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Published By Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Tonni Limbong ◽  
Zecrin Damai Harefa

The digital village is a community empowerment program through the use of digital technology and the internet in developing village potential, marketing and accelerating access and information services. The Sundutan Tigo Village Office is a government agency, having its address at Sundutan Tigo Village, Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The Village Office has the receipt and disbursement of funds. Based on the results of the pre-survey at the research location, there are still many people who do not know how much the village fund budget is realized by their village government per year. In fact, in this case the main purpose of rolling out village funds is other than for rural development, the most important thing is how the village government empowers village communities, so that they can support national development through work carried out in villages both from an economic and other perspective. etc. For this reason, a computerized information system is needed, which is able to overcome the obstacles and problems that exist in the transparency of the village fund management.

Josua Van Mitchelle Situmorang ◽  
Lamhot Sitorus

Mutu pendidikan pada dasarnya terdiri atas berbagai indikator dan komponen yang saling berkaitan, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh penjaminan Mutu Fakultas pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas. Ruang lingkup yang meliputi visi misi, kurikulum, jurnal dan penelitian pada dosen. Visi Misi Fakultas dan Visi Misi Program Studi bertujuan untuk memiliki arah dan tujuan kedepannya agar menjadi lebih baik dan tercapai untuk masa depan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer. Ruang lingkup monitoring dan evaluasi yang sudah dilaksanakan yang meliputi kurikulum, visi misi, jurnal dan penelitian

Andy Paul Harianja ◽  
Iwada Grawilser Talunohi

The development of the field of information technology is very rapid, therefore many companies, industries, shops and other business entities are using information systems to increase their business. Online sales information systems are used to carry out business processes such as distribution, sales, purchasing, marketing of goods or services by using communication networks and the internet. Online sales information systems can help people who do not have a place or shop to carry out their business. Students in this case, especially at the Catholic University of Santo Thomas, are an opportunity to take advantage of this facility in carrying out their business, especially if they do not have a place or shop to carry out their business. For this reason, an online sales information system was built that can be accessed through the website.

Lamhot Sitorus ◽  
Vinny Yana Laurenta Br Purba

The church is an organization engaged in community service. The church also has an information management system including the management, storage, and presentation of data. The service management system of the Santa Maria Ratu Rosari Parish Tanjung Selamat Medan is still manual which causes ineffective and efficient services. The purpose of this research is to design a web-based service management information system for members of the congregation to support every church service activity to the people. The system design method used is the Waterfall method with the design model using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The results of the system design in this study display information about the church and its servants, information on church activities, people, articles, registration services for members of the congregation, registration data reports presented in graphic form, as well as the management of all congregational data and church data.

Romanus Damanik ◽  
Tiara Julia Sipayung

The Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) is a Christian Church of the Simalungun region initiated by the zendelling (evangelist) of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft (RMG), a German gospel preaching body as part of its efforts to spread the gospel to the Simalungun Tribe. Since the 1900s RMG established churches in Simalungun as part of huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) using Toba as the language of instruction. This independence continued until the HKBP congregation in Simalungun bathed itself into one district until finally totally independent to become GKPS and provide services for the surrounding environment in various fields (not just religious services). Of the many Protestant Christian Churches in Indonesia, one of them is the Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) Resort Mardinding. This church is a place of worship and gathering of Protestant Christians. This church has many people, but not all tribes are in it. There are currently 423 KK. The provision of information to the people is currently still manual and still uses the announcement affixed to the notice board and also through the announcement from the church administrator who was in charge at the time of the service, this announcement could not contain all the necessary information. Researchers took a case study from GKPS Mardinding so that information systems can be developed using technology that is developing today, namely using websites to store information faster and more accurately.

Laurensia Agustin Manik ◽  
Yani Maulita ◽  
Indah Ambarita

Regarding assistance from the recipients of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) because there are so many prospective recipients of PIP assistance who volunteered to get the assistance, the process of delivering aid is sometimes not on target. Invalid data causes errors in the distribution of PIPs given to recipients who are entitled to receive them. Special Decision Support System (SPK) was built to support the solution of a problem or for an opportunity, one of the PIP aid recipient's approval in the Binjai City Education Office so that it is right on target for students who will get PIP assistance. The role of decision support systems is needed to improve the efficiency of decision making in determining students who are eligible for PIP assistance. The method used in this system uses the Multi-Objective Optimization method on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) and by using 7 (seven) criteria, namely family conditions, report card scores, parental work, number of dependents, number of dependents of children who attend school, home conditions and parents' income as well as 10 (ten) alternatives that are student data. Based on the results of calculations using the MOORA method, students on behalf of MM (A9) are the best alternative to be given PIP assistance with a value of 0.2843

Nellys Erlyta Marpaung ◽  
Andy Paul Harianja

CV. Sinar Creation is a place to produce printing products in the advertising sector that focuses on service and quality of goods produced well. In this final project, design a web-based sales information system for CV. SINAR CREATION in marketing all information about its products through the media website, so that finally this website is expected to increase sales efficiency in the business world. To support system development, researchers use the PHP and MySQL programming languages as their databases and on this website it is hoped that the sales of this product will be better for the company itself, because this website is equipped with proof of payment which is more efficient and accurate for this company.

Jupri Manungkalit ◽  
Zakarias Situmorang

Aturan pelayanan servis mobil diawali dengan pemesanan jasa teknisi mobil, kemudian konsumen menunggu hingga pesanan diterima. Permasalahan yang terjadi di bengkel ZEE adalah Sistem Bengkel yang dilakukan belom bisa melakukan pemesan jika ada konsumen kerusakan mobil dijalan. Maka perlunya dibuat sistem peracangan pemesanan jasa teknisi bengkel mobil. Untuk dapat memudakan masysarakat dalam pencarian jasa teknisi mobil. keuntungan dalam mengguunakan pemesanan jasa teknisi mobil, masyarakat tidak perlu mendatangi teknisi atau toko servis mobil, masyarakat serta mempermudah dalam pencarian jasa teknisi mobil, dan lebih efesien dibandingkan harus mencari-cari seorang teknisi maupun toko teknisi mobil.

Andy Paul Harianja ◽  
Rolas Meiputra Nababan

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh jadwal mata kuliah pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas yang optimal, sehingga jumlah mata kuliah yang bentrok dapat dikurangi, beban mahasiswa lebih merata, serta penggunaan ruang kelas lebih optimal. Hal ini dilakukan dengan optimasi yaitu melalui penentuan jadwal mata kuliah. Optimasi jadwal dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika. Algoritma genetika adalah salah satu algoritma yang tepat digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam skala besar dan memiliki tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi sehingga cocok untuk digunakan memecahkan masalah penjadwalan mata kuliah pada perguruan tinggi yang terkenal rumit dan memiliki banyak sekali variabel kendala yang harus dipenuhi dalam pembuatan jadwal yang baik. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah jadwal mata kuliah yang optimal berdasarkan jumlah mata kuliah yang bentrok, beban mahasiswa, dan penggunaan ruang kelas. Setelah penelitian dilakukan diperoleh jadwal baru yang optimal.

Ropita Hotrezkina Malau ◽  
Tonni Limbong

Dengan adanya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memudahkan untuk belajar dan mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dari mana saja, kapan saja dan dari siapa saja. Salah satu wadah yang dirasa paling berperan dalam dunia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di Indonesia saat ini adalah internet. Penggunaan internet dalam dunia bisnis berfungsi sebagai alat untuk alplikasi strategi bisnis online, seperti: pemasaran, penjualan, dan pelayanan pelanggan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya perusahaan besar yang menggunakan atau memanfaatkannya untuk perkembangan bisnisnya, misalnya toko online. Dengan dibangunnya sistem informasi pemasaran dan penjualan hasil Ulos Desa Lumban Suhi-Suhi, dapat memberikan salah satu alternatif dan kemudahan dalam menjalankan pengembangan usaha Desa Tenun Ulos Desa Lumban Suhi-Suhi. Disamping itu penjualan dengan website diharapkan pengolahan data pembelian menjadi lebih terformat rapi.

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