Computer Based Information System Journal
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Published By Universitas Putera Batam

2621-5292, 2337-8794

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Andreo - Yudertha

1048 / 5000   Translation results The introduction of programming languages ​​to students is very rare. As a solution for the introduction of programming languages ​​for students is to hold training and workshops for students. The training module was developed by applying the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) model with the aim of increasing students' motivation to learn programming languages ​​further. The resulting module was applied to the training carried out for students of SMA Negeri 10 Jambi City. There were 30 participants, consisting of grade 10 and grade 11 students. Participants were mentored by 4 instructors who were also observers. The ARCS model can be used as a reference in developing Java programming training modules with the aim of motivating and enthusiastic students. The module has been used in basic java programming training at SMA 10 Jambi City, with observations (scale 100), for an average student attention of 91.25, participation 94, persistence 93.25, task completion 83.25, and activeness 93.5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Tukino Tukino ◽  
Sasa Ani Arnomo

The progress of the internet has become the best means to start a property business and it has been proven to be an effective and effective media of information from the internet to disseminate information that is fully accessible to anyone,anytime and anywhere. The great effect on the property business is caused through the internet because only by accessing it from smartphone device and computers at home or in the office of prospective buyers can see property add information.In today’s digital era property sales are mostly done on social media. Social media has many users. But social media has the disadvantages of having to pay if you want to advertise sales, consumers are only users of social media, sales posts quickly sink. In this research, a web-based property sales and leasing information system will be built to cover the shortage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Aditya iriawan pratama Aji

ABSTRACT Bayam merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang tumbuh subur dan banyak dijumpai pada tanah air pertiwi. Berdasarkan data yang di himpun dari situs resmi statistik Jakarta terhitung pada tahun 2014-2015 tingkat produksi sayuran bayam dari tahun sebanyak 2247 pada tahun 2014 dan pada tahun 2015 meningkat menjadi 5699 dan semakin kesini produksi bayam semakin menurun tercatat pada tahun 2018 produksi bayam sebesar 3297. Sistem monitoring dan otomatisasi pengontrolan kelembaban tanah, kelembaban udara dan suhu udara pada tanaman bayam dengan android merupakan solusi dari permasalahan yang ada, melalui pemanfaatan Internet of Things (IoT) akan dapat membawa dunia pertanian kedalam industry yang lebih maju dan efisien karena petani tidak perlu terus menerus mengawasi dan menjaga tanaman nya dari lahan tetapi cukup menggunakan remote dari rumah. Sebab sistem bekerja secara otomatis dimana pengguna bisa mengontrol kondisi tanaman melalui aplikasi android, nantinya cukup melalui smartphone petani dapat melakukan monitoring dan penyiraman tanaman otomatis secara real time pada tanaman bayam. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan sistem dapat melakukan penyiraman otomatis pada saat kondisi kelembaban tanah < 60% dan berhenti menyiram pada kelembaban tanah > 80% dan relay yang berfungsi sebagai saklar dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Selanjutnya Proses kalibrasi pada sensor soil moisture FC-28 menggunakan standar acuan ASM (American Standard Method) dari 59 percobaan menunjukan kesalahan alat sebesar 7,06% dan proses kalibrasi pada sensor DHT22 menggunakan alat standar yaitu thermohgrometer, adapun hasil ujicoba dari 100 percobaan menunjukan kesalahan kelembaban udara sebesar 0,82% dan untuk suhu udara 0,33%, sehingga didapatkan hasil pengukuran yang relatif baik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian kerja sistem terhadap tanaman, didapatkan bahwa hasil sistem otomatisasi lebih cepat dalam pertumbuhan dibanding sistem manual  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Julia Veronica

Game gacha merupakan salah satu genre game yang populer. Gacha adalah sebuah teknik monetisasi yang banyak digunakan di jepang dimana pemain didorong untuk memasukkan uang. Sistem gacha ini diimplementasikan kedalam game online dimana pemain akan sering melakukan in app purchase. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh faktor perilaku manusia terhadap keinginan pemain dalam melakukan in app purchase. Metode yang kami gunakan adalah menyelidiki faktor - faktor yang didapatkan dari self control, competition terhadap purchase intention. Hasil dari penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh faktor self control, faktor competition dalam mendorong pemain untuk melakukan pembelian in app purchase. Dengan mengetahui hasil penelitian ini, kami harap penelitian ini bisa dijadikan pengetahuan terhadap pemilik usaha game online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Rika Harman ◽  
Amrizal Amrizal

The large number of bicycle enthusiasts has made the demand for bicycles increasing, not only new bikes but also used bikes. With the sale, of course, there are also purchases of used bikes, which before buying, of course, you must know the buying factor for used bikes to be sold. However, as long as this business is running, there has never been an in-depth analysis of factors affecting the purchase of used bikes for sale or making a reference or standard regarding the factors that affect the purchase of used bikes for sale. Thus, many customers who have bought used bicycles have complained about used bikes that have been purchased after using them for some time. With this problem, the researcher wants to provide a solution to the problems faced by motorcycle shops so far, namely by analyzing the data on used bikes that will be sold using one of the methods in the datamining technique, namely the C4.5 algorithm. The following are the results of the research: a). If the bicycle wheels are bent, the bicycle will not be purchased; b). If the bicycle rims are not bent or normal and the bicycle komstir is rocking then the bicycle will not be purchased; and c). If the bicycle wheels are not bent or normal and the bike is not rocking or steady, the bicycle will be purchased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Muhamad Ari Nurjani ◽  
Iman Mulyadi ◽  
Ardi Taryanto

Online shop companies that are currently running only use Microsoft excel in recording, selling, purchasing for inventory. In making invoices and purchases still use only notes. With this system running, there are many errors that often occur, such as the loss of sales invoices, the loss of travel documents and which result in no evidence of transactions that have occurred. Therefore we need a computerized system that can help to make sales purchases more easily and can check stock items very easily and accurately. The design of this system starts from the warehouse first to record incoming goods then make a purchase invoice and here the warehouse confirms to the shop owner, if approved, the owner will ask the admin to make stock adjustments, after the stock is reduced, the admin will confirm to the Warehouse and the Warehouse will make a travel document to be continued to the consumer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Renaldi Adha Nawawi

Bandwidth management is very important in a computer network concept. Bandwidth management functions to regulate network bandwidth so that each network user gets an evenly distributed bandwidth as a whole, even though there are many network users. In this Java shop, the distribution of bandwidth to each client has not been implemented. , there is no bandwidth management on the Java cafe internet network. The results of the internet speed test at the Java cafe use The result is the distribution of bandwidth between client 1 and client 2 is not evenly distributed. On client 1 get download and upload speeds up to 0.65 and 1.14 Mbps. While on client 2 only get 2.9 and 1.14 Mbps, due to the absence of a bandwidth management system. Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) is a method of bandwidth management, HTB can provide more bandwidth to the client in a few seconds the client will get more bandwidth, the research methodology used is (Network Development Life Cycle) with a system development method for the network which includes the stages of Analysis, Design, Simulation, Implementation, Monitoring, and Management. The results show that bandwidth distribution in each client can be done with each client getting a maximum bandwidth of 768Kbps and getting a bandwidth limit-at of 268Kbps so that customers can still get an internet network even though internet traffic is heavy. . and the use of burst limit as a research method can make each client get additional bandwidth when the internet network is empty and can be accepted by clients or visitors to Java stalls.. and the use of burst limit as a research method can make each client get additional bandwidth when the internet network is empty and can accepted by clients or visitors to shop jawa..

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Dhea Indahsari

Perkembangan usaha dibidang makanan dari waktu ke waktu semakin meningkat, selalu berkembang dan tidak akan pernah berhenti. Dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan bisnis dibidang makanan, maka timbulah persaingan antar para pemilik bisnis. Usaha dibidang makanan rata-rata tidak membutuhkan modal yang besar tetapi pada kenyataannya investor atau pihak pengembang perlu mengetahui pola penjualannya sehingga dapat menjadi acuan sebagai strategi pemasaran dan penjualan yang efektif dalam pengembangan usahanya ditahap selanjutnya. Tak hanya itu, persaingan dalam dunia kuliner semakin ketat semenjak status pandemi diumumkan. Hal tersebut menambah tantangan dalam persaingan dunia kuliner dalam menentukan strategi yang tepat agar dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan pemasaran produk yang dijual, termasuk melalui penggunaan data penjualan produk. Penerapan metode asosiasi data mining dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma FP-Growth ini dapat membantu dalam menemukan sebuah aturan asosiasi dari data penjualan produk di PT John Tampi Group. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan diperoleh rule dengan nilai confidence terbaik mencapai 100%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Zulkarnain Bin Muhammad Makpul

Penelitian ini dilakukakun untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan pelayanan operasional IT dalam sebuah industri elektronika dengan konsep ITIL V3. Dalam dunia industri, peranan pelayanan operasional IT sangat dibutuhkan untuk mundukung produktifitas operasional perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriftif kuantitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi secara langsung. Penulis akan melakukan perbandingan penerapan pelayanan IT pada perusahaan, serta mengukur kecepatan team dalam menyelesaikan IT insiden yang terjadi. Perusahaan dapat mengetahui apakah pelayanan operasional IT sudah sesuai dengan konsep dan mengetahui kinerja team IT dalam menyelesaikan IT insiden. Dengan menerapkan konsep ITIL pada pelayanan operasional IT akan memberikan manfaat dan nilai lebih bagi perusahaan.

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