper guidelines (except some basic information) in classical texts about procedures, including Sirasseka, Kayaseka, Pinda Sveda, Annalepana, Shirolepana, Kalavidhi, Snehapana Vidhi are elaborated in this text.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Maureen Carroll

Abstract This article focuses on the establishment of a winery on the Roman imperial estate at Vagnari in southeast Italy in the 2nd c. CE and the ceramic vats (dolia defossa) needed to mature and store the estate's vintages. A scientific analysis of the clay used to make the dolia has revealed their likely place of manufacture to have been in Latium or on the border between Latium and Campania on the Tyrrhenian (west) coast of Italy. With these analytical results in hand, it is now possible to inquire into the historical and economic significance for the imperial fiscus of importing dolia for wine making in the vicus at Vagnari, the route and mechanisms by which they might have traveled to the other side of the Italian peninsula, and the connectivity between this Apulian imperial estate and other potential imperial properties in western Italy. This places the present study at the intersection of agriculture, manufacturing, and property transfer within the patrimonium Caesaris.

Abdo Absi ◽  
Adel Binyaseen ◽  
Abdulghani Monawar

Global experiences of planning urban areas are characterised by adopting hierarchical structures from large to small structures, i.e. residential quarter (large residential area), residential district and then residential neighbourhood. Each structure is characterised according to the area, the number of people and the services required for targeting a sustainable urban environment. This concept is a milestone in urban planning in Saudi Arabia. The research attempted to discuss the general trend of planning housing projects in Saudi Arabia and the extent of applying the hierarchal concept. Three models were chosen randomly in Makkah, showing such planning hierarchy. These are Al Shawqiyyah, Al Sharaie and Al Rabwah. These projects were planned four decades ago and became a reality. Through comparative analytical methods, findings revealed ambiguity of the hierarchal planning concept in these projects. Further, the traditional neighbourhood concept was prevalent in most neighbourhoods characterised by low-density development in planning but medium and high densities in reality. The problem is getting worse as cities grow horizontally and vertically. Consistent scientific analysis based on practice and continuous meta-analysis was used. The paper calls for the need to change the current premises of housing plans and reorganise the accumulated problems according to global experiences and local standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 638-647
Eun Young Yun ◽  
Suyeon Kim

Organic residues are substances derived from diverse natural sources. Recent scientific analysis of organic residues has yielded important information in restoring the lifestyles of ancient peoples. In this study, the organic material contained within the celadon oil bottle of the Goryeo dynasty, excavated from the Soejoul site in Geumneung-dong, Chungju, was analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results showed that the organic materials in the bottle were plant-derived oils. In particular, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols were detected using GC-MS analysis. Sesamin components were also identified. Sesamin, which is a characteristic component of sesame seeds, is a lignan and an antioxidant. As the organic residues in the oil bottle were derived from sesame seeds, it is presumed that sesame oil was stored in the bottle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 738-747
Sung Mo Cho ◽  
Nam Chul Cho

This study attempted to investigate the metallurgical characteristic through material scientific analysis of hammer scale produced as a direct smelting method restoration experiment for each raw material of iron. To this end, four hammer scale groups were set up, respectively, by experimenting with Gyeongju-Gampo Iron sand and Yangyang Iron ore. For the analysis, principal component analysis, compound analysis, microstructure observation, and chemical composition were confirmed. As a result of principal component analysis, as forging and refining progressed, the content of Fe increased and the content of non-metallic objects decreased. As a result of compound analysis, iron oxide-based compounds were identified. As a result of confirming microstructure and chemical composition, Wüstite and Fayalite were observed overall, and agglomerated Wüstite were observed in some. Magnetite on shape of polygon and pillar was observed. In addition, it was confirmed that internal defects, impurities, and non-metallic interventions gradually decreased. In the future, it is necessary to investigate the metallurgical characteristic through material scientific analysis of hammer scale produced through restoration experiments using various raw material of iron, and compare them with those excavated from Iron manufacture ruins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 723-737
Su Bin Bae ◽  
Min Jeong Yang ◽  
Yun Mi Kwon ◽  
Ji Hyun Yoo ◽  
Hee Won Jeong

This study analyzed the composition and structure of materials with Buddhist paper scriptures excavated from architectural sites in ‘Sum Tolgoi’ of the 17th century and carried out conservation treatment base on the result of the analysis. The scriptures were covered in dust and foreign sub stances, and were so crumpled that it was impossib le to identify the form. The damage, loss, and discoloration have been identified. Buddhist scriptures written in Tibetan used indigo and ink sticks on paper as a result of UV-Vis analysis, and ink sticks as black character materials from scriptures written ancient Mongolian. SEM-EDS and Micro-XRF analyses revealed that the outlines were drawn with red lines using a mix of Minium (Pb3O4) and Cinnabar (HgS), or Cinnabar (HgS) alone, and the contents of the scriptures were written with silver paint. Silver chloride (AgCl) and Calcium (Ca) were identified in the silver paint component of the characters, while Calcium and Orpiment (As2S3) were identified in the yellow lines. Concerning the paper ground, Buddhist scriptures written in ancient Mongolian were characterized by herbal plant fiber and bast fiber, and those written in Tibetan, by bast fiber. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the paper for the scriptures was produced b etween the 15th and 17th centuries. Conservation treatment of the scriptures was carried out based on the experiment on the production of pre-coated paper and how to coat that to prevent the second damage due to the deformation and fragility of the excavated paper. The scriptures were preserved and mounted, and a neutral box was made to identify the contents of the scriptures recorded on both sides after the treatment. This conservation treatment is the result of a study that applied new conservation treatment materials and methods according to the principle of conservation treatment reversibility.

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